Soc213(001 Social Deviance Bogart Test03A 4/17/01

Soc213(001 Social Deviance Bogart Test03A 4/17/01

Part 01: Text (Thio) Items: Old

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

01. Which of the following statements regarding pornography is TRUE? A. During the period from 1960 to 1969, the availability of pornography and the rate of

rape in the U.S. increased substantially. B. Most of the pornographic materials in the U.S. are not violent. C. Both politically conservative and feminist groups

crusade for tougher anti-pornography laws on the grounds that it degrades women. D. U.S. cities with high circulation of sexually oriented magazines have higher

rates of rape than cities with low circulation. E. Laboratory studies have supported the contention that violent pornography is harmless. (pp. 191-193)

02. More than other types of prostitutes, _____ are more likely to be abused by customers and the police. A. adolescent prostitutes B. house prostitutes C. baby pros

D. call girls E. streetwalkers (p. 199)

03. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Women are ten times more likely to get the AIDS virus from men than men are to get it from women.

B. Prostitutes who use drugs intravenously have a high incidence of the AIDS virus. C. The percentage of prostitutes with the AIDS virus are higher in poor

countries than in the U.S. D. House prostitutes are more likely to ensure that their clients use condoms. E. The U.S. Center for Disease Control found that the

incidence of being diagnosed with the AIDS virus varied from 50 to 60 percent among house prostitutes in Nevada and San Francisco. (pp. 201, 205)

04. In Roberta Perkins’ study, WORKING GIRLS, the LEAST IMPORTANT reason given by the respondents for entering prostitution was _____. A. money B. sexual enjoyment

C. unemployment D. support of a drug habit E. supporting a family (p. 205)

05. Of the five types of prostitutes described by Thio, _____ are less alienated from conventional society than their counterparts due to their association with people

outside the profession. A. streetwalkers B. baby pros C. adolescent prostitutes D. house prostitutes E. call girls (p. 206)

06. The concept of “strengthening sexual morality” as a reason for prostitution is key to _____ theory. A. feminist B. social-psychological C. labeling D. functionalist

E. psychoanalytic (p. 213)

07. Predisposing and precipitating factors are components of _____ theory. A. feminist B. social- psychological C. labeling D. functionalist E. psychoanalytic (p. 215)

Ch. 10: Homophobia and its Targets

08. According to survey results cited in the text, OVER HALF of the respondents indicated that they are in agreement with the idea of equal rights for gays and

lesbians in the area of _____. A. the workplace B. marriage C. adoptions D. same-sex relationships E. holding political office (pp. 221-222)

09. According to Thio’s profile, homophobes are MORE likely to be _____. A. well educated B. progressive C. younger D. resilient to peer pressure E. men (p. 222)

10. According to Thio’s myths about the sexual minority, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Most same-sex couples utilize the same dominant and

submissive gender roles as most heterosexual couples. B. The majority of child molesters are gay men. C. Same-sex couples are more likely to treat sex as play,

while heterosexual couples are more likely to treat sex as work. D. Most people are concentrated at both ends of Kinsey’s heterosexual-homosexual continuum.

E. The American Psychiatric Association characterizes same-sex orientation as a symptom of mental illness. (pp. 225-226)

11. Lesbian youths tend to view their same-sex attraction as _____. A. non-sexual B. traditional C. deviant D. primarily bisexual E. promiscuous in nature (p. 232)

12. Which of the following is NOT a stage of gay identity acquisition? A. sensitization B. disturbance C. dissociation D. coming out E. commitment (p. 234)

13. According to _____, people are born, rather than bred to be, gay. A. hormone theory B. sexual orientation disturbance C. brain theory D. genetic theory

E. the social construction model (p. 242)

14. “Sexual Orientation Disturbance” is characterized by which major classification of theory that attempts to explain why some individual are homosexual

while others are heterosexual? A. Psychiatric Theory, B. Biological Theory, C. Sociological Theory, D. Natural Theory, E. none of the above. (p. 243)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

15. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Marijuana has proven effective for controlling nausea and relieving pain in seriously ill patients

with AIDS and cancer. B. Almost all heroin and cocaine users started out with marijuana. C. Marijuana use inevitably leads to use of hard drugs. D. Marijuana

tends to inhibit, rather than induce, aggressive behavior. E. The cause of hard drug use is primarily associated with marijuana users’ involvement with friends

who use hard drugs. (p. 251)

16. _____, the most expensive drug, has been transformed from a drug for the powerless to a symbol of status. A. cocaine B. heroin C. methamphetamine

D. crack cocaine E. marijuana (p. 254)

17. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. For Americans as a whole, the rate of drug use steadily decreased from 1980 to 1992. B. African-American

high school students are more likely than their white peers to use drugs. C. Drug addiction and drug-related homicide are, for the most part, confined to the lower

classes. D. Young adults (ages 18 to 25) have the highest rate of drug use in the U.S. E. The United States, as a whole, has the highest rate of drug use among the

industrial countries of the world. (p. 256)

18. Males are more likely than females to use drugs because: A. of their innate hormonal makeup B. they have a greater tendency to engage in deviant activities

C. of genetic differences D. they have lower self- esteem in the formative mid-school years E. women social networks are more extensive. (p. 261)

19. Purpose and status are most associated with _____ theory. A. cognitive association B. biological C. social-psychological D. psychiatric E. economic deprivation (p. 264)

20. Which of the following components of Project DARE has NOT been shown to be successful by research studies? A. improved attitudes toward police

B. enhanced self-esteem C. improved social skills D. reinforcing existing anti-drug attitudes E. prevention of drug use (p. 270)

Part 02: Lecture Items and Video: Old Items

V08: Search for Satan

21. Which of the following symptom(s) precede Mary’s decision seek treatment? A. not being able to eat, B. not being able to sit still, C. not being able to concentrate,

D. panic attacks, E. all of the above.

22. Which of the following was NOT a factor in Mary S.’s conviction that she was part of a Satanic cult? A. the urging of her friend, Meredith Schreiner

B. the preachings of the minister at her church C. reinforcement of her Satanic involvement by her husband D. a seminar attended by her therapist E. media coverage of Satanic cults

23. What was the psychiatric disorder associated with ritual abuse in the Satanic cult? A. MS, B. MPD, C. SPD, D. MVD, E. none of the above.

24. Which of the following was included in Pat Burgess’ history of the cult? A. matrilineal descent, B. connections with Druids, C. connections with

southern Slavic Europe, D. avuncular descent, E. connections with eastern Balkan Europe.

25. What did Mary say surprised her about her doctors? A. their confidence and expertise, B. they knew more about her family than she did, C. they

interviewed her friends about her past, D. their inability to confirm their diagnosis, E. their aversion to prescribing medications.

V09: Navy Blues

26. The video introduced Captain Mike Malone who was in command of the _____, a naval ship with a crew of _____ sailors. A. USS Vincent, 290

B. USS George Washington, 6,600 C. USS New Jersey, 1,000 D. USS Enterprise, 5,400 E. USS Theodore Roosevelt, 6,400

27. The annual convention of naval aviators, ‘Tailhook’, received attention in 1991 when _____. A. The Admiral’s Panel discussed the U.S. Navy’s

position regarding women pilots in combat jets. B. Lieutenant Paula Coughlin blew the whistle on improper sexual conduct. C. the Secretary of the Navy

personally awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross to naval aviators for their actions in the Gulf War. D. all night parties got too rowdy. E. Ensign Rebecca

Hansen levied charges of sexual misconduct against Lieutenant Larry Myer.

28. Lieutenant Hultgreen proved herself worthy to enter the elite Knighthood of Naval Aviators by _____. A. taking first place in naval flight competitions.

B. getting admitted to the U.S. Navy ‘Top Gun’ School. C. being at the top of her class in basic flight training school. D. skillfully landing a crippled A-6 Intruder

aircraft. E. holding her own in the annual ‘Tailhook’ convention.

29. As the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Stanley Arthur had a long record of accomplishments to include all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. he had

flown 500 missions in Vietnam. B. in the Gulf War he had commanded the largest American armada since World War II. C. he had received 11 Distinguished

Flying Crosses. D. he attained the position of the most senior war fighter in the U.S. Navy. E. as Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces (CINCPAC), he maintained

a strong presence in Korea.

30. The final straw which led to Admiral Bourda taking his life was _____. A. stress from the ‘Tailhook’ scandal. B. a sexual harassment case filed against him.

C. his dishonor by wearing two ‘V’ insignia which he had not earned. D. lack of support from the ‘Old Guard.’ E. his loss of credibility due Admiral Arthur’s retirement.

V10: The Transformation

31. Evangelist Terry Lenton described _____ as the type of person who could sell tennis shoes to a paraplegic. A. Sara, B. Gina, C. Gigi, D. Edwin, E. the Apostle Paul.

32. In the early part of “The Transformation”, Ricardo says with respect to AIDS: A. AIDS has ruined my life. B. I thank God I have AIDS. C. AIDS is God’s

punishment for being a homosexual. D. I went to church seeking am miracle to cure me from AIDS. E. AIDS is a small part of my life.

33. Ricardo reveals in his discussion with Betty that the thing he enjoyed most when he was a woman was the _____. A. Impression he made on others,

B. friends he made while he was a drag queen, C. satisfaction with his identity, D. the time he spent applying his makeup, E. the excitement of the street.

34. Hugo describes his fall into street life and then credits _____ with having rescued him. A. Ricardo, B. Randy and Jim, C. Carlos Aparicio, D. Giovana, E. Terry Lenton.

35. In an exchange between Giovana and two friends focused on their experiences with breast implants, Terry appears intent on drawing attention to A. the wickedness of this behavior, B. the need for Giovana to find a regular place to stay, C. his offer to provide jobs those who leave the street,

D. his having paid for Hugo’s breast surgery, E. his time constraints.

V11: Godfather of Cocaine

36. Because of his success in organizing the cocaine trade, the video made a specific analogy that Pablo Escobar was to cocaine like _____.

A. Rockefeller was to the oil industry. B. General Schwartzkopf was to the U.S. Army. C. Getty was to the world of finance. D. Ford was to the automobile industry.

E. J. Edgar Hoover was to law enforcement.

37. After dropping out of school, Escobar began his criminal career by _____. A. picking pockets. B. stealing tombstones. C. smuggling coca. D. terrorizing people.

E. stealing cars.

38. All of the following conditions favored the growth of the cocaine industry in Columbia EXCEPT _____. A. the growth of the Mexican brown heroin trade.

B. the success of Mexican authorities against the marijuana trade. C. the proximity of Columbia to the United States. D. U.S. law enforcement focus on activities

in Mexico. E. smuggling was already common in Columbia.

39. In an attempt to detect/capture drug smuggling flights, the U.S. Customs Service used aircraft equipped with _____. A. TIS (thermal imaging systems)

B. FLIR (forward looking infrared) C. GPS (global positioning systems) D. LRF (laser range finding systems) E. DRS (detecting ranging systems)

40. According to Lewis Tambs, former U.S. Ambassador to Columbia, initially the Columbian government _____. A. did not see the cocaine trade as a

Columbian problem. B. eagerly worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency to fight the drug trade. C. refused aid because they did not want to be a puppet

of the United States. D. aggressively fought the cocaine trade from the beginning. E. passed legislation outlawing the distribution and/or exporting of cocaine.

Part 03: New Text Items

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

41. According to Thio, which country is the world=s leading producer of hard-core pornographic videos? A. United States B. Denmark, C. Japan D. Germany

E. none of the above. (p. 189)

42. According to Labaton (1995) laws against which type of cyberporn has been actively enforced? A. bestiality, B. lesbian sex, C. sexually violent,

D. child pornography, E. gay sex. (p. 191)

43. An experiment was conducted on two groups of males, one group watched a film depicting sexual violence against women; the other watched a

nonviolent film. After seeing the film, the males who watched the violent film were _____ to administer electrical shocks to women. A. less likely

B. more likely C. not likely D. uncertain whether E. none of the above. (p. 191)

44. Extramarital sex is considered more deviant than premarital sex because it A. promotes more infidelity B. leads to a greater risk of contracting

sexually transmitted diseases C. involves dishonesty and cheating D. leads to divorce E. none of the above (p. 193)

45. Which of the following is true about social factors related to extramarital sex? A. extramarital sex is more common among those who have had

premarital sex. B. men are more likely than women to have an affair. C. the less religious generally have a higher incidence of extramarital sex than the

more religious D. all of the above, E. none of the above. (p. 194)

46. Which definition of sexual harassment was accepted by the Supreme Court in 1993? A. any conduct leading to severe psychological injury

B. any conduct that involves actual sexual contact in the workplace C. casual lewd remarks D. any conduct that makes the workplace environment

hostile or abusive E. none of the above (p. 196)

47. A _____ is a type of prostitute that is most likely to dress well and adhere to a code of ethics. A. call girl, B. child prostitute, C. street walker,

D. house prostitute, E. none of the above. (p. 202)

Ch. 10: Homophobia and its Targets

48. Which of the following is NOT considered heterosexism? A. heterosexual discrimination, B. homosexual prejudice, C. heterosexual bias, D. homophobia E. homosexual discrimination.. (p. 220)

49. According to Thio, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a homophobe? A. they stereotype as “homosexual” any man that has feminine characteristics, B. they are less educated and less well-off, C. they know many individuals that are gay or lesbian, D. they are more likely

to be influenced by peers. E. they are negative toward racial or ethnic minorities (p. 222)

50. The best term to describe a man that engages in sex with another man because he “doesn’t get enough sex from his wife” is A. situational, B. street hustler, C. bisexual, D. trade E. homosexual. (p. 227)

51. The best term that describes a lower-class teenaged boy that lets older men perform oral sex on him for money is a A. situational, B. bisexual C. trade, D. street hustler, E. none of the above. (p. 227)

52. According to Kinsey=s definition, the proportion of Americans identifying themselves as predominantly or more or less exclusively homosexual is

about A. 5% B. 10% C. 25% D. 40% E. none of the above (p. 230)

53. Sociologist Richard Troiden (1979) research concluded that all of the following stages EXCEPT _____ are part of the process of acquiring a gay identity.

A. coming out, B. commitment, C. sensitization, D. dissociation, E. these are all stages of coming out. (p. 233)

54. Sociologists who embrace the constructionist view are interested in A. studying homophobic reactions to gays and lesbians B. tracing same-sex

orientation to biological factors C. studying homosexuality as a form of mental illness D. eliminating homosexual tendencies E. none of the above (p. 245)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

55. Two legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco, every year kill at least _____ times as many Americans as do all the illegal drugs combined. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 E. 60. (p. 248)

56. _____ is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States. A. heroin B. cocaine C. LSD D. methamphetamine E. marijuana. (p. 253)

57. An individual of higher social status is more likely to use _____, while an individual from a lower status is more likely to use _____. A. marijuana, meth; B. heroin, crack; C. crack, marijuana; D. roofies, heroin; E. meth, cocaine. (p. 260)

58. Males are more likely than females to use drugs because: A. they have a greater tendency to engage in deviant activities B. of their innate hormonal makeup C. they have lower self-esteem in the formative mid- school years D. of genetic differences E. women social networks are more extensive. (p. 261)

59. According to Becker, a person has to go through a three-step process of learning to become a marijuana user. Which of the following is NOT one of those steps? A. learning to recognize the drug effects B. learning the technique to get high C. learning where to find the drug D. learning to enjoy the drug effects E. none of the above. (p. 263)

60. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for drug treatment? A. personal therapy B. DARE C. therapeutic communities D. maintenance therapy E.aversion therapy (p. 271)

Part 04: Lecture Items and Video: New Items

Lecture VII: Conflict Theory

61. Vold, in Theoretical Criminology, argues that society=s essential existence and processes is dependent upon what? A. societal norms and values,

B. strong central leadership, C. criminogenic subcultures, D. group conflict, E. police powers.

62. One possible theory of criminalization states that when normative conflict has been interpreted by authorities in legal terms, the probability that

opposition members will be officially dealt with as criminals depends on all the following EXCEPT what? A. the status of the legal norm in the culture

of the opposition, B. the status of the opposing norm or illegal attribute in the culture of the opposition, C. the congruence of the legal norm with the

cultural and social norms of those specifically charged with enforcement, D. the relative power of enforcers and resistors, E. the realism of moves made

by the conflict parties.

63. Liazos in his work The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Perverts, analyzed writers who favored the labeling approach. These

writers, he argues, claim to humanize the deviant, but tend to neglect what? A. homosexual deviance, B. mental illness, C. institutionalized violence, D. heterosexual deviance, E. addiction.

64. The 1966 work, Conflict and Criminality, by Turk, argues that the relationship between conflict and crime has been conceptualized in all the following

basic ways EXCEPT what? A. criminal behavior as expression of participation in a criminogenic subculture, B. criminal behavior resulting from socialization

in a different culture, C. accepted criminal behavior on the part of those in power, D. the violation of laws by basically normal persons in the course of

realistic conflicts of interest, E. criminal behavior as an indicator of conflict within the person.

65. The 1963 work, Symbolic Crusade by Gusfield looked at what organization in the U.S. because of its persistence and power? A. Temperance movement.

B. Ku Klux Klan. C. military-industrial complex. D. Mormon Church. E. Civil Rights movement.

V08: Search for Satan

66. What event in the community preceded Mary=s decision to seek treatment? A. a series of church sermons on Satanic cults, B. a fire in the apartment

building her family lived in, C. a shooting at the school were she was a teacher, D. an increase in gang rapes, E. people moving out of the neighborhood because of the economy.

67. Dr. Bennett Braun was responsible for establishing the what? A. Center for Study of Multiple Personality Disorders, B. Ritualistic Abuse

Counseling Center, C. Abuse Trauma Clinic, D. Behavior Disorder Treatment Office, E. Dissociate Disorders Unit.

68. In 1988 satanic ritual abuse was considered to be what? A. a hoax, B. the main cause of psychosomatic health problems for which there was no

prescribed treatment, C. the leading cause of multiple personality disorder, D. a way for cult groups to get publicity for their causes, E. a major cause of violent criminal behavior.

69. Mary S’s had a sone admitted for treatment. What was his name and what was he treated for? A. Ryan; multiple personality disorder, B. Joe; manic depressive, C. John; learning disability, D. Cory; attention deficit, E. Michael; severe hypertensive.

70. Who received an honor at the meeting of the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personalities and Dissociation? A. Dr Roberta Sachs, B. Dr Jack Leggett, C. Dr Judith Peterson, D. Dr Meredith Shriner, E. Dr Bennett Braun.

V09: Navy Blues

71. The oldest Navy taboo is A. women on the ship, B. women in the Navy, C. homosexuals on the ship, D. homosexuals in the navy E. women commanders.

72. The Tailhook event includes all of the following rituals except what? A. receiving awards, B. the latest flight technology, C. drinking, D. female leg-shaving,

E. women as colleagues.

73. According to Karen Hultgreen for a woman fly a jet, they needed what? A. technological skills, B. a lot of muscle, C. extra training, D. A good crew,

E. cooperation on deck.

74. Priorities set by the Navy following Hultgren=s funeral included what? A. recruiting and training women, B. restricting flight time for women,

C. setting higher standards for women, D. increasing flight time for women, E. Promoting more women.

75. Bourda was what? A. a part of the warrior culture, B. apolitical, C. an opponent of women flying fighter jets, D. an inexperienced seaman,

E. eventually promoted to Chief of Naval operations.

V11: Godfather=s of Cocaine

76. The residents of Pablo Escobar’s village often compared him to what? A. Ronald Reagan, B. the Columbian Minister of Justice, C. Christopher Columbus, D. Robin Hood, E. Al Capone.

77. Escobar got his start in the drug trade by doing what? A. supplying ether, B. driving coca paste, C. serving as in-house counsel to the Ochoa family, D. flying heroin and marijuana between Columbia and the United States, E. hiring himself out as a contract killer.

78. Esocbar feared nothing more than what? A. the Cali cartel, B. the Columbian police force, C. the American justice system, D. Lt. Col. Oliver North, E. the Ochoa family.

79. Escobar’s power base came from where? A. La Catedral, B. the DEA, C. Tranquilandia, D. the Palace of Justice, E. the barrios.

80. In the book, Evil Money, Ehrenfeld used what term to explain the change in the political system in Colombia? A. narco-terrorism, B. caleta, C. narcocracy, D. muerte a los sequestadores, E. Iran-Contra.


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