The population problems and population control in China and India (Teacher Version)

Part A: Introduction – World population


• Browse the below website to check it out!

• Use Kmlfactbook to visualize demographic information in 3D mode on Google Earth.

Part B: Population in China and India

The selected population pyramids of China and India are shown below. What are the implications of the projections of population for each of the mentioned countries?

China and India – Population pyramids 2012, 2020 and 2050 projections

[pic] Diagram 1a

Diagram 1a Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base


China and India – Population pyramids 2012, 2020 and 2050 projections


Diagram 2a

Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base.


Diagram 2b

Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base

China and India – Population pyramids 2012, 2020 and 2050 projections

[pic] Diagram 3a

Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base.

[pic] Diagram 3b

Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base.

• Implications: Study the attributes of pyramids and population projections

1. Comparison of China and India of the population pyramids in Table 1

|Population Pyramid |China |India |

|Attributes of pyramid |Differences |Shrinking base |Board base |

| | | |Large dependent ratio (large proportion of|

| | | |children) |

| |Similarities |The excess of male over female birth in both China and India. |

|Population Projections |Differences |Experience process of population ageing |Larger population that will surpass China |

| | |(the shrinking base of the population | |

| | |pyramid ) | |

| |Similarities |The increasing numbers of people age 50 and above in both China and India. |

2. What are the population problems projected on China and India?

• China and India are the two most populous countries in the world, they face similar population problems.

• China's population, on the other hand will only slightly grow until around 2025. Then it will start to decline significantly until it will reach a bit more than 900 million.

• India may take over China in 2050 as the most populous country in the world. For comparison, India has a remarkable population growth and her population will outgrow that of China by 2020 and then further increase around 2050.

3. What approaches did China and India adopt to population control?

• China’s strict one-child family planning policy implemented by the Chinese government resulted in the narrow base of its population pyramids of 2012 and the projections of 2020 and 2050.

• Some demographers say that the main reason for the population problem in India is because the Indians do not have an effective birth control system.

4. Why was there the large excess of male over female birth both in China and India?

• Culture and tradition

• status of women

• sex-selective abortion

• underreporting of female births

Part C: Overpopulation in China


| |Total |Number of people undernourished (below minimum level|GNI per capita, PPP (current |

| |population |of dietary energy consumption) (millions) |international $) |

|China |1,331,380,000.0 |142.7 |18282.1 (6820) |

|India |1,207,740,408.0 |411.9 |39579.5 (3070) |

|United States |306,771,529.0 |33.5 |41187.7(45440) |

|Australia |21,951,700.0 |2.9 |57181.9(38350) |

Source 1 Total population and the undernourished level in some countries, 2009

Source: Web page of the World Bank, UN

| |Arable land (hectares per person)|Energy use (kg of oil equivalent |Renewable internal freshwater resources per|

| | |per capita) |capita (cubic meters) |

|China |0.1 |1695.3 |2112.8 |

|India |0.1 |559.6 |1197.3 |

|United States |0.5 |7050.6 |9186.0 |

|Australia |2.1 |5970.9 |22412.8 |

Source 2 The per capita of various resources in some countries, 2009

Source: Web page of the World Bank, UN

Source 3 The definition of overpopulation

Accordingly to my own knowledge, although the population growth rate of China has dropped during the past decade, China still has a large population. China occupies about 7.1% of the total land surface of the earth. Of this, only about 44% is productive land. But she has to support about 20% of the world’s population.

Source 2 suggests that the per capita availability of various resources in China is low and the land cannot provide enough resources for the large population and the number of people undernourished shown in Source 1 suggests that China has a low carrying capacity and overpopulation occurs because there are more people living in China than the resources of China can support. According to the definition of overpopulation as stated in Source 3, China is overpopulated and has poverty problem.

Part D: Population control in India


Some demographers say that the main reason for India to be so densely populated with poverty and undernourishment in most parts of the country is because the Indians do not have an effective birth control system.

• Do you agree? Justify your answers.



Source: Wikicommons

What kind of challenges will India face in population boom?

With its national policy of voluntary and informed choice in family planning, India is struggling to have sustainable development with more equitable distribution of wealth and care for improving quality of lives.

• Discuss with your classmates whether India should adopt a one-child-policy. Why or why not? The following clues may help you.

My conclusion:



How much do you know about the world population? What is the total world population in 2012?

Which two countries are ranked the top two in the world? What is their current population?





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Source: IT in Education Section, Education Bureau


1) Go to ?



世界多面「睇」 - 世界人口分佈

Source: IT in Education Section, Education Bureau


Go to

2) Select CIA World Factbook

3) Click Population

4) Click 3D

5) Go to Download KML file, then open

6) Click and 2008 folder under Location of Google Earth


Diagram 1b Source: U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base

With reference to Tables 2 and 3, discuss if China is overpopulated.



Overpopulation is a condition of an area where the population exceeds its carrying capacity in terms of its resources and productivity.

Do you agree that the Indians do not have an effective birth control system? Justify your answers.



Agree. The policy of family planning is on voluntary basis that Indian is unlikely to follow. And Indian prefers large family because of their culture and religion.

Our government does promote small family and family planning on a voluntary basis to fix our overpopulation problems

Big family is good! Vast population is not a problem!

Lack of water resources

Lack of energy resources

Lack of arable land

Insufficient food supply

Over-exploitation of resources

Urban problems –

housing, traffic, pollution

Population problem in India


Source: CNC World

Widening gap between men and women

Environmental capacity

Technological advancement

Social harmony

Low literacy rate

Gender discrimination

Over population

Medical development

Should :

Should not adopt:




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