0 - 4 suggested reading age - RNIB Library

0 - 4 suggested reading ageAlborough, Jez. Captain Duck. 2013. TB700413.Things get more out of hand when Duck takes the long-suffering Frog and Sheep on a trip out to sea in Goat's boat! But although Duck likes to think of himself as an expert sailor he soon runs into problems and the friends have to spend a long, cold night out on the rolling waves.Read by Matt Lucas. 9 minutes. Alborough, Jez. Hit the ball, duck. 2013. TB700314.Duck and friends go out one day with a bat, a ball and a glove to play. Duck hits the ball but where does it fall? On a branch in the tree, now they can't play at all. Frog has an idea, Duck lends a hand but nothing turns out quite as planned.Read by Harry Enfield. 10 minutes. Alborough, Jez. Super duck. 2013. TB700315.Goat is eager to try out his new kite with the help of friends, Sheep and Frog. But, just they are about to see if it will fly, Super Duck arrives in his super truck. And, as always when Duck is around, things are bound to go wrong! Indeed it is not long before Frog is carried up into the sky on the end of the kite's string. Read by Harry Enfield. 11 minutes.Alborough, Jez. Duck in the truck. 2013. TB700213.Duck's truck is well and truly stuck in the muck! The Frog and the Duck and the Sheep fail to eject the truck. Fortunately, there is a nearby lake and at this very moment a clever goat floats by relaxing in his boat. He devises a cunning plan which does indeed set the truck free but with unexpected and hilarious consequences.Read by Harry Enfield. 9 minutes.Alborough, Jez. Fix-It Duck. 2013. TB700212.Duck decides that not only can he fix his own leaking roof, but that Sheep with his broken window would also benefit from his DIY expertise. Of course, by the time Duck has lent a hand, his hapless friends are left requiring even more repair work than they did in the first place! And what caused Duck's leaking roof? Could it be that he forgot to turn his bath tap off?!?Read by Matt Lucas. 10 minutes.Blake, Quentin. Three little monkeys. 2017. TB702655.Hilda Snibbs had three little monkeys. Their names were Tim and Sam and Lulu and they were very lively! This is the funny and charming story of how the three mischievous monkeys turn Hilda's life upside down.Read by Olivia Colman. 9 minutes. Bond, Michael. Paddington goes for gold. 2012. TB700115.Paddington is in high competitive spirits when he accompanies the Brown family to a local sports day. But whether he’s putting the shot, helping Jonathan and Judy get ready for the three-legged race, or taking part in a relay, nothing goes quite as planned. Will a gold medal ever be within Paddington’s reach?Read by Stephen Fry. 13 minutes.Bright, Rachel. Love monster. 2012. TB700417.It can be tough being the only funny-looking Monster in Cutesville, but this Monster is not one to hang around and feel sorry for himself, so he's off - out into the big wide world to look for someone to love him. He looks high, he looks low and he looks everywhere in-between, but it's only when he's just about to give up that he finally finds what he is looking for.Read by David Walliams. 5 minutes.Carle, Eric. The very hungry caterpillar and other stories. 2001. TB700122.One sunny day, the egg hatches and out comes the very hungry caterpillar, who proceeds to nibble his way through everything. And he is still hungry! Eric Carle's classic is narrated on tape with music, together with 4 other favourites.Read by Roger McGough and Juliet Stevenson. 31 minutes.Carle, Eric. 10 little rubber ducks. 2013. TB700917.Chuckedy-chuckedy-chuckgoes the rubber duck machine. Out pop little yellow rubber ducks one after the other. A brand-new batch of rubber ducks is loaded on to a ship and sent off to be delivered to children everywhere. But when a storm strikes, 10 little ducks are tossed into the sea and swept away in 10 different directions, with some wonderfully unexpected adventures along the way.Read by Sheila Hancock. 9 minutes.French, Jackie. Diary of a wombat. 2010. TB700553.A wombat's work is never done. There are holes to be dug and territory to be defended - and don't forget all the eating and sleeping that needs to be squeezed in too!Read by Finty Williams. 10 minutes.French, Jackie. Diary of a baby wombat. 2011. TB700743.Diary of a wombat: book 2. Cuter, stroppier and even more determined than her mother, meet Mothball's baby. This baby wombat and her mum are finding it hard to fit into their home. When setting out to dig a new, bigger hole with room for them both, Shaggy Gully's newest resident gets some help from a friend and causes more mayhem than Mothball ever did.Read by Finty Williams. 12 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. Up and down. 2011. TB700873.The boy and the penguin still enjoy spending all their time together. That is, until the penguin starts to dream of flying, ignoring the boy's advice that it is impossible. Running away, the penguin visits place after place, searching for a chance to get his feet off the ground. But will flying be everything he had hoped? And is the boy missing him as much as he is missing the boy?Read by Richard E Grant. 4 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. The new jumper. 2012. TB700358.The thing about the Hueys is that they are all the same. They all look the same, think the same and do the same things. Until one day, Rupert knits himself a new jumper. How will the other Hueys react? This is a story about individuality.Read by Jarvis Cocker. 5 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. How to catch a star. 2014. TB700760.There once was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had one of his very own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide-and-go-seek together. So, one day, he decided to set about catching a star of his own.Read by Paul McGann. 7 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. Lost and found. 2014. TB700140.There once was a boy… and one day a penguin arrives on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him. But no one seems to be missing a penguin. So the boy decides to take the penguin home himself, and they set out in his row boat on a journey to the South Pole. Read by Paul McGann. 9 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. The great paper caper. 2014. TB700872.When life in the forest begins to change; when trees mysteriously lose their branches, when whole tree trunks start to disappear, when homes are lost, the only course of action for the forest dwellers is to begin a full scale investigation. Alibis must be proved, clues must be sought but even so, blame is never far from anyone's thoughts. Who is the perpetrator of this heinous crime? Read by Harry Enfield. 7 minutes.Jeffers, Oliver. The incredible book eating boy. 2014. TB700359.Henry discovers his unusual taste by mistake one day, and is soon swept up in his new-found passion – gorging on every book in sight! And better still, he realises that the more books he eats, the smarter he gets. Henry dreams of becoming the Incredible Book Eating Boy; the smartest boy in the world! But a book-eating diet isn’t the healthiest of habits, as Henry soon finds out.Read by Jim Broadbent. 10 minutes. Jeffers, Oliver. The way back home. 2014. TB700269.Once there as a boy, and one day, he found an aeroplane in his cupboard. He didn’t remember leaving it in there, but he thought he’d take it out for a go right away. At first, all went well and the plane flew higher and higher and higher until suddenly, with a splutter, it ran out of petrol. The boy was stuck on the moon and he was not alone.Read by Paul McGann. 12 minutes. Jeffers, Oliver. Here we are: notes for living on Planet Earth. 2017. TB702342.Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you've only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let's explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide.Read by Oliver Jeffers. 5 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Mog and the baby. 2013. TB700876.Mog's peaceful day is shattered when a baby comes to visit. All Mog wants to do is sleep and play but there is no chance of that with a little baby around! "Mog loves babies," says Mrs Thomas but suddenly Mog isn't quite so sure.Read by Andrew Sachs. 11 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Mog's bad thing. 2013. TB700764.What Mog doesn't realise is that the flappy floppy thing that has replaced her garden is in fact a marquee put up for a cat show. Mog hides in the house and is oblivious to the cats of various sizes and colours who parade themselves hoping to be winners. Then curiosity takes over and Mog makes a spectacular entrance!Read by Hannah Gordon, Susan Sheridan and Rupert Degas. 15 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Mog and the vee ee tee. 2013. TB700941.One day Mog was chasing a butterfly when something happened to her paw. It was very sore. So sore that she couldn't eat or sleep. "She'll have to go to the vee ee tee," said Mrs Thomas. But Mog hates going to the vet and before her paw can be made better, she causes great confusion in the vet's surgery.Read by Andrew Sachs. 16 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Mog the forgetful cat. 2013. TB700680.Once there was a cat called Mog and she lived with a family called Thomas. Mog was nice but not very clever, and she forgot a lot of things. She forgets that she has a cat flap and she forgets that she has already eaten her supper. But, one night, Mog's forgetfulness comes in very handy.Read by Geraldine McEwan. 14 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Mog's Christmas. 2013. TB701431.The house is full of strange bustling, there are new noises and new smells, and where is that tree going? Disconcerted by all the unusual activities, Mog escapes to the roof, and there she stays.Until, unexpectedly, she returns with a bump!Read by Geraldine McEwan. 8 minutes.Kerr, Judith. The tiger who came to tea. 2013. TB700679.The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!Read by Geraldine McEwan. 9 minutes.Kerr, Judith. Katinka's Tail. 2017. e on a wondrous journey with Katinka, a perfectly ordinary pussycat, with a not-quite-so-ordinary tail.Read by Phyllida Law. 5 minutes.Langley, Jonathan. Nursery tales. 2011. TB700944.These Nursery tales are perfect for your little ones. The stories on this tape are: the three bears and goldilocks, rumpelstiltskin, little red riding hood, the three billy goats gruff, the princess and the frog and the ugly duckling.Read by Victoria Wood. 1 hour 4 minutes.Mackintosh, David. The Frank show. 2012. TB700881.Frank is your typical grandad, but no one has a grandad like him. If you had to stand up and talk, for one whole minute, about a member of your family, who would you pick? Everyone else chooses really cool people, like Tom's Uncle Marlon who plays drums in a band, or Hannah's mum with her company car. But there's nothing cool about grandad Frank. Or is there?Read by Stephen Mangan. 12 minutes.Scotton, Rob. Merry Christmas, Splat. 2010. TB701191.Splat the cat can't wait for Christmas and is sure he's been good enough for Santa to bring him all the presents on his Christmas list. But just in case Splat makes himself extra helpful around the house. It's tiring work being helpful, but when Splat goes to bed on Christmas Eve he's kept awake by a worrying thought. Just how good do you need to be for Santa to visit?Read by Phill Jupitus. 7 minutes.Scotton, Rob. Love, Splat. 2012. TB700787.Splat the cat is desperate to become friends with one of the girls at school! But he's much too shy to talk to her. However will he get her attention? Perhaps Valentine's Day will provide the perfect opportunity?Read by Anthony Head. 4 minutes.Scotton, Rob. Splat the cat. 2012. TB702127.It’s Splat the Cat’s first day of school and he’s worried. What if he doesn’t make any new friends? Just in case, Splat decides to bring along his pet mouse, Seymour, and hides him in his lunch box. But when Seymour escapes, Splat’s worried again. Mrs Wimpydimple takes charge and teaches everyone an important new lesson.Read by Anthony Head. 3 minutes.Walliams, David. The slightly annoying elephant. 2013. TB700510.What's big, blue, bossy, and turns up uninvited? A slightly annoying elephant, of course!Read by David Walliams. 8 minutes.Walliams, David. The first hippo on the moon. 2015. TB700205.Two big hippos. One ENORMOUS dream. Who can make it to the moon first? 3 . . 2 . . 1 . .BLAST OFF! Introducing a wonderfully charming story of an explosively funny space race.Read by David Walliams. 9 minutes.Walliams, David. The bear who went boo! 2015. TB700204.At the top of the world, surrounded by snow and ice, lives a very cheeky polar bear cub who loves to go BOO! But this little bear cub doesn't always know when to stop. This is a story packed with snow and surprises!Read by David Walliams. 8 minutes.Walliams, David. There's a snake in my school! 2016. TB700395.Miranda loves to be different, and on Bring-your-pet-to-school Day she introduces everyone to her very different pet, Penelope the snake. Miss Bloat the headmistress doesn't think snakes should be allowed in school. But Penelope has other ideas.Read by David Walliams. 10 minutes.Walliams, David. Boogie Bear. 2017. TB702263.Up at the North Pole, a big furry polar bear is swimming, fishing and eating. But when she nods off and finds herself far from home, she thinks things can't get any worse. But they can - much worse!Read by David Walliams and Jocelyn Jee Esien. 10 minutes.Whybrow, Ian. What's the time, Little Wolf? 2013. TB700908.The Wolf family have got no food, so Little Wolf and Smellybreff are sent to get a piggy for supper. But piggies prove extremely hard to catch and it is getting late. What will the wolf cubs take home to eat?Read by Griff Rhys Jones. 8 minutes.5+ suggested reading ageBond, Michael. Paddington goes to town. 2016. TB700825.Paddington doesn't intentionally turn his friend's wedding into an uproar by getting the wedding ring stuck on his paw. Nor does he mean Mr Curry to slip on his marmalade sandwich in the middle of an important gold shot. But these sorts of things just happen to a bear like Paddington!Read by Hugh Bonneville. 2 hours 26 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington's Finest Hour. 2018. TB701868.Paddington always finds himself in unusual situations so it is no surprise when he has a run-in with the police, appears in a TV cookery show, and gives one of his hard stares to a hypnotist!Read by Stephen Fry. 2 hours 8 minutes.Bussell, Darcey. Summer in Enchantia. 2010. TB700916.One summer’s evening, Rosa is about to dance at an outdoor show when she feels a familiar tingling in her ballet shoes. Someone in Enchantia needs her. Rosa soon discovers that a band of pirates have stolen the King and Queen’s treasure! Can she defeat the motley crew and win it back?Read by Helen Lacey. 1 hour 17 minutes.Bussell, Darcey. Christmas in Enchantia. 2010. TB700717.Delphie is really excited about taking part in her ballet school's special Christmas show! And just when Delphie thinks things can't get any better she is whisked away to Enchantia. Her friends there really need her help to make sure that this Christmas in Enchantia is the best one ever, despite King Rat's mischief making.Read by Helen Lacey. 1 hour 17 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The friendship club. 2013. TB700719.Hello Kitty and friends: book 1. When Hello Kitty starts at a new school, she's super-excited! There are lots of clubs to join but Hello Kitty and her friends decide to form their own - The Friendship Club! But can the friends agree on the rules?Read by Jane Collingwood. 44 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The school trip. 2013. TB700830.Hello Kitty and friends: book 2. Hello Kitty and her friends are going on a school trip to the adventure park, but Fifi isn't as excited as everyone else! Will she tell her friends what she's scared of before it's too late? Read by Jane Collingwood. 41 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The treasure hunt. 2013. TB700720.Hello Kitty and Friends: book 7. When Dear Daniel comes home, Hello Kitty decides to welcome him back with a treasure hunt for all her friends! There is a lot to do, and not much time. Can she do it all on her own?Read by Jane Collingwood. 40 minutes.Davies, Benji. The Grotlyn. 2017. TB702535.I know when the Grotlyn's been Slipping through your house unseen. What is the mysterious Grotlyn? What sort of creature could it be, scuttling across the town, frightening everyone in its path? And why has it stolen PC Vickers' knickers?! This is a mysterious rhyming tale about things that go bump in the night.Read by Peter Capaldi. 4 minutes.McNamara, Margaret. Silver and the fairy ball. 2014. TB700888.Fairy Bell Sisters: book 1. Every fairy on Sheepskerry Island is excited about Queen Mab's fairy ball. Everyone, that is, except Silver. She's too young to go, it's so unfair! Like any good fairy, Silver tries to look on the bright side. Worst still, none of the fairies realise that Silver isn't the only uninvited guest.Read by Jane Collingwood. 1 hour 12 minutes.McNamara, Margaret. Rosie and the secret friend. 2014. TB700953.Fairy Bell Sisters: book 2. It's summer time on Sheepskerry Island, which means the Summer People will arrive for their holidays. That's when the fairies must take great care not to be discovered by humans. But when Rosie the fairy meets a little girl called Louisa, it's hard to stay hidden. It's fun having a human friend, but how can Rosie keep a secret from her own sisters, and whatwill they do when they discover the truth?Read by Jane Collingwood. 1 hour 24 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Wombat goes walkabout. 2010. TB700289.Wombat climbs out of the deepest hole he's ever dug, but can't see his mother anywhere. As he wanders through the outback looking for her, he meets Kookaburra, Wallaby, Possum, Emu, Boy and Koala. None of them think much of him, until a fire sweeps through the bush, and only Wombat can help.Read by Jot Davies. 7 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Blodin the beast. 2011. TB700890.Blodin the beast stalks the land, breathing fire and reducing villages to ruins. Who or what can end his tyranny? Only wise old Shanga, weaving his strange carpet, knows how to destroy the monster, but he is too old to cross the mountains that never end.Read by Harry Mann. 11 minutes.07+ suggested reading ageAlborough, Jez. Guess what happened at school today. 2013. TB700513.Jez Alborough's hilarious rhymes describe a typical day at school, as seen through the eyes of various pupils.Read by Jane Horrocks. 34 minutes. Anderson, Sorrel. The Clumsies make a mess. 2011. TB700214.Clumsies: book 1. From the moment when Howard first finds two talking mice under his desk, his life, and his belongings, are turned forever upside down. Obsessed with biscuits and forever playing games of their own devising, the Clumsies are not your average mice. Though they're desperate to help Howard they're only really good for one thing, making a mess.Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 2 minutes.Anderson, Sorrel. The clumsies make a mess of the seaside. 2011. TB700318.Clumsies: book 2. It’s Clumsies on Sea as Howard and his two talking mice, the Clumsies, head to the seaside for what Howard calls a “conference” and the Clumsies call a “holiday”. Will Howard manage to impress his evil boss Mr Bullerton? Will he get to the hotel on time? Nothing goes to plan when the Clumsies are about!Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 5 minutes.Anderson, Sorrel. The Clumsies make a mess of the big show. 2011. TB700414.The Clumsies: book 3. Howard's evil boss Mr Bullerton has decided to put on a Big Show at work - and he wants Howard to sing! Trouble is, Howard's singing is worse than awful. and Mr Bullerton knows it. Now Howard faces an epic humiliation. Can the Clumsies help by turning Mr Bullerton's concert into total chaos?Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 12 minutes.Anderson, Sorrel. The clumsies make a mess of the zoo. 2012. TB700514.The Clumsies: book 4. Everyone's favourite biscuit-munching, tea-drinking, talking mice are back and this time they are making a mess of the zoo.Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 1 minute.Anderson, Sorrel. The Clumsies make a mess of the school. 2012. TB700612.Clumsies: book 5. This time, the Clumsies have been sent to school to deliver an important message to the headmistress, but they soon get distracted by squirty glue, poster paints, a stick inset called Russell, and a while room full of packed lunches. There's going to be chaos in the classroom!Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 2 minutes.Anderson, Sorrel. The Clumsies make a mess of the airport. 2012. TB700613.The Clumsies: book 6. This time they are at the airport, but a mix up at security sees the Clumsies end up in the wrong suitcase and running amok in DeparturesRead by Joe Coen. 59 minutes.Banks, Lynne Reid. Harry the poisonous centipede. 2014. TB700711.Harry the poisonous centipede: book 1. Harry likes to eat things that wriggle and crackle, and things that are juicy and munchy! But there are some things that a poisonous centipede must never try to eat, dangerous things like flying swoopers, belly wrigglers, furry biters and the most dangerous of all. Hoo-Mins!Read by Lynne Reid Banks. 1 hour 30 minutes.Banks, Lynne Reid. Harry the poisonous centipede's big adventure. 2014. TB700813.Harry the poisonous centipede: book 2. Harry and his friend, George, are captured by the dreaded Hoo-Mins. How on earth can they escape from their hard-air prisons? Glass jars are too hard to climb, they're too slippery, and the holes in the top are small. Read by Lynne Reid Banks. 2 hours.Blake, Chris. Gladiator Clash. 2014. TB700215.Time hunters: book 1. When ten-year-old Tom accidentally smashes a statue in a museum he releases Isis, a young Egyptian mummy. To break an ancient curse, the duo must travel back in time to find six hidden amulets. On Tom and Isis's first adventure they arrive in Ancient Rome. To find the amulet they will have to fight the fiercest gladiator who ever lived!Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 55 minutes.Blake, Chris. Knight quest. 2014. TB700329.Time hunters: book 2. To break an ancient curse, the duo must travel back in time to find six hidden amulets - battling Gladiators, Knights, Greeks, Vikings, Pirates and Egyptian Warriors! On their second quest, Tom and Isis meet King Arthur's knights. They must prove their bravery in a race to find a legendary golden sword.Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 51 minutes.Blake, Chris. Viking Raiders. 2014. TB700415.Time hunters: book 3. On their third journey, Tom and Isis set sail in the freezing cold on a Viking longboat. Will they succeed in their treasure hunt before the terrifying Vikings begin their next raid?Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 56 minutes.Blake, Chris. Greek warriors. 2014. TB700515.Time hunters: book 4. On their fourth adventure Tom and Isis become Spartan soldiers and must fight against the powerful Trojans. As they dodge clashing swords and flying arrows, will they find the next amulet?Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 50 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington and the Christmas surprise. 2009. TB701318.When the Browns take Paddington to the Christmas grotto at the local department store, their journey through the Winter Wonderland is full of unexpected surprises. But the best surprise is a present from Santa. After all, who else would find the perfect present for a bear like Paddington?Read by Paul Vaughan. 25 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington at the zoo. 2009. TB700516.When Paddington hears that he is going to visit the zoo he is very excited and makes 6 marmalade sandwiches to take with him in honour of the occasion. But at the zoo things don't go to plan. There are some very fierce, not to mention hungry animals there. It is not Paddington they are after though, it is his elevenses!Read by Jim Broadbent. 14 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington marches on. 2016. TB701218.Paddington's sharp nose and his talent for getting into difficulties lead him to an orange marmalade tasting party. His enthusiasm lands him in a barrel of marmalade, causing an avalanche in the warehouse. And, one morning, he sniffs out a surprise for himself and discovers that he is about to embark on the greatest adventure of his life.Read by Hugh Bonneville. 2 hours 22 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington at work. 2016. TB700330.When Paddington Bear returns from his trip to Peru, he doesn't waste any time getting back to business. The Stock Exchange, the ballet, the barber's shop, Mr. Curry's kitchen ... nothing is safe when Paddington gets to work.Read by Hugh Bonneville. 2 hours 21 minutes.Bond, Michael. Paddington turns detective and other funny stories. 2018. TB702603.Nothing is ever straightforward when Paddington is involved. Whether he is attempting detective work, helping to sail a boat or performing magic, ordinary things have a habit of becoming quite extraordinary. Three classic Paddington Bear stories are brought together for the first time in this special collection for World Book Day 2018.Read by Hugh Bonneville and Stephen Fry. 1 hour 14 minutes.Broad, Michael. Otter chaos. 2013. TB700418.Otter chaos: book 1. The bonkers Brown family are excited, as today's the day they move to their new home. But they find the beastly Black family have got there first! This riverbank ain't big enough for the both of them, so there's only one thing for it: war. Well, not REAL war. Otters are more into playing so instead they decide to hold a giant sports day - and may the best otters win! Read by Jot Davies. 1 hour 49 minutes.Broad, Michael. Otter chaos: The Dambusters. 2014. TB700519.Otter chaos: book 2. There's a new family on the river. The beavers. And they're ruining everything for the Otters. The beavers' big fat dam has blocked up the river and, it's stopped their supply of crayfish! It seems like things can't get any worse for our otters until they discover a mountain lion has also moved in. Read by Jot Davies. 1 hour 41 minutesChapman, Linda. The goblin king. 2011. TB700220.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 1. The Shadow Woods are like no others. Hidden deep within them is the Gateway to the Shadow Realm, a dark and chaotic world where all kinds of creatures live. On her tenth birthday, Sophie learns she is the Guardian of the magical gateway, and her destiny is to protect the human world from the goblins, trolls and evil sprites that inhabit it. Read by Joan Walker. 1 hour 21 minutes.Chapman, Linda. Swamp boggles. 2011. TB700342.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 2. Together with her brave best friend and loyal sidekick, Sam, Sophie must find a way to stop an invasion of disgusting slime -filled, stinky Swamp Boggles from causing mayhem in her town. It will take all of Sophie's magic powers to defeat it!Read by Joan Walker. 1 hour 21 minutesChapman, Linda. The spider gnomes. 2011. TB700427.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 3. On her tenth birthday, tomboy Sophie learns she is the Guardian of a magic gateway between our world and the Shadow Woods. She must keep the human world safe from mischievous goblins, sprites and elvesRead by Joan Walker. 1 hour 16 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The fog boggarts. 2011. TB700527.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 4. Very few people ever enter the Shadow Woods, for these woods are like no others. Hidden deep within them is the Gateway to the Shadow Realm – a dark and chaotic world where all kinds of gruesome creatures live…this time it's the stinky Fog Boggarts!Read by Joan Walker. 1 hour 26 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The icicle imps. 2011. TB700718.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 5. An Icicle Imp may look like a fluffy snowball on legs but Sophie quickly learns that appearances can be deceptive. When the Imps run amok at Sophie's town's summer fete, Sophie has to think on her feet and stretch her Guardian powers to the limit.Read by Joan Walker. 1 hour 19 minutes.Chapman, Linda. The bat sprites. 2011. TB700920.Sophie and the Shadow Woods: book 6. On her tenth birthday, tomboy Sophie learns she is the Guardian of the magical gateway, and that her destiny is to protect the human world from the goblins, trolls and evil sprites that inhabit the Shadow Woods.Read by Joan Walker. 1 hour 26 minutes.Cope, Andrew. Raccoon rampage. 2012. TB700234.Raccoon rampage: book 1. The Hole-in-the-Tree gang, led by Quickpaw Cassidy and The Sunshine Cub, is the most daring group of raccoons in town. But when they carry out the biggest, boldest heist of their lives, they push the neighbourhood too far. The heat is on and the gang goes on the run in a wild adventure that ultimately teaches them that there’s no place like home.Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 33 minutes.Cope, Andrew. The raid. 2012. TB700446.Raccoon rampage: book 2. The Hole-in-the-Tree gang are not happy when they find another group of raccoons raiding their favourite food stores. The town isn’t big enough for the both of them but can Quickpaw Cassidy and friends come up with a plan to drive the raiders out?Read by Joe Coen. 1 hour 24 minutes.Friel, Maeve. Witch Switch and Moonlight Mischief. 2014. TB700745.Witch Switch: Jessica is learning the Witch Switch, how to magically change shape. But although being a cat can be great fun, it's also a tiny bit scary. Moonlight Mischief: Jessica is off to the Extraordinary Moonlight Games at Coven Garden. She is there to compete with three other witches-in-training in the Witch-in-Training Championship Hurdles.Read by Sophie Thompson. 1 hour 53 minutes.Impey, Rose. Llama drama. 2013. TB700480.It’s a huge surprise when Farmer Palmer chooses Lewie the llama to guard his new lambs. It’s the most important job on the farm and everyone thought he’d pick the biggest strongest, loudest llama. Lewie is the best at singing and dancing but is he a match for a cunning coyote?Read by Daniel Philpott. 1hour 42 minutes.Impey, Rose. Llama drama - in it to win it! 2013. TB700578.Lewie the llama and his flock of lambs are off to the County Fair! Farmer Palmer hopes that Lewie and the lambs will win Best in Show with their amazing acrobatic display! But then Lewie and his flock go missing… Have they run away? Have they been kidnapped? And can they be found in time to bring home a medal?Read by Eric Meyers. 2 hours 3 minutes.Lean, Sarah. The secret cat. 2016. TB700877.Tiger Days: book 1. Tiger's grandmother looks after animals in need, and when Tiger comes to stay she quickly learns how to feed a baby warthog and keep it safe. Tiger already has her hands full when a mysterious sound leads her to another little animal. At Willowgate House, no day is ever dull for Tiger!Read by Cassandra Harwood. 1 hour 5 minutes.Lean, Sarah. The Riverbank Otter. 2018. TB702556.Tiger Days: book 3. Tiger meets Lucky - an injured otter who can't survive by himself. Tiger has an important job to do - feeding and caring for Lucky, and also exploring the riverbank in search of the perfect place for him to live. She desperately wants Lucky to get better, but saying goodbye to her new friend won't be easy.Read by Cassandra Harwood. 1 hour 7 minutes.Lean, Sarah. Duckling Days. 2018. TB702557.Tiger Days: book 4. When nine-year-old Tiger Days visits her grandmother at Willowgate House she never knows what might happen. new friends to meet, animals to rescue and problems to solve. No day is ever dull for Tiger!Read by Cassandra Harwood. 1 hour 9 minutes.Meres, Jonathan. Koala calamity. 2013. TB700288.Cool koala buddies Dude and Bro, and little brother Squirt are just chilling, till one day they wake up to find they've missed their transfer from the koala sanctuary to the zoo across town. Now they have to find their own way there before Mum and Dad find out they're missing. Can they make it across town in their stolen zoo buggy or will the day end in one great big koala calamity?Read by Jenny Dunbar. 1 hour 57 minutes.Meres, Jonathan. Surf's up! 2013. TB700363.Dude, Bro and Squirt are pros at doing nothing. Their little sister, baby Squeak, is not quite so good at doing nothing. She’s so lively that when the boys lose track of her they soon discover she’s no longer in the tree tops … she’s heading for the beach! Can they find Lil before the dingos do? What if she’s swept off to sea?Read by Amelia Cormack. 2 hours 5 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Best Christmas present in the world. 2010.TB701450.It's Christmas in 1914 in the trenches of the Western Front. And something wonderful has just happened. A forgotten letter in a secret drawer brings one night in the Great War vividly back to life. Writing home from the front, a soldier has an incredible story.Read by Sam Hodges. 12 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Mr Skip. 2011. TB700781.Jackie wants a horse of her own. Mum wants a little cottage in the country for her and Jackie to live in. What they get is a garden gnome that Jackie finds in a rubbish skip; a gnome she lovingly repairs and paints; a gnome she calls Mister Skip. And Jackie soon discovers that with Mister Skip, anything is possible!Read by Cassandra Harwood. 1 hour 5 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. The Mozart question. 2010. TB701449.When cub reporter Lesley is sent to Venice to interview a world-renowned violinist, the journalist is told she can ask Paolo Levi anything about his life and career as a musician, but on no account must she ask him the Mozart question; never the Mozart question. Paolo, however, has realised he must finally reveal the truth.Read by Alison Read and Michael Morpurgo. 1 hour 6 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Kaspar: prince of cats. 2011. TB700889.Kaspar the cat first came to the Savoy Hotel in a basket, Johnny knows, because he was the one who carried him in. Johnny was a bell-boy, you see, and he carried all of Countess Kandinsky's things to her room. But Johnny didn't expect to end up with Kaspar on his hands forever, and nor did he count on making friends with Lizziebeth, a spirited American heiress. Read by Paul Chequer. 2 hours 30 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Dancing Bear. 2013. TB701452.High in the mountains, in a tiny village, an abandoned bear cub is adopted by a lonely orphan child. Soon they are inseparable, beloved by the whole village - safe, until the arrival of a glamorous film crew who need a dancing bear.Read by Sir Ian McKellen. 44 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. The fox and the ghost king. 2016. TB700291.In a cosy den under a garden shed lives a family of foxes who love to watch football. But their favourite team keeps losing. That is, until Daddy Fox finds the ghost of a king, buried underneath a car park. "Release me," says the Ghost King, "and I can do anything. Just tell me your greatest wish." For these football-loving foxes, might everything be about to change?Read by Jot Davies. 45 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Toto: the dog-gone amazing story of the Wizard of Oz. 2017. TB702071.When a twister descends on their Kansas farm, Toto and his owner Dorothy are plucked into the air and whisked away! Coming down with a crash in the mysterious land of Oz, the pair meet a series of extraordinary characters: a scarecrow who believes he has no brains, a tin man without a heart, and a cowardly lion who may not be as cowardly as he thinks he is.Read by Christopher Ragland. 4 hours 39 minutes.O'Connell, David. Monster and chips. 2014. TB700193.Monster and chips: book 1. Somewhere there is a diner. It does the best chips anywhere but also its customers are ‘unusual’. Some people say they are monsters. When Joe the ‘hooman’ gets a job at Fuzzby’s diner, he learns to bake zombie-cupcakes, exploding milkshakes and not to stare at the customers. He also foils a plan to sabotage the annual Grand Cooking Competition.Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 34 minutes.O'Connell, David. Night of the living bread. 2014. TB700294.Monster and chips: book 2. Joe the `hooman' is getting the hang of flipping squashed -frog burgers at the monster diner. But things heat up in Fuzzby's kitchen when Joe and Fuzzby are asked to cater the Night Mayor's feast at the mysterious Tower of Doom. Rumour is that if the Night Mayor doesn't like the food, the monster chefs are thrown into the dungeon forever!Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 47 minutes.O'Connell, David. Food fright. 2014. TB700700.Monster and Chips: book 3. Joe works in a monster diner flipping squashed-frog burgers and serving the best soggy boggy sausage to the monster customers. Now he and his monster friends are off to cook at the monster fair. Has Joe got the stomach for the Big Squeal, and the Splodgem Dodgems?Read by Oliver Hembrough. 1 hour 40 minutes.Sparkes, Amy. Pirate Blunderbeard: Worst. Pirate. Ever. 2017. TB701946.Pirate Blunderbeard: book 1. Mum is making me take part in the stupid Pirate of the Year Award. All I have to do is fight an enormous sea monster, (doom), beat my oh-so-brilliant brother at something (please please please) and find the legendary treasure that no one has ever found EVER in the history of EVER (easy peasy, then). Wish me luck!Read by Gregg Lowe. 1 hour 1 minute.Sparkes, Amy. Pirate Blunderbeard: Worst. Holiday. Ever. 2017. TB702041.Pirate Blunderbeard: book 2. My brother has tricked me into the worst holiday, on the Island of No Return. I'm stuck here unless I can find some treasure - then Blackbeard will come and get me. All I have to do is follow a treasure map through a jungle full of pirate-eating creatures (no problem), into the darkest probably haunted cave (not at all scary) and track down the hidden gold.Read by Gregg Lowe. 1 hour 26 minutes.Sparkes, Amy. Pirate Blunderbeard: Worst. Mission. Ever. 2018. TB702559.Pirate Blunderbeard: book 3. Pirate Blunderbeard is on a voyage with his cousin Redruth and Grandpa Greybeard. Blunderbeard hopes it will be like a holiday cruise, ice-cream, deck chairs and maybe swimming. But Grandpa is on a mission. He wants to get his favourite ship back from the Scariest Pirate on the high seas he wants Blunderbeard to help. What could possibly go wrong?Read by Gregg Lowe. 1 hour 14 minutes.Stanton, Matt. Funny kid for president. 2017. TB701983.Funny kid: book 1. When Max is forced to run for class president to get even with his psycho teacher, Mr Armstrong, how can Max possibly hope to win? Max has no choice but to be the candidate his voters want, the funny kid! This election has it all: poop scandals, stalker ducks, a vomit-o-pocalypse, tell-all interviews, alley-oop accidents, a classroom break-in and rigged ballots.Read by Paul Panting. 2 hours 7 minutes.Stanton, Matt. Funny kid stand up. 2017. TB702380.Funny kid: book 2. At home Max is the Chief-Walburt-Entertainer and at school, he's the funny kid. So when the Redhill Talent Quest comes to town, Max is confident that his jokes will win him the competition and a ten-million-pound book deal. That is until Tumbles the Clown auditions, who everyone thinks is hilarious. But why was he hiding in a bush on the day granddad was kidnapped?Read by Paul Panting. 2 hours 39 minutes.Wakefield, S. A. The adventures of Bottersnikes and Gumbles. 2016. TB700905.Deep in the Australian bush live some very strange creatures. Bottersnikes have green wrinkly skin, cheese-grater noses and pointed ears that go red when they're angry. Gumbles are happy creatures who can be squashed into any shape without being hurt. They're clever and resourceful except when they go giggly. Can the Gumbles outwit the Bottersnikes and avoid being captured?Read by Nicholas Osmond. 4 hours 37 minutes.Watson, Tom. Stick dog. 2014. TB700906.Stick Dog: book 1. Stick Dog and his friends, Mutt, Stripes, Karen and Poo-Poo have caught the scent of hamburgers and what hungry stray could resist that lovely waft? All they have to do is follow the smell, find the barbecue and eat the hamburgers. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. The dogs are not short of ideas. They’re just short of ideas that aren’t ridiculous, dangerous, or just silly.Read by Andrew Eiden. 1 hour 29 minutes.Watson, Tom. Stick dog wants a hot dog. 2014. TB701001.Stick Dog: book 2. Everyone’s favourite canine cartoon hero, Stick Dog is back! This time he and his friends, Mutt, Stripes, Karen and Poo-Poo are determined to snaffle themselves a delicious snack from the hot dog stand. But they are going to need a plan, if they are to outwit their nemesis, a raccoon called Phyllis.Read by Andrew Eiden. 1 hour 43 minutes.Watson, Tom. Stick Dog chases a pizza. 2014. TB700158.Stick Dog: book 3. Stick Dog and his friends are back in another adventure! Everyone’s favourite cartoon canines are hungry again and this time it’s pizza that has their mouths watering. But when it’s pizza on the go, can they chase it down?Read by Andrew Eiden. 1 hour 44 minutes.Wells, Rachel. Alfie and George. 2016. TB701306.Alfie: book 5. As the residents of Edgar Road know, Alfie is no ordinary cat. Since his arrival in the street, he's made every house his home, helping this group of neighbours to become friends for life. But now there's a new cat a tiny ball of fur called George. With no home to call his own, this kitten is in desperate need. And little does Alfie know that they’ve got quite an adventure ahead of them.Read by Edward Killingback. 8 hours 12 minutesWells, Rachel. A cat called Alfie. 2015. TB700207.Alfie: book 2. A new family have moved into Edgar Road and they, more than anyone else, need Alfie’s help. Can he bring light to their darkest times? Or is it already too late to stop them from falling apart?Read by Edward Killingback. 6 hours 32 minutesWells, Rachel. Alfie Cat in trouble. 2016. TB700907.Alfie: book 3. When the Clover family move into the neighbourhood Alfie soon makes friends with Stanley. He wants to be a famous explorer and takes Alfie along on his adventures. But Alfie soon realises that Stanley is unhappy. He is jealous of his talented sister Viola and feels ignored by his mum and dad. Can Alfie help Stanley get noticed for the right reasons?Read by Edward Killingback. 1 hour 19 minutes.Wells, Rachel. Alfie the Holiday Cat. 2017. TB702348.Alfie: book 4. Alfie and George just can't seem to keep out of trouble. So when they hear that their owners have got a new holiday home, they can't wait to visit it. But when they arrive, they don't find the comfort they're used to. It's up to Alfie and George to make sure their family is welcomed into the village - that's if they can keep out of the way of the nastiest cat they've ever met.Read by Edward Killingback. 8 hours 53 minutes.Willis, Jeanne. Penguin pandemonium. 2012. TB700809.Rory the rockhopper penguin loves showing off, but with few visitors to the zoo, life has become a little dull. If things don't improve the zoo might have to close. So when the keepers install PENGUINCAM Rory grabs his chance with both flippers, organising a dazzling penguin talent show to pull in the crowds.Read by Jane Arnfield. 1 hour 55 minutes.Willis, Jeanne. Supercat vs the chip thief. 2014. TB700810.Supercat: book 1. After chowing down on a toxic sock lazy fat cat Tiger feels a bit funny. Well, actually, he feels spectacular! He is Supercat! Now he can speak, drive, ride a bike and even fly (just kidding - a flying cat would be ridiculous!). Join Supercat and his best buddy, James, as they try to stop the villainous Count Backwards from taking over the world! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!Read by Paul Panting. 1 hour 26 minutes.9+ suggested reading ageFergusson, Maggie. Michael Morpurgo: war child to War horse: a biography. 2012. TB700128.Michael’s own story is as strange and surprising as any he has written, and is shot through with the same thread of sadness found in almost all his work. How did this supremely unbookish boy who dreamed of becoming an army officer become a bestselling author and Children's Laureate instead? Read by Stephen Thorne. 8 hours 38 minutesAbbott, Tony. The Forbidden Stone. 2014. TB700411.Copernicus Legacy: book 1. Legend has it that Copernicus found twelve powerful relics that could harness the cosmos and transport people through time. Copernicus hid the relics in far-flung corners of the globe and assigned Guardians to pass down the duty of protecting the relics across the ages. In the wrong hands, the astrolabe could control the world. Read by MacLeod Andrews. 8 hours 38 minutes.Abbott, Tony. The serpent's curse. 2014. TB700511.Copernicus Legacy: book 2. The hunt for Copernicus's first relic sent Wade, Darrell, Lily, and Becca to the far reaches of the world and put them in serious danger. But they never imagined Sara Kaplan--Darrell and Wade's mother--would be kidnapped by the conniving Galina Krause. Now they must race the evil Teutonic Order to find the Serpens relic and rescue Sara before it's too late.Read by Macleod Andrews. 9 hours 57 minutesApplegate, Katherine. Crenshaw. 2015. TB700812.Life is tough for ten-year-old Jackson. The landlord is often at the door, there's not much food in the fridge and he's worried that any day now the family will have to move out of their home. Again. Crenshaw is a cat. He's large, he's outspoken and he's imaginary. He's come back into Jackson's life to help him?Read by Kirby Heyborne. 3 hours 18 minutes.Baddiel, David. AniMalcolm. 2016. TB700164.Malcolm doesn't like animals. Which is a problem because his family love them. Their house is full of pets. Then the Year Six school trip takes Malcolm to a farm. Over the next days, Malcolm learns a lot about animals. He learns what it's really like to be an animal. A whole series of animals. But will he end up the same as before? Sometimes the hardest thing to become is yourself.Read by David Baddiel. 3 hours 56 minutes.Baddiel, David. Birthday boy. 2017. TB702072.This is the story of Sam Green, who really, really, really loves birthdays. He is so excited about his 11th birthday, in fact, that he wishes it was his birthday every day. So, at first, it's quite exciting when his birthday happens again the next morning. And again. And again. But it's not long before things start to go wrong.Read by David Baddiel. 4 hours 5 minutes.Baltazar, Armand. Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic. 2017. TB702274.Timeless: book 1. In New Chicago, Diego's school hallways buzz with kids from all eras of history and from cultures all over the world. On his thirteenth birthday, Diego learns of a special gift he has within, a secret that is part of something much bigger - something he cannot understand. When his father, New Chicago's top engineer, is taken by the Aeternum, Diego must rescue him. Read by Ramon de Ocampo. 10 hours 39 minutes.Banks, Lynne Reid. The Indian in the cupboard. 2014. TB700814.The Indian in the cupboard: book 1. Little Bull is everything an Indian brave should be, proud, fearless and defiant. But being in charge of a real, live, human being is a heavy responsibility, as Omri soon discovers. And when his best friend, Patrick, is let in on the secret, he soon realises that life-changing decisions lie ahead.Read by Richard E. Grant. 2 hours 59 minutes.Banks, Lynne Reid. Uprooted: a Canadian war story. 2014. TB700114.In 1940 as war rages across Europe, ten-year-old Lindy, waves goodbye to England and makes the long journey to Saskatoon, Canada, along with her Mother and her cousin Cameron. They may be far from the war but they are also far from home and everyone they know and love. Life in Canada is very different but it is also full of exciting new adventures. Read by Janice Mackenzie. 7 hours 24 minutes.Barclay, Alex. Curse of kings. 2014. TB700712.Trials of Oland Born: book 1. Fourteen-year-old Oland lives in a world ruled by evil tyrant, Vilius Ren. Oland has been kept as Vilius's servant in grim Castle Derrington. One night, Oland finds a letter addressed to him, from the long-dead king Micah. No sooner has he read the message than a stranger tries to kidnap him. Oland runs, the dead king's warning ringing in his ears. Read by Ben Allen. 9 hours 9 minutes.Brett, Ivan. Casper Candlewacks in death by pigeon! 2011. TB700217.Casper Candlewacks: book 1. Casper is the only boy with any sense in a village full of idiots. Most villages have an idiot but Casper's village is full of them. When famous magician the Great Tiramisu curses the village, Casper's father is blamed and sentenced to death by pigeon. It's up to Casper and his best friend to find the magician, reverse the curse and save the day.Read by David Thorpe. 2 hours 53 minutesBrett, Ivan. Casper Candlewacks in the Claws of Crime! 2012. TB700416.Casper Candlewacks: book 2. An infamous cat burglar has struck in the village of Corne-on-the-Kobb, stealing a precious jewelled sword and kidnapping Casper's baby sister. Armed only with his wits, an egg-boiling lie-detecting machine and his best friend Lamp, can Casper rescue his sister and save the day?Read by David Thorpe. 3 hours 48 minutes.Brett, Ivan. Casper Candlewacks in attack of the Brainiacs! 2012. TB700517.Casper Candlewacks: book 3. Most villages have an idiot but Casper's village is full of them. So being bright makes poor Casper something of an outsider. A side-splittingly funny for girls and boys, featuring a massive food fight, an evil French chef and a machine that fires omelettes.Read by David Thorpe. 4 hours 13 minutes.Brett, Ivan. Casper Candlewacks in the time travelling toaster. 2013. TB700618.Casper Candlewacks: book 4. Casper has Lamp to him company, his less-than-bright best mate who is also a strangely ingenious inventor. Lamp's latest invention is a time-travelling toaster, or so he says. But can a toaster really transport them through space and time or will they both just end up as toast?Read by David Thorpe. 4 hours 3 minutes.Chainani, Soman. The school for good and evil. 2014. TB700219.School for good and evil: book 1. Every four years, two girls are kidnapped from the village of Gavaldon. Legend has it they are sent to the School for Good and Evil, where they become fairytale heroes or villains. Sophie dreams of her place at the School for Good while Agatha, seems destined for the School for Evil. But when the two are kidnapped they find their fortunes reversed.Read by Polly Lee. 14 hours 46 minutes.Chainani, Soman. A world without princes. 2014. TB700341.School for good and evil: book 2. After saving themselves and their fellow students from a life pitched against one another, Sophie and Agatha are back home again, living happily ever after. But life isn't exactly a fairy tale. When Agatha secretly wishes she'd chosen a different happy ending with Prince Tedros, the gates to the School for Good and Evil open once again. Read by Polly Lee. 13 hours 4 minutes. Chainani, Soman. The last ever after. 2015. TB700525.School for Good and Evil: book 3. Once best friends, Agatha and Sophie were pulled apart each in the arms of a boy, Good with Good, Evil with Evil. With the girls apart, Evil has taken over and the villains of the past have come back to turn the world of Good and Evil upside down. With Evers being murdered and Nevers reigning supreme, the girls need to restore the balance. Read by Polly Lee. 20 hours 52 minutes. Chainani, Soman. Quests for Glory. 2018. TB702549.School for Good and Evil: book 4. For their quests, Agatha and Tedros are trying to return Camelot to its former splendour as queen and king. For her quest, Dean Sophie seeks to mould Evil in her own image. But soon they all feel themselves growing more isolated and alone. When their classmates' quests plunge into chaos, however, someone must lead the charge to save them.Read by Polly Lee. 17 hours 11 minutes. Child, Lauren. Look into my eyes. 2014. TB700221.Ruby Redfort: book 1. Ruby Redfort is a genius code-cracker, a daring detective, and a gadget-laden special agent who just happens to be a 13-year-old girl. She and her slick side-kick butler, Hitch, foil crimes and get into loads of scrapes with evil villains, but they're always ice-cool in a crisis.Read by Rachael Stirling. 7 hours 44 minutes. Child, Lauren. Take your last breath. 2014. TB700222.Ruby Redfort: book 2. Meet Ruby Redfort: detective, secret agent, thirteen-year-old kid. This time Ruby's on an adventure on the wide open ocean, and she is all at sea. Can she crack the case of the Twinford pirates while evading the clutches of a vile sea monster as well as the evil Count von Viscount? Read by Rachael Stirling. 7 hours 49 minutes. Child, Lauren. Catch your death. 2014. TB700343.Ruby Redfort: book 3. Ruby Redfort is a detective, secret agent, and thirteen-year-old kid. Tigers are roaming the streets of Twinford, and it looks like someone has deliberately released some very rare and very dangerous animals. Things are going to get wild and Ruby is going to get badly lost in the wilderness. The question is: will she ever make it out alive?Read by Rachael Stirling. 8 hours 42 minutes. Child, Lauren. Feel the fear. 2014. TB700431.Ruby Redfort: book 4. Ruby Redfort is an undercover agent, code-cracker and thirteen-year-old genius. Ruby must pit her wits against a seemingly invisible foe. How do you set your sights on catching a light-fingered villain if you can't even see him?Read by Rachael Stirling. 8 hours 53 minutes. Child, Lauren. Pick your poison. 2015. TB700528.Ruby Redfort: book 5. There's a lot to lose sleep over in Twinford: there's the snakes and the bivalves, but they aren't half as poisonous as the rumours. With so many twists and turns it's hard to know who to trust, particularly when no one trusts you. Will Ruby make it out in one piece? Read by Rachael Stirling. 10 hours 9 minutes. Child, Lauren. Blink and you die. 2016. TB700632.Ruby Redfort: book 6. Ruby Redfort is running scared, a whole bunch of people want her dead and worst of all one of them is on her team. But just who is this agent of doom?Read by Rachael Stirling. 9 hours 59 minutes. Cleverly, Sophie. The lost twin. 2015. TB700532.Scarlet and Ivy: book 1. When troublesome Scarlet mysteriously disappears from Rookwood School, terrifying Miss Fox invites her quiet twin sister Ivy to `take her place'. Ivy agrees in the hopes of finding out what happened to her sister. For only at Rookwood will Ivy be able to unlock the secrets of Scarlet's disappearance, through a scattered trail of diary pages hidden all over the school. Read by Sarah Ovens. 5 hours 46 minutes. Cleverly, Sophie. The whispers in the walls. 2015. TB700638.Scarlet and Ivy: book 2. Scarlet and Ivy return to Rookwood School. When possessions and food start going missing, and the finger of suspicion is pointed firmly at troublemaking Scarlet, she knows she must uncover the truth to clear her name. The twins' investigations reveal a secret hidden deep within the school walls, a terrible crime committed many years past. Read by Sarah Ovens. 5 hours 32 minutes. Cleverly, Sophie. The dance in the dark. 2016. TB701023.Scarlet and Ivy: book 3. Scarlet and Ivy return to creepy Rookwood School. But after their beloved ballet teacher Miss Finch suddenly disappears and strange Madame Zelda takes her place, freakish things start happening. Poison letters are circulating the school, and 'accidents' are plaguing the students. It seems that the girls are in danger once more.Read by Sarah Ovens. 6 hours 3 minutes. Cleverly, Sophie. The lights under the lake. 2017. TB700093.Scarlet and Ivy: book 4. It's summer and as a special treat after the horrors of last term Mrs Knight announces a school trip to Shady Pines Hotel on the shores of Lake Seren. Scarlet and Ivy are thrilled to get away from Rookwood for a break! But when mysterious things start happening to hotel guests it seems that a malicious new threat is haunting the girls.Read by Sophie Cleverly. 5 hours 28 minutes.Cleverly, Sophie. The curse in the candlelight. 2017. TB702377.Scarlet and Ivy: book 5. It's a new term for Scarlet and Ivy and the girls are intrigued by a fascinating new girl, Ebony. When a prank on All Hallow's Eve goes horribly wrong, it's Ebony who gets the blame. Ivy and Scarlet aren't so sure. There might be more to Ebony than meets the eye, but surely she's not dangerous? But if it's not Ebony, then who or what is to blame?Read by Sarah Ovens. 6 hours 49 minutes.Clover, Andrew. Rory Branagan (Detective). 2018. TB702645.Rory Branagan: book 1. Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective. People always say, `How do you become a detective?' And I say, `Ahhhh. you don't just FIND YOURSELF suddenly sneaking up on baddies, or diving out of the way as they shoot! You have to want it.' And what made ME want it? I needed to find out what happened to my dad.Read by Andrew Clover. 1 hour 33 minutes.Clover, Andrew. The Dog Squad. 2018. TB703055.Rory Branagan: book 2. 'Someone is stealing dogs! What if they try to take Wilkins Welkin – my best friend? I need to find these stinking baddies and I need to stop them!' And THAT, friends, is what Rory does, with the help of his Accomplice Cassidy in a BOOMTASTIC adventure involving dogs, cats, a wheelie bin chariot, and Mrs Welkin who fights crime in quite a surprising way.Read by Andrew Clover. 1 hour 27 minutes.Columbus, Chris. House of secrets. 2013. TB700345.House of secrets: book 1. When Brendan, Cordelia and Nell move to Kristoff House they have no idea that they are about to unleash the dark magic locked within. For the house once belonged to a crazed writer, whose stories have literally come to life. Now the Walker kids must battle against deadly pirates, bloodthirsty warriors and a bone-crunching giant. Read by Daniel Vincent Gordh. 11 hours 48 minutes.Columbus, Chris. Battle of the beasts. 2014. TB700441.House of Secrets: book 2. Just when the Walker kids thought they were safe, the Wind Witch blasts Kristoff House into a crazy world of battles, beasts and cyborgs. From the searing heat and clashing swords of the Colosseum, to the snow-capped Tibetan mountains and some freaky monks – the stakes have never been higher!Read by Daniel Vincent Gordh. 11 hours 2 minutes.Columbus, Chris. Clash of the worlds. 2016. TB700641.House of Secrets: book 3. The Wind Witch is still alive and planning an invasion. To defeat her the Walker kids must return to the book world, split up and embark on a dangerous quest, facing aliens, dinosaurs and monstrous creatures from the deep. The Walkers always have each other's backs, but must go it alone in their most important mission yet.Read by Daniel Vincent Gordh. 11 hours 6 minutes.Durham, Paul. The luck uglies. 2014. TB700736.The Luck Uglies: book 1. Rye has grown up hearing the legend of the Luck Uglies - notorious deadly outlaws who once stalked the streets. Then on the night of the Black Moon, strange cries are heard from the forest and dark shapes glimpsed in the shadows. With a stranger known only as Harmless, Rye is about to discover that it may take a villain to save you from the monsters.Read by Avita Jay. 8 hours 56 minutes.Durham, Paul. Dishonour Among Thieves. 2015. TB701133.The Luck Uglies: book 2. Having been in exile for ten years the Luck Uglies are back in Village Drowning, but bringing them out of the shadows and back together was never going to be without its perils. There is bad blood between Rye's father, and a sinister masked man named Slinister Varlet. As Harmless and Slinister vie for control of their men, Rye finds herself caught up in their game.Read by Avita Jay. 10 hours 7 minutes.Durham, Paul. The Last Reckoning. 2016. TB701231.The Luck Uglies: book 3. Rye feared her father, Harmless, might be lost forever after he was driven into the forest Beyond the Shale by his deadly enemy Slinister Varlet. Now Slinister is making moves to claim leadership over the Luck Uglies. Can Rye find her father, save her village and put an end to the fighting for good? Read by Fiona Hardingham. 8 hours 22 minutes.Fisher, Justin. Ned's circus of marvels. 2016. TB700180.Ned's circus of marvels: book 1. Ned has always considered his world to be exceptionally ordinary. Then on Ned’s thirteenth birthday he discovers that everything magical he’s ever read about or imagined is REAL. And without him, the world will soon be engulfed in monstrous beasts and beings. So, it’s up to Ned to swoop in and save the day!Read by Mike Grady. 9 hours 48 minutes.Fisher, Justin. The gold thief. 2017. TB701867.Ned's Circus of Marvels: book 2. On the run up to Christmas everything is ruined when all the world's gold goes missing, along with its leading scientists. When an oily thief and his pet monster turn up at Ned's door, Ned finds himself on the run again and racing to find out what this new villain wants. Meanwhile, in the shadows, a machine with a mind of its own vies for power. Read by Mike Grady. 10 hours 6 minutes.French, Jackie. Hitler's daughter. 2014. TB700744.Told through the voice of a contemporary child, as she weaves a story about a secret child of Hitler. Did Hitler's daughter really exist? If you were Hitler's daughter, would it all be your fault? Could you still love your own father if he had done what Hitler did? Mark, a contemporary child, starts to question his own beliefs as he listens to the story that Anna weaves.Read by Scarlett Mack. 2 hours 49 minutes.Gannon, Nicholas. The Doldrums. 2015. TB701240.The Doldrums: book 1. Archer has grown up in a house full of oddities and treasures collected by his grandparents, the famous explorers. Archer longs for grand adventures but ever since his grandparents went missing on an iceberg, his mother barely lets him leave the house. So, along with his best friends Archer forms a plan to get out of the house and set off on a grand adventure Read by Bronson Pinchot. 6 hours 19 minutes.Gannon, Nicholas. The Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse. 2017. TB702344. The Doldrums: book 2. After two years, Archer B. Helmsley's famous explorer grandparents are coming home. They had been abandoned on an iceberg and Archer and his best friends led a mission to rescue them. Rumours begin to surface that they made it all up. With the help of his best friends and new neighbour Archer is going to restore his grandparent's reputation.Read by Bronson Pinchot. 7 hours 22 minutes.Grahame, Kenneth. The wind in the willows. 2011. TB701650.The Wind in the Willows is a classic of children's literature by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow moving and fast paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters in a pastoral version of England. The novel is notable for its mixture of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie.Read by Richard Briers. 2 hours 55 minutes.Gregg, Stacy. The diamond horse. 2016. TB700356.Anna is the daughter of a Russian Count and lives in a snowbound palace that is home to a menagerie of wonderful animals. She is also the owner of a diamond necklace with a secret past. But when Anna defies her father's wishes and secretly raises a young colt alongside her pet tiger cub, her actions will have far reaching consequences.Read by Sarah Ovens. 4 hours 17 minutes.Gregg, Stacy. The Thunderbolt Pony. 2017. TB702272.When a devastating earthquake hits Evie's hometown she and the rest of the town are forced to evacuate. Evie's injured mum is one of the first to be rescued by helicopter and Evie will be next. But when realises that she will be forced to leave her beloved pony, Gus, her dog, Jock, and her cat Moxy behind, she is determined to find another way. Read by Crystal Arons. 4 hours 11 minutes.Grogan, John. Marley: a dog like no other. 2013. TB700862.Meet Marley, a yellow furball of a puppy who quickly grows into a large, rowdy Labrador retriever. Marley is always getting into trouble, whether he is stealing underwear, crashing through doors, or drooling on guests, some may say he's the World's Worst Dog! He brings joy to his family, the Grogans, and teaches them what really matters in life.Read by Neil Patrick Harris. 3 hours 49 minutes.Hegarty, Shane. Darkmouth. 2015. TB700565.Darkmouth: book 1. Legends (also known as terrifying, human-eating monsters) have invaded the town of Darkmouth and aim to conquer the world. But don't panic! The last remaining Legend Hunter, Finn, will protect us. Finn: twelve-years-old, loves animals, not a natural fighter, but tries really hard, and we all know good intentions are the best weapons against a hungry Minotaur, right?Read by Andrew Scott. 6 hours 49 minutes.Hegarty, Shane. Worlds explode. 2015. TB700660.Darkmouth: book 2. On a list of things Finn never thought he'd wish for, a gateway bursting open in Darkmouth was right up there. But that's about his only hope for finding his missing father. He's searched for a map, he's followed Steve into dead ends, but found nothing. And he's still got homework to do. But soon Finn must face bizarre Legends, a ravenous world and a face from the past. Read by Andrew Scott. 7 hours 50 minutes.Hegarty, Shane. Chaos descends. 2016. TB700661.Darkmouth: book 3. Finn's been through so much, he'll now be allowed do what he wants, right? Wrong. Whether he likes it or not, he's going to be made a proper Legend Hunter. But then suddenly people start disappearing, Legends are appearing where they shouldn't, Broonie's complaining, and an attack so big is coming that Finn has the weight of the world on his shoulders.Read by Andrew Scott. 7 hours 27 minutes.Hegarty, Shane. Hero rising. 2017. TB701982.Darkmouth: book 4. Things can't get any worse. Legends are running riot. Half-hunters are out of control. Darkmouth has been taken away from Finn and Emmie, and Finn's dad Hugo, proud Legend Hunter, is washing dogs for a living. But something even more terrifying lurks beneath the surface: an ancient horror threatening both our world and the Infested Side.Read by Kevin Healey. 6 hours 49 minutes.Horwood, William. The willows in winter. 2011. TB701651.Tales of the willows: book 1. This is a re-creation of the much-loved world of Kenneth Grahames "The wind in the willows". William Horwood, author of the "Duncton" trilogies, brings to life the characters of Badger, Water Rat, Mole and Toad.Read by Richard Briers. 2 hours 59 minutes.Hutchison, Barry. Doc Mortis. 2011. TB700665.Invisible Fiends: book 4. Kyle wakes up in hospital - which is strange, because he doesn't remember being ill. And that's not all. He's also deliriously flitting in and out of the Darkest Corners, and in the shadow version of the hospital the surfaces aren't clean, and the sharp instruments aren't used for healing. It's Kyle's most terrifying experience yet, and it's about to get much, much worse.Read by David Thorpe. 5 hours 28 minutes.Jones, Diana Wynne. Cart and cwidder. 2016. TB700025.Dalemark: book 1. For centuries, Dalemark has been a land divided by the warring earldoms of the North and South. Now, with the help of the gods of Dalemark, four young people must join forces to reunify their beloved home. When twelve-year-old Moril’s father is murdered by soldiers, Moril inherits his ancient cwidder, a strange and magical musical instrument with a mysterious past. Read by Huw Parmenter. 5 hours 37 minutes.Jones, Diana Wynne. Drowned ammet. 2016. TB701059.Dalemark: book 2. After his father mysteriously goes missing Mitt joins a group of freedom fighters plotting to overthrow the tyrannical ruler of Holand. But when his assassination attempt against the earl backfires, Mitt stows away on board a ship heading out to sea. As the boat is battered by storms Mitt finds himself alone among his enemies. Read by Mike Grady. 8 hours 29 minutes.Jones, Diana Wynne. The spellcoats. 2017. TB700029.Dalemark: book 3. Tanaqui and her family have always known they were somehow different from the other villagers. But when the great floods come and they are driven from their home, they begin to realise the part they must play in the destiny of the land. Tanaqui weaves the story of their frightening journey to the sea and the terrifying, powerful evil of the mage Kankredin. Read by Ursula Jones. 7 hours 34 minutes.Jones, Diana Wynne. The crown of Dalemark. 2017. TB700030.Dalemark: book 4. Since his arrival in the North of Dalemark Mitt has become disillusioned. And now he is trapped by the order to kill someone he doesn’t know or else risk the lives of his friends. Forced once more to flee, Mitt is joined by Moril, the quietly powerful musician, and Maewen. Read by Laura Kirman. 10 hours 49 minutes.Kraatz, Jeramey. The moon platoon. 2017. TB701908.Space Runners: book 1. In the year 2085, Benny is used to surviving on what he and his family can scavenge on Earth. When he wins a scholarship for a life-changing trip to visit the Lunar Taj, the first-ever resort on the Moon, Benny gets more than he expected, as he and the other kids discover the Moon has secrets no one else knows about. Read by Andy Paris. 8 hours 22 minutes.Kraatz, Jeramey. The Dark Side of the Moon. 2018. TB702617.Space Runners: book 2. When Benny won a trip to visit the Moon, he had no idea that when he got there he would have to stop an attack by the Alpha Maraudi, an alien race determined to destroy Earth. But now the man who brought them to the Moon, genius inventor Elijah is missing. And Earth is still very much in danger. Read by Eric Myers. 8 hours 10 minutes.Landy, Derek. The faceless ones. 2009. TB700142.Skulduggery Pleasant: book 3. You've seen it all before: some bad guy wants to bring about the end of the world, and Skluduggery and Valkyrie fight valiantly to stop it happening. A few people get hurt, sure, but everything's all right in the end.Read by Rupert Degas. 7 hours 45 minutes.Landy, Derek. Resurrection. 2017. TB701936.Skulduggery Pleasant: book 10. Skulduggery and Valkyrie team up with beloved characters from the first 9 books as well as an all-new cast, including new teen co-star Omen Darkly, for an adventure that takes the story to truly global proportions. While answering questions that go right back to the beginning.Read by Caroline Lennon. 14 hours 6 minutes.Lean, Sarah. Hero. 2014. TB700946.Leo dreams about being a hero. In his imagination he is a fearsome gladiator, but he wants to be a hero in real life. When the boys at school dare Leo to do something he knows is wrong, he lets everybody down. How can he make things right again? A little dog called Jack Pepper is missing and it will take a true hero to find him and bring him home.Read by Huw Parmenter. 3 hours 31 minutes.Lean, Sarah. A dog called homeless. 2014. TB700769.Cally Fisher saw her mum bright and real and alive. But no one believes her, so Cally's stopped talking. A mysterious wolfhound always seems to be there when her mum appears and now he's started following her everywhere. But how can Cally convince anyone that Mum is still with them, or persuade Dad that the huge silver-grey dog is their last link with her?Read by Katy Sobey. 3 hours 42 minutes.Lean, Sarah. The Sand Dog. 2018. TB703043.When Azi's grandfather leaves their small island, Azi waits every day for him to return. The arrival of a nesting turtle and a tall sandy dog convinces Azi that it must mean that Grandfather is on his way. As Azi digs deeper into the past, he begins to unravel hidden secrets and starts to find out just how alike he and his grandfather really are. And without him, Azi knows he will never feel complete.Read by Chetan Pathak. 4 hours 1 minute.Lerangis, Peter. The colossus rises. 2015. TB700770.Seven Wonders: book 1. The day after twelve-year-old Jack is told he has six months to live, he awakens on a mysterious island, where a secret organization promises to save his life - but with one condition. With his three friends, Jack must lead a mission to retrieve seven lost magical orbs, which, only when combined together, can save their lives. Read by Johnathan McClain. 8 hours 1 minute.Lerangis, Peter. Lost in Babylon. 2015. TB700771.Seven Wonders: book 2. A secret organisation saved Jack’s life and now, to save the world, Jack must find seven magical objects hidden in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Luckily, there are three other kids just like Jack and they're all on the mission together. But the gang are in trouble already. Marco has disappeared without a trace, along with the first object.Read by Johnathan McClain. 8 hours 27 minutes.Lerangis, Peter. The tomb of shadows. 2015. TB700878.Seven Wonders: book 3. Jack McKinley and his friends are the Select. Their powers are growing at a furious rate and must find seven magical object to save themselves - and the world. Two treasures have already been found, but time is running out. Marco has betrayed his friends and ancient secrets are coming unravelled. The Select don't know who to trust or where to turn. Read by Johnathan McClain. 7 hours 25 minutes.Lewis, C. S. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. 2005. TB701653.Chronicles of Narnia: book 1. Four adventurous siblings, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change, and a great sacrifice.Read by Michael York. 4 hours 21 minutes.Lewis, C. S. Prince Caspian. 2005. TB701654. Chronicles of Narnia: book 2. The Pevensie siblings are back to help a prince denied his rightful throne as he gathers an army in a desperate attempt to rid his land of a false king. But in the end, it is a battle of honour between two men alone that will decide the fate of an entire world. Read by Lynn Redgrave. 4 hours 40 minutes.Lewis, C. S. The voyage of the Dawn Treader. 2005. TB701655.Chronicles of Narnia: book 3. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail farther and farther from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning.Read by Derek Jacobi. 5 hours 50 minutes.Lewis, C. S. The silver chair. 2005. TB701657.Chronicles of Narnia: book 4. Drawn back to Narnia, Eustace and his new friend Jill are sent to rescue a captive prince. In a world where evil weaves a spell, Giants and Marsh-wiggles can be friend or foe, but the stakes are raised when they reach Underland and come face-to-face with a notorious and terrifying opponent.Read by Jeremy Northam. 5 hours 25 minutes.Lewis, C. S. The horse and his boy. 2005. TB701656.Chronicles of Narnia: book 5. The Horse and his Boy is a stirring and dramatic fantasy story that finds a young boy named Shasta on the run from his homeland with the talking horse, Bree. When the pair discover a deadly plot by the Calormen people to conquer the land of Narnia, the race is on to warn the inhabitants of the impending danger and to rescue them all from certain death.Read by Alex Jennings. 4 hours 40 minutes.Lewis, C. S. The magician's nephew. 2005. TB701652. Chronicles of Narnia: book 6. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Aslan’s song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible.Read by Kenneth Branagh. 3 hours 55 minutes. Lewis, C. S. The last battle. 2005. TB701658.Chronicles of Narnia: book 7. During the last days of Narnia, the land faces its fiercest challenge, not an invader from without but an enemy from within. Lies and treachery have taken root, and only the king and a small band of loyal followers can prevent the destruction of all they hold dear in this, the magnificent ending to The Chronicles of Narnia. Read by Patrick Stewart. 4 hours 52 minutes.Littlewood, Kathryn. Bliss. 2014. TB700187.Bliss bakery trilogy: book 1. The Bliss family cook book is a closely guarded secret. Centuries old and filled with magical recipes, it has been used for years to keep things running smoothly in the town of Calamity Falls. But when eleven-year-old Rose Bliss and her three siblings are left in charge of the family bakery, one magical mishap follows another until the town is in utter chaos!Read by Charlie Sanderson. 7 hours 10 minutes.Littlewood, Kathryn. Sweet. 2014. TB700483.Bliss bakery trilogy: book 2. The Bliss family cook book is a closely guarded secret. Centuries old and filled with magical recipes, it has been used for years to keep things running smoothly in the town of Calamity Falls. But now it has been stolen by renegade Aunt Lily. It falls to eleven-year-old Rose Bliss and her three siblings to try and win back the book and avert disaster.Read by Charlie Sanderson. 6 hours 55 minutes.Littlewood, Kathryn. Rose Bliss cooks up magic. 2015. TB700776.Bliss Bakery Trilogy: book 3. Rosemary Bliss has become so famous that she has been kidnapped by the Mostess corporation - run by Mr Butter. Together with an unlikely team of bakers, she needs to come up with a plan to stop Mr Butter and the International Society of the Rolling Pin from taking over the world, one magically-evil cupcake at a time.Read by Charlie Sanderson. 7 hours 5 minutes.Martin, Laura. Edge of Extinction. 2016. TB701279.Edge of Extinction: book 1. Two hundred years ago, the first dinosaur was cloned. The human race realized they'd made a colossal mistake. Thirteen year old Sky Mundy's father was part of the inner circle of Compound leaders until five years ago he disappeared. The time has come for Sky to track him down.Read by Penelope Rawlins. 8 hours 5 minutes.Martin, Laura. Code name flood. 2017. TB701866.Edge of Extinction: book 2. Sky‘s life has changed since she fled the underground compound where she grew up. She and her friends are now prey to dinosaurs and being pursued by marines but Sky is determined to follow a map left by her missing father. When the map leads to a hidden underwater lab, Sky is horrified to learn that scientists are still breeding dinosaurs. Read by Penelope Rawlins. 7 hours 51 minutes.Mayle, Simon. How Harry Riddles made a mega-amazing zombie movie. 2014. TB700599.Shouty kid: book 1. Harry `Shoutykid' Riddles has a few problems: he needs money to make his movie, My Pet Zombie, his dad needs a job before they lose their home, and the school play is going to end in disaster unless there are some changes to the leading actors! But Harry isn't giving up easily - he decides to write to anyone who might be able to help get his life back on track!Read by Daniel Coonan. 3 hours 7 minutes.Mayle, Simon. How Harry Riddles mega-massively broke the school. 2015. TB700692.Shoutykid: book 2. My mum is having TWINS so either me or Charlotte are gonna lose our bedroom. ALSO, Dad's moaning that I should do more sport and not be just a gamer (which shows what he knows cos I'm actually the BEST gamer World of Zombies has ever seen). But I've joined the school football team to keep him happy although if we win anything it will be a miracle cos we suck.Read by Daniel Coonan. 2 hours 37 minutes.Mayle, Simon. How Harry Riddles got nearly almost famous. 2015. TB700693.Shoutykid: book 3. So I've joined a band. We've got a good shot at winning the Battle of the Bands competition. But here's the thing, my dad has this idea to take me, my mum, my EVIL sister and my twin brothers sailing round the world. How am I meant to reach rock stardom if I'm stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean?Read by Daniel Coonan. 1 hour 49 minutes.Mayle, Simon. How Harry Riddles totally went wild. 2016. TB701357.Shoutykid: book 4. When he's packed off on a school trip to `Adventure Camp' for half term Harry is less than thrilled. He'd planned to spend his holiday shooting zombies, not kayaking! Even worse Harry's been put in a dorm with his arch-nemesis Ed Bigstock!!! And if Ed finds out Harry's deepest secret - that he's afraid of the dark - he'll have a whole lot more to deal with.Read by Max Dowler. 1 hour 42 minutes.Mayle, Simon. How Harry Riddles made a mega amount of money. 2017. TB701949.Shoutykid: book 5. Follow Harry's hilarious ups and downs told through laugh-out-loud letters, emails, texts and more!Read by Daniel Coonan. 1 hour 33 minutes.McNally, John. The sons of Scarlatti. 2015. TB700780.Infinity Drake: book 1. Infinity Drake and his scientist uncle are summoned to a crisis meeting. A villain has released a doomsday bio-weapon, the mutant Scarlatti wasp. Uncle Al has a crazy plan, Soon he's shrinking a crack military team to take down the wasps. But a double agent throws the mission and now Finn is 9mm tall and has the weight of the world's survival on his tiny shoulders.Read by Sean Ohlendorf. 9 hours 30 minutes.McNally, John. The forbidden city. 2015. TB700887.Infinity Drake: book 2. Infinity Drake, Finn for short, is STILL only 9mm tall. But before his crazy scientist uncle can figure out a way to return him to his normal size, a new threat emerges on the other side of the world. Supreme villain, Kaparis, plans to release an army of self-replicating nano-bots, a hardware virus that will give him total control of global communications. Read by Sean Ohlendorf. 9 hours 32 minutes.McNally, John. Giant killer. 2017. TB702025.Infinity Drake: book 3. After months of captivity Finn and Carla reach their final destination; evil mastermind Kaparis's secret lair in the Carpathian mountains. Once there Finn learns the villain's true purpose, to conquer his paralysis and rise again. To do so Kaparis must shrink a team of medics down to microscopic size to repair his damaged spine. Read by Sean Ohlendorf. 9 hours 18 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. The last wolf. 2011. TB700956.Robbie is born into a difficult age in Scotland, at the time of the Jacobite Uprising in 1745. That's when Bonnie Prince Charlie came back to Scotland out of exile in France, to claim the throne which was rightfully his. The charismatic Prince swept through Scotland calling men to arms as he went, and Robbie joined them. Read by Harry Mann. 1 hour 4 minutes.Morpurgo, Michael. Flamingo Boy. 2018. TB702613.In the Camargue in France during WW2, a young autistic boy lives on his parents' farm among the salt flats, and the flamingos. But then the Germans come, with their guns, and take the town. A soldier shoots a flamingo from the sky, and it falls to earth terribly injured. And even worse is to come: the carousel is damaged, the horses broken. For this vulnerable boy, everything is falling apart. Read by George Blagden. 5 hours 56 minutes.O'Connell, Christian. Radio boy. 2017. TB700033.Radio boy: book 1. Spike’s your average 11 year old, funny and cheeky and with a mum to reckon with. When he becomes the first presenter ever to be sacked from hospital radio, he decides to carry on from a makeshift studio in the garden shed, going by the moniker Radio Boy. Then Spike goes too far with his mocking of the school headmaster and a hunt is launched for Radio Boy.Read by Christian O'Connell. 4 hours 42 minutes.O'Connell, Christian. Radio Boy and the Revenge of Grandad. 2018. TB702543.Radio Boy: book 2. Radio Boy and his team are back and continue to broadcast from Spike's garden shed. Then Grandad Ray comes to stay. Spike decides to cheer him up by inviting him onto the show. He becomes an instant hit and Spike keeps him on as a new team member. Things get awkward when Spike realises Grandad only has three stories and keeps telling them. Read by Christian O'Connell. 6 hours 7 minutes.Pattenden, Sian. The Peppers and the International Magic Guys. 2012. TB700492.Magical Peppers: book 1. The Pepper twins Esme and Monty are spending the summer holidays with their bumbling Uncle Potty. Potty is an enthusiastic member of the International Magic Guys organisation so when it is threatened with closure the twins must use every trick in the book to save it. But no one can find the book, the escapologist is all tied up and Potty's assistant is out of action. Read by Penny McDonald. 2 hours 45 minutes.Pattenden, Sian. The magical peppers and the island of invention. 2012. TB700959.Magical Peppers: book 2. Esme and Monty and their uncle Potty have been summoned to the Sea Spray Theatre on the end of Crab Pie Pier. They're on a mission to keep the old theatre from closing and must perform the show of a lifetime to reel in the crowds. But not everyone wants the theatre to survive and a certain someone is determined to sabotage the show. Read by Penny McDonald. 2 hours 43 minutes.Pennypacker, Sara. Pax. 2016. TB700960.Pax was only a kit when his family was killed and he was rescued by `his boy', Peter. Now the country is at war and when his father enlists, Peter has no choice but to move in with his grandfather. Far worse than leaving home is the fact that he has to leave Pax. Read by Michael Curran-Dorsano. 5 hours 32 minutes.Smith, Nigel. Nathalia Buttface and the most embarrassing dad in the world. 2014. TB700149.Nathalia Buttface: book 1. The Most Embarrassing Dad in the World was embarrassing Nathalia even before she was born. Thanks to Dad she was Nathalia Bumole. “It’s pronounced Bew-mow–lay,” Dad would tell her patiently, time and again. “If anyone says differently, the joke’s on them.” But as Nathalia knows only too well, the joke will not be on them.Read by Clare Corbett. 4 hours 43 minutes.Smith, Nigel. Nathalia Buttface and the most epically embarrassing trip ever. 2015. TB700801.Nathalia Buttface: book 2. The Most Embarrassing Dad in the world is back and embarrassing Nat even more than ever! This time they're on holiday in France but everything is far from `bonne'!Read by Clare Corbett. 5 hours 1 minute.Smith, Nigel. Nathalia Buttface and the most embarrassing five minutes of fame ever. 2015. TB700901.Nathalia Buttface: book 3. When Dad posts an embarrassing video of Nat online as a joke, she's furious. Things are set to get much worse, however, when the video goes viral and she finds herself centre of the nation's attention for all the wrong reasons, even the prime minister is imitating her! Read by Clare Corbett. 4 hours 12 minutes.Smith, Nigel. Nathalia Buttface and the totally embarrassing bridesmaid disaster. 2016. TB700982.Nathalia Buttface: book 4. For some girls the chance to be a bridesmaid is a dream come true. But for Nathalia it's a total nightmare. From the hideous fairy princess bridesmaid dresses, to the disastrous bridal shower, everything about the wedding of her cousin Tiffannee leaves Nat feeling completely ridiculous! Read by Clare Corbett. 5 hours 2 minutes.Smith, Nigel. Nathalia Buttface and the embarrassing camp catastrophe. 2016. TB700983.Nathalia Buttface: book 5. Nat's class is going on a field trip to hunt for fossils. Cue mouldy log cabins and other boring geography related stuff that Nat hates and Dad loves! Normally Nat would forbid Dad's attendance but he's finally applied for a `proper' job, teaching survival skills to juvenile delinquents, which she really wants him to get to stop him interfering in her life!Read by Clare Corbett. 5 hours 33 minutes.Ure, Jean. Strawberry crush. 2016. TB700184.When Maya falls off her bike and into the arms of Jake Harper, her cousin, Mattie, thinks the crush that follows will be as short lived as the rest, especially as Maya is a year 8 nobody and Jake is a year 12 god. Mattie's pretty sure that Jake's taken, anyway. But if Jake's got a girlfriend, then why does he keep offering Maya lifts around town? And why does Maya accuse Mattie of being jealous of her? Read by Jilly Bond. 2 hours 59 minutes.Ure, Jean. Star quality. 2017. TB701944.Dance trilogy: book 2. Maddy is delighted when she and her friends are accepted to the prestigious City Ballet School. It feels like they are one step closer to their dreams of becoming professional dancers. But the school brings a whole new set of challenges and soon Maddy finds herself tested like never before.Read by Sarah Ovens. 3 hours 40 minutes.Ure, Jean. Showtime. 2018. TB703001.Dance Trilogy: book 3. The final instalment in this inspiring series about dancing, friendship and following your dreams. A big performance looms and Maddy knows that the school has a way of weeding out the weakest dancers. Now is her time to shine. Will Maddy and her friends be celebrating at the end of the year?Read by Sarah Ovens. 2 hours 55 minutes.Walliams, David. The world's worst children. 2016. TB700157.Here are 10 cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters, featuring five beastly boys and five gruesome girls! Like Sofia Sofa, a TV superfan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one. Or Dribbling Drew, a boy whose drool gets him into trouble on a school trip. And don't forget Blubbering Bertha, a girl who bawls and tells terrible tales.Read by David Walliams and Nitin Ganatra. 2 hours 52 minutes.Walliams, David. The world's worst children 2. 2017. TB702011.If you thought you had read about the World's Worst Children already, you're in for a rather nasty shock. The beastly boys and gruesome girls in this book are even ruder, even more disgusting and WORSE than you could ever imagine! A collection of ten stories featuring Gruesome Griselda or Fussy Frankie and a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj.Read by David Walliams, Morgana Robinson, Nitin Ganatra and James Goode. 3 hours 6 minutes.Walliams, David. The World's Worst Children 3. 2018. TB703155.10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums.Read by Jon Culshaw, Nitin Ganatra, James Goode, Jocelyn Jee Esien, Doon Mackichan, Paul Putner. 3 hours14 minutes.Walliams, David. Bad dad. 2017. TB702321.A high-speed cops and robbers adventure with heart and soul about a father and son taking on the villainous Mr Big – and winning! Bad Dad is a fast and furious, heart-warming story of a father and son on an adventure – and a thrilling mission to break an innocent man into prison!Read by David Walliams, Peter Serafinowicz, Sarah Alexander, Jocelyn G Essien and Nitin Ganatra. 5 hours 18 minutes.Welford, Ross. Time travelling with a hamster. 2016. TB700206.On Al Chaudhury’s twelfth birthday his beloved Grandpa Byron gives him a letter from Al’s late father. In it Al receives a mission: travel back to 1984 in a secret time machine and save his father’s life. Al soon discovers that time travel requires daring and it also requires lies, theft, setting his school on fire and ignoring advice from Grandpa. All without losing his pet hamster, Alan Shearer.Read by Assad Zaman. 8 hours 53 minutes.Welford, Ross. The 1,000-year-old Boy. 2018. TB702553.Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy, except he's 1,000 years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England. No one believes him. When everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, he embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance, and a different way to live. It will mean finding a way to make sure he will eventually die.Read by Chris Coxon and Luke Johnson. 7 hours 24 minutes.Windsor, Justine. Goodly and Grave in a bad case of kidnap. 2017. TB700085.Goodly and Grave: book 1. Lucy is the new boot girl at Grave Hall, working for the cold, aloof Lord Grave. The other staff, Vonk the Butler, Mrs Crawley the cook and Violet the scullery maid, all seem friendly but Lucy soon notices that strange things are afoot in her new home. There are moving statues, magical books and Lord Grave has a secret. Read by Laura Kirman. 5 hours 11 minutes.Windsor, Justine. Goodly and Grave in a deadly case of murder. 2017. TB701984.Goodly and Grave: book 2. When reports come in that valuable magical objects are being stolen, Goodly and Grave are on the case, but just when they think they know whodunit their prime suspect turns up, murdered! Will Lucy be able to track the real villain without putting herself in deadly danger?Read by Laura Kirman. 3 hours 47 minutes.Wolfe, Sean Fay. Quest for justice. 2015. TB700909.Elementia Chronicles: book 1. Dark forces are at work on the Elementia server, and when new players Stan, Kat, and Charlie arrive on the scene, they quickly find themselves in peril. Targeted by more experienced players, the noobs must band together against the king, battle the natural forces of the game, and unravel the mysteries of Elementia in the name of justice.Read by Edward Killingback. 11 hours 15 minutes.11+ suggested reading ageCamden, Steven. Nobody Real. 2018. TB703044.Marcie is real. With real problems. For years she has been hitching a ride on the train of her best friend Cara's life. Now there's only one more summer until they're off to uni together. Years ago, Thor was also Marcie's friend before she cast him out, back to his own world. If he doesn't make a decision soon, he's going to face the fade. But Thor is not real. And that's a real problem . .Read by Katerina Demetraki and Eric Meyers. 7 hours 25 minutes.Gaiman, Neil. The silver dream. 2014. TB700130.InterWorld: book 2. After mastering the ability to walk between dimensions, Joey Harker helped save the Altiverse from destruction. But rival powers of magic and science are still out there, seeking to control all worlds. InterWorld’s peacekeeping mission is far from finished. And when a stranger follows Joey back to BaseTown dangerous times lie ahead.Read by Alexander Cendese. 5 hours 45 minutes.Grey, Jacob. The swarm descends. 2016. TB700133.Ferals: book 2. After the Spinning Man was banished to the Land of the Dead in an epic struggle between good and evil Ferals, Caw’s life has become safer, free of the darkness that had stalked Blackstone for so long. But there’s a new villain in town and the Mother of Flies will stop at nothing to make crime, corruption and chaos descend once more. Read by Josh Hurley. 7 hours 50 minutes.Johnstone, Ian. The bell between worlds. 2015. TB700481.Mirror Chronicles: book 1. Half of your soul is missing. The lost part is in the mirror. Sylas leads a lonely existence since his mother died. But then the tolling of a giant bell draws him into another world known as the Other, where he discovers that he has a talent for the nature-influenced magic of the Fourth Way, but that his mother might just have come from this strange parallel place. Read by Oliver J Hembrough. 17 hours 23 minutes.Johnstone, Ian. Circles of stone. 2015. TB700580.The Mirror Chronicles: book 2. As the dark lord Thoth raises a monstrous army, Sylas and Naeo discover that their new-found power could also be their undoing. Even as they begin their journey, Thoth's creatures mass at the gateways between our worlds - at the ancient circles of stone. War is coming and unless Sylas and Naeo can stop it, it may destroy us all.Read by Oliver J Hembrough. 18 hours 4 minutes.Landy, Derek. Armageddon outta here. 2014. TB700943.Skulduggery Pleasant: book 8.5. For the first time, every Skulduggery Pleasant short story, plus the end of the world, the world book day novelette, is collected into one magnificent volume. But that's not all. Written specially for this collection, there is a new novella that will drag you into an American horror story. Read by Stephen Hogan. 9 hours 45 minutes.Laverne, Lauren. Candy and the broken biscuits. 2010. TB700280.Candypop: book 1. Candy is fifteen years old and she's on a mission: to escape dullsville. Candy is determined to leave boring small town Bishopspool and make it big in the music business. Oh and find BioDad, her real dad. With the help of a battered old guitar and her Fairy Godbrother, Candy and her bandmates will attempt to make it in the star-studded, crazy world of rock and roll.Read by Lauren Laverne. 7 hours 2 minutes.Wynne Jones, Diana. Deep secret. 2013. TB700361.Magids: book 1. Magids look after all worlds, steer them towards magic, and keep history happening. But Rupert’s mentor has died, and as the junior magid on earth he has to find a replacement while also trying to find the lost heir of a collapsing empire, worlds away. Rupert interweaves the fate lines to get all the candidates together at a sci-fi fantasy convention, but havoc ensues.Read by Christopher Webster and Harriet Carmichael. 13 hours 43 minutes.Wynne Jones, Diana. The Dark Lord of Derkholm. 2013. B700270.Derkholm: book 1. In a world next door to ours, the tourist industry is devastating the population by its desire to experience all the fantasy clichés – Dark Lords, impoverished villages, dragons etc. The Head of the University resolves to shut the tours down. To save them all, the incompetent wizard Derk is appointed as Dark Lord in the hope that he will ruin the tours. Read by Jonathan Broadbent. 13 hours 30 minutes.Wynne Jones, Diana. Year of the griffin. 2014. TB700360.Derkholm: book 2. Running a University for Wizards was never going to be easy. And with no money, no staff and no idea what he’s doing, Wizard Corkoran is struggling. Especially when his students, handpicked from the wealthiest families around, turn out to be rather different than expected. Read by Jonathan Broadbent. 9 hours 27 minutes.13+ suggested reading ageCollins, Anne. Amazing writers. 2017. TB702109.Collins ELT readers. Level 3 - B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Geoffrey Chaucer, writer of the first great works of English Literature. William Shakespeare, writer of the greatest plays in history. Charles Dickens who wanted to make England a better place. Victor Hugo, the French writer who cared about the poor. Leo Tolstoy, the man who wrote War and Peace. Rudyard Kipling who wrote The Jungle Book and won a Nobel Prize. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 14 minutes.Collins, Anne. Amazing explorers. 2017. TB702108.Collins ELT readers. Level 3- B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Marco Polo who taught the world about China. Ibn Battuta who travelled to 44 countries. Christopher Columbus who discovered new worlds. James Cook, first to sail around the world in both directions. David Livingstone who explored Africa. Yuri Gagarin, the first man to go into space. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 35 minutes.Collins, Anne. Amazing scientists. 2017. TB702110.Collins ELT readers. Level 3 - B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Antoine Lavoisier who wrote the first modern chemistry textbook. Humphry Davy who discovered `laughing gas'. Charles Darwin who changed people's ideas with his theory of evolution. Gregor Mendel who first discovered the science of genetics. Louis Pasteur who saved millions of lives by killing germs. Francis Crick who helped to discover the structure of DNA. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 21 minutes.Cornish, F. H. Amazing medical people. 2017. TB702113.Collins ELT readers. Level 2 - A2-B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Edward Jenner, the man who fought the terrible disease, smallpox. Florence Nightingale, the nurse known as `the lady with the lamp'. Elizabeth Garrett, England's first female doctor. Carl Jung, the doctor who wanted to understand the human mind. Jonas Salk who defeated the dangerous illness, polio. Christiaan Barnard, the first man to replace a human heart. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 8 minutes.Cornish, F.H. Amazing aviators. 2017. TB702112.Collins ELT readers. Level 2 - A2 -B1. The inspiring stories of 5 people who changed history. Contents: Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, who helped humans to fly. Louis Bleriot, the first person to cross the sea in an aeroplane. Charles Lindbergh, first to cross the Atlantic alone. Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic. Amy Johnson, the British woman who broke flying records. Contains short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 7 minutes.Cornish, F.H. Amazing architects & artists. 2017. TB702111.Collins ELT readers. Level 2 -A2-B1. The inspiring stories of 5 people who changed history. Contents: Leonardo da Vinci who painted the Mona Lisa. Christopher Wren who rebuilt London. Antonio Gaudi who built the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Pablo Picasso, the famous Spanish painter. Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican female artist. Contains short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 7 minutes.Mestheneou, Katerina. Amazing scientists. 2017. TB702118.Collins ELT readers. Level 4 - B2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Alessandro Volta, inventor of the battery. Michael Faraday, inventor of the electric motor. Marie Curie, famous for her work on radioactivity. Albert Einstein, creator of the Theory of Relativity. Alexander Fleming, discoverer of the first antibiotic. Linus Pauling, chemist and peace activist. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 32 minutes.Mestheneou, Katerina. Amazing thinkers & humanitarians. 2017. TB702119. Collins ELT readers. Level 4 -B2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher. Socrates, the great Greek philosopher. Aristotle, the first to organize scientific knowledge. William Wilberforce who ended the British slave trade. Karl Marx who wrote The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Mahatma Gandhi who helped free India from British rule. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 36 minutes.Mestheneou, Katerina. Amazing writers. 2017. TB702122.Collins ELT Readers series. Level 4 - B2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Voltaire, the French writer who believed in equality for all. Charlotte Bronte, the British novelist who wrote Jane Eyre. Mark Twain, the American who wrote Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. Jacques Prevert, the writer known in France as `the People's Poet'. Ayn Rand, whose writing expressed her own philosophical ideas. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who wrote about life in a Soviet Labour Camp. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 56 minutes.Mestheneou, Katerina. Amazing leaders. 2017. TB702121.Collins ELT readers. Level 4 -B2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Gaius Julius Caesar, the powerful Roman leader. Queen Elizabeth I who ruled England for 45 years. George Washington, the first president of the USA. King Louis XVI, the last king of France. Winston Churchill who led Britain in the Second World War. Che Guevara, the Argentinian doctor who fought for revolution. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 58 minutes.Mestheneou, Katerina. Amazing entrepreneurs & business people. 2017. TB702120. Collins ELT readers. Level 4 - B2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Henry J Heinz, the man who invented tomato ketchup. William Lever who made millions from soap. Michael Marks, founder of the Marks and Spencer stores. Henry Ford, who mass-produced cars and made them affordable. Coco Chanel, the businesswoman who changed fashion for women. Ray Kroc, the man who created the McDonald's chain of restaurants. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 56 minutes.Parker, Helen. Amazing entrepreneurs & business people. 2017. TB702114. Collins ELT readers. Level 1 - A2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Mayer Amschel Rothschild who started a bank which made his family rich. Cornelius Vanderbilt who became one of the richest people in the USAW. K. Kellogg who started the world's biggest cereal company. Elizabeth Arden who built the Elizabeth Arden cosmetics company. Walt Disney who started the famous entertainment company Soichiro Honda who started the Honda motorbike and car company.Read by Collins. 1 hour 4 minutes.Parker, Helen. Amazing women. 2017. TB702115.Collins ELT readers. Level 1 - A2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Harriet Tubman, the slave who helped hundreds of other slaves to escape. Emmeline Pankhurst who wanted women to be able to vote. Maria Montessori, the doctor who found a new way to teach children. Helen Keller, the deaf and blind woman who became a famous teacher. Eva Peron, the actress who helped poor and sick people in Argentina. Nancy Wake, the Second World War spy. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 49 minutes.Rollason, Jane. Amazing philanthropists. 2017. TB702117.Collins ELT readers. Level 3 - B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel Prize. Andrew Carnegie, the businessman who built libraries for poor people. John D. Rockefeller who made money from oil and gave it all away. Thomas Barnardo who created homes for poor children. Henry Wellcome who used his money for medical research. Madam C. J. Walker who gave her money to the African-American community. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 20 minutes.Rollason, Jane. Amazing performers. 2017. TB702116.Collins ELT readers. Level 3 - B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Pablo Casals, the Catalan cello-player. Louis Armstrong, the American trumpet-player and singer. Frank Sinatra, the Italian-American singer and actor. Edith Piaf, France's famous singing star. Maria Callas, the Greek opera singer. Elvis Presley, the man who changed pop music. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 1 hour 31 minutes.Tiberio, Silvia Carolina. Amazing performers. 2017. TB702125.Collins ELT readers. Level 1 - A2. The inspiring stories of 5 people who changed history. Contents: Glenn Miller, the leader of the most famous big band in the USA. Prez Prado, the Cuban musician who was known as `the King of Mambo'. Ella Fitzgerald, the most popular female jazz singer in the USA. Luciano Pavarotti, one of the world's best opera singers. John Lennon, member of the famous band The Beatles. Contains short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 54 minutes.Tiberio, Silvia. Amazing inventors. 2017. TB702123.Collins ELT readers. Level 1 - A2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press. Louis Braille, creator of an alphabet for blind people. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light bulb. Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the wireless system. John Logie Baird, inventor of the television. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 46 minutes.Trewin, Anna. Amazing composers. 2017. TB702106.Collins ELT readers. Level 2 - A2-B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote the Brandenburg Concertos. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the child genius. Giuseppe Verdi who wrote the opera Aida. Johann Strauss, `The Waltz King'. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky who wrote the ballet Swan Lake. Irving Berlin who wrote There's No Business Like Show Business. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 55 minutes.Tiberio, Silvia. Amazing leaders. 2017. TB702124.Collins ELT readers. Level 1 - A2. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England. Saladin, historic Muslim leader. Genghis Khan, famous leader of the Mongol empire. Catherine the Great, the woman who turned Russia into an empire. Abraham Lincoln who stopped slavery in the USA. Queen Victoria, the famous British Queen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 45 minutes.Trewin, Anna. Amazing mathematicians. 2017. TB702107.Collins ELT readers. Level 2 -A2-B1. The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Galileo who wanted to show that the earth went around the sun. Rene Descartes, the Frenchman who famously said `I think, therefore I am'. Sir Isaac Newton who proved how gravity works. Carl Friedrich Gauss, `the Prince of Mathematicians'. Charles Babbage who invented computers. Ada Lovelace who wrote the first computer program. Contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words.Read by Collins. 57 minutes.Ahern, Cecelia. Flawed. 2016. TB700112.Flawed: book 1. Celestine lives a perfect life. She’s a model daughter and sister, she’s well-liked by her classmates and teachers, and she’s dating the impossibly charming Art. But then Celestine encounters a situation in which she makes an instinctive decision. She breaks a rule and faces life-changing repercussions. She could be imprisoned. She could be found FLAWED.Read by Aysha Kala. 11 hours 27 minutes.Ahern, Cecelia. Perfect. 2017. TB701859.Flawed: book 2. Celestine lives in a society that demands perfection. After she was branded Flawed by a morality court, all her freedoms have gone. Since Judge Crevan has declared her the number one threat to the public, she has been on the run with the complicated, attractive Carrick. But Celestine has a secret, one that could bring the entire Flawed system crumbling to the ground.Read by Aysha Kala. 10 hours 47 minutes.Armentrout, Jennifer L. If There's No Tomorrow. 2017. TB702371.One night can change everything. Lena and Sebastian have been close for as long as anyone can remember. Best friends, even. But secretly Lena has been wanting something more - Sebastian could be more than a friend. But in a single night, after a single party, everything changes and suddenly Lena isn't thinking about her relationship with Sebastian at all.Read by Jorjeana Marie. 10 hours 34 minutes.Camden, Steven. It's about love. 2015. TB700340.Real life is messier than the movies. Just like in Star Wars, he's Luke and she's Leia. Same film studies course, different backgrounds, different ends of town. Only this isn't a film. This is real life. This is where monsters from the past come back to take revenge. This is where you are sometimes the monster. Where the things we build to protect us, can end up doing the most harm.Read by Steven Camden. 7 hours 7 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The selection. 2014. TB700308.Selection: book 1. Thirty-five beautiful girls. It's the chance of a lifetime and 17-year-old America Singer should feel lucky. She has been chosen for The Selection, a reality TV lottery in which the special few compete for Prince Maxon's love. America is living a new and glamorous life. And the prince takes a special interest in her, much to the outrage of the others. Read by Amy Rubinate. 8 hours 8 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The Elite. 2014. TB700423.Selection: book 2. The Selection gets fierce as rivals stake their claim on the prince. Only six girls are left and sworn friendships are tested to breaking point. America's feelings for Maxon grow stronger, but she suspects darker mysteries in his royal past. With ex-lover Aspen waiting for her in the shadows, where do her loyalties truly lie?Read by Amy Rubinate. 7 hours 43 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The one. 2014. TB700628.Selection: book 3. For the four girls left, the friendships they've formed and dangers they've faced have bound them to each other for the rest of their lives. America never dreamed she would find herself close to Prince Maxon's heart. As the competition nears its end and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realises just how much she stands to lose. Read by Amy Rubinate. 7 hours 25 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The heir. 2015. TB700630.Selection: book 4. Eighteen years ago, America Singer entered the Selection and won Prince Maxon's heart. Now the time has come for Princess Eadlyn to hold a Selection of her own. Eadlyn doesn't expect her Selection to be anything like her parents' fairy-tale love story but as the competition begins, she may discover that finding her own happily ever after isn't as impossible as she's thought.Read by Brittany Pressley. 8 hours 48 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The crown. 2016. TB700919.Selection: book 5. Twenty years have passed since America and Prince Maxon fell in love, and their daughter is the first princess to hold a Selection of her own. Eadlyn didn't think she would find a real partner among the Selection's, let alone true love. Sometimes the heart has a way of surprising you. And now Eadlyn must make a choice that feels more difficult than she ever expected.Read by Brittany Pressley. 7 hours 12 minutes.Cass, Kiera. The Siren. 2016. TB700424.The Ocean has occasionally rescued women from drowning. To repay their debt, these young women must serve for 100 years as Sirens, using their deadly voices to lure strangers into watery graves. Sirens must never speak to humans. Kahlen is resigned to finishing her sentence in solitude until she meets Akinli. They soon forge a connection neither of them can deny. Read by Arielle DeLisle. 7 hours 1 minute.Conrad, Lauren. Starstruck. 2012. TB700644.Fame Game: book 2. The claws are out in the race to become Hollywood's brightest star. Now Madison’s ready for her turn in the spotlight and she'll stop at nothing to get it. But with backstabbing friends and family, relentless paparazzi and tabloid scandals she can't control, Madison is going to have her work cut out for her.Read by Jenna Lamia. 7 hours 28 minutes.Conrad, Lauren. Infamous. 2013. TB700645.Fame game: book 3. OMG, Madison Parker is back once again for the third book in her deliciously mean The Fame Game series. With backstabbing friends and family, relentless paparazzi and tabloid scandals she can't control, Madison is going to have her work cut out for her.Read by Jenna Lamia. 6 hours 40 minutes.Corr, Katharine. The witch's kiss. 2016. TB700539.Witch's kiss: book 1. Sixteeen-year-old Meredith is fed-up with her feuding family and feeling invisible at school – not to mention the witch magic that shoots out of her fingernails when she’s stressed. Then sweet, sensitive Jack comes into her life and she falls for him hard. The only problem is that he is periodically possessed by a destructive centuries-old curse. Read by Katy Sobey. 9 hours 37 minutes.Corr, Katharine. The witch's tears. 2017. TB700031.Witch's kiss: book 2. It's not easy being a teenage witch. Merry’s drowning in textbooks and rules set by the coven, drowning in heartbreak after the loss of Jack. But big brother Leo is falling apart and everything Merry does seems to push him further to the brink. So, when strangers offering friendship show them a different path, they'd be mad not to take it.Read by Sarah Ovens. 7 hours 21 minutes.Corr, Katharine. The Witch's Blood. 2018. TB702628.Witch's Kiss: book 3. Life as a teenage witch just got harder for Merry when her brother, Leo is captured and taken into an alternative reality by evil witch Ronan. Merry needs to use blood magic to outwit her arch-rival and get Leo back. Merry is more powerful than ever now, but she is also more dangerous and within the coven, loyalties are split on her use of the magic. Read by Katy Sobey. 9 hours 9 minutes.de la Cruz, Melissa. Something inbetween. 2016. TB700346.Jasmine de los Santos has been pushed by her immigrant parents to over-achieve and be the best she can be. She's thrilled to be named a finalist for a big college scholarship. But when she brings home the paperwork, she learns that she and all her family are in the country illegally. As Jasmine's world shatters around her, she rebels. Is she American or illegal or something in between?Read by Cassie Simone. 12 hours 7 minutes.de la Cruz, Melissa. Someone To Love. 2018. TB702560.Liv Blakely knows how important it is to look good. Her father is launching a political career and Liv will be making public appearances. She has an image to uphold-to her maybe-boyfriend, to her new friends, and to the public who love to find fault on social media. But as the high price of perfection takes a toll. Can Liv find something else to live for before she goes too far?Read by Caitlin Kelly. 10 hours 40 minutes.Edwards, Janet. Earth Girl. 2017. TB702533.Earth girl: book 1. 18-year-old Jarra is born with an immune system that cannot survive on other planets. Sent to Earth to save her life, Jarra invents a fake background for herself - as a normal child of Military parents. A solar storm strikes the atmosphere, and the class is ordered to portal off-world for safety - no problem for a real child of military parents, but fatal for Jarra.Read by Nura Nash. 1hour 52 minutes.Falkoff, Michelle. Pushing perfect. 2016. TB700017.'Perfect' Kara has always hated her nickname. Especially now that she no longer lives up to it. Now all she wants is to get into Harvard and leave high school behind. So when the pressure to ace her exams finally gets to her, Kara does one tiny bad thing, just to ease the stress. If it will help Kara get a perfect exam score it's a price she's willing to pay she never expects to get caught out.Read by Kathryn Griffiths. 6 hours 58 minutes.Foster, Amy S. The rift uprising. 2016. TB700627.Rift uprising: book 1. Seventeen-year-old Ryn Whittaker is a Citadel: an elite, enhanced soldier specially chosen to guard a Rift, a mysterious and dangerous portal to alternate Earths scientists cannot control or close. But the teenager's military conditioning and education have not prepared her for the boy who crosses through-a confused young man, seemingly lost and alone.Read by Claire Coffee.12 hours 25 minutes.Foster, Amy S. The Rift Frequency. 2017. TB702322.Rift Uprising: book 2. With the Battle Ground Rift site in chaos, Ezra is accidentally pushed through The Rift, taking with him a stolen laptop and the valuable secrets it holds. Ryn has no choice but to follow. From a world where she was never even born, Ryn must fight her way through alternative realities to unlock the mystery of what she is and take back control of her future.Read by Claire Coffee. 11 hours 15 minutes.Gaiman, Neil. Eternity's wheel. 2015. TB700181.InterWorld: book 3. As the threat of FrostNight looms ever closer, Joey seeks out more of his fellow Walkers across the Altiverse, training them as fast as he can. But even a solid team of recruits can’t prepare Joey for the ultimate showdown with InterWorld’s enemies, old and new. Joey never wanted to be in charge. But he’s the one everyone is looking to now.Read by Alexander Cendese. 6 hours 26 minutes.Gomes, N. D. Dear Charlie. 2016. TB700258.At sixteen, Sam Macmillan is supposed to be thinking about girls, homework and his upcoming application to music college, not picking up the pieces after the school shooting that his brother committed. As Sam desperately tries to hang on to the memories he has of his brother, the media storm threatens to destroy everything. Sam has to question all he thought he knew about life. Read by Huw Parmenter. 6 hours.Gomes, N. D. Blackbird. 2017. TB702346.It was New Year’s Eve the night that dead blackbirds descended, hours before fourteen year old Alex’s sister Olivia went missing from a party. Committed to finding out what happened to her sister, Alex knows that sometimes intoxicated Detective Inspector Birkens is her best shot. As they uncover the secrets behind Olivia's last night, Alex finds things she may be better off never knowing. Read by Angela Ness and Ruth Urquhart. 6 hours 3 minutes.Greene, Vivi. Sing. 2016. TB700658.America's most famous pop star flees the spotlight to recover from her latest break-up in Maine, only to fall for a local boy and be faced with an impossible choice at the end of the summer: her new guy, or her music.Read by Andi Arndt. 6 hours 18 minutes.Haig, Francesca. The fire sermon. 2015. TB700477.Fire Sermon: book 1. Cass is born a few minutes after her brother, Zach. Both infants are perfect, but only one is a blessing; only one is an Alpha. The other child must be cast out. But with no difference, other than their genders, their parents cannot tell which baby is tainted. Perfect twins. So rare, they are almost a myth. But sooner or later the Omega will slip up. Read by Yolanda Kettle. 11 hours 55 minutes.Haig, Francesca. The map of bones. 2016. TB700747.Fire Sermon: book 2. The Omega resistance has been attacked, its members dead or in hiding. The Alpha Council's plan for containing the Omegas has begun. But all is not lost: the Council's seer is dead, killed by her twin's sacrifice. Cass is left haunted by visions of the past, while her brother Zach's cruelty pushes her to the edge, and threatens to destroy everything she hopes for.Read by Yolanda Kettle. 13 hours 22 minutesHaig, Francesca. The forever ship. 2017. TB701977.Fire sermon: book 3. Elsewhere exists. Cass, Piper and Zoe must race to prevent the Alpha's from destroying what might be the only salvation for the Omegas and an end to the discrimination that comes, for them, with existing. But while they struggle to change the world, Cass must also overcome her grief and loyalty to her twin if she is ever to be free.Read by Yolanda Kettle. 13 hours 36 minutes.Hill, Will. Department 19. 2012. TB700265.Department 19: book 1. In a secret supernatural battle that's been raging for over a century, the stakes have just been raised. When Jamie’s mother is kidnapped by strange creatures, he finds himself dragged into Department 19, the government's most secret agency. Department 19 can provide Jamie with the tools he needs to find his mother, and to kill the vampires who want him dead. Read by Jot Davies. 14 hours 9 minutes.Isbell, Tom. The prey. 2015. TB700579.Prey trilogy: book 1. After a radiation blast burned most of the Earth to a crisp, the new government established settlement camps for the survivors. At one such camp, Book and the other `LTs' are eager to graduate as part of the Rite. Until they learn the dark truth: `LTs' doesn't stand for lieutenant but for `Less Thans', feared by society and raised to be hunted for sport.Read by Ariana Delawari and Christian Barrilas. 9 hours 20 minutes.Isbell, Tom. The capture. 2016. TB700667.Prey trilogy: book 2. Book, Hope and Cat can't settle into their new free lives knowing that other LTs and Sisters are still imprisoned at the camp. But with new enemies lurking in the shadows, a rescue mission will not be easy. The group must put their fate in the hands of unexpected allies, but at what cost? They must ask themselves what they're willing to do to free their friends. Read by Ariana Delawari and Christian Barillas. 10 hours 41 minutes.Isbell, Tom. The release. 2017. TB700063.Prey trilogy: book 3. Two months have passed since Book, Cat, Hope, and the two others rescued the remaining Less Thans, but no one is safe yet. The group must leave Liberty for good and escape the wolves, the Brown Shirts and the Hunters. Most important, they need to stop Chancellor Maddox before she executes her Final Solution and grows even more powerful. Read by Christian Barillas. 8 hours 1 minute.Kantor, Melissa. Better than perfect. 2015. TB700273.Juliet seemingly has it all. Popular, pretty, with laidback, loving parents, a devoted boyfriend and a straight A report card. But then the cracks start to show: her parents separate, which leads to her mother taking an overdose. With the stress of college applications looming on the night of her mother's hospitalization, Juliet takes comfort in the arms of a stranger. Read by Caitlin Davies. 7 hours 43 minutes.Landy, Derek. Desolation. 2016. TB700186.Demon Road: book 2. Reeling from their encounter in New York City at the end of Demon Road, Amber and Milo flee north. On their trail are the Hounds of Hell - five demonic bikers who will stop at nothing to drag their quarries back to their unholy master. Amber and Milo's only hope lies with Desolation Hill, a town with a darkness to it, where evil seeps through the very floorboards.Read by Kathryn Griffiths. 11 hours 13 minutes.Landy, Derek. American monsters. 2016. TB700766.Demon Road Trilogy: book 3. Amber closes in on her murderous parents as they make one last desperate play for power. Her own last hopes of salvation, however, rest beyond vengeance, beyond the abominable killers - living and dead - that she and Milo will have to face. For Amber's future lies in her family's past, in the brother and sister she never knew. Read by Kathryn Griffiths. 8 hours 34 minutes.Macgregor, Virginia. Wishbones. 2017. TB700091.Feather Tucker has two wishes:1)To get her mum healthy again 2) To win the Junior UK swimming championships. When Feather comes home on New Year's Eve to find her mother - one of Britain's most obese women- in a diabetic coma, she realises something has to be done to save her mum's life. But can Feather fix it in time for her mum to watch her swim to victory? Read by Imogen Wilde. 9 hours 3 minutes.Marr, Melissa. Faery tales and nightmares. 2012. TB700598.An anthology of short stories many set in the world of the Wicked Lovely series. Marr revisits faeries Niall and Irial, and introduces new beings, including a vampire, a pair of selchie brothers, and a goblin. The creatures can appear anywhere, coming from the sea, from the woods, from inside storms; they may come seeking to bring destruction or to find a passionate encounter.Read by Kaleo Griffith and Mia Barron. 9 hours 26 minutes.Marr, Melissa. Carnival of secrets. 2014. TB700362.Untamed city: book 1. Warriors Kaleb and Aya will stop at nothing to destroy their competition. When Kaleb finds his fate entwined with that of Mallory, a seventeen-year-old human girl, he can't seem to separate the Carnival contest from his sudden devotion to her. His strange, obsessive connection makes staying away from the witch-ruled human world, and Mallory, harder every day.Read by James Masters. 8 hours 5 minutes.McCreight, Kimberly. The scattering. 2017. TB701910.The Outliers: book 2. Wylie may have escaped the isolated camp in the woods, but she is far from safe. The only way to protect herself is to understand her strange abilities as an Outlier, fast. But allowing herself to read other peoples' emotions isn't just difficult, it's dangerous. And Wylie isn't the only one at risk.Read by Phoebe Strole. 8 hours 56 minutes.McGee, Katharine. The dazzling heights. 2017. TB702091.The Thousandth Floor: book 2. Manhattan is home to a thousand-story supertower. Here in the Tower, no one is safe, because someone is watching their every move, someone with revenge in mind. After all, in a world of such dazzling heights, you're always only one step away from a devastating fall.Read by Phoebe Strole. 13 hours 22 minutes.No?l, Alyson. Blacklist. 2017. TB701855.Layla, Aster and Tommy always dreamed of the ultimate lifestyle. But never imagined it would come with a cost, their involvement in the disappearance of Madison, a story that's blinded the world like a starlet dazzled by flashbulbs. Layla is receiving messages from an anonymous source, Aster faces a murder trial and Tommy is retracing his steps as the last person who Madison saw alive. Read by Kyla Garcia. 10 hours 17 minutes.Oakes, Colleen. Queen of hearts. 2016. TB700365.Queen of hearts: book 1. Dinah is the future Queen of Hearts, who will one day reign over Wonderland. Unaware of the dark depths of her kingdom; she longs only for her father's approval. When a betrayal breaks her heart and threatens her throne, Dinah is launched into the dangers of Wonderland. She must stay one step ahead of her enemies or it will be off with her head! Read by Moira Quirk. 6 hours 56 minutes.Oakes, Colleen. Blood of Wonderland. 2017. TB700044.Queen of Hearts: book 2. The once-future Queen of Hearts, Princess Dinah, has been exiled from Wonderland. Her vicious father who she always feared has framed her for a brutal murder and turned the kingdom against her. Dinah must leave Wonderland forever or stay and fight for the throne. Revolution is rising in Wonderland. Dinah's war has begun.Read by Moira Quirk. 7 hours 7 minutes.Oakes, Colleen. War of the cards. 2017. TB702376.Queen of Hearts: book 3. Dinah has lost everyone she ever loved. Her brother was brutally murdered. The man she believed was her father betrayed her. Her loyal subjects have been devastated by war. And the boy she gave her heart to broke it completely. Fury is blooming inside Dinah. All she has left is Wonderland and her crown, and her obsession to fight for both. Read by Moira Quirk. 7 hours 22 minutes.Oseman, Alice. I Was Born for This. 2018. TB703007.For Angel life is about The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark’s fandom has given her everything she loves. Jimmy owes everything to The Ark. He’s their frontman and playing in a band is all he ever dreamed of doing. But when Jimmy and Angel are unexpectedly thrust together, they find out how strange facing reality can be.Read by Aysha Kala and Huw Parmenter. 9 hours 45 minutes.Pike, Aprilynne. Wings. 2010. TB700297.Wings: book 1. Laurel is an ordinary fifteen-year-old high school girl until the morning when she wakes up to discover a flower blooming from her back. As it turns out, nothing in Laurel's life is what it seems. Now, with the help of a faerie sentry who holds the key to her past, Laurel must race to save her land from the evil influences that are trying to take it away from her and her family.Read by Mandy Siegfried. 6 hours 57 minutes.Pike, Aprilynne. Spells. 2010. TB700498.Wings: book 2. Although she's come to accept her identity as a faerie, Laurel refuses to turn her back on her human life. When she is summoned to Avalon to relearn her faerie magic, Laurel must depend on the faerie sentry Tamani. When a deadly enemy resurfaces and puts both Laurel's life and Avalon in danger, Laurel must draw on all her human strength as well as her faerie skills. Read by Mandy Siegfried. 8 hours 34 minutes.Pike, Aprilynne. Wild. 2011. TB700499.Wings: book 3. On the first day of Laurel's senior year there are two new arrivals. Tamani, with whom she shares a connection, appears posing as a foreign exchange student. And a foreign exchange student named Yuki whom Laurel quickly realises is a faerie. Laurel is determined to figure out how Yuki fits into the picture and the ever-increasing threats to her family and Avalon.Read by Mandy Siegfried. 9 hours 42 minutesPike, Aprilynne. Destined. 2012. TB700601.Wings: book 4. Laurel faces the fight of her life to save everything , and everyone, she loves. Now an enemy unlike any before, threatens Avalon and unless the faerie world can win out, there may be no choices left.Read by Mandy Seyfried. 8 hours 17 minutes.Pike, Aprilynne. Earthbound. 2014. TB702508.Earthbound: book 1. Eighteen-year-old Tavia is the only survivor of a plane crash that killed her parents. Grieving and lonely, she starts having strange visions; of a boy she's never met but feels drawn to. A boy who tells her to do things she never dreamed of. Tavia begins to suspect that secrets are being kept from her, and that her kindly aunt and uncle know more than they are letting on. Read by Hallie Cooper-Novack. 9 hours 56 minutes.Pike, Aprilynne. Earthquake. 2014. TB700368.Earthbound: book 2. Tavia is an Earthbound - a fallen goddess with the power to remake the Earth or destroy it. The Reduciata, a rival faction of Earthbounds, has created a virus that is wiping out swathes of the planet. But before Tavia can act on this discovery, she is captured and imprisoned. As her powers awaken, her centuries-long relationship with Logan is threatened. Read by Hallie Cooper-Novack. 12 hours 9 minutes.Ross, Rebecca. The Queen's Rising. 2018. TB702623.Born out of wedlock, Brienna is sent to Magnolia House to study the passions: art, music, wit and knowledge. Brienna must discover her passion and train hard to perfect her skill. As she gets close to her graduation, she also grows closer to her tutor, Cartier. He can sense that she is hiding a secret, but Brienna chooses not to reveal that she is experiencing memories of her ancestors. Read by Suzanne Elise Freeman. 12 hours 51 minutes.Roth, Veronica. The Fates Divide. 2018. TB702982.Carve the Mark: book 2. The lives of Cyra and Akos are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates are inescapable. Akos is in love with Cyra, he will die in service to Cyra's family. And when Cyra's father, reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever. As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. Read by Austin Butler, Emily Rankin, Aaron Spencer and Macleod Andrews. 13 hours 49 minutes.Seager, Chloe. Editing Emma: the secret blog of a nearly proper person. 2017. TB702062.When Emma is ghosted by love of her life Leon, she does what any girl would do, spends the summer avoiding all human contact, surrounded by the Chewit wrappers he left behind. Seeing Leon suddenly ‘in a relationship’ on Facebook, spurs Emma into action. She vows to use the internet for good (instead of stalking Leon’s social media), chronicling her adventures on her new blog. Read by Charlie Sanderson. 7 hours 39 minutes. Smale, Holly. All wrapped up. 2015. TB701194.Geek Girl Special: book 1. Harriet knows a lot about Christmas. She knows that every year Santa climbs down 91.8 million chimneys. She knows that Rudolph was almost definitely a girl.. But this Christmas is extra special for Harriet, because four days ago she had her first ever kiss. Now she just needs to work out what's supposed to happen next.Read by Katy Sobey. 1 hour 45 minutes.Smale, Holly. Sunny side up. 2016. TB700900.Geek Girl Special: book 2. Harriet knows many facts. And she knows everything there is to know about Paris, except what to do when you're the hottest new model at Fashion Week. Can Harriet find her je ne sais quoi or will it be sacre bleu! on the runway?Read by Katy Sobey and John Hasler. 4 hours 18 minutes.Smale, Holly. Head over heels. 2016. TB700200.Geek girl: book 5. Harriet knows exactly how her life should go. She's got it ALL planned out. So her friends seem less than happy, Harriet is determined to Make Things Happen! If only everyone else would stick to the script. But is following the rules going to break hearts for GEEK GIRL?Read by Katy Sobey. 9 hours 9 minutes.Smale, Holly. Forever geek. 2017. TB700084.Geek girl: book 6. Harriet knows modelling isn't a sure-fire route to popularity. Statistically you are more likely to not meet your Australian ex-boyfriend in Australia than bump into him there. Yet with nearly-not-quite-boyfriend Jasper back home, Harriet's completely unprepared to see supermodel ex Nick. It's time for Harriet to face the future. Time to work out where her heart lies. Read by Katy Sobey. 9 hours 20 minutes.Talley, Robin. As I descended. 2016. TB700307.This is a contemporary lesbian retelling of Macbeth. Maria and Lily are Acheron Academy’s ultimate power couple. Delilah is the winner of the Cawdor Kingsley Prize. But Delilah doesn’t know that Lily and Maria are willing to do anything to unseat Delilah for the scholarship. It would lock in Maria’s attendance at Stanford and assure her and Lily four more years in a shared dorm room.Read by Amielynn Abellera. 9 hours 10 minutes.Valentine, Jenny. The double life of Cassiel Roadnight. 2010. TB700156.Two boys. One identity. He can change his life if he says yes. The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight is the story of a boy who assumes the identity of a missing teenager and in-so-doing unearths a series of shattering family secrets and the truth about who he really is. This is a story about loss and betrayal, family secrets and personal identity.Read by Joe Van Moyland. 5 hours 5 minutes.Valentine, Jenny. The ant colony. 2010. TB700509.Number 33 Georgiana Street houses many people and yet seems home to none. To runaway Sam it is a place to disappear. To Bohemia, it's just another blip between crises, as her mum ricochets off the latest boyfriend. Old Isobel acts like she owns the place, even though it actually belongs to Steve in the basement, who is always looking to squeeze in yet another tenant. Read by Helen Longworth and Garreth Cassidy. 4 hours 21 minutes.Valentine, Jenny. Broken soup. 2010. TB700203.When the good-looking boy with the American accent presses the dropped negative into Rowan's hand, she's sure it's all a big mistake. But next moment he's gone, lost in the crowd of bustling shoppers. When she finds out that Bee from school saw the whole thing, it piques her curiosity. Who was the boy and why was he so insistent that the negative belonged to Rowan?Read by Ellie Seilern. 4 hours 58 minutes.Vick, Chris. Storms. 2017. TB701871.Jake and Hannah are inseparable. That is, until Hannah gets an opportunity that will take her away, where Jake could never afford to follow. Then the storm comes, bringing with it an extraordinary discovery, something that could turn Jake's life around. But the gifts of the sea can be cursed, and the great wave that is forming may break Jake and Hannah's world and their hearts.Read by Camilla Rockley and Laura Kirman. 9 hours 4 minutes.Wells, Dan. Partials. 2013. TB700310.Partials: book 1. The only hope for humanity isn't human. In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called `Partials', and where no baby survives longer than three days, a teenage girl makes it her mission to find a cure, and save her best friend's unborn child. But finding a cure means capturing a Partial.Read by Julia Whelan. 14 hours 7 minutes.Wells, Dan. Fragments. 2013. TB700609.Partials: book 2. Kira Walker nearly died searching for the RM cure, but the battle for survival is only just beginning. The genetically-engineered Partials are inextricably bound to a greater plan that could save both races and give Kira the answers she desperately seeks.Read by Julia Whelan. 16 hours 20 minutes.Wells, Dan. Ruins. 2014. TB700709.Partials: book 3. Humans and Partials alike are on the brink of destruction, and their only hope is to work together. Kira has fought her way through madness and ruin, but the greatest horror lies in a place she had never dared to consider: herself. She has one chance to save both species and the world. But it might be at the cost of her life.Read by Julia Whelan. 12 hours 39 minutes.Zhang, Kat. Once we were. 2015. TB700710.Hybrid Chronicles: book 2. Eva should not be alive. She should have been separated from her sister soul Addie, but instead they are a fugitive hybrid, on the run from the government. Joining an underground resistance movement, they are drawn deeper into the escalating violence.Read by Kim Mai Guest. 9 hours.Zhang, Kat. What's left of me. 2015. TB700610.Hybrid trilogy: book 1. Imagine that you have two minds, sharing one body. You and your other self are closer than twins, better than friends. Then imagine that people like you are hated and feared. That the government want to hunt you down and tear out your second soul, separating you from the person you love most in the world. Now meet Eva and Addie. They don't have to imagine.Read by Kim Mai Guest. 9 hours 37 minutes.15+ suggested reading ageBushnell, Candace. The Carrie diaries. 2010. TB700626.Carrie Diaries: book 1. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.Read by Sarah Drew. 9 hours 49 minutes.Bushnell, Candace. Summer and the city. 2011. TB700520.Carrie Diaries: book 2. This brings surprising revelations as Carrie learns to navigate her way around the Big Apple, going from being a country "sparrow" - as Samantha Jones dubs her - to the person she always wanted to be. But as it becomes increasingly difficult to reconcile her past with her future, Carrie realises that making it in New York is much more complicated than she ever imagined.Read by Jenna Lamia. 12 hours 8 minutes.Falkoff, Michelle. Playlist for the dead. 2015. TB700178.Here's what Sam knows: There was a party. The next morning, his best friend, Hayden, was dead. And all he left Sam was a playlist of songs and a suicide note: For; Sam listen and you'll understand. As he listens to song after song, Sam tries to face up to what happened. It's only by taking out his earbuds and opening his eyes that he will finally be able to piece together his best friend’s story.Read by Davis Brooks. 6 hours 47 minutes.Leech, Caroline. Wait for me. 2017. TB700005.It’s 1945, and Lorna’s life on her father’s farm in Scotland consists of endless chores, rationing and praying for an Allied victory. So when Paul Vogel, a German prisoner of war, is assigned as the new farmhand, Lorna is appalled. Lorna reluctantly spends time with Paul, but is soon battling her own warring heart. Loving Paul could mean losing her family and the life she’s always known.Read by Sarah McRae. 8 hours 11 minutes.McGee, Katharine. The thousandth floor. 2016. TB700487.The thousandth floor: book 1. Welcome to Manhattan, 2118. A thousand-storey tower stretching into the sky. New York's elite of the super-tower lie, backstab and betray each other to find their place at the top of the world. When a young woman falls from the top of the supertower, her death is the culmination of a scandal that has ensnared the top-floor elite and bottom-floor. Read by Phoebe Strole. 13 hours 18 minutes.Olin, Sean. Wicked Games. 2014. TB700490.Wicked Games: book 1. Carter has always been a good guy, and while Lilah has a troubled past, she's been a loyal girlfriend. So when smart, sexy Jules turns up at a senior-year bash, Carter doesn't intend to succumb to temptation and he doesn't intend for Lilah to find out. But by the end of the summer, the line between right and wrong will be blurred beyond recognition. Read by Kaleo Griffith. 7 hours 12 minutes.Oseman, Alice. Solitaire. 2014. TB700366.Solitaire: book 1. My name is Tori. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year – before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I will have to start talking to people I had friends. Now there's Solitaire. And Michael Holden. I don't know what Solitaire is trying to do, and I don't care about Michael Holden. Read by Holly Gibbs. 7 hours 16 minutes.Oseman, Alice. Radio silence. 2016. TB700491.Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship, unafraid to be herself. Then the podcast goes viral and the fragile trust between them is broken. Read by Aysha Kala. 10 hours 23 minutes.Skuse, C. J. The deviants. 2016. TB700377.The Fearless Five were inseparable. But when Max's older sister is killed, the friendship seems to die with her. Now only Max and Ella are in touch, best friends and a couple since they were thirteen. But Ella is hiding things - like why she's afraid to take their relationship to the next level. When underdog Corey is bullied, the Fearless Five are brought back together again. Read by Josie Dunn and Aysha Kala. 9 hours 12 minutes.Taylor, C. L. The Treatment. 2017. TB702306.When Drew's disruptive fifteen year old brother Mason is expelled from school for the third time and sent to a residential reform academy she's almost relieved. Everything changes when she's followed home from school by the mysterious Dr Cobey, who claims to have a message from Mason. There is something sinister about the `treatment' he is undergoing. The school is changing people. Determined to help her brother, Drew must infiltrate the Academy and unearth its deepest, darkest secrets.Read by Georgia Maguire. 8 hours.Vick, Chris. Kook. 2016. TB700608.Fifteen-year old Sam has moved from the big city to the coast, stuck there with his mum and sister on the edge of nowhere. Then he meets beautiful but damaged surfer-girl Jade. Soon he's in love with her, and with surfing itself. But Jade is driven by an obsession: finding and riding a legendary huge wave no one has ever ridden.Read by Huw Parmenter. 9 hours 10 minutes. ................

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