Stepek AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography HDI Mapping Activity Rubric 2016 – 2017 (45 points) Mr. StepekDirections: Use the following five colors to color code the world map based on levels of development (blue = very high, green = high, yellow = medium, orange = low, red = very low). ONLY use the file called “HDI Report 2015” which I have provided to you on my weebly page under the unit tab. It has been modified to fit this assignment so please DO NOT use another report that you download from the internet. After you have color-coded your map answer the following questions. Your answers should be in COMPLETE ANSWER form. Each written answer should 1) incorporate the question prompt into the answer, 2) use only full sentences, 3) make sure to answer all parts of each question, 4) identify all nouns before relying on pronouns within your answer, 5) whenever possible, use APHG vocabulary and content within your answers. Take your color coded map and fold it lengthwise along the 30°N line of latitude (this is approximately the northern coast of Africa through the panhandle of Florida and extending roughly along the Mexican-American border in the southwestern United States). What pattern of development (is one side more highly developed than the other?) do you notice as you flip your paper back and forth? Describe using several examples.Student recognizes that there is higher development above the fold and/or lower development below the fold - 1 pt.Student provides one piece of specific evidence from each above and below the fold – 2 pts.Total question #1: 3 pts.Google “Brandt Line” and read the Wikipedia article. The “Brandt Line” a visual depiction of what theory? Summarize the main ideas of this theory. Using a darker colored pen, marker or pencil, draw a bold Brandt’s line on your HDI map. Student cites North South Split/Divide: 1 pt.Referring to your map, describe the general level of development of Eastern Europe and note any exceptions? What happened in the 1990s which may have led to a decline in the development level of Eastern European countries from what it was when Brandt’s Line was conceptualized (see Rubenstein’s description of Russian human development on page 283 and read pages 231 – 232 on the destruction of Yugoslavia)? Describe. Student identifies general level of development in Russia/Eastern Europe as “high” - 1 pt.Student notes exceptions of [Ukraine] and [Southeastern Europe/Balkans/Former Yugoslavia] as medium – 2 pts.Student references the fall of communism and the painful transition from a planned economy to a market economy. – 2 pts.Total question #3: 5 pts.For questions #4 – 5 refer to pages 296 – 297 of Ch 9 in Rubenstein to help answer these questionsReferring to your map, what countries located below in East Asia and below the original Brandt’s line have achieved a “very high human development” level? These countries are part of what group of countries (the other two listed are too small to color code on this map)? How did this group of countries achieve this level of development?Student identifies South Korea and Taiwan as two East Asia countries that have achieved a “very high” level of development – 2 ptsStudents identifies the “Asian Tigers” or “Asian Dragons” – 1 pt.Students explain that the Four Asian Tigers achieved high development by following the international trade approach (only 1 pt.) But should also explain that they concentrated on producing a few types of manufactured goods like electronics and clothing (1 pt.) and exploited low labor costs to make theses products cheaply and sell them to MDCs (1 pt) – 3 pts. TotalTotal question #4: 6 pts.What countries in the Middle East enjoy a higher level of human development than others in this region? What explains this difference (see Rubenstein 296 – 297)?Student identifies [Saudi Arabia and any of the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain] or identifies the countries as the Arabian Peninsula States or The Persian Gulf States” or something similar as having a higher level of human development than other countries in the region – 2 pts. Students explain that they are oil-rich countries (1 pt.) AND that they used rising oil prices to make economic investment in infrastructure and/or to import consumer goods (1 pt.) – 2 pts Total question #5: 4 pts.For questions #7 – 9, you will be using Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory which we will cover in class this week.What two regions (refer to our regionalization exercise) of the world have the lowest level of human development? According to Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory (which we will cover in class on Thursday), what tier of the world economic system do these countries most likely occupy? What is their main role in the global economic system?Student identifies Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia as having the lowest level of human development – 2 pts. These countries would most likely occupy the periphery according to Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory – 1 pt.Students explain that either they this is where low technology, low skill, low education and low wealth are embedded OR that they are mostly exploited by the other tiers for low cost labor and raw materials. – 1 pt.Total for question #6: 4 pts Other than being in the same region, MANY countries in the “very low human development” category share what GEOGRAPHIC similarity? How might this similarity contribute to their “very low” development level? Students recognizes that many countries in the very low development category are also landlocked – 1 pt.Students recognize that being landlocked would be a hindrance to a country’s access to international trade and therefore could lower their development – 1 pt.Total for question #7: 2 pts (this question is not included in the total, it is extra-credit) According to Wallerstein, what role or processes in the world systems theory do semi-periphery countries perform? Based on the map, identify five countries that you would consider to be “semi-periphery” countries. Students explain that in the semi-periphery there is a mixture of core processes and periphery process being performed (These countries might have high tech manufacturing AND manual subsistence farming occurring simultaneously) – 1 pt.Countries that could be included as being in the semi-periphery include: China, India, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, Malaysia, Eastern European countries such as Poland or Hungary, Potugal Mexico, Chile, Turkey, Panama, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States – 5 pts.Total for question #8: 6 pts. According to Wallerstein, what role or processes in the world systems theory do core countries perform? Their position in the world economy is the legacy of what historical process? Based on the map, identify five countries (including at least two outside of Europe and North America) that you would consider to be “core” countries.Students explain that either the core is where high technology, high skill, high education processes happen and where high wealth is generated OR in the core is economically dominant due to its control over corporate decision making, finance, design, engineering and research – 1 pt.The core position in the world economy was established through imperialism (colonialism) – 1 pt.Countries (outside of Europe and North America) included in the core are Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong – 2 pts.Any other countries including those not used above and any in Western Europe (Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Italy etc.) and the US/Canada – 3 pts Total for question #9: 7 pointsStudents should be assessed on writing style using the rubric below for 0 – 9 pointsEvery writing assignment will be assessed by the skill rubric in order to increase student achievement in writing style. The submission will also be graded for content. Skill321IntroductionStudent starts their response by integrating the prompt, and continues this style with all question componentsStudent does not fully integrate the prompt into the beginning of their response, or does not do so for all question components.Student does not start their response by using the prompt as a stimulus and does not incorporate the prompt in any of the question components.VocabularyStudent integrates necessary vocabulary with detailed explanation and connection to question.Student uses vocabulary, but does not have a detailed connection to prompt.Student does not use the vocabulary from the unit.ORStudent does not have a relevant connectionClarity/StyleStudent writes legible sentences and labels the response corresponding to the prompt.Student writes legible sentences but does not have organized structure corresponding to the prompt.Student responds using bullet points OR Handwriting is not legible. ................

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