A Collection of Law Review Articles Which Cite Legal Blogs

A Collection of Law Review Articles Citing Legal Blogs

August 17, 2006

Compiled and Edited by Ian Best

Available for Downloading at:

- List of Cited Legal Blogs -

Blog (# of Citations) Page

Althouse (6) 1

Appellate Law and Practice (2) 1

Bag and Baggage (3) 1

Balkinization (32) 2

The Becker-Posner Blog (12) 4

Beyond Structured Settlements (1) 4

Blakely Blog (inactive) (2) 5

Capital Defense Weekly (5) 5

Concurring Opinions (5) 5

The Confrontation Blog (9) 6

Conglomerate (8) 6

CONSEJO (inactive) (1) 7

ContractsProf Blog (2) 7

(1) 7

Daily Developments in EEO Law (1) 7

Disability Law (1) 8

(5) 8

Dubitante (inactive) (1) 8

Elder Law Prof Blog (1) 8

Electronic Discovery and Evidence (1) 8

Eminent Domain Watch (2) 9

Equal Vote (4) 9

ER Law & News (inactive) (1) 9

EU Law Blog (1) 9

Ex Parte (1) 9

How Appealing (30) 10

Ideoblog (4) 12

Instapundit (8) 12

Intel Dump (1) 12

I/P Updates (1) 13

IPKat (1) 13

Is That Legal? (3) 13

The JAG Hunter (inactive) (1) 13

Jottings by an Employer’s Lawyer (1) 13

Legal Profession in Poland (inactive) (1) 13

Legal Theory Blog (30) 14

Leiter Reports (10) 16

Lessig Blog (21) 16

Mauled Again (1) 18

Ms. Morality (inactive) (1) 18

Navigating the Patent Maze (4) 18

New York Civil Law (1) 18

Ninomania (1) 19

Ninth Circuit Blog (3) 19

Nomination Nation (inactive) (1) 19

Opinio Juris (5) 19

Patently-O: Patent Law Blog (17) 20

The Patry Copyright Blog (2) 21

PrawfsBlawg (4) 21

(16) 21

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) Blog (1) 22

Religion Clause (1) 22

(The Return of) Ignatz (inactive) (2) 23

The Right Coast (2) 23

RiskProf (1) 23

SCOTUSBlog (32) 23

Scrivener’s Error (1) 25

Sentencing Law and Policy (78) 25

Southern District of Florida Blog (1) 30

Sports and the Law Report (inactive) (1) 30

Start Making Sense (1) 31

Statutory Construction Zone (inactive) (1) 31

Tax & Business Law Commentary (1) 31

A Taxing Blog (inactive) (1) 31

TaxProf Blog (5) 31

Texas Law Blog (inactive) (1) 32

The TTABlog (2) 32

The UCL Practitioner (2) 32

Underneath Their Robes (2) 32

The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog (2) 32

The Volokh Conspiracy (62) 33

White Collar Crime Prof Blog (10) 36

Workplace Prof Blog (1) 37

The Yin Blog (1) 37

3L Epiphany (2) 37

A Collection of Law Review Articles Citing Legal Blogs

August 17, 2006

Compiled and Edited by Ian Best

Available for Downloading at:

Althouse (6)


1. Ann Bartow, Some Dumb Girl Syndrome: Challenging and Subverting Destructive Stereotypes of Female Attorneys, 11 Wm. & Mary J. of Women & L. 221 (Winter, 2005)

2. Osmar J. Benvenuto, Note: Reevaluating the Debate Surrounding the Supreme Court’s Use of Foreign Precedent, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 2695 (April, 2006)

3. Robin Charlow, The Elusive Meaning of Religious Equality, 83 Wash. U. L. Q. 1529 (2005)

4. Paul Horwitz, "Or of the [Blog]", 11 Nexus J. Op. 45 (2006)

5. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

6. Ernest A. Young, Just Blowing Smoke? Politics, Doctrine, and the Federalist Revival after Gonzales v. Raich, 2005 Sup. Ct. Rev. 1 (2005)

Appellate Law & Practice (2)


1. Roger Clegg et al, The Bullet and the Ballot? The Case for Felon Disenfranchisement Statutes, 14 Am. U.J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 1 (2006)

2. S. Brannon Latimer, Note: Due Process – Habeas Review and Outside Influences on the Jury – The Ninth Circuit Holds that Buttons Depicting the Victim’s Photo, Worn by Immediate Family During Murder Trial, Pose an Unacceptable Risk of Impermissible Influence on the Jury Under Clearly Established Law, 59 SMU L. Rev. 123 (Winter, 2006)

Bag and Baggage (3)


1. Paul S. Gutman, Say What?: Blogging and Employment Law in Conflict, 27 Colum. J.L. & Arts 145 (Fall, 2003)

2. David D. Smyth III, A New Framework for Analyzing Gag Orders Against Trial Witnesses, 56 Baylor L. Rev. 89 (Winter, 2004)

3. Christopher Sprigman, Reform(aliz)ing Copyright, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 485 (Nov., 2004)

Balkinization (32)


1. Graeme W. Austin, Symposium: Metamorphosis of Artists’ Rights in the Digital Age: Keynote Address, 28 Colum. J.L. & Arts 397 (Summer, 2005)

2. Ann Bartow, Women in the Web of Secondary Copyright Liability and Internet Filtering, 32 N. Ky. L. Rev. 449 (2005)

3. Paul Schiff Berman, Review: Seeing Beyond the Limits of International Law, 84 Tex. L. Rev. 1265 (April, 2006)

4. Stephen B. Burbank, Symposium: The Selection, Tenure, and Extrajudicial Authority of the Chief Justice and Other Justices: Alternative Career Resolution II: Changing the Tenure of Supreme Court Justices, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1511 (June, 2006)

5. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

6. Thomas B. Colby, A Constitutional Hierarchy of Religions? Justice Scalia, the Ten Commandments, and the Future of the Establishment Clause, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1097 (Spring, 2006)

7. David Cole & Martin S. Lederman, The National Security Agency's Domestic Spying Program: Framing the Debate, 81 Ind. L.J. 1355 (Fall, 2005)

8. Lyle Denniston, Legal Blogs: The Search for Legitimacy, 11 Nexus J. Op. 17 (2006)

9. Ben Depoorter, The Several Lives of Mickey Mouse: The Expanding Boundaries Of Intellectual Property Law, 9 Va. J.L. & Tech. 4 (Spring, 2004)

10. Laura A. Dickinson, Government for Hire: Privatizing Foreign Affairs and the Problem of Accountability under International Law, 47 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 135 (Oct., 2005)

11. Michael C. Dorf, Review: After Bureaucracy, 71 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1245 (Summer, 2004)

12. David J. Gottlieb, Law-Free Zones, 15 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 7 (Fall, 2005)

13. Robert Hockett, Review: The Limits of Their World, 90 Minn. L. Rev. 1720 (June, 2006)

14. David L. Hudson, Jr., Blogs and the First Amendment, 11 Nexus J. Op. 129 (2006)

15. M. Cathleen Kaveny, Prophecy and Casuistry: Abortion, Torture and Moral Discourse, 51 Vill. L. Rev. 499 (2006)

16. Ken I. Kersch, The New Legal Transnationalism, the Globalized Judiciary, and the Rule of Law, 4 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 345 (2005)

17. Harold Hongju Koh, A World Without Torture, 43 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 641 (2005)

18. Sanford Levinson, Symposium: Emergency Powers and the Constitution: Response: The Deepening Crisis of American Constitutionalism, 40 Ga. L. Rev. 877 (Spring, 2006)

19. Ira C. Lupu & Robert W. Tuttle, The Faith-Based Initiative and the Constitution, 55 DePaul L. Rev. 1 (Fall, 2005)

20. Andrew J. McClurg, Kiss and Tell: Protecting Intimate Relationship Privacy through Implied Contracts of Confidentiality, 74 U. Cin. L. Rev. 887 (Spring, 2006)

21. Stephen M. McJohn, Eldred’s Aftermath: Tradition, the Copyright Clause, and the Constitutionalization of Fair Use, 10 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L. Rev. 95 (Fall, 2003)

22. Ernest Miller, First Amendment Scrutiny of Expanded Secondary Liability in Copyright, 32 N. Ky. L. Rev. 507 (2005)

23. Adam Mossoff, Is Copyright Property?, 42 San Diego L. Rev. 29 (Feb./Mar., 2005)

24. John T. Parry, Symposium: Fighting Terrorism with Torture: Where to Draw the Line?: "Just for Fun": Understanding Torture and Understanding Abu Ghraib, 1 J. Nat'l Security L. & Pol'y 253 (2005)

25. Cornelia Pillard, Unitariness and Myopia: The Executive Branch, Legal Process, and Torture, 81 Ind. L.J. 1297 (Fall, 2005)

26. Kim Lane Scheppele, Symposium: Fighting Terrorism with Torture: Where to Draw the Line?: "Just for Fun": Understanding Torture and Understanding Abu Ghraib, 1 J. Nat'l Security L. & Pol'y 285 (2005)

27. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

28. Lawrence B. Solum, Judicial Selection: Ideology versus Character, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 659 (Jan. 2005)

29. Haridimos V. Thravalos, The Military Commission in the War on Terrorism, 51 Vill. L. Rev. 737 (2006)

30. W. Bradley Wendel, Legal Ethics and the Separation of Law and Morals, 91 Cornell L. Rev. 67 (Nov., 2005)

31. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

32. Peter K. Yu, The Escalating Copyright Wars, 32 Hofstra L. Rev. 907 (Spring, 2004)

The Becker-Posner Blog (12)


1. Walter Block, Coase and Kelo: Ominous Parallels and Reply to Lott on Rothbard on Coase, 27 Whittier L. Rev. 997 (Summer, 2006)

2. Susan Block-Lieb and Edward J. Janger, The Myth of the Rational Borrower: Rationality, Behavioralism, and the Misguided "Reform" of Bankruptcy Law, 84 Tex. L. Rev. 1481 (May, 2006)

3. Colin F. Camerer, Wanting, Liking, and Learning: Neuroscience and Paternalism, 73 U. Chi. L. Rev. 87 (Winter, 2006)

4. Stephen Choi & G. Mitu Gulati, Mr. Justice Posner? Unpacking the Statistics, 61 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 19 (2005)

5. Cynthia M. Davis, "The Great Divorce” of Government and Marriage: Changing the Nature of the Gay Marriage Debate, 89 Marq. L. Rev. 795 (Summer, 2006)

6. Ryan C. Grelecki, Can Law and Economics Bring the Funk … or Efficiency?: A Law and Economics Analysis of Digital Sampling, 33 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 297 (Fall, 2005)

7. John Fee, Eminent Domain and the Sanctity of the Home, 81 Notre Dame L. Rev. 783 (March, 2006)

8. Nancy J. Knauer, A Marriage Skeptic Responds to the Pro-Marriage Proposals to Abolish Civil Marriage, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 1261 (Jan., 2006)

9. Aaron G. Murphy, Note: The Migratory Patterns of Business in the Global Village, 2 N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. 229 (Fall, 2005)

10. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

11. Karen M. Wieghaus, Note: The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003: The Wrong Prescription for our Nation’s Senior Citizens?, 11 Conn. Ins. L.J. 401 (2004/2005)

12. Adam Wolfson, Note: “Electronic Fingerprints”: Doing Away with the Conception of Computer-Generated Records as Hearsay, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 151 (Oct., 2005)

Beyond Structured Settlements (1)


1. Michael Kahlenberg, Note & Comment: Broken Record Lawmaking and Stare Decisis: The Unconstitutionality of Ohio’s Latest Tort Reform Effort, 37 U. Tol. L. Rev. 959 (Summer, 2006)

Blakely Blog (inactive) (2)


1. Steven L. Chanenson, The Next Era of Sentencing Reform, 54 Emory L.J. 377 (Winter, 2005)

2. Lenell Nussbaum, Sentencing in Washington after Blakely v. Washington, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 23 (Oct., 2005)

Capital Defense Weekly (5)


1. Thomas Aumann, Death by Peers: The Extension of the Sixth Amendment to Capital Sentencing in Ring v. Arizona, 34 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 845 (Summer, 2003)

2. John Brigham, New Federalism: Unusual Punishment: The Federal Death Penalty in the United States, 16 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 195 (2004)

3. Craig Estlinbaum, South Texas Law Review at Fifty: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, 46 S. Tex. L. Rev. 25 (Fall, 2004)

4. Daniel Nickel, Constitutional Law: Retarded Justice: The Supreme Court's Subjective Standards for Capital Punishment of the Mentally Retarded, 56 Okla. L. Rev. 879 (Winter, 2003)

5. Ronald F. Wright, Prosecutorial Guidelines and the New Terrain in New Jersey, 109 Penn St. L. Rev. 1087 (Spring, 2005)

Concurring Opinions (5)


1. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

2. Charles J. Keeley III, Note: Subway Searches: Which Exception to the Warrant and Probable Cause Requirements Applies to Suspicionless Searches of Mass Transit Passengers to Prevent Terrorism?, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 3231 (May, 2006)

3. Donald J. Kochan, The Blogosphere and The New Pamphleteers, 11 Nexus J. Op. 99 (2006)

4. Lior Jacob Strahilevitz, Information Asymmetries and the Rights to Exclude, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 1835 (July, 2006)

5. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

The Confrontation Blog (9)


1. Joshua Deahl, Note: Expanding Forfeiture without Sacrificing Confrontation after Crawford, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 599 (Dec., 2005)

2. Richard D. Friedman, Symposium: Crawford and Beyond: Exploring the Future of the Confrontation Clause in Light of Its Past: Grappling with the Meaning of “Testimonial,” 71 Brooklyn L. Rev. 241 (Fall, 2005)

3. Brooks Holland, Symposium: Crawford and Beyond: Exploring the Future of the Confrontation Clause in Light of Its Past: Testimonial Statements under Crawford: What Makes Testimony… Testimonial?, 71 Brooklyn L. Rev. 281 (Fall, 2005)

4. Rorry Kinnally, A Bad Case of Indigestion: Internalizing Changes in the Right to Confrontation after Crawford v. Washington Both Nationally and in Wisconsin, 89 Marq. L. Rev. 625 (Spring, 2006)

5. Laurie E. Martin, Note: Child Abuse Witness Protections Confront Crawford v. Washington, 39 Ind. L. Rev. 113 (2005)

6. David L. McColgin & Brett G. Sweitzer, Grid & Bear It: Post-Booker Sentencing Litigation Strategies, 29 Champion 42 (Dec., 2005)

7. Lynn McLain, Post-Crawford: Time to Liberalize the Substantive Admissibility of a Testifying Witness’s Prior Consistent Statements, 74 UMKC L. Rev. 1 (Fall, 2005)

8. Daniel E. Monnat & Paige A. Nichols, The Kid Gloves are Off: Child Hearsay After Crawford v. Washington, 30 Champion 18 (Jan./Feb., 2006)

9. Jeanine Percival, Note: The Price of Silence: The Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases in Light of Crawford v. Washington, 79 S. Cal. L. Rev. 213 (Nov., 2005)

Conglomerate (8)


1. Bernard S. Black & Paul L. Caron, Symposium: The Next Generation of Law School Rankings: Ranking Law Schools: Using SSRN to Measure Scholarly Performance, 81 Ind. L.J. 83 (Winter, 2006)

2. Victor Fleischer, Brand New Deal: The Branding Effect of Corporate Deal Structures, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 1581 (June, 2006)

3. Lawrence A. Hamermesh, Twenty Years After Smith v. Van Gorkom: An Essay on the Limits of Civil Liability of Corporate Directors and the Role of Shareholder Inspection Rights, 45 Washburn L.J. 283 (Winter, 2006)

4. Denise M. Howell, Blog You, 11 Nexus J. Op. 69 (2006)

5. Christine Hurt, Regulating Public Morals and Private Markets: Online Securities Trading, Internet Gambling, and the Speculation Paradox, 86 B.U.L. Rev. 371 (April, 2006)

6. Christine Hurt, What Google Can’t Tell Us About Internet Auctions (and What it Can), 37 U. Tol. L. Rev. 403 (Winter, 2006)

7. Charles J. Keeley III, Note: Subway Searches: Which Exception to the Warrant and Probable Cause Requirements Applies to Suspicionless Searches of Mass Transit Passengers to Prevent Terrorism?, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 3231 (May, 2006)

8. Jacob Preiserowicz, Note: The New Regulatory Regime for Hedge Funds: Has the SEC Gone Down the Wrong Path?, 11 Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L. 807 (2006)

CONSEJO – Intellectual Property & Legal Commentary (inactive) (1)


1. Christopher D. Birrer, Note: A Jurisdictional “Nightmare”: Determining When an Interdependent Copyright and Contract Claim “Arises Under” the Copyright Act in Scholastic Entertainment, Inc. v. Fox Entertainment Group, Inc., 11 Vill. Sports & Ent. L.J. 271 (2004)

ContractsProf Blog (2)


1. Robert A. Hillman, Online Boilerplate: Would Mandatory Website Disclosure of E-Standard Terms Backfire?, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 837 (March, 2006)

2. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)



1. Patricia F. Miller, 2003 Texas House Bill 4: Unanimous Exemplary Damage Awards and Texas Civil Jury Instructions, 37 St. Mary’s L. J. 515 (2006)

Daily Developments in EEO Law (1)


1. Dennis Lueck, Issues in the Third Circuit: The Third Circuit Adopts the Relation-back Doctrine to Prevent Defendants from "Picking Off" Representative Plaintiffs of Putative Class Actions in Weiss V. Regal Collections, 50 Villa. L. Rev. 1285 (2005)

Disability Law (1)


1. Ernest A. Young, Just Blowing Smoke? Politics, Doctrine, and the Federalist Revival after Gonzales v. Raich, 2005 Sup. Ct. Rev. 1 (2005)



1. Paul Schiff Berman, Symposium Overview: Part IV: How (If At All) to Regulate the Internet: Cyberspace and the State Action Debate: The Cultural Value of Applying Constitutional Norms to Private Regulation, 71 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1263 (Fall, 2000)

2. A. Michael Froomkin, Wrong Turn in Cyberspace: Using ICANN to Route around the APA and the Constitution, 50 Duke L.J. 17 (Oct., 2000)

3. Andrew J. Grotto, Due Process and In Rem Jurisdiction Under the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, 2 Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2000/2001)

4. Navan Katyal, The Domain Name Registration .BIZness: Are We Being "Pulled Over" on the Information Super Highway?, 24 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 241 (Winter, 2002)

5. Srividhya Ragavan & Michael S. Mireles, Jr., The Status of Detainees from the Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts, 2005 Utah L. Rev. 619 (2005)

Dubitante (inactive) (1)


1. Jason J. Czarnezki, The Dubitante Opinion, 39 Akron L. Rev. 1 (2006)

Elder Law Prof Blog (1)


1. Stephen Zamora et al, Book Review: Why Mexico? Why Mexican Law? Why Now?, 24 Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 373 (Fall, 2005)

Electronic Discovery and Evidence (1)


1. David K. Isom, Electronic Discovery Primer for Judges, 2005 Fed. Cts. L. Rev. 1 (Feb., 2005)

Eminent Domain Watch (2)


1. Alberto B. Lopez, Weighing and Reweighing Eminent Domain’s Political Philosophies Post-Kelo, 41 Wake Forest L. Rev. 237 (Spring, 2006)

2. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

Equal Vote (4)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. Heather K. Gerken, A Third Way for the Voting Rights Act: Section 5 and the Opt-In Approach, 106 Colum. L. Rev. 708 (April, 2006)

2. Daniel P. Tokaji, Symposium: Early Returns on Election Reform: Discretion, Disenfranchis-ement, and the Help America Vote Act, 73 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1206 (Aug., 2005)

3. Daniel P. Tokaji, Symposium: The Promise of Voter Equality: Examining the Voting Rights Act at Forty: The New Vote Denial: Where Election Reform Meets the Voting Rights Act, 57 S.C. L. Rev. 689 (Summer, 2006)

4. Michael Waterstone, Civil Rights and the Administration of Elections - Toward Secret Ballots and Polling Place Access, 8 J. Gender Race & Just. 101 (Spring, 2004)

ER Law & News (inactive) (1)


1. Joan C. Williams, Employment, Family, and Activism: Hibbs as a Federalism Case; Hibbs as a Maternal Wall Case, 73 U. Cin. L. Rev. 365 (Winter, 2004)

EU Law Blog (1)


1. Andras Sajo, Symposium: Terrorism, Globalization and the Rule of Law: From Militant Democracy to the Preventive State?, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 2255 (March, 2006)

Ex Parte (1)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. Courtney Megan Cahill, Same-Sex Marriage, Slippery Slope Rhetoric, and the Politics of Disgust: A Critical Perspective on Contemporary Family Disclosure and the Incest Taboo, 99 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1543 (Summer, 2005)

How Appealing (30)

Current URL:

Former URL’s: , and

(“20 Questions” Series)

1. Thomas E. Baker, Constitutional Theory in a Nutshell, 13 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 57 (Oct., 2004)

2. J. Nicholas Bunch, Note: Takings, Judicial Takings, and Patent Law, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 1747 (May, 2005)

3. Jay S. Bybee & Thomas J. Miles, Symposium: Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: Judging the Tournament, 32 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1055 (Summer, 2005)

4. Dennis J. Callahan, A Law Student in the Supreme Court: United States v. Drayton and the Future of Consent Search Analysis, 13 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 567 (Dec., 2004) 

5. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

6. Lyle Denniston, Legal Blogs: The Search for Legitimacy, 11 Nexus J. Op. 17 (2006)

7. James E. DiTullio & John B. Schochet, Note: Saving This Honorable Court: A Proposal to Replace Life Tenure on the Supreme Court with Staggered, Nonrenewable Eighteen-Year Terms, 90 Va. L. Rev. 1093 (June, 2004)

8. Gregory Dolin, The Great Writ of Incoherence: An Analysis of the Supreme Court’s Rulings on “Enemy Combatants”, 36 Geo. J. Int'l L. 623 (Winter, 2005)

9. J. Lyn Entrikin Goering, Legal Fiction of the "Unpublished" Kind: The Surreal Paradox of No-Citation Rules and the Ethical Duty of Candor, 1 Seton Hall Cir. Rev. 27 (Spring, 2005)

10. Christopher Green, Originalism and the Sense-Reference Distinction, 50 St. Louis L.J. 555 (Winter, 2006)

11. Paul S. Gutman, Say What?: Blogging and Employment Law in Conflict, 27 Colum. J.L. & Arts 145 (Fall, 2003)

12. Richard L. Hasen, Symposium: The Promise of Voter Equality: Examining the Voting Rights Act at Forty: No Exit? The Roberts Court and the Future of Election Law, 57 S.C. L. Rev. 669 (Summer, 2006)

13. Arthur D. Hellman, Assessing Judgeship Needs in the Federal Courts of Appeals: Policy Choices and Process Concerns, 5 J. App. Prac. & Process 239 (Fall, 2003)

14. Max Huffman, A Review of Judge Mark Painter, the Legal Writer: 40 Rules for the Art of Legal Writing, 72 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1011 (Spring, 2004)

15. Keenan D. Kmiec, The Origin and Current Meanings of “Judicial Activism,” 92 Calif. L. Rev. 1441 (Oct., 2004)

16. Tony Mauro, The Chief and Us: Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the News Media, and the Need for Dialogue Between Judges and Journalists, 56 Syracuse L. Rev. 407 (2006)

17. Martha Dragich Pearson, Citation of Unpublished Opinions as Precedent, 55 Hastings L.J. 1235 (May, 2004)

18. Sarah E. Ricks, The Perils of Unpublished Non-Precedential Federal Appellate Opinions: A Case Study of the Substantive Due Process State-Created Danger Doctrine in One Circuit, 81 Wash. L. Rev. 217 (May, 2006)

19. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

20. Shira A. Scheindlin & Matthew L. Schwartz, With All Due Deference: Judicial Responsibility in a Time of Crisis, 32 Hofstra L. Rev. 795 (Spring, 2004)

21. Neil S. Siegel, A Theory in Search of a Court, and Itself: Judicial Minimalism at the Supreme Court Bar, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 1951 (Aug., 2005)

22. David D. Smyth III, A New Framework for Analyzing Gag Orders Against Trial Witnesses, 56 Baylor L. Rev. 89 (Winter, 2004)

23. Michael E. Solimine, Symposium: Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: Judicial Stratification and the Reputations of the United States Courts of Appeals, 32 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1331 (Summer, 2005) 

24. Jennifer Claire Sprague, Case Note: How Secure Are Your Lifetime Benefits?, Vallone v. CNA Financial, 375 F.3d 623 (7th Cir. 2004), 30 S. Ill. U. L. J. 195 (Winter/Fall, 2005)

25. Sean Unger, Judge Arnold’s Four Rules: A Model for a Life in the Law, 27 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 387 (Spring, 2005)

26. Niketh Velamoor, Recent Development: Proposed Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32.1 To Require That Circuits Allow Citation to Unpublished Opinions, 41 Harv. J. on Legis. 561 (Summer, 2004)

27. David C. Vladeck and Mitu Gulati, Judicial Triage: Reflections on the Debate over Unpublished Opinions, 62 Wash & Lee L. Rev. 1667 (Fall, 2005)

28. Stephen L. Wasby, Publication (or Not) of Appellate Rulings: An Evaluation of Guidelines, 2 Seton Hall Cir. Rev. 41 (Fall, 2005)

29. Stephen L. Wasby, Unpublished Court of Appeals Decisions: A Hard Look at the Process, 14 S. Cal. Interdis. L.J. 67 (Fall, 2004)

30. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

Ideoblog (4)


1. Stephen M. Bainbridge, Symposium: Unincorporation: A New Age?: Abolishing LLC Veil Piercing, 2005 U. Ill. L. Rev. 77 (2005)

2. Jonathan Macey, Delaware: Home of the World’s Most Expensive Raincoat, 33 Hofstra L. Rev. 1131 (Summer, 2005)

3. Andrea B. Short, “Adequate and Full” Uncertainty: Courts’ Application of Section 2036(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code to Family Limited Partnerships, 84 N.C.L. Rev. 694 (Jan., 2006)

4. Jeffrey Evans Stake, Symposium: The Next Generation of Law School Rankings: Ranking Methodologies: The Interplay Between Law School Rankings, Reputations, and Resource Allocation: Ways Rankings Mislead, 81 Ind. L.J. 229 (Winter, 2006)

Instapundit (8)


1. Marvin Ammori, A Shadow Government: Private Regulation, Free Speech, and Lessons from the Sinclair Blogstorm, 12 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (Fall, 2005)

2. Tom W. Bell, The Impact of Blogging on the Practice of Law: Hit the Snooze Button, 11 Nexus J. Op. 75 (2006)

3. Deborah J. La Fetra, Kick it up a Notch: First Amendment Protection for Commercial Speech, 54 Case W. Res. 1205 (Summer, 2004)

4. Aaron Nielson, Good History, Good Law (and by Coincidence Good Policy Too): Granholm v. Heald, 125 S. Ct. 1885 (2005), 29 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 743 (Spring, 2006)

5. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

6. Michael S. Vogel, Unmasking “John Doe” Defendants: The Case Against Excessive Hand-Wringing over Legal Standards, 83 Or. L. Rev. 795 (2004)

7. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

8. Christopher P. Zubowicz, The New Press Corps: Applying the Federal Election Campaign Act’s Press Exemption to Online Political Speech, 9 Va. J.L. & Tech. 6 (Spring, 2004)

Intel Dump (1)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. Diane H. Mazur, Why Progressives Lost the War When They Lost the Draft, 32 Hofstra L. Rev. 553 (Winter, 2003)

I/P Updates (1)


1. David Potashnik, Note: Phillips v. AWH: Changing the Name of the Game, 39 Akron L. Rev. 863 (2006)

IPKat (1)


1. Melissa E. Roth, Note: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: A New Tradition in Nontraditional Trademark Registrations, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 457 (Oct., 2005)

Is That Legal? (3)


1. David D. Smyth III, A New Framework for Analyzing Gag Orders Against Trial Witnesses, 56 Baylor L. Rev. 89 (Winter, 2004)

2. Wallace Tashima, Judgments Judged and Wrongs Remembered: Examining the Japanese American Civil Liberties Cases on Their Sixtieth Anniversary: Play It Again: Uncle Sam, 68 Law & Contemp. Prob. 7 (Spring, 2005)

3. Tung Yin, The Role of Article III Courts in the War on Terrorism, 13 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 1061 (April, 2005)

The JAG Hunter (inactive) (1)


1. James W. Smith III, A Few Good Scapegoats: The Abu Ghraib Courts-Martial and the Failure of the Military Justice System, 27 Whittier L. Rev. 671 (Spring, 2006)

Jottings by an Employer’s Lawyer (1)


1. Paul S. Gutman, Say What?: Blogging and Employment Law in Conflict, 27 Colum. J.L. & Arts 145 (Fall, 2003)

Legal Profession in Poland (inactive) (1)


1. Leah Wortham, Aiding Clinical Education Abroad: What Can Be Gained and the Learning Curve on How to Do So Effectively, 12 Clinical L. Rev. 615 (Spring, 2006)

Legal Theory Blog (30)

Current URL:

Former URL’s: and

(archives and lexicon)

1. Michael Abramowicz, On the Selection of Judges in International Figure Skating, 6 Green Bag 2d 339 (Summer, 2003)

2. Larry Alexander & Lawrence B. Solum, Book Review: Popular? Constitutionalism? The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review, by Larry D. Kramer, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 1594 (March, 2005)

3. Kenneth Anderson, Book Review: Squaring the Circle? Reconciling Sovereignty and Global Governance through Global Governance Networks: A New World Order, by Anne-Marie Slaughter, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 1255 (Feb., 2005)

4. Thomas E. Baker, Constitutional Theory in a Nutshell, 13 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 57 (Oct., 2004)

5. J. Cam Barker, Note: Grossly Excessive Penalties in the Battle Against Illegal File-Sharing: The Troubling Effects of Aggregating Minimum Statutory Damages for Copyright Infringement, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 525 (Dec., 2004)

6. Caryn C. Borg-Breen, Garage Door Openers, Printer Toner Cartridges, and the New Age of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 885 (Winter, 2006)

7. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

8. Bryan H. Choi, Note: The Grokster Dead-End, 19 Harv. J. Law & Tec 393 (Spring, 2006)

9. Craig Estlinbaum, South Texas Law Review at Fifty: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, 46 S. Tex. L. Rev. 25 (Fall, 2004)

10. Tracey E. George, An Empirical Study of Empirical Legal Scholarship: The Top Law Schools, 81 Ind. L.J. 141 (Winter, 2006)

11. Steven G. Gey & Jim Rossi, Symposium: Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: An Introduction to the Symposium, 32 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1001 (Summer, 2005)

12. Edward A. Hartnett, Symposium: Jurocracy and Distrust: Reconsidering the Federal Judicial Appointments Process: Recess Appointments of Article III Judges: Three Constitutional Questions, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 377 (Jan., 2005)

13. Michael Herz, Symposium: Jurocracy and Distrust: Reconsidering the Federal Judicial Appointments Process: Abandoning Recess Appointments?: A Comment on Hartness (and Others), 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 443 (Jan., 2005)

14. David A. Hoffman, The “Duty” To Be a Rational Shareholder, 90 Minn. L. Rev. 537 (Feb., 2006)

15. Alex Kreit, Rights, Rules, and Raich, 108 W. Va. L. Rev. 705 (Spring, 2006)

16. Brian Leiter, The Law School Observer, 6 Green Bag 2d 421 (Summer, 2003)

17. Karl M. Manheim & Lawrence B. Solum, An Economic Analysis of Domain Name Policy, 25 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 359 (Spring/Summer, 2003)

18. Glenn H. Reynolds & Brannon P. Denning, What Hath Raich Wrought? Five Takes, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 915 (Winter, 2005)

19. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

20. John Schietinger, Note: Bridgeport Music, Inc. v Dimension Films: How the Sixth Circuit Missed a Beat on Digital Music Sampling, 55 DePaul L. Rev. 209 (Fall, 2005)

21. Kenneth J. Schmier & Michael K. Schmier, Legislative Reform: Has Anyone Noticed the Judiciary’s Abandonment of Stare Decisis?, 7 J.L. & Soc. Challenges 233 (Fall, 2005)

22. Paul M. Secunda, A Public Interest Model for Applying Lost Chance Theory to Probabilistic Injuries in Employment Discrimination Cases, 2005 Wis. L. Rev. 747 (2005)

23. Theodore P. Seto, Originalism vs. Precedent: An Evolutionary Perspective, 38 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 2001 (Dec., 2005)

24. Steven D. Smith, The Iceberg of Religious Freedom: Sub-Surface Levels of Nonestablishment Discourse, 38 Creighton L. Rev. 799 (June, 2005)

25. Lawrence B. Solum, The Aretaic Turn in Constitutional Theory, 70 Brooklyn L. Rev. 475 (Winter, 2004)

26. Lawrence B. Solum, Book Review: The Future of CopyrightFree Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity, by Lawrence Lessig, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 1137 (March, 2005)

27. Lawrence B. Solum, Judicial Selection: Ideology versus Character, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 659 (Jan., 2005)

28. Lawrence B. Solum, Symposium: Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: A Tournament of Virtue, 32 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1365 (Summer, 2005)

29. Lawrence B. Solum, Symposium: Jurocracy and Distrust: Reconsidering the Federal Judicial Appointments Process: Judicial Selection: Ideology versus Character, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 659 (Jan., 2005)

30. Howard M. Wasserman, Jurisdiction and Merits, 80 Wash. L. Rev. 643 (Aug., 2005)

Leiter Reports (10)


1. Osmar J. Benvenuto, Note: Reevaluating the Debate Surrounding the Supreme Court’s Use of Foreign Precedent, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 2695 (April, 2006)

2. Anita Bernstein, Symposium: Calabresi’s The Costs of Accidents: A Generation of Impact on Law and Scholarship: Whatever Happened to Law and Economics?, 64 Md. L. Rev. 303 (2005)

3. Bernard S. Black & Paul L. Caron, Symposium: The Next Generation of Law School Rankings: Ranking Law Schools: Using SSRN to Measure Scholarly Performance, 81 Ind. L.J. 83 (Winter, 2006)

4. Robert S. Chang & Adrienne D. Davis, Defining the Voices of Critical Race Feminism: The Adventure(s) of Blackness in Western Culture: An Epistolary Exchange on Old and New Identity Wars, 39 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1189 (March, 2006)

5. Simon Critchley, Symposium: Derrida/America: The Present State of America’s Europe: Philosophy: Derrida: The Reader, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 553 (Nov., 2005)

6. William D. Henderson & Andrew P. Morriss, Symposium: The Next Generation of Law School Rankings: Ranking Methodologies: Student Quality as Measured by LSAT Scores: Migration Patterns in the U.S. News Rankings Era, 81 Ind. L.J. 163 (Winter, 2006)

7. Jeffrey M. Lipshaw, Law as Rationalization: Getting Beyond Reason to Business Ethics, 37 U. Tol. L. Rev. 959 (Summer, 2006)

8. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

9. Linda Silberman, Interpreting the Hague Abduction Convention: In Search of a Global Jurisprudence, 38 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1049 (April, 2005)

10. Steven D. Smith, 2006 Survey of Books Relating to the Law: IV. Ethics: Science, Humanity, and Atrocity: A Lawyerly Examination, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 1305 (May, 2006)

Lessig Blog (21)

URL: blog

1. Ann Bartow, Women in the Web of Secondary Copyright Liability and Internet Filtering, 32 N. Ky. L. Rev. 449 (2005)

2. Rebecca Bolin, Note: Opting Out of Spam: A Domain Level Do-Not-Spam Registry, 24 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 399 (Spring, 2006)

3. David Bollier, Why We Must Talk about the Information Commons, 96 Law Libr. J. 267 (Spring, 2004)

4. Stephen J. Choi & G. Mitu Gulati, Mr. Justice Posner? Unpacking the Statistics, 61 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 19 (2005)

5. Ralph Fischer, The Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights by International Agreement: A Case Study Comparing Chile and Australia's Bilateral FTA Negotiations With the U.S., 28 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 129 (Winter, 2006)

6. Adam Giuliano, Steal this Concert? The Federal Anti-Bootlegging Statute Gets Struck Down, But Not Out, 7 Vand. J. Ent. L. & Prac. 373 (Summer, 2005)

7. James Grimmelmann, Note: Regulation by Software, 114 Yale L.J. 1719 (May, 2005)

8. Zachary Katz, Pitfalls of Open Licensing: An Analysis of Creative Commons Licensing, 46 IDEA 391 (2006)

9. Julie Erin Land, Legislative Update: The Risks of Using Secondary Liability Legislation as a Means of Reducing Digital Copyright Infringement, 5 DePaul-LCA J. Art & Ent. L. 167 (Fall, 2004)

10. Arlen W. Langvardt & Kyle T. Langvardt, Unwise or Unconstitutional?: The Copyright Term Extension Act, the Eldred Decision, and the Freezing of the Public Domain for Private Benefit, 5 Minn. Intell. Prop. Rev. 193 (2004)

11. Edward Lee, The Public’s Domain: The Evolution of Legal Restraints on the Government’s Power to Control Public Access Through Secrecy or Intellectual Property, 55 Hastings L.J. 91 (Nov., 2003)

12. Penina Michlin, The Broadcast Flag and the Scope of the FCC’s Ancillary Jurisdiction: Protecting the Digital Future, 20 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 907 (2005)

13. Ernest Miller, First Amendment Scrutiny of Expanded Secondary Liability in Copyright, 32 N. Ky. L. Rev. 507 (2005)

14. Adam Mossoff, Is Copyright Property?, 42 San Diego L. Rev. 29 (Feb./March, 2005)

15. Michael Raucci, Congress Wants to Give the RIAA Control of Your IPod: How the Induce Act Chills Innovation and Abrogates Sony, 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 534 (Spring, 2005)

16. Jessica L. Reyman, Book Review: Copyright, Ownership, and Digital Media: A Trilogy: Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity, by Lawrence Lessig, 6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 687 (May, 2005)

17. Paul Rosenzweig, Response: On Liberty and Terror in the Post-9/11 World: A Response to Professor Chemerinsky, 45 Washburn L.J. 29 (Fall, 2005)

18. Patrick S. Ryan, Application of the Public-Trust Doctrine and Principles of Natural Resource Management to Electromagnetic Spectrum, 10 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L. Rev. 285 (Spring, 2004)

19. Cass R. Sunstein, Group Judgments: Statistical Means, Deliberations, and Information Markets, 80 N.Y.U.L. Rev. 962 (June, 2005)

20. Russ Taylor, Book Review: An Introduction to Lessigian Thought: Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity, by Lawrence Lessig, 57 Fed. Comm. L.J. 161 (Dec., 2004)

21. Anthony E. Varona, Changing Channels and Bridging Divides: The Failure and Redemption of American Broadcast Television Regulation, 6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 1 (Dec., 2004)

Mauled Again (1)


1. Linda M. Beale, Congress Fiddles While Middle America Burns: Amending the Amt (And Regular Tax), 6 Fla. Tax Rev. 811 (2004)

Ms. Morality (inactive) (1)


1. Alexandra Bak-Boychuk, Liar Laws: How MPC § 241.3 and State Unsworn Falsification Statutes Fix the Flaws in the False Statements Act (18 U.S.C. § 1001), 78 Temp. L. Rev. 453 (Summer, 2005)

Navigating the Patent Maze (4)


1. Natasha N. Aljalian, The Role of Patent Scope in Biopharmaceutical Patents, 11 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 1 (Winter, 2005)

2. Eileen M. Kane, Splitting the Gene: DNA Patents and the Genetic Code, 71 Tenn. L. Rev. 707 (Summer, 2004)

3. Cynthia D. Lopez-Beverage, Should Congress Do Something about Upstream Clogging Cause by the Deficient Utility of Expressed Sequence Tag Patents?, 10 J. Tech. L. & Pol’y 35 (June, 2005)

4. Harold C. Wegner, Developments in Patent Law 2004, 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 1 (Fall, 2004)

New York Civil Law (1)


1. Alan J. Pierce, Survey of New York Law: Insurance Law, 55 Syracuse L. Rev. 1163 (2005)

Ninomania (1)


1. David M. Wagner, Marriage: An Achievement of Centuries for the Protection of Women and Children, 38 New Eng.L. Rev. 683 (2004)

Ninth Circuit Blog (3)


1. Steven G. Kalar et al, A Booker Advisory: Into the Breyer Patch, 29 Champion 8 (March, 2005)

2. David L. McColgin & Brett G. Sweitzer, Grid & Bear It: Post-Booker Sentencing Litigation Strategies – Part 2, 29 Champion 42 (Dec., 2005)

3. Stephen Sady, Guidelines Appeals: The Presumption of Reasonableness and Reasonable Doubt, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 170 (Feb., 2006)

Nomination Nation (inactive) (1)


1. David Lane, Bush v. Gore, Vanity Fair, and a Supreme Court Law Clerk’s Duty of Confidentiality, 18 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 863 (Summer, 2005)

Opinio Juris (5)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. Lyle Denniston, Legal Blogs: The Search for Legitimacy, 11 Nexus J. Op. 17 (2006)

2. Vicki C. Jackson, World Habeas Corpus, 91 Cornell L. Rev. 303 (Jan., 2006)

3. Julian G. Ku, International Delegations and the New World Court Order, 81 Wash. L. Rev. 1 (Feb., 2006)

4. Margaret E. McGuinness, Symposium: Reflections on Judging: A Discussion Following the Release of the Blackmun Papers: The Internationalism of Justice Harry Blackmun, 70 Mo. L. Rev. 1289 (Fall, 2005)

5. Mani Sheik, From Breard to Medellin: Supreme Court Inaction or ICJ Activism in the Field of International Law?, 94 Calif. L. Rev. 531 (March, 2006)

Patently-O: Patent Law Blog (17)


1. Robert A. Armitage, The Conundrum Confronting Congress: The Patent System Must Be Left Untouched While Being Radically Reformed, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 267 (Spring, 2006)

2. Margo A. Bagley, Academic Discourse and Proprietary Rights: Putting Patents in Their Proper Place, 47 B.C. L. Rev 217 (March, 2006)

3. Matthew Bye et al (panelists), Symposium: Do Overly Broad Patents Lead to Restrictions on Innovation and Competition?, 15 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 947 (Summer, 2005)

4. Donald S. Chisum, Reforming Patent Law Reform, 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 336 (Spring, 2005)

5. John M. Eden, Unnecessary Indeterminacy: Process Patent Protection after Kinik v. ITC, 2006 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 9 (2006)

6. Matthew Eggerding, Dependent Patent Claims and Prosecution History Estoppel: Weakening the Doctrine of Equivalents, 50 St. Louis L.J. 257 (Fall, 2005)

7. Kyle J. Fiet, Restoring the Promise of Markman: Interlocutory Patent Appeals Reevaluated Post-Phillips v. AWH Corp., 84 N.C.L. Rev. 1291 (May, 2006)

8. Timothy R. Holbrook, Possession in Patent Law, 59 SMU L. Rev. 123 (Winter, 2006)

9. Christopher M. Holman, Biotechnology's Prescription for Patent Reform, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 317 (Spring, 2006)

10. Jennifer Lane, Note: NTP, Inc. v. Research in Motion, Ltd.: Inventions Are Global, But Politics Are Still Local - an Examination of the BlackBerry Case, 21 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 59 (2006)

11. James G. McEwen, Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease? An Overview of the Patent Reform Act of 2005, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 55 (Fall, 2005)

12. Kristen Osenga, Entrance Ramps, Tolls, and Express Lanes—Proposals for Decreasing Traffic Congestion in the Patent Office, 33 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 119 (Fall, 2005) 

13. Gary Pulsinelli, Share and Share Alike: Increasing Access to Government-Funded Inventions Under the Bayh-Dole Act, 7 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 393 (May, 2006)

14. Recent Case: Patent Law - Utility - Federal Circuit Holds That Expressed Sequence Tags Lack Substantial and Specific Utility Unless Underlying Gene Function Is Identified. - In re Fisher, 421 F.3d 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2005), 119 Harv. L. Rev. 2604 (June, 2006)

15. Supreme Court Development: No. 05-130, 21 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 999 (Spring, 2006) 

16. Scott A. Turk, The Proper Method for Using Dictionaries to Construe Patent Claims, 6 Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 43 (Fall, 2006)

17. Virginia Zaunbrecher, Intellectual Property: Patent: Note: Eolas, AT&T, & Union Carbide: The New Extraterritoriality of U.S. Patent Law, 21 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 33 (2006)

The Patry Copyright Blog (2)


1. Laura R. Bradford, Parody and Perception: Using Cognitive Research to Expand Fair Use in Copyright, 46 B.C. L. Rev 705 (July, 2005)

2. Michael W. Carroll, One for All: The Problem of Uniformity Cost in Intellectual Property Law, 55 Am. U.L. Rev. 845 (April, 2006)

PrawfsBlawg (4)


1. Paul Horwitz, "Or of the [Blog]", 11 Nexus J. Op. 45 (2006)

2. Alex Kreit, Rights, Rules, and Raich, 108 W. Va. L. Rev. 705 (Spring, 2006)

3. Ethan J. Leib, On Collaboration, Organizations, and Conciliation in the General Theory of Contract, 24 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 1 (2005)

4. Claire Tuck, Note: Policy Formulation at the NLRB: A Viable Alternative to Notice and Comment Rulemaking, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 1117 (Nov., 2005)



1. Stephen M. Bainbridge, The Case for Limited Shareholder Voting Rights, 53 UCLA L. Rev. 601 (Feb., 2006)

2. Paul L. Caron & Rafael Gely, Book Review:What Law Schools Can Learn from Billy Beane and the Oakland Athletics, by Michael Lewis, 82 Tex. L. Rev. 1483 (May, 2004)

3. Jason J. Czarnezki, The Dubitante Opinion, 39 Akron L. Rev. 1 (2006)

4. Benyomin Forer, Juveniles and the Death Penalty: An Examination of Roper v. Simmons and the Future of Capital Punishment, 35 Sw. U. L. Rev. 161 (2006)

5. Stuart P. Green, Uncovering the Cover-Up Crimes, 42 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 9 (Winter, 2005)

6. Steven M. Haas, Note: Toward a Controlling Shareholder Safe Harbor, 90 Va. L. Rev. 2245 (Dec., 2004)

7. Joan MacLeod Heminway, Symposium: Women and the “New” Corporate Governance: Martha Stewart Saved! Insider Violations of Rule 10B-5 for Misrepresented or Undisclosed Personal Facts, 65 Md. L. Rev. 380 (2006)

8. M. Todd Henderson & James C. Spindler, Corporate Heroin: A Defense of Perks, Executive Loans, and Conspicuous Consumption, 93 Geo. L.J. 1835 (Aug., 2005)

9. Renee M. Jones, Dynamic Federalism: Competition, Cooperation and Securities Enforcement, 11 Conn. Ins. L.J. 107 (Fall, 2004)

10. Ian B. Lee, Efficiency and Ethics in the Debate about Shareholder Supremacy, 31 Del. J. Corp. L. 533 (2006)

11. Ian B. Lee, Is There a Cure for Corporate “Psychopathy”?, 42 Am. Bus. L.J. 65 (Winter/Spring, 2005)

12. Drew D. Massey, Dueling Provisions: The 21st Amendment’s Subjugation to the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, 7 Transactions 71 (Fall, 2005)

13. James E. Rogers, Going Too Far is Worse than Not Going Far Enough: Principle-Based Accounting Standards, International Harmonization, and the European Paradox, 27 Hous. J. Int’l L 429 (Winter, 2005)

14. Guhan Subramanian, Bargaining in the Shadow of Takeover Defenses, 113 Yale L.J. 621 (Dec., 2003)

15. Jared Wessel, Judicial Policy-Making at the International Criminal Court: An Institutional Guide to Analyzing International Adjudication, 44 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 377 (2006)

16. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) Blog (1)


1. Peter W. Schroth, Corruption and Accountability of the Civil Service in the United States, 54 Am. J. Comp. L. 553 (Fall, 2006)

Religion Clause (1)

1. William M. Richman, Women of the Courts Symposium: Dedication: Howard Friedman, 36 U. Tol. L. Rev. 813 (Summer, 2005)

(The Return of) Ignatz (inactive) (2)


1. Theodore W. Ruger et al, The Supreme Court Forecasting Project: Legal and Political Science Approaches to Predicting Supreme Court Decisionmaking, 104 Colum. L. Rev. 1150 (May, 2004)

2. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

The Right Coast (2)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. William D. Henderson & Andrew P. Morriss, Symposium: The Next Generation of Law School Rankings: Ranking Methodologies: Student Quality as Measured by LSAT Scores: Migration Patterns in the U.S. News Rankings Era, 81 Ind. L.J. 163 (Winter, 2006)

2. Andrew P. Morriss, The Market for Legal Education & Freedom of Association: Why the “Solomon Amendment” is Constitutional and Law Schools are Not Expressive Associations, 14 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 415 (Dec., 2005)

RiskProf (1)


1. James A. Higgins, Recent Development: Oklahoma’s Tort Reform Act: Texas-Style Tort Reform or Texas-Style Compromise?, 57 Okla. L. Rev. 921 (Winter, 2004)

SCOTUSBlog (32)

Current URL:

Former URL:

1. Jonathan H. Adler, Is Morrison Dead? Assessing a Supreme Drug (Law) Overdose, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 751 (Winter, 2005)

2. Nicole L. Aeschleman, The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Quo Vadis, America?, 45 Santa Clara L. Rev. 937 (2005)

3. Thomas E. Baker, Constitutional Theory in a Nutshell, 13 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 57 (Oct., 2004)

4. Pamela Karten Bookman, Note: Solving the Extraterritoriality Problem: Lessons from the Honest Services Statute, 92 Va. L. Rev. 749 (June, 2006)

5. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

6. Robert M. Chesney, Leaving Guananamo: The Law of International Detainee Transfers, 40 U. Rich. L. Rev. 657 (March, 2006)

7. Thomas B. Colby, A Constitutional Hierarchy of Religions? Justice Scalia, the Ten Commandments, and the Future of the Establishment Clause, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1097 (Spring, 2006)

8. Ronald K.L. Collins & David M. Skover, What is War? Reflections on Free Speech in “Wartime,” 36 Rutgers L. J. 833 (Spring, 2005)

9. Jason Costa, Alone in the World: The United States’ Failure to Observe the International Human Right to Compensation for Wrongful Conviction, 19 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 1615 (Fall, 2005)

10. Lyle Denniston, Legal Blogs: The Search for Legitimacy, 11 Nexus J. Op. 17 (2006)

11. Craig Estlinbaum, South Texas Law Review at Fifty: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, 46 S. Tex. L. Rev. 25 (Fall, 2004)

12. Jason Hernandez, Blakely’s Potential, 38 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 19 (Fall, 2004)

13. Susan R. Klein, The Return of Federal Judicial Discretion in Criminal Sentencing, 39 Val. U.L. Rev. 693 (Spring, 2005)

14. Alex Kreit, Rights, Rules, and Raich, 108 W. Va. L. Rev. 705 (Spring, 2006)

15. Julian G. Ku, Structural Conflicts in the Interpretation of Customary International Law, 45 Santa Clara L. Rev. 857 (2005)

16. Leading Case: I. Constitutional Law, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 248 (Nov., 2004)

17. Maxim O. Mayer-Cesiano, On Jurisdiction-Stripping: The Proper Scope of Inferior Federal Courts’ Independence from Congress, 8 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 559 (May, 2006) 

18. Margaret E. McGuinness, Symposium: Reflections on Judging: A Discussion Following the Release of the Blackmun Papers: The Internationalism of Justice Harry Blackmun, 70 Mo. L. Rev. 1289 (Fall, 2005)

19. Sarah B. Nelson, Case Comment: Lingle v. Chevron USA, Inc., 30 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 281 (2006)

20. Note: After Ayotte: The Need to Defend Abortion Rights with Renewed “Purpose”, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 2552 (June, 2006)

21. John T. Parry, “Society Must Be [Regulated]”: Biopolitics and the Commerce Clause in Gonzales v. Raich, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 853 (Winter, 2005)

22. Glenn H. Reynolds & Brannon P. Denning, What Hath Raich Wrought? Five Takes, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 915 (Winter, 2005)

23. Stephen J. Schulhofer, Checks and Balances in Wartime: American, British and Israeli Experiences, 102 Mich. L. Rev. 1906 (Aug., 2004)

24. Kevin S. Schwartz, Note: Applying Section 5: Tennessee v. Lane and Judicial Conditions on the Congressional Enforcement Power, 114 Yale L.J. 1133 (March, 2005)

25. Mani Sheik, From Breard to Medellin: Supreme Court Inaction or ICJ Activism in the Field of International Law?, 94 Calif. L. Rev. 531 (March, 2006)

26. Andrew M. Siegel, The Court Against the Courts: Hostility to Litigation as an Organizing Theme in the Rehnquist Court's Jurisprudence, 84 Tex. L. Rev. 1097 (April, 2006)

27. Arsalan M. Suleman, Recent Development: Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, 19 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 257 (Spring, 2006) 

28. Sean Kevin Thompson, Note: The Legality of the Use of Psychiatric Neuroimaging in Intelligence Interrogation, 90 Cornell L. Rev. 1601 (Sept., 2005)

29. Katherine Kmiec Turner, No More Secrets: Under Ballard v. Commissioner, Special Trial Judge Reports Must Be Revealed, 26 J. NAALJ 247 (Spring, 2006)

30. Charles D. Weisselberg, The Detention and Treatment of Aliens Three Years After September 11: A New New World?, 38 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 815 (March, 2005)

31. Tim Wu, The Copyright Paradox, 2005 Sup. Ct. Rev. 229 (2005)

32. Ernest A. Young, Just Blowing Smoke? Politics, Doctrine, and the Federalist Revival after Gonzales v. Raich, 2005 Sup. Ct. Rev. 1 (2005)

Scrivener’s Error (1)


1. Jonathan Kerry-Tyerman, No Analog Analogue: Searchable Digital Archives and Amazon’s Unprecedented Search Inside the Book Program as Fair Use, 2006 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2006)

Sentencing Law and Policy (78)


1. American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section, Report on Booker and Recommendation, 17 Fed. Sent. R. 335 (June, 2005)

2. Lynn Adelman and Jon Deitrich, Fulfilling Booker's Promise, 11 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 521 (Winter, 2006)

3. Robert J. Anello & Jodi Misher Peikin, Evolving Roles in Federal Sentencing: The Post-Booker/Fanfan World, 2005 Fed. Cts. L. Rev. 9 (Oct., 2005)

4. Jeffrey R. Babbin et al, Developments in the Second Circuit: 2003-2004, 37 Conn. L. Rev. 963 (Summer, 2005)

5. Eric G. Barber, Judicial Discretion, Sentencing Guidelines, and Lessons from Medieval England, 27 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 1 (2005)

6. Rachel E. Barkow, Separation of Powers and the Criminal Law, 58 Stan. L. Rev. 989 (Feb., 2006)

7. Douglas A. Berman, Punishment and Crime: Reconceptualizing Sentencing, 2005 U. Chi. Legal F. 1 (2005)

8. Douglas A. Berman, Tweaking Booker: Advisory Guidelines in the Federal System, 43 Hous. L. Rev. 341 (2006)

9. Douglas B. Bloom, United States v. Booker and United States v. Fanfan: The Tireless March of Apprendi and the Intracourt Battle To Save Sentencing Reform, 40 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 539 (Summer, 2005)

10. Frank O. Bowman, III, Mr. Madison Meets a Time Machine: The Political Science of Federal Sentencing Reform, 58 Stan. L. Rev. 235 (Oct., 2005)

11. Frank O. Bowman, III, Punishment and Crime: Beyond Band-Aids: A Proposal for Reconfiguring Federal Sentencing After Booker, 2005 U. Chi. Legal F. 149 (2005)

12. Frank O. Bowman, III, Symposium: Panel Four: The Institutional Concerns Inherent in Sentencing Regimes: The Failure of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Structural Analysis, 5 Colum. L. Rev. 1315 (May, 2005)

13. Frank O. Bowman, III, Train Wreck? Or Can the Federal Sentencing System be Saved? A Plea for Rapid Reversal of Blakely v. Washington, 41 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 217 (Spring, 2004)

14. J. Richard Broughton, The Second Death of Capital Punishment, 58 Fla. L. Rev. 639 (July, 2006)

15. Ellen Byers, Mentally Ill Criminal Offenders and the Strict Liability Effect: Is There Hope for a Just Jurisprudence in an Era of Responsibility/Consequences Talk?, 57 Ark. L. Rev. 447 (2004)

16. Paul G. Cassell, Recognizing Victims in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: Proposed Amendments in Light of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, 2005 B.Y.U.L. Rev. 835 (2005)

17. Paul G. Cassell, Written Testimony of Judge Cassell at the Booker Hearing before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 198 (Feb., 2006)

18. Steven L. Chanenson, Hoist with their Own Petard?, 17 Fed. Sent. R. 20 (Oct., 2004)

19. Steven L. Chanenson & Daniel F. Wilhelm, Evolution and Denial: State Sentencing after Blakely and Booker, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 1 (Oct., 2005)

20. Steven L. Chanenson, Guidance from Above and Beyond, 58 Stan. L. Rev. 175 (Oct., 2005)

21. Steven L. Chanenson, The Next Era of Sentencing Reform , 54 Emory L.J. 377 (Winter, 2005)

22. Jonathan Chiu, United States v. Booker: The Demise of Mandatory Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the Return of Indeterminate Sentencing, 39 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1311 (May, 2005)

23. Eric Citron, United States v. Pho: Reasons and Reasonableness in Post-Booker Appellate Review, 115 Yale L.J. 2183 (June, 2006)

24. Timothy Cone, Double Jeopardy, Post-Blakely, 41 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1373 (Fall, 2004)

25. David J. D’Addio, Note: Sentencing After Booker: The Impact of Appellate Review on Defendants’ Rights, 24 Yale L. & Pol’y Rev. 173 (Winter, 2006)

26. M.K.B. Darmer, The Federal Sentencing Guidelines After Blakely and Booker: The Limits of Congressional Tolerance and a Greater Role for Juries, 56 S.C. L. Rev. 533 (Spring, 2005)

27. Lyle Denniston, Legal Blogs: The Search for Legitimacy, 11 Nexus J. Op. 17 (2006)

28. Nicholas J. Eichenseer, Reasonable Doubt in the Rear-View Mirror: The Case for Blakely-Booker Retroactivity in the Federal System, 2005 Wis. L. Rev. 1137 (2005)

29. Alan Ellis & James H. Feldman, Jr., Representing White Collar Clients in a Post-Booker World, 29 Champion 12 (Sept./Oct., 2005)

30. Amie N. Ely, Note: Prosecutorial Discretion as an Ethical Necessity: The Ashcroft Memorandum’s Curtailment of the Prosecutor’s Duty to “Seek Justice,” 90 Cornell L. Rev. 237 (Nov., 2004)

31. George Fisher & Jennifer L. Mnookin, Book Review: Uncertain Bargains: The Rise of Plea Bargaining in AmericaPlea Bargaining’s Triumph: A History of Plea Bargaining in America, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1721 (April, 2005)

32. Anne Flanagan, Blogging: A Journal Need Not a Journalist Make, 16 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 395 (Winter, 2006)

33. Phil Fortino, A Post-Blakely Era or Post-Blakely Error?, 38 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 1 (Fall, 2004)

34. Jackie Gardina, Compromising Liberty: A Structural Critique of the Sentencing Guidelines, 38 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 345 (Winter, 2005)

35. Michael Goldsmith, Reconsidering the Constitutionality of Federal Sentencing Guidelines After Blakely: A Former Commissioner’s Perspective, 2004 B.Y.U.L. Rev. 935 (2004)

36. Isaac M. Gradman, Note: Hot Under the White Collar: What the Rollercoaster in Sentencing Law from Blakely to Booker Will Mean to Corporate Offenders, 1 N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. 731 (Summer, 2005)

37. Jason Hernandez, Blakely’s Potential, 38 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 19 (Fall, 2004)

38. David E. Johnson, Note: Justice for All: Analyzing Blakely Retroactivity and Ensuring Just Sentences in Pre-Blakely Convictions, 66 Ohio St. L.J. 875 (2005)

39. Marc E. Johnson, Everything Old is New Again: Justice Scalia’s Activist Originalism in Schriro v. Summerlin, 95 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 763 (Spring, 2005)

40. Sandra D. Jordan, Have We Come Full Circle? Judicial Sentencing Discretion Revived in Booker and Fanfan, 33 Pepp. L. Rev. 615 (2005)

41. Steven G. Kalar et al, A Booker Advisory: Into the Breyer Patch, BY, 29 Champion 8 (March, 2005)

42. Nancy J. King, Reasonableness Review after Booker, 43 Hous. L. Rev. 325 (2006)

43. Nancy J. King & Rosevelt L. Noble, Felony Jury Sentencing in Practice: A Three-State Study, 57 Vand. L. Rev. 885 (April, 2004)

44. Nancy J. King and Michael E. O'Neill, Appeal Waivers and the Future of Sentencing Policy, 55 Duke L.J. 209 (Nov., 2005)

45. Susan R. Klein, The Return of Federal Judicial Discretion in Criminal Sentencing, 39 Val. U.L. Rev. 693 (Spring, 2005)

46. Andrew D. Leipold, Why are Federal Judges So Acquittal Prone?, 83 Wash. U. L. Q. 151 (2005)

47. Erik Luna, Gridland: An Allegorical Critique of Federal Sentencing, 96 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 25 (Fall, 2005)

48. Jess D. Mekeel, Note: Misnamed, Misapplied, and Misguided: Clarifying the State of Sentencing Entrapment and Proposing a New Conception of the Doctrine, 14 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 1583 (April, 2006)

49. Memorandum: Presenting a Proposal for Bringing the Federal Sentencing Guidelines into Conformity with Blakely v. Washington, 16 Fed. Sent. R. 364 (Feb., 2004)

50. Marc L. Miller, The Foundations of Law: Sentencing Equality Pathology, 54 Emory L.J. 271 (2005)

51. Jennifer L. Mnookin, Book Review: Uncertain Bargains: The Rise of Plea Bargaining in AmericaPlea Bargaining's Triumph: A History of Plea Bargaining in America, by George Fisher, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1721 (April, 2005)

52. Richard E. Myers II, Symposium: Locating the Constitutional Center: Centrist Judges and Mainstream Values: A Multidisciplinary Exploration: Restoring the Peers in the “Bulwark”: Blakely v. Washington and the Court’s Jury Project, 83 N.C.L. Rev. 1383 (June, 2005)

53. Christopher Nalls, Notes and Comments: Bait and Switch: Criminal Sentencing from a Due Process Perspective, 27 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 159 (Fall, 2004)

54. Briton K. Nelson, Adding Fuel to the Fire: United States v. Booker and the Crack versus Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity, 40 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1161 (May, 2006) 

55. Teresa R. Nelson, Note: The Sixth Amendment Right to Trial by Jury: A Constitutional Guarantee versus the Demise of Sentencing Guidelines, Blakely v. Washington, 124 S. Ct. 2531 (2004), 5 Wyo. L. Rev. 317 (2005)

56. Note: Immunizing the Internet, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Worm, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 2442 (June, 2006)

57. Primary Material: Petition for Rehearing on Behalf of The State of Washington in Blakely v. Washington, No. 02-1632 (filed July 26, 2004), 17 Fed. Sent. R. 71 (Oct., 2004)

58. William H. Pryor Jr., Symposium: Sentencing: What’s at Stake for the States? Keynote Address: Lessons of a Sentencing Reformer from the Deep South, 105 Colum. L. Rev. 943 (May, 2005)

59. Aaron Rappaport, What the Supreme Court Should Do: Save Sentencing Reform, Gut the Guidelines, 17 Fed. Sent. R. 46 (Oct., 2004)

60. Recent Case: Criminal Law - Federal Sentencing Guidelines – Ninth Circuit Holds That Shaming Punishment Does Not Violate the Sentencing Reform Act – United States v. Gementera, 379 F.3d 596 (9th Cir. 2004), 118 Harv. L. Rev. 825 (Dec., 2004)

61. Kevin R. Reitz, Symposium: Sentencing: What’s at Stake for the States? Panel Two: Considerations at Sentencing – What Factors are Relevant and Who Should Decide? The New Sentencing Conundrum: Policy and Constitutional Law at Cross-Purposes, 105 Colum. L. Rev. 1082 (2005)

62. Peter B. Rutledge, The 2004 Gunderson Lecture: Apprendi, Blakely and Federalism, 50 S.D. L. Rev. 427 (2005)

63. Stephen R. Sady, Guidelines Appeals: The Presumption of Reasonableness and Reasonable Doubt, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 170 (Feb., 2006)

64. O. Dean Sanderford, The Feeney Amendment, United States v. Booker, and New Opportunities for the Courts and Congress, 83 N.C.L. Rev. 736 (March, 2005)

65. Douglas M. Schneider, Note: But I was Just a Kid! Does Using Juvenile Adjudications to Enhance Adult Sentences Run Afoul of Apprendi v. New Jersey?, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 837 (2005)

66. Laura M. Schulteis, Note: In re United States of America: An Isolated Showdown Between a Prosecutor and a Judge or the Result of a Seismic Shift of Power from the Judiciary to the Executive?, 2005 Wis. L. Rev. 297 (2005)

67. Neil S. Siegel, A Theory in Search of a Court, and Itself: Judicial Minimalism at the Supreme Court Bar, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 1951 (Aug., 2005)

68. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

69. Kate Stith, Crime and Punishment Under the Constitution, 2004 Sup. Ct. Rev. 221 (2004)

70. The Supreme Court, 2004 Term: Leading Cases, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 189 (Nov., 2005)

71. Christopher M. Thompson, Redefining "Statutory Maximum": The Demise of Michigan's Presumptive Indeterminate Sentencing Guidelines at the Hands of Blakely v. Washington, 83 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 137 (Winter, 2006)

72. Ben Trachtenberg, Note: State Sentencing Policy and New Prison Admissions, 38 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 479 (Winter, 2005)

73. Kristina Walter, Note: Booker and Our Brave New World: The Tension Among the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Judicial Discretion, and a Defendant’s Constitutional Right to Trial by Jury, 53 Clev. St. L. Rev. 657 (2005/2006)

74. Ian Weinstein & Nathaniel Z. Marmur, Federal Sentencing During the Interregnum: Defense Practice as the Blakely Dust Settles, 17 Fed. Sent. R. 51 (Oct., 2004)

75. Ronald F. Wright, Blakely and the Centralizers in North Carolina, 18 Fed. Sent. R. 19 (Oct., 2005)

76. Ronald F. Wright, Incremental and Incendiary Rhetoric in Sentencing after Blakely and Booker, 11 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 461 (Winter, 2006) 

77. Ronald F. Wright, The Power of Bureaucracy in the Response to Blakely and Booker, 43 Hous. L. Rev. 389 (2006)

78. Ronald F. Wright, Trial Distortion and the End of Innocence in Federal Criminal Justice, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 79 (Nov., 2005)

Southern District of Florida Blog (1)

URL: sdfla.

1. Milton Hirsch & David Oscar Markus, Fourth Amendment Forum, 29 Champion 54 (Dec., 2005)

Sports and the Law Report (inactive) (1)


1. Zachary Hugo Hoying, Ohio Supreme Court Decisions: 2004: State ex rel. WBNS TV, Inc. v. Dues, 31 Ohio N.U.L. Rev. 566 (2005)

Start Making Sense (1)


1. Neil H. Buchanan, The Case Against Income Averaging, 25 Va. Tax Rev. 1151 (Spring, 2006)

Statutory Construction Zone (inactive) (1)


1. Gary E. O’Connor, Restatement (First) of Statutory Interpretation, 7 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 333 (2003/2004)

Tax & Business Law Commentary (1)


1. Anthony Q. Fletcher, Publish or Perish: The New York Limited Liability Company Law Publication Requirement: The Fundamental Flaw of an Otherwise Flawless Law, 1 N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. 139 (Fall, 2004)

A Taxing Blog (inactive) (1)


1. Victor Fleischer, Brand New Deal: The Branding Effect of Corporate Deal Structures, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 1581 (June, 2006)

TaxProf Blog (5)


1. Linda M. Beale, Congress Fiddles While Middle America Burns: Amending the Amt (And Regular Tax), 6 Fla. Tax Rev. 811 (2004)

2. Natalie C. Cotton, The Competence of Students as Editors of Law Reviews: A Response to Judge Posner, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 951 (April, 2006)

3. John K. Eason, Symposium: Trust Law in the 21st Century: Policy, Logic, and Persuasion in the Evolving Realm of Trust Asset Protection, 27 Cardozo L. Rev. 2621 (April, 2006)

4. Edward J. McCaffery & Linda R. Cohen, Shakedown at Gucci Gulch: The New Logic of Collective Action, 84 N.C.L. Rev. 1159 (May, 2006)

5. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

Texas Law Blog (inactive) (1)


1. Craig Estlinbaum, South Texas Law Review at Fifty: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, 46 S. Tex. L. Rev. 25 (Fall, 2004)

The TTABlog (2)


1. Todd Anten, Note: Self-Disparaging Trademarks and Social Change: Factoring the Reappropriation of Slurs into Section 2(A) of the Lanham Act, 106 Colum. L. Rev. 388 (March, 2006)

2. Stephen R. Baird, 2005 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 55 Am. U.L. Rev. 1263 (April, 2006)

The UCL Practitioner (2)


1. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

2. Bonny E. Sweeney, Proposition 64 Does Not Apply to Pending Cases, 14 Competition 11 (2005)

Underneath Their Robes (2)


1. Jay S. Bybee & Thomas J. Miles, Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: Judging the Tournament, 32 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1055 (Summer, 2005)

2. Michelle Laena Miller, The Fox vs. the Hedgehog: Why Purely Emotional Damages Should Be Recoverable Under 11 U.S.C. 362(h), 4 DePaul Bus. & Comm. L.J. 497 (Spring, 2006)

The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog (2)


1. Neil Kinkopf, The Statutory Commander in Chief, 81 Ind. L.J. 1169 (Fall, 2005)

2. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

The Volokh Conspiracy (62)

Current URL:

Previous URL: (now “SEO Reviewer”)

1. Michael Abramowicz, Information Markets, Administrative Decisionmaking, and Predictive Cost-Benefit Analysis, 71 U. Chi. L. Rev. 933 (Summer, 2004)

2. Alexandra Bak-Boychuk, Liar Laws: How MPC § 241.3 and State Unsworn Falsification Statutes Fix the Flaws in the False Statements Act (18 U.S.C. § 1001), 78 Temp. L. Rev. 453 (Summer, 2005)

3. Tom W. Bell, The Impact of Blogging on the Practice of Law: Hit the Snooze Button, 11 Nexus J. Op. 75 (2006)

4. Osmar J. Benvenuto, Note: Reevaluating the Debate Surrounding the Supreme Court’s Use of Foreign Precedent, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 2695 (April, 2006)

5. Anita Bernstein, Whatever Happened to Law and Economics, 64 Md. L. Rev. 303 (2005)

6. David E. Bernstein, Book Review: The Red Menace, Revisited: The Logic of Persecution: Free Expression and the McCarthy Era, by Martin H. Redish, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1295 (Spring, 2006) 

7. David E. Bernstein, Lochner v. New York: A Centennial Retrospective, 83 Wash. U. L. Q. 1469 (2005)

8. Bradford Bigler, Sexually Provoked: Recognizing Sexual Misrepresentation as Adequate Provocation, 53 UCLA L. Rev. 783 (Feb., 2006)

9. Grace Ganz Blumberg, Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Conjugal Relationships: The 2003 California Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act in Comparative Civil Rights and Family Law Perspective, 51 UCLA L. Rev. 1555 (Aug., 2004)

10. Jason A. Cade, Note: If the Shoe Fits: Kasky v. Nike and Whether Corporate Statements about Business Operations Should Be Deemed Commercial Speech, 70 Brooklyn L. Rev. 247 (Fall, 2004)

11. Courtney Megan Cahill, Same-Sex Marriage, Slippery Slope Rhetoric, and the Politics of Disgust: A Critical Perspective on Contemporary Family Discourse and the Incest Taboo, 99 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1543 (Summer, 2005)

12. Winston E. Calvert, Note: Judicial Selection and the Religious Test Clause, 82 Wash. U. L. Q. 1129 (Fall, 2004)

13. Dale Carpenter, Is Lawrence Libertarian, 88 Minn. L. Rev. 1140 (May, 2004)

14. Dale Carpenter, Symposium: State Marriage Amendments: Bad Arguments Against Gay Marriage, 7 Fl. Coastal L. Rev. 181 (Fall, 2005)

15. Patrick B. Cates, Faith-Based Prisons and the Establishment Clause: The Constitutionality of Employing Religion as an Engine of Correctional Policy, 41 Willamette L. Rev. 777 (Fall, 2005)

16. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Markets for Markets: Origins and Subjects of Information Markets, 58 Rutgers L. Rev. 339 (Winter, 2006)

17. Miriam A. Cherry & Robert L. Rogers, Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1141 (Spring, 2006)

18. Eric R. Claeys, Raich and Judicial Conservatism at the Close of the Rehnquist Court, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 791 (Winter, 2005)

19. Christina E. Coleman, Note: The Future of the Federalism Revolution: Gonzales v. Raich and the Legacy of the Rehnquist Court, 37 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 803 (Summer, 2006) 

20. Teresa Stanton Collett, Restoring Democratic Self-Governance through the Federal Marriage Amendment, 2 U. St. Thomas L.J. 95 (Fall, 2004)

21. Frank B. Cross & Stefanie Lindquist, Symposium: Doctrinal and Strategic Influences of the Chief Justice: The Decisional Significance of the Chief Justice, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1665 (June, 2006) 

22. Elliot M. Davis, Recent Case: Unjustly Usurping the Parental Right: Fields v. Palmdale School District, 427 F.3d 1197 (9th Cir. 2005), 29 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 1133 (Summer, 2006) 

23. John C. Eastman, Challenging the Legislature’s Actions in the Wake of Guinn v. Legislature, 4 Nev. L.J. 543 (Spring, 2004)

24. Adam Fraser, Protected from Their Own Beliefs: Religious Objectors and Paternalistic Laws, 18 BYU J. Pub. L. 185 (2003)

25. William Funk, Intimidation and the Internet, 110 Penn St. L. Rev. 579 (Winter, 2006)

26. Joseph Gratz, Note: Reform in The “Brave Kingdom”: Alternative Compensation Systems For Peer-To-Peer File Sharing, 6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 399 (Dec., 2004)

27. Paul S. Gutman, Say What?: Blogging and Employment Law in Conflict, 27 Colum. J.L. & Arts 145 (Fall, 2003)

28. Ruth K. Khalsa, Note: Polygamy as a Red Herring in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, 54 Duke L.J. 1665 (April, 2005)

29. Leading Case: Fourth and Fifth Amendments – Stop-and-Identify Statutes, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 286 (Nov., 2004)

30. Jessie K. Liu, Victimhood, 71 Mo. L. Rev. 115 (Winter, 2006)

31. Daniel J. Lowenberg, The Texas Cave Bug and the California Arroyo Toad “Take” on the Constitution’s Commerce Clause, 36 St. Mary’s L. J. 149 (2004)

32. Nelson Lund & John O. McGinnis, Lawrence v. Texas and Judicial Hubris, 102 Mich. L. Rev. 1555 (June, 2004)

33. Brett H. McDonnell, Responses to Lawrence v. Texas: Is Incest Next?, 10 Cardozo Women’s L.J. 337 (Winter, 2004)

34. John O. McGinnis, Foreign to Our Constitution, 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 303 (2006)

35. Stephen M. McJohn, Eldred’s Aftermath: Tradition, the Copyright Clause, and the Constitutionalization of Fair Use, 10 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L. Rev. 95 (Fall, 2003)

36. Ryan McKaig, Aid and Comfort: Rasul v. Bush and the Separation of Powers Doctrine in Wartime, 28 Campbell L. Rev. 123 (Fall, 2005)

37. Mark P. McKenna, The Right of Publicity and Autonomous Self-Definition, 67 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 225 (Fall, 2005)

38. Adam Mossoff, Is Copyright Property, 42 San Diego L. Rev. 29 (Feb./Mar., 2005)

39. Note: The Plaintiff as Person: Cause Lawyering, Human Subject Research, and the Secret Agent Problem, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 1510 (March, 2006)

40. Frank Pasquale, Symposium: Cyberpersons, Propertization, and Contract in the Information Culture: Rankings, Reductionism, and Responsibility, 54 Clev. St. L. Rev. 115 (2006)

41. Nina Paul & Will Trachman, Fidos and Fi-don’ts: Why the Supreme Court Should Have Found a Search in Illinois v. Caballes, 9 Cal. Crim. Law Rev. 1 (2005)

42. Kim H. Pearson, Patriotic Homosocial Discourse, 12 Wm. & Mary J. of Women & L. 627 (Spring, 2006)

43. Aaron Perzanowski, Relative Access to Corrective Speech: A New Test for Requiring Actual Malice, 94 Calif. L. Rev. 833 (May, 2006)

44. Saikrishna B. Prakash, Branches Behaving Badly: The Predictable and Often Desirable Consequences of the Separation of Powers, 12 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 543 (Summer, 2003)

45. Meghan Riley, American Courts are Drowning in the “Gene Pool”: Excavating the Slippery Slope Mechanisms Behind Judicial Endorsement of DNA Databases, 39 J. Marshall L. Rev. 115 (Fall, 2005)

46. Patrick S. Ryan, War, Peace, or Stalemate: Wargames, Wardialing, Wardriving, and the Emerging Market for Hacker Ethics, 9 Va. J.L. & Tech. 7 (Summer, 2004)

47. Timothy Sandefur, The Information Age, Again, 11 Nexus J. Op. 5 (2006)

48. Timothy Sandefur, A Private Little Bush v. Gore, or, How Nevada Violated the Republican Guarantee and Got Away With It, 9 Tex. Rev. Law & Pol. 105 (Fall, 2004)

49. Alan E. Sears, Civil Marriage & Same-Sex Couples: Wrong in the Law and in the Culture, 40 AZ Attorney 15 (March, 2004)

50. David D. Smyth III, A New Framework for Analyzing Gag Orders Against Trial Witnesses, 56 Baylor L. Rev. 89 (Winter, 2004)

51. Franklin G. Snyder, Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, 11 Nexus J. Op. 111 (2006)

52. Lior Jacob Strahilevitz, Information Asymmetries and the Rights to Exclude, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 1835 (July, 2006)

53. Cass R. Sunstein & Randy E. Barnett, Constitutive Commitments and Roosevelt’s Second Bill of Rights: A Dialogue, 53 Drake L. Rev. 205 (Winter, 2005)

54. Anthony E. Varona, Changing Channels and Bridging Divides: The Failure and Redemption of American Broadcast Television Regulation, 6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 1 (Dec., 2004)

55. Anthony E. Varona, Out of Thin Air: Using First Amendment Public Forum Analysis to Redeem American Broadcasting Regulation, 39 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 149 (Winter, 2006)

56. Amy L. Wax, The Conservative’s Dilemma: Traditional Institutions, Social Change, and Same-Sex Marriage, 42 San Diego L. Rev. 1059 (Summer, 2005)

57. Jared Wessel, Judicial Policy-Making at the International Criminal Court: An Institutional Guide to Analyzing International Adjudication, 44 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 377 (2006)

58. Geoffrey M. Wyatt, The Third Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Military Recruiting on Private Campuses, 40 New Eng.L. Rev. 113 (Fall, 2005)

59. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

60. Ernest A. Young, Just Blowing Smoke? Politics, Doctrine, and the Federalist Revival after Gonzales v. Raich, 2005 Sup. Ct. Rev. 1 (2005)

61. Todd J. Zywicki, An Economic Analysis of the Consumer Bankruptcy Crisis, 99 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1463 (Summer, 2005)

62. Todd J. Zywicki, Is Forum Shopping Corrupting America’s Bankruptcy Courts?, 94 Geo. L.J. 1141 (April, 2006)

White Collar Crime Prof Blog (10)


1. H. Beau Baez III, The Rush to the Goblin Market: The Blurring of Quill's Two Nexus Tests, 29 Seattle Univ. L. R. 581 (Spring, 2006)

2. Jose Gabilondo, Financial Moral Panic! Sarbanes-Oxley, Financier Folk Devils, and Off-Balance-Sheet Arrangements, 36 Seton Hall L. Rev. 781 (2006)

3. Isaac M. Gradman, Note: Hot Under the White Collar: What the Rollercoaster in Sentencing Law from Blakely to Booker Will Mean to Corporate Offenders, 1 N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. 731 (Summer, 2005)

4. Joan MacLeod Heminway, Symposium: Women and the “New” Corporate Governance: Martha Stewart Saved! Insider Violations of Rule 10B-5 for Misrepresented or Undisclosed Personal Facts, 65 Md. L. Rev. 380 (2006)

5. Ellen S. Podgor, Arthur Andersen, LLP and Martha Stewart: Should Materiality be an Element of Obstruction of Justice?, 44 Washburn L.J. 583 (Spring, 2005)

6. Ellen S. Podgor, Reviews in Review, 30 Champion 71 (March, 2006)

7. Ellen S. Podgor, Reviews in Review, 30 Champion 57 (May, 2006)

8. Ellen S. Podgor, Reviews in Review, 30 Champion 63 (July, 2006)

9. Ellen S. Podgor, Reviews in Review: Perjury and Obstruction, 30 Champion 47 (Jan./Feb., 2006)

10. Christopher A. Wray & Robert K. Hur, Corporate Criminal Prosecution in a Post-Enron World: The Thompson Memo in Theory and Practice, 43 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1095 (Summer, 2006)

Workplace Prof Blog (1)


1. Anita Bernstein, Foreword: What We Talk About When We Talk About Workplace Privacy, 66 La. L. Rev. 923 (Summer, 2006)

The Yin Blog (1)


1. Tung Yin, Legal Blogs and the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, 11 Nexus J. Op. 79 (2006)

3L Epiphany (2)


1. Ian Best, Recent Development: Campbell v. Gen. Dynamics Gov’t Sys. Corp., 21 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 1073 (2006)

2. Donald J. Kochan, The Blogosphere and The New Pamphleteers, 11 Nexus J. Op. 99 (2006)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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