Invention - Commack Schools

| Invention |Description |Use in World War I |

|Automatic Machine Gun |Mounted gun that fires a rapid, continuous stream of bullets. |Made it possible for a few gunners to mow down waves of soldiers. |

|Tank |Armored vehicle that travels on a track allowing it to cross |Protected advancing troops as they broke through enemy defenses. Early tanks were |

| |many kinds of land. |slow and clumsy. |

|Submarine |Underwater ship that can launch torpedoes, or guided underwater|Used by Germany to destroy Allied shipping. Submarine attacks helped bring United |

| |bombs. |States into war. |

|Airplane |One-or-two seat propeller plane equipped with machine gun or |At first, mainly used for observation. Later, flying “aces” engaged in air combat. |

| |bombs. | |

|Poison Gas/ Gas Mask |Gases that cause choking, blinding, or severe skin blisters; |Lobbed into enemy trenches, killing or disabling troops. Gas masks lessened the |

| |gas masks protect soldiers from poison gas. |importance of poison gas. |


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