Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

World War IILesson 3 America Enters World War IIKey Terms Hideki TojoPearl HarborGeorge MarshallWomen’s Army Corps (WAC)Douglas MacArthurBataan Death MarchBattle of Coral SeaAcademic Vocabularyallocate: to distribute or give out according to a plancommission: in use or in condition for useeradicate: to completely get rid of something infamy: evil, disgracefulminimal: smallest or least amount possiblepremeditated: planned in advance; done on purposeLesson Objectives1.Explain why Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor, and describe the attack itself. 2.Outline how the United States mobilized for war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. 3.Summarize the course of the war in the Pacific through the summer of 1942. Japan Attacks the United States: Text1.Identify Cause and Effect As you read “Japan Attacks the United States,” use this graphic organizer to record the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor.2.Determine Meaning of Words Read the first paragraph of “U.S. Involvement in the Pacific Grows.” What do you think the word embargo means? Why would an?embargo?on Japan potentially stop its expansion in Asia? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 3.Integrate Information From Diverse Sources Read Corpsman Anderson’s description of the attack. Then look at the image of the USS?Arizona. What do Anderson’s words and the image convey about the attack? Use specific evidence to support your answer. 4.Cite Evidence Roosevelt’s “Message Asking for War Against Japan” was broadcast over the radio at the same time he addressed Congress. What do you think was the purpose of this speech? What words in the speech support your answer? Patriotism Inspires Rapid Mobilization: Text5.Integrate Information From Diverse Sources How did the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor affect the morale of the military personnel and civilians in the United States? Use evidence from the text, primary sources, and the photos throughout the topic to support your inference. 6.Identify Supporting Details Stalin made a toast: “To American production, without which the war would have been lost.” What details from the text and its accompanying charts and photos support this main idea? 7.Use Visual Information Look at the image of the Liberty Ship Robert E. Peary in “Patriotism Inspires Rapid Mobilization.” Why was the Liberty Ship considered a production miracle? 8.Summarize Explain the roles of African Americans and women in the military in World War II. What prejudice did these groups face? The Early War in the Pacific: pare and Contrast Consider the positions and situations of Japan and the United States in the War in the Pacific in the middle of 1942. Explain the advantages each side had. 10.Identify Supporting Details What details under “The Early War in the Pacific” support the idea that early 1942 was made up of “dark days” for the United States? ................

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