
AT2 Semester Exam Question BankPeriod 1 T/F An airport with a control tower can be an uncontrolled airport.How old does an aircraft have to be in order to be classified as an antique?Today, what agency is responsible for regulating the safety of airlines and controlling flights over the United States?Who is the largest manufacturer of general aviation airplanes?What is the nickname of the B-1 bomber?What does “KIAS” stand for?Who is the first person to break the sound barrier in an airplane?T/F The SR-71 Blackbird is faster than a speeding bullet.T/F Taxiways are identified by number.What US company is the largest manufacturer of commercial aircraft?What US fighter aircraft was used primarily in the Korean War?What does “CRAF” stand for?What was the first US aerial resupply mission of the Cold War called?Who said “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”?What is the military mission of the A-10 Thunderbolt?What is the military mission of the F-15 Strike Eagle?What is the military mission of the C-17 Globemaster?What is the military mission of the UH-1 Iroquis?What was the military mission of the B-25 Mitchell?What was the military mission of the SR-71 Blackbird?What was the world’s first operational jet fighter?The ________ ________ Act of 1926 regulated air traffic by the US government.The first successful military helicopter, the Sikorsky , was widely used in the Korean War.A standard rate turn is equivalent to ___ degrees per second.What jet turbine powered helicopter was used primarily to transport the US Army’s Air Cavalry during the Vietnam War?The is the official auxiliary of the US Air Force and is a federally chartered, private, nonprofit corporation.T/F Taxiways are the same width as runways.Which X-plane was developed to test forward swept wing designs?What 2 seat aircraft is constructed mostly of titanium?The first successful supersonic airliner was the __________.How many variants are there to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter?Who are the founders of general aviation aircraft in the US? Cessna, Beech, Taylor, Piper, Mooney.What was President Reagan’s missile defense system nicknamed?T/F Alan Shepard built the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV).Which NASA mission was the first to successfully land on the moon?What was the first US stealth fighter?What type of aircraft is the famous Blue Angels Fat Albert?Which of the following helicopters is capable of heavy lift?What is the name of the twin satellite system currently surveying the moon?What is the largest commercial passenger airliner today?What is the largest US military transport airplane?Which aircraft is the most widely used trainer in civilian flight schools?Is the passenger terminal an airside or landside function?What fighter airplane is flown by the Blue Angels today?T/F The US and Russia were allies during World War 2.T/F 50 percent of general aviation is business related.What was the “bloodless” war between the US and Soviet Union from the 1940’s-1980’s called?Period 2What is currently the most used 2 engine jet airliner?What country attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?What does “VTOL” stand for?What is the name of the US military’s stealth bomber?Spin recovery questions…What US military aircraft is capable of Mach 3 flight?What speed does “Mach 3” represent?What does “UAV” stand for?What type of aircraft is a Predator?T/F Business aircraft selection considerations are cost effectiveness, fuel consumption, and noise.Where are the National Championship Air Races held?What type of aircraft is represented by the letter “X”, such as the X-15?Would firefighting and crop dusting aircraft be examples of transportation or non-transportation missions?What does “STOL” mean? Do you need an FAA license to fly a homebuilt aircraft?What color are taxiway lights?What airplane was Gary Powers flying when he was shot down over the Soviet Union?What is the largest commercial airplane built to carry passengers?T/F The AV-8B Harrier is a VTOL aircraft.What US company is the largest supplier of general aviation aircraft?What is the name of the US company that produced the airplane in our lab?T/F Concerns and challenges for airports include noise, animals, and bird hazards.What does “FAA” stand for?T/F Homebuilt aircraft are classified by the FAA as Experimental.What does “NOTAM” mean?T/F Executive aircraft are usually twin engine, turbojet powered airplanes.What does “VFR” stand for?What does “IFR” stand for?Who is considered the “father of the US Air Force?”Where do commercial jetliner airplanes go when they retire?What company manufactures the A340?Gliding is the controlled descent of an unpowered aircraft.Which of these terms represents an aviation weather forecast? METAR, TAF, ADDS, NOTAMWhat is the purpose of a control tower at an airport?The two types of operations/functions at an airport are classified as _________ and ________.The fire department at a commercial airport would be considered a ________ operation.What does the “H” in UH-1 Iroquois stand for?To what country did the Mitsubishi A-6M “Zero” fighter belong?What does “FOD” stand for? Foreign Object Debris, Foreign Object Damage.Above what barometric pressure would a high pressure system be indicated, in English units?What are the “Big Two” commercial passenger aircraft manufacturers?What is the military mission of the F/A-18 Hornet?T/F The number on a runway equates to the magnetic heading of the runway rounded to the nearest ten degrees.What does the “K” stand for in the airport identifier “KJAX”?What color are taxiway edge lights?Red lights at the end of a runway indicate what?An airport without a control tower is called a(n) ___________ airport.A rotating light at an airport that alternates between green and white light is called a(n) ___________ _______________.What was America’s first operational supersonic bomber?In what year did the Space Shuttle program end?What wing technology was employed for the first time on the P-51 Mustang?What is the altimeter setting for “standard day”?T/F You stall an airplane when you exceed the critical angle of attack.What is the name of the vehicle you would follow from the runway to the ramp?T/F The Control Tower provides the pilot with weather information for flight planning.What is the correct description of flight control inputs to counter crosswinds on final approach?Is a hangar an airside function, landside function, both or neither?Is a passenger terminal food court an airside function, landside function, both or neither?What does “RMK” stand for in a Terminal Area Forecast/TAF?Which of the following are NOT acceptable methods to mitigate bird strike hazards?What is the most common lifting gas used in ballooning today?What popular bomber was credited for saving Europe in World War 2?T/F Aerial advertising is a form of non-transportation general aviation.Period 3General Aviation is defined as all civil aviation other than flying done by scheduled air carriers and government agencies.What is the Bell X-1 airplane nicknamed the “Glamorous Glennis” famous for?Instructional, personal, business, sport, and commercial are the 5 categories of ___________ aviation.The ________ _________ Act of 1978 allowed airlines to start flying on new routes without approval of the Civil Aeronautics Board.From what country did the United States acquire titanium to construct spy aircraft in the 1960s and 1970s?If one end of a runway is numbered 31, what should the number at the opposite end be?T/F The U-2 and SR-71 aircraft are unarmed.What is the name of the European aircraft consortium?The first airplane designed to intentionally break the sound barrier was the _____________.After the U-2 and before the SR-71, the CIA flew the armed single seat _________ airplane for reconnaissance.“Wings in front of the wings” describe what type of flight surface?_________ are placed on the outer edges of wings to reduce drag and increase efficiency.What design flaw caused the first commercial jet airliner, the DeHavilland Comet, to disintegrate in flight?The most common type of taxiway design is the _________ taxiway.T/F The Experimental Aircraft Association was formed to help builders safely construct and fly their aircraft.T/F Small flying objects used to gather aerial information are called Micro Air Vehicles/MAVs.An example of a composite aircraft construction material is:An airport with an operating control tower is a(n) _______________ airfield.T/F Racing aircraft are classified according to engine size and power.What are the main US military attack helicopters? Apache, Cobra, Comanche, huey gunshipUltralights, soaring/gliding, aerobatics, racing, antique, ballooning, and homebuilts are all divisions of _____________ aviation.70 percent of commercial passengers fly on trips lasting less than _____ hour(s).Tower operators, ground controllers, and radar operators are examples of which career field?Is the lavatory services truck a landside operation?Is a Carter Copter an airplane, a helicopter, or a prerotating autogyro?The international version of the FAA is:What type of FAA license must you have in order to perform maintenance and repair on aircraft?T/F All Air Traffic Controllers in the United States must be licensed by the federal government.Period 6 How many engines do the DC-10, L-1011, and B-727 airplanes have (each)?T/F More than half of the Fortune 500 companies have executive aircraft.Who designed the Piper J-3 Cub?What bomber airplane was primarily used in Operation Rolling Thunder and Operation Linebacker over Vietnam?Operation DESERT STORM took place primarily in what two countries?T/F The jetway is often referred to as a transition area between Landside and Airside functions.The three categories of air carrier are cargo carriers, modern airliners, and regional commuter aircraft.T/F The North Koreans flew the Mig-15 during the Korean War.The type of facility that services small business aircraft and other privately owned airplanes at an airport is called an FBO, or ______________________________.The Beechcraft Bonanza has a distinctive feature. What is it?What US stealth bomber was designed to fly through Soviet defense systems?T/F The wind sock, runway, and airport beacon are all airside functions. ................

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