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WWI/1920s QuizDirections: For the questions below, choose the best possible answer choice.The list below provides details about the origins of World War I.NationalismImperialism and Economic RivalriesMilitarismWhich phrase completes the diagram?Alliance systemSocial revolutionDrought and famineWorldwide economic depressionA 33-year-old man registers with the Selective Service in 1917. Why did Congress feel this registration was necessary?The US needed to raise troops to fight overseasThe US needed to increase its agricultural productionThe US needed laborers to replace men in the armed servicesThe US needed to produce war goods, such as ships and uniformsThe message below was sent in secret code by the Foreign Minister of Germany to the German Ambassador to Mexico in January 1917. It was discovered and deciphered by the British government.We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall try in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. If this does not succeed, we will make a proposal of alliance to Mexico on the following terms: we make war together, we make peace together, we give generous financial support and an understanding that Mexico is to regain the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona…Please call the attention of the President [of Mexico] to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England to make peace in a few months.What was the impact of the publication of this letter?Mexico allied with Germany in World War I50380905397500American public opinion was outraged against GermanyThe US Senate immediately declared war on GermanyThe US paid Mexico compensation for its lost territoriesThe graphic organizer on the right gives details about American society, April 1917—November 1918. What would be an appropriate title for the graphic organizer?The impact of WWI on womenThe impact of WWI on food productionThe impact of WWI on German AmericansThe impact of WWI on the federal governmentWhat caused African-American demographic patterns in the US to shift during WWI?The closing of factories in the SouthEffects of the Civil Rights movementMore job opportunities in Northern citiesThe availability of cheap farmland in the NorthWhich sentence describes the experiences of African-American soldiers during WWI?They were unable to engage in combat because of racial prejudiceThey successfully persuaded the government to desegregate the army419227019113500The were segregated but many engaged in combat under French commandThey were treated as equals with ample opportunity for advancement through the ranksThe cartoon on the right was published on May 16, 1917. The sign encourages the people to buy liberty bonds while Uncle Sam says, “That’s what I like to see.”What was the purpose of the bonds being sold in the cartoon?To avoid an economic depressionTo keep the US out of warTo help finance the American war effort391541013779500To make emergency loans to Britain and FranceThe photograph on the right shows American infantry in France in 1918. What would be the best caption for this photograph?The introduction of tanks ends trench warfareBattlefield devastation from aircraft bombardmentCrossing “No Man’s Land” to reach an enemy trenchTroops get exercise by running along an Allied trenchWhy did the US Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?444055528194000Many Senators opposed the severe sanctions that the treaty placed on Germany Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the US in foreign warsMany Senators felt the League of Nations would interfere with American plans in the PhilippinesMany Senators predicted that membership in the new League of Nations would be too expensiveThe cartoon to the right was published in May 1917. Which was NOT one of the “new bureaus” referred to in this cartoon?War Industries BoardRailroad AdministrationAmerican Federation of LaborCommittee of Public InformationWhich best describes how American women reacted to American participation in WWI?Some protested but most supported the war effort and many filled men’s jobsBecause of a shortage of enlisted men, many women served in combat for the first timeWomen’s continuing protests for women’s suffrage dangerously impeded the war effortLarge numbers of women were forced to move from their homes to meet wartime needsWhat did the rejection of the League of Nations, the higher tariffs, and the Emergency Quota Act all point to during the early 1920s?Increasing militarismIncreasing isolationismIncreasing imperialismIncreasing internationalismThe below are headlines from newspapers of the time.“Wave of Strikes Across Country”“Rising Prices Causing Worker Unrest”“Bombs Addressed to American Businessmen and Politicians: Attorney General Palmer Included!”“Bolshevik Victories Continue in Russia”Which event do these newspapers describe?Cold WarRed ScareProhibitionGreat MigrationWomen had many new experiences as a result of WWI, including working at new jobs, wearing new fashions, and acting more independently. What other new change came to women just after WWI?The right to voteThe right to drinkEqual pay for equal workThe right to serve in military combatWhich groups did not generally participate in the prosperity of the 1920s?Manufacturers and real estate developersStock-brokers and automobile workersBankers and construction workersMinorities and railroad workersWhy was there racial unrest in Northern cities after WWI?African Americans had been given the right to vote for the first timeAfrican-American baseball players were being allowed to play on previously all-white teamsThe arrival of large numbers of immigrants from Eastern Europe caused tensions with African AmericansThe migration of African Americans and returning African-American veterans had created greater competition for jobs and housingWhich best describes the activities of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920s?Successfully achieved control of both the Congress and the PresidencyAssisted Marcus Garvey in transporting African Americans “back to Africa”Were mainly directed at preventing African Americans from voting in the SouthPromoted anti-immigrant, anti-African-American, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish sentimentsWhat did the Washington Naval Conference, the Nine-Power Treaty, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact have in common?They were attempts at promoting world peace without the League of NationsThey created secret alliances between the former Allied and Central PowersThey were a series of naval disarmament treaties involving the Allied Powers of WWIThey were disarmament treaties that limited the number of tanks, use of poison gas, and airplanesListed below, what do the philosophies of these three African-American leaders suggest?Booker T. WashingtonFounded the Tuskegee InstituteWanted to achieve vocational skills rather than agitate for social equalitySubmitted to segregation as long as given vocational training in public schoolsLimited ambitions to obtaining a vocation and raising standards of living Atlanta CompromiseW.E.B. Du BoisFirst African American to receive a Ph.D. from HarvardAgitated for full social equality and refused to settle for an inferior social and economic statusAfrican Americans should receive a liberal and professional educationLaunched the Niagara MovementCondemned the Atlanta CompromiseLaunched the NAACPMarcus GarveyEstablished the Universal Negro Improvement AssociationBelieved “black is beautiful”Opposed cooperation with whites in organization like the NAACPFounded African-American businesses such as the Black Star LineStarted a “Back to Africa” movementUrged African Americans to separate from white and rely upon themselvesAfrican Americans believed that racial equality could not be achieved in the USOnly Booker T. Washington felt that whites would accept African Americans as equalConditions were generally acceptable to the African-American community as they wereFrustrations with continuing inequality led African Americans to fight discrimination in different waysWhat did African-American writers, artists, and musicians hope to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?To display their ability as conscientious workers in the workplaceTo show that the pursuit of material success can often lead to tragedyTo demonstrate that African Americans could produce great works of literature and artTo reveal that conditions for African Americans in the South were almost as bad as in the North ................

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