World War I Projects

World War II Projects Name: _______________________

In your selected groups of two or on your own, you will be researching one of the topics below and creating a project to present to the rest of the class. Check these websites to find a topic:

Chosen topic: ______________________________________________________________________________

You can choose to do a(n):

• Powerpoint

• Poster/Diorama

• Map

• Newspaper

• Interview/Skit

• Song/Poem

Project Checklist:

_______ 1. Presentations should be at least 4-6 minutes in length – see rubric.

_______ 2. Presented information is factual – see rubric.

_______ 3. Presentation is organized and concepts are understood – see rubric. If you’re doing a PowerPoint, there is no slide requirement, but I need to be able to tell thought and effort were put into your slides.

_______ 4. Student takes detailed notes prior to creating presentation (note sheet attached).

_______ 5. Uses reliable websites (no Wikipedia, Quora, Answer, blogs- Weebly, etc.)

_______ 6. Group has an MLA Works Cited page at end of the slideshow.

_______ 7. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE DIRECTLY FROM WEBSITE – quotes are fine. If found to be copy and pasted -20 points off total score earned.

_______ 8. You may use ONE audio or video clip about your topic to enhance the presentation.

_______ 9. Group dynamics are positive and group goals are reached – see rubric.

_______ 10. When finished, emailed to me at Carolina.Sandlin@ if it’s electronic

Scoring Rubric

|Turned in on time |10 |5-0 | | |

| |Project is turned in by |NOT submitted by the morning of | | |

| |the morning of Friday, |Friday, April 12th | | |

| |April 12th | | | |

|Project is factual/uses reliable|5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|websites |Uses accurate and |Uses accurate facts but reliability |Obvious incorrect information and|Filled with incorrect information|

| |reliable information |is questionable |reliability is questionable |and no reliability |

|Project exemplifies effort in |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|research |Very complete |Information somewhat complete |Information is missing; not well |Information is missing; poor |

| |information, knowledge |(missing some important facts); |researched; Somewhat familiar |research; Is not familiar with |

| |of topic evident |somewhat well researched; knowledge |with their topic |their topic |

| | |of topic is somewhat evident | | |

|Project is neat (not too wordy) |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

|and organized |Slides are neat and |Slides are somewhat neat and |Slides are not neat and not well |Slides are not neat and not well |

| |organized; easy to |organized (font too small; too many |organized (font too small, too |organized (font too small; too |

| |understand |words) |many words, too many errors) |many words, too many errors) |

|Works Cited Page |5 |4 |3 |2-0 |

| |Work is cited |Work is cited in MLA with a few |Work is cited in MLA, but with |No works cited page or is not |

| |appropriately in MLA |errors |several errors |cited in MLA format |

|Presentation is 4-6 in length |5 |4-3 | |2-0 |

|with questions |4-6 minutes+ |2-4 minutes | |Less than 2 minutes |

|Group works well together/on |10 | | |0 |

|task |Partners worked together| | |Partners did not work together |

| |and communicated well | | |well, argued over presentation, |

| |and were consistently on| | |and were not on task. |

| |task | | | |

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|TOTAL SCORE | | | |________/ 45 pts |

Note-taking sheet (repeat this process) Name: ________________________

|General information about topic/slide: |

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|Where I got this information from: |

|General information about this topic/slide: |

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|Where I got this information from: |

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|General information about subtopic: |

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|Where I got this information from: |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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