Sources for the study of the First World War

For convenience, this list of sources has been divided into the following sections:

1. General topics

2. Agriculture, food and rationing

3. Armed services

4. Armistice and Peace

5. Civil Defence

6. Industry

7. War Memorials

8. Women

9. Zeppelins and air raids

Sources appropriate to more than one section have been included more than once, under each relevant heading.

Within each section the sources are listed in the following order:

1. documentary sources

2. illustrations

3. sound archive recordings

4. printed sources in E.R.O. library


Sources for The First World War


|1.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Essex Special Constabulary, Colchester Division, orders, reports and letters, |D/Z 77/1-2 |

| |incl. details of duty and drill of special constables, information re | |

| |identification of aircraft, air raid precautions against enemy bombardment, | |

| |table of air raids over Essex, 1915-1918, plans for evacuation in case of | |

| |invasion, lighting restrictions, trading hours, food regulations, hostile | |

| |pamphlets, protection of carrier pigeons, censorship of postcards etc., | |

| |1914-1918 | |

| |St Peter’s Church, Bocking Finance Committee minutes incl. details of effects |D/P 546/29/6 |

| |of war, grants to buy material to make clothes for families of servicemen, | |

| |insurance of church against hostile aircraft, lighting restrictions, | |

| |commandeering of schoolroom by military, 1914-1918 | |

| |Correspondence re purchase of lordship of manor of Foulness by War Department, |D/DU 514/28 |

| |1914-1918 | |

| |Transcript of log books of Hamstel County Junior School, Southchurch, incl. |TS 607/1 |

| |refs. to First World War, 1914-1918 | |

| |Diary of R.T. Bull of Burnham, incl. considerable details of progress of war, |T/B 245 |

| |zeppelin raids, local bombing, local billeting of soldiers, training of sons | |

| |etc., 1914-1918 (mf.) | |

| |Essex Police Home Office circulars and instructions re restriction orders on |J/P 12/1 |

| |aliens, 1914-1918 | |

| |Essex Police detailed accounts of investigations into persons suspected of |J/P 12/6 |

| |German associations and making disloyal remarks, 1914-1918 | |

| |Special constable’s log book kept by H.J. Gripper of Chelmsford, details of |D/Z 137 |

| |local and national events incl. newscuttings, war damage and casualties, orders| |

| |to special constables in Essex, 1914-1919 | |

| |Diaries of Revd. Denys Yonge, vicar of Boreham, 1914-1919 |D/DU 358/26-31 |

| |Essex Police correspondence with Home Office re firearms and lighting, |J/P 12/3 |

| |circulars issued under Defence of the Realm Regulations, 1914-1920 | |

| |MS history of Stondon Massey recording national and local events incl. Zeppelin|T/P 188/3 pp. 50-345, 364-376, |

| |raids, entrenchments etc. 1914-1922 |752-863 (indexed) |

| |Resolution of Essex Baptist Union against European armaments, 1914 |D/NB 2/2 (p.273) |

| |File re Lucy Pearson’s work on temperance, incl. memoranda and correspondence |D/DU 758/27 |

| |with War Office to achieve prohibition of sale of liquor to soldiers, 1914-1915| |

| |Accounts of Mrs Caroline Ann Oates incl. list of donations to various war |D/DOa A8 |

| |funds, 1914-1915 | |

| |Colchester Borough Council Emergency Committee minutes, 1914-1915 |Acc. C4 (pt.) |

| | |[Colchester Branch] |

| |Papers re sale of Brick House, Foulness to War Department, 1914-1915 |D/DGs T105 |

| |Minutes of Alresford Recruiting, War Emergency and War Savings Committees, |D/P 336/30/1 |

| |1914-1917 | |

| |Circular letter from Clacton Emergency Committee to local residents, 1915 |Acc. C628 (pt.) |

| |Home Office circulars re wartime administration of Essex Police, incl. posters |J/P 5/4-5 |

| |advising caution in speech, recruiting posters, notices of emergency | |

| |situations, 1915-1916 | |

| |Copy of The True Blue Magazine (War Bulletin and Harwich Division of Essex News|D/DR Z9/8 |

| |Recorder no. 3 vol. IX), 1916 | |

| |Southend Standard war reports and cases of conscientious objectors, 1916 |D/DS 308/27 |

| |Kelvedon Society of Friends Preparative Meeting minutes, incl. refs. to use of |T/A 434/1/9 |

| |meeting house as school and letters of sympathy to Friends imprisoned for | |

| |conscience sake, 1916 (mf.) | |

| |Probate of will with printed memorandum re distribution of assets to German, |D/DB F290 |

| |Austro-Hungarian and Turkish subjects, 1916 | |

| |Southend Borough Committee to effect economies in public expenditure minutes, |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |1916 | |

| |Minutes of War Charities Sub-Committee of Southend-on-Sea General Purposes |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |Committee, 1916 | |

| |Gregorian Association refs. to contacts with Serbian Church, 1917 |D/DU 1623/28 |

| |Southend Borough War Charities Sub-Committee (later Committee) minutes, |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |1917-1918 | |

| |Gregorian Association ‘A Hymn For Wartime', 1918 |D/DU 1623/29 |

| |List of war donations by Courtaulds, 1918 |D/F 3/2/145 |

| |Southend Borough Special Local Markets Committee minutes, 1918-1919 |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |Essex Police correspondence and details of officers receiving Special |J/P 12/8 |

| |Constabulary Long Service medal, 1919-1922 | |

| |Certificate awarded to secretary of Witham War Savings Committee |T/P 133/8 |

| |OAP essays memories of First World War |T/A 25/596-691, 725, 770, 808, 835,|

| | |838 |

| | | |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Alresford |T/Z 25/676 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Althorne |T/Z 25/688 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Great Baddow |T/Z 25/610 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Battlesbridge |T/Z 25/657 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Beaumont-cum-Moze |T/Z 25/630 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Braintree |T/Z 25//619 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Great Bentley |T/Z 25/668-669 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Broxted |T/Z 25/686 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Great Canfield |T/Z 25/658 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Chelmsford |T/Z 25//609, 634-640, 683,684 |

| | | |

| |OAP essay memories of war in Finchingfield |T/Z 25/662 |

| |OAP essay memories of war in West Ham & Birmingham |T/Z 25/617 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Hertfordshire |T/Z 25/611, 659 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Holland-on-Sea |T/Z 25/624 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Hutton |T/Z 25/614 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Ilford |T/Z 25/1904 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Ipswich |T/Z 25//238, 652 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Kent |T/Z 25/618 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Leigh |T/Z 25/1897 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Leyton |T/Z 25/25/599, 601, 1897 |

| | | |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Leytonstone |T/Z 25/690 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in London |T/Z 25/555, 608, 626, 632, 661, |

| | |663, 675, 691 |

| | | |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Loughton |T/Z 25/642 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Maldon |T/Z 25/598 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Norfolk |T/Z 25/596, 611 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in North Ockendon |T/Z 25/655 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Scotland |T/Z 25/620 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Southend |T/Z 25/1869 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Suffolk |T/Z 25/596, 612 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Surrey |T/Z 25/672, 678 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Thorpe-le-Soken |T/Z 25/648 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in North Wales |T/Z 25/680 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Walthamstow |T/Z 25/644, 654 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in North Weald |T/Z 25/611 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Westcliff |T/Z 25/692 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Wethersfield |T/Z 25/664 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Woolwich |T/Z 25/671 |

| |OAP essay of memories of war in Yorkshire |T/Z 25/687 |

| |OAP essay YMCA work in Colchester |T/Z 25/595 |

| |OAP essay prisoner-of-war’s visit to dentist |T/Z 25/602 |

| |OAP essay spy scare at Frinton |T/Z 25/627 |

| |OAP essay work on explosives at Bramble Island |T/Z 25/632 |

| |OAP essay service with Red Cross |T/Z 25/641 |

| |OAP essay schooldays at Holland-on-Sea |T/Z 25/651 |

| |OAP essay Yorkshire lifeboat disaster |T/Z 25/677 |

| |OAP essay domestic service |T/Z 25/682 |

| |OAP essay Christmas Day 1915 |T/Z 25/823 |

| |OAP essay childhood memories |T/Z 25/1883, 1940 |

| |OAP essay childhood in Dartford, Kent |T/Z 25/1884 |

| |OAP essay Christmas at Dovercourt |T/Z 25/2045 |

|1.2 |Illustrations none | |


| |Echoes of Great War; diaries of Revd. Andrew Clark of Great Leighs, incl. |SA 159 |

| |recruitment and billeting of soldiers, parcels to prisoners of war, local | |

| |fatalities, extracts from letters, censorship, rumours of spies etc. | |

| |Memories of Burnham man’s father killed in war |SA 265 |

| |VAD service from c.1916, dressing station for war wounded in Southend |SA 363 |

| |Effect of war on Colchester, food shortages, influenza epidemic of 1918 |SA 391 |

| |Trams in Walthamstow |SA 427 |

| |Delivery of milk in Walthamstow |SA 441 |

| |Childhood memories of Colchester, houses and horses commandeered by Army, |SA 482 |

| |soldiers etc. | |

| |3rd Essex Voluntary Aid Detachment (Men’s Division), 1914, training at |SA 489 |

| |Galleywood, unloading of ambulance convoys of wounded and experiences at | |

| |Chelmsford and Essex Hospital | |

| |Service during war at East Bergholt |SA 533 |

| |Billeting of navvies at Mountnessing |SA 586 |

| |Childhood memories, Woolwich Shop Riots against shop owners of German |SA 587 |

| |extraction | |

| |Effect on life in Stock, incl. billeting of troops, Daylight Saving Time, sound|SA 598-599 |

| |of Flanders guns | |

| |Effect on rose trade caused by internment of German rose growers |SA 672 |

| |Childhood memories of Walthamstow, air raid warning and sheltering on Wanstead |SA 689 |

| |Flats, anti-German shop riots | |

| |Soldiers camped on Western Road, Brentwood and billeted in home, rationing |SA 690 |

| |Roseberry Temperance Hotel, Chelmsford, memories of Chelmsford, billeting of |SA 702 |

| |soldiers and horses, German Taub aircraft flying over Chelmsford, Zeppelins at | |

| |Tollesbury and Billericay | |

| |Memories of Colchester |SA 929 |

| |Billets, rationing and casualties |SA 958 |

| |Outbreak of war, Tilbury-juxta-Clare |SA 1002 |

| |Memories of Burnham |SA 1004 |

|1.4 |Printed Sources | |

| |A Clark, Echoes of the Great War. The Diary of the Revd. A. Clark 1914-1919 |E/LEI |

| |(1985) | |

| |F.P Foynes, Brightlingsea and the Great War, 1914-1918 (1993) |Pamphlet Box B8 |

| |D.E. Johnson, East Anglia and the Great War in Old Picture Postcards (1984) |940.3 |

| |J.L. Philip, From Camel Bells to Doodle Bugs. Diary of a G.P. in Two World |Shelf B4 |

| |Wars (c.1966) |Southend Branch RO Library stock |


|2.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Summary of farm and estate accounts, Lofts Hall, Elmdon, 1914-1918 |D/DU 508/8 |

| |Essex Special Constabulary, Colchester Division, orders, reports and letters, |D/Z 77/1-2 |

| |incl. food regulations, 1914-1918 | |

| |Good Easter farm log book with refs. to labour shortage, 1916 |D/DU 768/15 |

| |Essex War Agricultural Committee census forms, details of land use, livestock |D/Z 45 |

| |and labour, 1916 | |

| |War Office booklet Women’s War Work (HMSO) employment of women in industry and |D/DU 758/30 |

| |agriculture, 1916 | |

| |Circulars and report of Essex War Agricultural Committee re need for arable |D/DU 746/10-12 |

| |land, 1917 | |

| |Woodham Ferrers Parish Council minutes incl. Essex War Agricultural Committee |D/P 198/30/2 pp.45-48, 68-69, 74-76|

| |scheme for distribution of Scotch Seed Potatoes, question of food supplies and | |

| |production, 1917-1918 | |

| |Cultivation orders of Essex War Agricultural Committee re Hassobury estate to |D/DG1 E21 |

| |plough fields and sow with corn, 1917-1918 | |

| |Good Easter farm accounts incl. refs. To German prisoners, 1919 |D/DU 768/10 |

| |OAP essay agricultural work in Suffolk |T/Z 25/670 |

| |OAP essay rationing in Ilford |T/Z 25/1904 |

|2.2. |ILLUSTRATIONS none | |


| |Diary of Revd. Andrew Clark, Echoes of the Great War, incl. refs. To women |SA 159 |

| |trained for agricultural work at Great Baddow and rationing | |

| |Rationing in Brentwood |SA 690 |

| |Shortage of rations |SA 796 |

| |Rationing |SA 958 |

| |Food shortages |SA 973 |


| |Newspaper cuttings concerning food during First World War |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |C.B. Fisher, Food production generally and as it can be assisted by valuers. |Pamphlet Box Z13 |

| |Report of address to Central Association of Agricultural and Tenant-Right | |

| |Valuers June 1918 | |

| |J.R. Beardsley, Ways But No Means. Agriculture Training for First World War |Thesis Shelves |

| |Disabled Ex-Servicemen in Essex (1986) | |


|3.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Letters from members of family to Katherine Evelyn Luard, serving as nursing |D/DU 55/1/4; 55/4/2-3; 55/6/7; |

| |sister in France, 1914-1918; papers, correspondence etc. re books Diary of a |55/7/2-3; 55/8/2-5; 55/9/6; |

| |Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915 and Unknown Warriors 1915-1917, |55/10/5; 55/11/3-4; 55/12/4; |

| |1929-1931; letters of congratulation on award of R.R.C., 1916 and bar, 1918 |55/13/6; 55/14/4-6; 55/16/4-5, 59; |

| | |60/12,4; 62/1-4; |

| | |63-64; 66/1-2; 70/5; 86/1-2 |

| |Letters from Katherine Evelyn Luard, serving as nursing sister in France, to |D/DLu 55/13/1,4-5, 76 |

| |family, 1914-1918 | |

| |List of Mucking servicemen 1914-1918 |D/P 108/28 |

| |List of Stebbing men on active service, 1914-1918 |D/P 86/30/6 |

| |List of Downham parishioners serving in HM Forces, 1914-1918 |D/P 257/28/1 |

| |Memorandum of occupation of Stanway National School by Army, 1914-1918 |D/P 43/28/6 |

| |Items re Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend incl. postcards etc., |D/DS 48 |

| |1914-1919 | |

| |London Road Congregational Church, Chelmsford minutes incl. use of schoolroom |D/NC 22/9 pp.100-215 |

| |as 'Soldiers Hall' for refreshments for soldiers, 1914-1919 | |

| |Presscuttings, Thurrock area, names of recruits and obituaries of those who |T/Z 43/2 |

| |died on active service, 1914-1920 | |

| |Papers and correspondence of Lucy Pearson with the War Office to achieve |D/DU 758/27 |

| |prohibition of sale of alcohol to soldiers, 1914-1915 | |

| |Papers etc. re enlistment in Little Clacton, Harwich Recruiting Committee 1914 |D/P 80/28/2 |

| |and Lord Derby’s Recruiting Campaign, 1915 | |

| |Service diary of Clarence Buxton with Royal Field Artillery in France, incl. |D/DBx F73 |

| |account of training in France and 12 Battery’s defence of trenches with sketch | |

| |map, 1914-1915 | |

| |Details of parcels sent to soldiers, White Roding, 1914-1915 |D/P 304/5/2 |

| |Correspondence and papers of Frank William Luard (colonel of Portsmouth |D/DLu 55/6/2,4,6; 55/9/7; 67/2; |

| |Battalion RNLI, killed in action at Gallipoli, 1915), incl. letters to family |70/1-8;95/1-3; 97/26 |

| |1914-1915, photographs, reports, newspaper cuttings, letters of condolence to | |

| |widow, photograph album, sketch of grave and letters from Clara Georgina Luard | |

| |to family on trip to locate his grave, 1926, 1914-1916 | |

| |Minutes of Alresford Recruiting Committee, 1914-1917 |D/P 336/30/1 |

| |Correspondence and papers re Gilbert Talbot killed in action, incl. copies of |D/DLu 68/5 |

| |last letters and obituary, 1915 | |

| |Letter from Agnes Baines with American Ambulance Unit at Neuilly-sur-Seine, |D/DVz 372 |

| |1915 | |

| |Roll of Honour of 49 members of Cliff Town Lodge of Independent Order of Odd |D/DGs F78 |

| |Fellows serving in HM Forces, 1915 | |

| |Letter from Rifleman E. Jepp in France describing first impressions of active |D/DLu 79 |

| |service, 1915 | |

| |Letters from Bernard Harris, surgeon on HM Transport Ship Galeka to wife and |TS 634 |

| |daughter in Paglesham re Gallipoli campaign, 1915 | |

| |German airman’s notebook recording details of air attacks, probably on France, |D/DBx Z10 |

| |1915 | |

| |Garments and Hospital Comforts for our Soldiers and Sailors, sewing and |D/DS 313/9/11 |

| |knitting patterns, c.1915 | |

| |Diary of L. Russell Conway with 5th Battalion Essex Regiment in the |D/DU 904/1 |

| |Dardanelles, details of trench warfare, conditions, illness and hospital in | |

| |Alexandria, return to England, 1915-1916 | |

| |Military circulars and posters to Essex Police incl. recruitment posters, |J/P 5/4-5 |

| |1915-1916 | |

| |Notebook of William Robinson, cadet 2nd Artists' Rifles, stationed at Romford |D/DU 1729 A9318 |

| |incl. notes and exercises on field sketching 1915-1916, postcard of Hare Hall | |

| |Camp c.1915, photograph in uniform c.1916 | |

| |E H Green of London Road, Wickford, tailor, charges for measuring, altering and|D/DU 411 |

| |repairing army uniforms, 1915-1917 | |

| |Letters to Misses I. and M. Bentall of Brick House, Eastwood and Leigh, from |D/DS 509 |

| |relatives fighting, 1915-1918 | |

| |Papers re Doberitz Prisoner of War Camp kept by Private R.W. Dulley of Royal |D/DS 453/3, 4/8 |

| |Marines Light Infanty, incl. greetings cards, photographs and souvenir | |

| |programme of entertainment, 1915-1918 | |

| |Letters to Katherine Eveleyn Luard, nursing sister in France, from patients and|D/DLu 61 |

| |their relatives thanking her for nursing men, 1915-1918 | |

| |Letters from Trant Bramston Luard, serving in Ceylon, Egypt and China, |D/DLu 55/14/3,5-7; |

| |1915-1918 |55/15/5; 83/3 |

| |Correspondence re attempt to exempt farm bailiff and head gardener from |D/DHn E19 |

| |military service; exploits of son of Geoffrey Matthews (tenant farmer at Good | |

| |Easter) in RAF, shot down by Germans, return from prisoner of war camp at | |

| |Armistice, 1915-1919 | |

| |Papers, incl. photographs, list of officers, instructions for mobilisation re A|D/DS 200/4-6 |

| |(Southend ) Company, 4th Battalion Essex Volunteer Regiment 1915-c.1920 | |

| |3rd Supplement London Gazette, with account of withdrawal from Gallipoli |D/DU 346/8/7 |

| |peninsula, 1916 | |

| |Fragment of last letter of Douglas Round killed on active service, and |D/DLu 55/12/5; 67/2; 86/1-2 |

| |telegrams, cuttings etc., 1916 | |

| |Printed maps used on Western Front showing operations in northern France, |D/DU 346/9/8 |

| |1916-1918 | |

| |Military papers of Walter Claxton of Pimlico, later Leigh, batman in RFC and |D/DS 295/1 |

| |RAF, 1916-1919 | |

| |Papers of Major-General Sir H.G.Ruggles-Brise, incl. report on Essex Yeomanry |D/DU 901 |

| |stores at St Denceux, 1916, visit of Field Marshal Haig to London 1918 and | |

| |admission to Freedom of City, 1920, National Peace Celebrations 1919, 4th | |

| |Supplement London Gazette list of decorations awarded by Allied Powers to | |

| |British Forces, 1916-1920 | |

| |Log book of Colchester captain of S.S. Kalgan of China Navigation Company |D/DMb B2 |

| |chartered by the Admiralty and rumours of German radar, 1917 | |

| |Claim for exemption from military service of Co-operative Society employees, |D/Z 187/4/5 |

| |1917-1918 | |

| |Correspondence re military occupation of Workmen’s Hall, Rivenhall, 1917-1918 |D/Z 62/42 |

| |Postcard receipts for food parcels sent to British prisoner of war at Rennbahn,|D/P 410/28/26 |

| |Munster, Germany, 1918 | |

| |Letters re military occupation of 24 West Street, Prittlewell, 1918 |D/DGs T131 |

| |Programme of Staff Concert, Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend |D/DS 476/11/15 |

| |Admiralty Chart for assembly of the Fleet at Southend, 1919 |D/DS 56 |

| |‘The Adventures of Sergeant Tom Tyler, M.M.’, account of service with Essex |TS 506/3, 5-6 |

| |Regiment in Great War and certificates of gallantry, 1919 | |

| |Programme Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend, social gathering of |D/DS 476/11/16 |

| |members of VAD’s 43rd, 45th, 47th Essex (British Red Cross Society) rendered | |

| |war service to hospital, 1919 | |

| |Correspondence with YMCA re use of house at Victoria Corner, Southend as hostel|D/DGs B154 |

| |for soldiers and sailors, 1919 | |

| |Little Hallingbury Memorial Book, incl. notes, photographs, newscuttings etc. |D/P 28/6/6 |

| |re men from parish killed, c.1919 | |

| |Programme of Reunion of the men of Cliff Town who served with HM Forces |D/F 39/488 |

| |1914-1918, held at Cliff Town Congregational Church, Southend, 1920 | |

| |Printed copy of settlement of £100,000 on Earl Haig for services as |D/DU 434/54 |

| |commander-in-chief, 1920 | |

| |List of parishioners of Mile End, Colchester who died in or as a result of |D/P 410/28/27 |

| |Great War, c.1920 | |

| |List of ‘Comrades of the Great War’ in Lexden vestry minutes |D/P 273/8/2 |

| |Notes on Essex Regiment on the Western Front |D/DU 346/9/5 |

| |OAP essay Christmas 1917 in German prisoner of war camp |T/Z 25/140 |

| |OAP essay visit of Prince of Wales to trenches in France 1915 |T/Z 25/510 |

| |OAP essay trenches |T/Z 25/516, 523 |

| |OAP essay prisoner of war 1918 |T/Z 25/539 |

| |OAP essay Macedonia 1917 |T/Z 25/546 |

| |OAP essay service in France and capture in 1918 |T/Z 25/551 |

| |OAP essay Royal Field Artillery, Belgium |T/Z 25/600 |

| |OAP essays service in France |T/Z 25/604,607, 622, 655-667, |

| | |673-674, 679, 789 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |OAP essays service in Belgium |T/Z 25/604, 622, 650, 653, 679 |

| | | |

| |OAP essays naval service in Canada |T/Z 25/613 |

| |OAP essays military service overseas |T/Z 25/623 |

| |OAP essay service in Cyclist Battalion and Essex Regiment |T/Z 25/625 |

| |OAP essay service in Essex Regiment in France and Belgium |T/Z 25/628 |

| |OAP essay aircraft carrier at Harwich |T/Z 25/629 |

| |OAP essay service in torpedo boats |T/Z 25/633 |

| |OAP essay stationed at Easton Lodge |T/Z 25/643 |

| |OAP essay service in Egypt and Palestine |T/Z 25/644 |

| |OAP essay Salonika |T/Z 25/646 |

| |OAP essay service in RNAS |T/Z 25/678 |

| |OAP essay France, Christmas 1914 |T/Z 25/685 |

| |OAP essay India and Egypt |T/Z 25/687 |

| |OAP essay service in Navy |T/Z 25/689 |

| |OAP essay service in Far East |T/Z 25/710 |

| |OAP essay service in India |T/Z 25/794 |

| |OAP essay prisoner-of-war in France |T/Z 25/817 |

| |OAP essay Christmas in Palestine 1917 |T/Z 25/1500 |


| |Postcard of Saffron Walden Market Place with soldiers, 1914 |Postcard Collection |

| | |Saffron Walden 113 |

| |Postcard of men of King’s Royal Rifles marching down Southend High Street, |D/DS 345/2 |

| |c.1914 | |

| |Photographic negative of ex-Inspector Fletcher of Southend Constabulary service|D/BC 1/7/6/238 |

| |with Royal Corps, c.1914 | |

| |Photographs of C Company Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and |D/DU 952 |

| |Cameronians billeted in village, 1914-1916 | |

| |Postcard of Coggeshall Market Square showing soldiers, 1915 |Postcard Collection |

| | |Coggeshall 121 |

| |Photographs of wounded servicemen outside Southend Central Railway Station, |TS 512 |

| |1915 | |

| |Photograph of guard from 4th Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment on Municipal |D/DS 229/58 |

| |Buildings, Clarence Road, Southend, 1915 | |

| |Postcard of Rayleigh High Street showing soldiers on parade, c.1915 |D/DS 402/2/9 |

| |Postcard of Coggeshall Market Square showing soldiers, 1916 |Postcard Collection |

| | |Coggeshall 122 |

| |Photographs of Sapper Maurice J. Hollingdale of 1/3 Home Counties Division, |D/DS 511/2-3 |

| |Royal Engineers, c.1916 | |

| |Postcard of 4 volunteers (named), 1918 |Postcard Collection |

| | |Great Totham 30 |

| |Photographs and postcards of nurses and patients at VAD Bridge Hospital, Witham|T/P 13/26 |

| | |Postcard Collection |

| | |Witham 81-88 |

| |Glass negatives of the Fleet at Southend, 1919 |D/BC 1/4/10/12/18-21 |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Photograph of Horatio William Bottomley on captured German submarine, possibly |D/DS 229/60 |

| |at Southend Pier, 1919 | |

| |Photograph of Mayor Southend on HMS ‘Queen Elizabeth’ on arrival of Grand Fleet|D/DS 229/61 |

| |at Southend, 1919 | |

| |Photograph of men of Southend Borough Police Force who served in armed forces, |D/BC 1/7/6/11 |

| |c.1919 | |

| |Postcards of band and soldiers drilling |Postcard Collection |

| | |Clacton General 49-53 |

| | | |

| |Postcard of last church parade of 1st 8th Royal Warwickshire Regiment |Postcard Collection |

| | |Coggeshall 123 |

| |Postcard possibly of Australian troops |Postcard Collection |

| | |Thorpe-le-Soken 10 |

| |Postcards of men drilling |Postcard Collection |

| | |Southend General 16-20 |

| | | |


| |Echoes of Great War, diaries of Revd. Andrew Clark of Great Leighs, incl. |SA 159 |

| |billeting and recruitment, parcels to prisoners-of-war, local fatalities, | |

| |extracts from letters etc. | |

| |Service in Wrens |SA 161 |

| |Memories of Burnham man’s father killed on active service |SA 265 |

| |Experiences as Signals Telephonist on Western Front from 1916 |SA 359 |

| |VAD service dressing station for war wounded at Southend |SA 363 |

| |Burnham men on troopship bringing Australian troops to Suez, experiences on |SA 367 |

| |troopships | |

| |Burnham man working on salvage boats from Ramsgate |SA 368 |

| |Sea Transport Stores Depot, Pitsea provisioning of troopships |SA 407 |

| |North Weald fighter airfield |SA 427 |

| |Requisitioning of houses and horses in Chelmsford |SA 482 |

| |Memories of houses and horses requisitioned in Colchester |SA 486 |

| |3rd Essex Voluntary Aid Detachment (Men’s Division) unloading ambulance convoys|SA 489 |

| |in Chelmsford | |

| |Army billeted in Writtle |SA 491 |

| |Service of East Bergholt scrap metal dealer |SA 533 |

| |Billeting of troops in Stock |SA 598-599 |

| |Memories of soldiers camped on Western Road, Brentwood and soldiers billeted at|SA 690 |

| |house | |

| |Billeting of soldiers and horses in Chelmsford, German Taub aircraft flying |SA 702 |

| |over Chelmsford | |

| |War service of Bulmer man |SA 789 |

| |Service in Essex Regiment on the Somme |SA 891 |

|3.4 |Printed Sources | |

| |J.W. Burrows, The Essex Regiment 1741-1919 |355.2 |

| |J.W. Burrows, The Essex Regiment. A Short History and Chronology (1938) |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |ed. K.A. Cole, Aviation In Essex (1967) |Pamphlet Box 85 |

| |F.W.G. Hitchcock, The History of the RAF, North Weald (c.1981) |Pamphlet Box W4 |

| |P.M Huggett, The Girls In Green and Grey [Territorial Force Nursing service] |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |(c.1984) | |

| |E.F. Knight, The Harwich Naval Forces. Their Part in the Great War (1919) |359.4 |

| |ed. G. Rider, The Royal Naval Air Station Chingford 1915-1919 |Pamphlet Box C4 |

| |E. Smith, ‘First Things First’ RAF Hornchurch and RAF Suttons Farm 1915-1962 |358.417094267 |

| |(1992) | |

| |Sqdn.Ldr. H.T. Sutton, Raiders Approach! The Fighting Tradition of RAF Station |E/HOR |

| |Hornchurch and Suttons Farm (1956) | |

| |F.H.D.C. Whitmore, The 10th (PWO) Royal Hussars and the Essex Yeomanry during |355.2 |

| |the European War, 1914-1918 (1920) | |

| |B. Bairnsfather, The Bystander Fragments From France (c.1916) |Pamphlet Box 156 |

| |B. Bairnsfather, More Fragments From France (c.1917) |Pamphlet Box 156 |

| |ed. C. Beaumont, The Worries of Wilhelm. A Collection of Humourous and |Pamphlet Box 156 |

| |Satirical War Cartoons from The Passing Show (1915) | |

| |A. Lupton, Our Armies and Navies and Vaccination - Inoculation (1916) |Pamphlet Box 83 |

| | |[Southend Branch] |

| |National Service. Addresses by Lord Rhondda and Nevill Chamberlain (1917) |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |Record of 3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance during Great War (c.1930) |355.2 |

| |Regulations governing Formation, Organization and Administration of Volunteer |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |Training Corps as units of the Essex Volunteer Regiment (1915) | |

| |Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for Men of 161st Essex Infantry Brigade|Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |1914-1918 (1927) | |

| |6th Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment. Souvenir of Officers’ Dinner at |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |Colchester Town Hall (1919) | |

| |Soldiers Died In The Great War, 1914-1919. Part 48. Essex Regiment (HMSO |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |1921) | |

| |With The Soldiers In Essex. The CETS Soldiers’ Camps Clubs (c.1915) |Pamphlet Box Z11A |


|4.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Essex County Council minutes of special committee to consider schemes to be |C/MRc 1 |

| |submitted to Ministry of Reconstruction re problem of rural development after | |

| |war incl. minutes of Housing, Agricultural Development and Highways and | |

| |Transport Sub-Committee, 1918-1919 | |

| |Little Clacton papers re Peace Celebrations, 1919 |D/P 80/28/2 |

| |Gregorian Association’s Te Deum for victory, 1919 |D/DU 1623/30 |

| |Souvenir Programme of Peace Celebrations issued by Southend Corporation 1919 |D/DS 257/2 |

| |Papers re National Peace Celebrations, 1919 |D/DU 901 |

| |Miscellaneous newscuttings re peace celebrations |D/DU 901 |

| |OAP essays Armistice Day in France |T/Z 25/563,864 |

| |OAP essay Armistice Day |T/Z 25/602 |

| |OAP essay Armistice |T/Z 25/821 |

| |OAP essay Armistice in Holland |T/Z 25/865 |

| |OAP essay First Two Minutes Silence |T/Z 25/1740 |


| |Postcards of nurses and patients at VAD Bridge Hospital, Witham, 1918 |Postcard Collection Witham 86-88 |

| |Copy postcard ‘Peace Day Tea’, at Shalford Hall, post 1918 |T/P 328/221 |


| |Echoes of Great War, diaries of Revd. Andrew Clark of Great Leighs, incl. |SA 159 |

| |armistice and celebrations | |

| |Peace Celebrations, Stock, 1919 |SA 598-599 |

| |End of war, Peace Tea in High Street, Burnham |SA 727 |


| |J.R. Beardsley, Ways But No Means. Agricultural Training For 1st World War |Thesis Shelves |

| |Disabled Ex-Servicemen in Essex (1986) | |

| |Kings National Roll. National Scheme for the employment, on a percentage |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |basis, of disabled ex-servicemen (1920) | |


|5.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Essex Special Constabulary, Colchester Division orders, reports and letters |D/Z 77/1-2 |

| |incl. information re identification of aircraft, air raid precautions, plans | |

| |for evacuation in case of invasion, lighting restrictions etc., 1914-1918 | |

| |Essex Police Home Office circulars and instructions re restriction orders on |J/P 12/1 |

| |aliens, 1914-1918 | |

| |Essex Police detailed investigations into persons suspected of German |J/P 12/6 |

| |associations and of making disloyal remarks, 1914-1918 | |

| |Papers re evacuation and destruction of livestock at Lawling Farm, Latchingdon |D/DU 1673 |

| |in event of invasion, 1914-1918 | |

| |Papers re Special Constabulary work and invasion precautions, Little Clacton, |D/P 80/28/2 |

| |1914-1919 | |

| |Essex Police Home Office circulars and correspondence re establishment of local|J/P 12/4 |

| |emergency committees, 1914-1919 | |

| |Essex Police Home Office correspondence re firearms and lighting, Defence of |J/P 12/3 |

| |the Realm circulars, 1914-1920 | |

| |Colchester Borough Council Emergency Committee minutes, 1914-1915 |Acc. C4 (pt.) |

| | |[Colchester Branch] |

| |Stow Maries Emergency (Invasion) Committee minutes, 1914-1915 |D/P 391/30/1 |

| |Minutes of Alresford War Emergency Committee, 1914-1917 |D/P 336/30/1 |

| |Circular letter from Clacton Emergency Committee to local residents, 1915 |Acc. C628 (pt.) |

| |Printed general instructions of Witham District Emergency Committee, c.1915 |D/DU 252/3 |

| |Printed circulars incl. instruction for evacuation of Colchester, blackout, air|D/DU 689/15 |

| |raids etc., 1915-1916 | |

| |Papers, returns etc. of stock, vehicles, implements etc. of Wakes Colne Parish |D/P 88/28/3 |

| |Emergency Committee in preparation against invasion, 1915-1917 | |

| |Papers re use of Fingringhoe church tower as observation post for Anti-Aircraft|D/P 369/6/6 |

| |Sections, 1918-1919 | |

|5.2 |ILLUSTRATIONS none | |


| |Invasion precautions, incl. plan to move Essex population to Oxfordshire |SA 486 |

| |leaving a barren county with no food or supplies | |

|5.4 |PRINTED SOURCES none | |

|6. |INDUSTRY | |

|6.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Wage book of Coutaulds’ Bocking factory with details of war bonus, 1914-1917 |D/F 3/2/142 |

| |War Office booklet Women’s War Work (HMSO) re employment of women in industry |D/DU 758/30 |

| |and agriculture, 1916 | |

| |Southend Borough Special Munitions Committee minutes, 1916 |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |Destruction of St Barnabas, West Silvertown by munitions explosion, 1917 |D/P 513/1/10 |

| |Industrial Efficiency and Fatigue: Interim Report by Health of Munitions |D/DU 758/31 |

| |workers Committee, 1917 | |

| |Southend Borough Committee granting war bonuses minutes, 1917 |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |List of Courtaulds’ war donations, 1918 |D/F 3/2/145 |

| |Southend Borough Special Committee re War Bonus to Workpeople minutes, 1918 |D/BC 1/1/2/25/1 |

| |Memoirs of Mrs C. Brown’s work at Kynoch munitions factory in Corringham, with |TS 54 |

| |copy photographs of factory uniform | |

| |OAP essays Silvertown explosion |T/Z 25/595, 597, 599,601, 1910 |

| | | |

| |OAP essays Woolwich Arsenal |T/Z 25/602 |

| |OAP essays munitions factories, London |T/Z 25/616,647 |

| |OAP essays aircraft factory |T/Z 25/618 |

| |OAP essays munitions work |T/Z 25/649 |

| |OAP essays apprenticeship at Crompton’s, 1917-1920 |T/Z 25/1315 |

|6.2 |ILLUSTRATIONS none | |


| |Munitions work |SA 357 |

| |Work in foundry at Burnham making dummy shells |SA 386 |

| |Apprentice engineer, munitions work at Stanford’s, Colchester, 1916-1921 |SA 575 |


| |M. Paris, Silvertown, 1917 (1986) |E/HAM |

| |W. Stokes, A Short Record of the East Anglian Munitions Committee in the Great |623.45 |

| |War, 1914-1918 | |


|7.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Album of Constance Pearson re work for Lord Roberts’ Memorial Workshops, |D/DU 758/8 |

| |Colchester, 1917-1952 | |

| |St Alban the Martyr, Westcliff War Memorial Committee minutes and leaflet, |D/P 535/24/4-5 |

| |1918,1920 | |

| |Stow Maries War Memorial Committee minutes, 1918-1924 |D/P 391/30/6 |

| |Faculty for erection of stained glass window as War Memorial in Hawkwell |D/P 217/6/2 |

| |church, 1919 | |

| |Woodham Ferrers Parish Council minutes incl. proposed war memorial, 1919 |D/P 198/30/2 |

| |Letter from E. Land of Anchor Inn, South Benfleet to Benfleet UDC re upkeep of |D/UBe 1/10/11 |

| |gas light outside South Benfleet War Memorial, 1919 | |

| |Little Hallingbury memorial book details of war memorial, c.1919 |D/P 28/6/6 |

| |Presscuttings re war memorials at Horndon-on-the-Hill and Stanford-le-Hope, |T/Z 43/2 |

| |1920 | |

| |Note of unveiling of war memorial window and tablet in Epping URC by Dame |D/NC 26/3 |

| |Margaret Lloyd George, 1920 | |

| |Illuminated manuscript from Colchester Corporation thanking Captain Round for |D/DR F58 |

| |presenting castle to town as war memorial, 1920 | |

| |Architect’s plans of Memorial Hall, Newport Grammar School, 1920 |D/Q 25/75 |

| |Essex Police minutes of organizing committee, correspondence, orders of service|J/P 12/9 |

| |etc. for unveiling war memorial to members of police in Chelmsford Cathedral, | |

| |1920 | |

| |Appeal and opening ceremony Frating Village Hall War Memorial, 1920-1922 |D/DU 746/21,25 |

| |Culver Street Methodist Church, Colchester War Memorial Committee minutes, |D/DU 746/21,25 |

| |1920-22 | |

| |Newscuttings etc. of war memorials at Felsted School and Braintree church, 1921|D/DU 901 |

| |Order of ceremony of unveiling of public war memorial, Hadleigh, 1922 |D/P 303/30/3 |


| |Glass negatives of plaque to members of Southend Borough Engineers’ Department |D/BC 1/4/10/12/38-39 |

| |who died in war, c.1920 | |

| |Photograph of Church Corner, South Benfleet showing war memorial, c.1920 |D/DS 338/10 |

| |Glass negatives of Honours Board of men who fell in Great War, Prittlewell |D/BC 1/4/10/27/49-50 |

| |Priory, 1921 | |

| | | |

| |Glass negative of War Memorial, Cliffs, Southend, 1922 |D/BC 1/4/10/12/53, |

| | |55, 56,61 |

| |Photograph of War Memorial in High Road, Pitsea, c.1925 |D/DGS T121 |

| |Postcard of War Memorial on the Cliffs, Southend, c.1925 |D/DS 206/691 |

| |Photograph of War Memorial, South Shoebury, c.1930 |TS 472/7 |

| |Postcards of War Memorial, South Shoe bury, c.1930 |D/DS 424/164-165 |

| |Postcard of War Memorial, South Shoebury, c.1935 |D/DS 206/758 |

| |Postcard of 1st and 2nd Battalions Essex Regiment War Memorial |Postcard Collection |

| | |Great Warley 25 |

| |Postcards of Billericay War Memorial |Postcard Collection |

| | |Billericay 20-21 |

|7.3 |SOUND ARCHIVE none | |


| |Order of Service Dedication of War Memorial in Essex Regiment Chapel to 6th |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |Battalion who fell in Great War, 1914-1918 (1927) | |

| |Order of Service Dedication of War Memorial in Essex Regiment Chapel to 6th |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |Battalion who fell in Great War, 1914-1918 (1929) | |

|8. |WOMEN | |

|8.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Letters from members of family to Katherine Evelyn Luard, serving as nursing |D/Dlu 55/1/4, 55/4/2-3, 55/6/7, |

| |sister in France, 1914-1918; papers, correspondence etc. re books Diary of a |55/7/2-3, 55/8/2-5, 55/9/6, |

| |Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915 and Unknown Warriors 1915-1917, |55/10/5, 55/11/3-4, 55/12/4, |

| |1929-1931; letters of congratulation on award of R.R.C., 1916 and bar, 1918 |55/13/6, 55/14/4-6, 55/16/4-5,59, |

| | |60/1-2,4, 62/1-4, |

| | |63-64, 66/1-2; 70/5; 86/1-2 |

| |Letters from Katherine Evelyn Luard, serving as nursing sister in France to |D/Dlu 55/13/1,4-5; 76 |

| |family, 1914-1918 | |

| |Items re Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend incl. postcards etc., |D/DS 48 |

| |1914-1919 | |

| |File re Lucy Pearson’s work on temperance incl. memoranda and correspondence |D/DU 758/27 |

| |with War Office to achieve prohibition of sale of liquor to soldiers, 1914-1915| |

| |Accounts of Mrs Caroline Ann Oates incl. list of donations to various war |D/Doa A8 |

| |funds, 1914-1915 | |

| |Letter from Agnes Baines with American Ambulance Unit at Neuilly-sur-Seine, |D/DVz 372 |

| |1915 | |

| |Letters to Katherine Evelyn Luard, nursing sister in France, from patients and |D/Dlu 61 |

| |their relatives thanking her for nursing men, 1915-1918 | |

| |War Office booklet Women’s War Work (HMSO) re employment of women in industry |D/DU 758/30 |

| |and agriculture, 1916 | |

| |Album of Constance Pearson re work for Lord Roberts’ Memorial Workshops, |D/DU 758/8 |

| |Colchester, 1917-1952 | |

| |Programme of Staff Concert at Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend |D/DS 476/11/15 |

| |Programme of Queen Mary’s Royal Naval Hospital, Southend social gathering of |D/DS 476/11/16 |

| |members of VAD’S 43rd, 45th, 47th Essex (British Red Cross Society) who | |

| |rendered war service to hospital, 1919 | |

| |Memoirs of Mrs C. Brown’s work at Kynoch Munitions Factory, Corringham with |TS 54 |

| |copy photographs of factory uniform | |

| |OAP essay memories of First World War, VAD nursing |TS 198 |

| | |T/Z 25/606 |

| |OAP essays memories of First World War |T/Z 25/238, 596, 608-612, 614, 617,|

| | |624, 626, 634-640, 652, |

| | |654,658-659, 661, 663-664, 668, |

| | |671-672, 675-676, 683-684, 686, |

| | |688, 691, 692, 725, 838, 1897 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |OAP essays Zeppelins |T/Z 25/567,603,655 |

| |OAP essay service in Benfleet WVS |T/Z 25/591 |

| |OAP essays Silvertown explosion |T/Z 25/599, 601, 1910 |

| | | |

| |OAP essay Armistice Day, Woolwich Arsenal |T/Z 25/602 |

| |OAP essay postwoman at Romford |T/Z 25/615 |

| |OAP essays munitions factory in London |T/Z 25/616,647 |

| |OAP essay nursing |T/Z 25/25/619 |

| |OAP essay nursing in Isle of Wight |T/Z 25/621 |

| |OAP essay VAD at Thorpe-le-Soken |T/Z 25/630 |

| |OAP essay service in France |T/Z 25/645 |

| |OAP essay munitions work |T/Z 25/649 |

| |OAP essay schooldays in Holland-on-Sea |T/Z 25/651 |

| |OAP essay air raid on Southend |T/Z 25/657 |

| |OAP essay domestic service |T/Z 25/ 682 |

| |OAP essay Armistice |T/Z 25/821 |

| |OAP essay Christmas Day 1915 |T/Z 25/823 |

| |OAP essay nun |T/Z 25/1312 |

| |OAP essay first Two Minutes’ Silence |T/Z 25/1740 |


| |Postcards of women on bikes labelled ‘War Work 1917’ |Postcard Collection |

| | |Tiptree 10-12 |

| |Photographs and postcards of nurses and patients at VAD Bridge Hospital, Witham|T/P 133/26 |

| | |Postcard Collection |

| | |Witham 81-88 |


| |Echoes of Great War, diaries of Revd. Andrew Clark of Great Leighs inc. rumours|SA 159 |

| |of women trained for agricultural work at Great Baddow | |

| |Service in Wrens |SA 161 |

| |Munitions work |SA 357 |

| |Delivery of milk in Walthamstow |SA 441 |

| |Army billeted in Writtle |SA 491 |

| |Crash of Zeppelin at Great Burstead, billeting of navvies at Mountnessing |SA 586 |

| |Effect on rose trade of interment of German rose growers |SA 672 |

| |Soldiers camped on Western Road, Brentwood, soldiers billeted in house, |SA 690 |

| |rationing | |

| |End of war, Peace Tea in High Street, Burnham |SA 727 |

| |Food shortages |SA 973 |


| |P.M. Huggett, The Girls In Green and Grey [Territorial Force Nursing Service] |Pamphlet Box Z11A |

| |(c.1984) | |


|9.1 |Documentary Sources | |

| |Essex Special Constabulary, Colchester Division orders, reports and letters |D/Z 77/1-2 |

| |incl. information re identification of aircraft, table of air raids over Essex | |

| |(from 1915) and enemy bombardment, 1914-1918 | |

| |Special constable’s log book kept by H.J. Gripper of Chelmsford incl. |D/Z 137 |

| |newscuttings re war damage and casualties, 1914-1919 | |

| |Diary of R.T. Bull of Burnham, incl. refs. to Zeppelin raids, 1914-1920 (Mf.) |T/B 245 |

| |Southend and Westcliff Graphic. Special Zeppelin Supplement, reports on |D/DS 305/1; |

| |Zeppelin raids on Southend, with photographs of bomb damage, bombs and Zeppelin|D/BC 1/7/6/6; |

| |men, 11 May 1915 |D/DS 313/10/5 |

| |Advertisement and receipt for Daily News Zeppelin and Accident Insurance |D/DS 305/2 |

| |Scheme, 1915 | |

| |Notice issued by Chief Constable of Southend Police Force giving instructions |D/BC 1/7/6/3 |

| |in case of air raid, 1915 | |

| |Letter describing Zeppelin raid on West London, 1915 |D/DLu 79 |

| |Aircraft bombardment insurance policy on Bonnell estate, 1915 |D/DHn E18 |

| |References to air raid in Southend, 1915 |D/NB 2/2 |

| |Printed notices etc. instructions in event of air raids, 1915-1916 |D/DU 689/15 |

| |Essex Police notices on precautions to be taken in event of air raids and |J/P 12/2 |

| |reports on local variations, 1915-1918 | |

| |Aircraft insurance police insuring against loss and damage by enemy aircraft, |D/F 44/11 |

| |1916 | |

| |Letter, description and sketch of Zeppelin at Little Wigborough, 1916 |D/DLu 76 |

| |Essex Police telegrams, reports, statements and correspondence e Zeppelin raids|J/P 12/7 |

| |and destruction of Zeppelins at Little Wigborough and Great Burstead, incl. | |

| |correspondence re plans to give inscribed watches to special constables, | |

| |1916-1917 | |

| |Description of London air raid, 1917 |D/DLu 55/9/6 |

| |Account of air raids in Grays school log book, 1917 |E/ML 23 pp.159-161 |

| |Southend-on-Sea County Borough Police Force orders re air raids, 1917 |D/BC 1/7/1/4 |

| |Letter re rebuilding of houses in Guildford Road, Southend, having been damaged|D/BC 1/4/12/1317 |

| |in an air raid in 1917, 1919 | |

| |Accounts of air raid, 1916, during which a Zeppelin was shot down at Great |D/DS 200/8 |

| |Burstead, c.1920 |] |

| |Notes on LXV Zeppelin brought down at Purfleet, 1916, by gun crew of 3rd |D/DS 200/7 |

| |Company, Essex and Suffolk RGA, c.1920 | |

| |James Morris The German Air Raids on Great Britain 1914-1918 |Acc. A8286 |

| |Pieces of Zeppelin L33 at Little Wigborough |Acc. A8512; Museum Class M55-56 |

| | | |

| | | |

| |OAP essays Zeppelin crash at Great Burstead |T/Z 25/567,655 |

| |OAP essay Zeppelins |T/Z 25/603 |

| |OAP essay air raids in Folkestone |T/Z 25/610 |

| |OAP essay bombing of Liverpool Street Station |T/Z 25/656 |

| |OAP essay air raid on Southend |T/Z 25/657 |

| |OAP essay air raids |T/Z 25/1896 |


| |Bomb crater in Coggeshall, 1915 |Postcard Collection Coggeshall 147 |

| | | |

| |Air raid on Colchester, bomb craters, officers’ inspection of debris, wrecked |Postcard Collection Colchester |

| |sheds. On reverse: advertisement for insurance against aerial attack by buying|General 12 |

| |Daily News, 1915 | |

| |Photographs of houses in Baxter Avenue, West Road and London Road, Southend |TS 399 |

| |destroyed in Zeppelin air raid, 1915 | |

| |Postcards of houses in North Road and West Road, Prittlewell, damaged in |D/DS 350/1-2 |

| |Zeppelin air raid, 1915 | |

| |Photographic negatives of German bombs which fell in Southend, 1915 |D/BC 1/7/6/4,7,9 |

| |Postcard of air raid damage in Southend, 1915 |D/DS 206/273 |

| | | |

| |Photographs of bomb dropped near ‘Redland’, Victoria Avenue, Southend, 1915 |D/F 39/473 |

| |Glass negatives of damaged caused by bombs in Southend, 1917 |D/BC 1/4/10/11/149-154 |

| | | |

| |Glass negative of Southend Technical School damaged in air raid, 1917 |D/BC 1/4/10/25/55 |


| |Echoes of Great War, diaries of Revd. Andrew Clark of Great Leighs, incl. |SA 159 |

| |report of air raid in London, 1917 | |

| |Account of shooting down Zeppelin at Billericay |SA 160 |

| |Air raids in Burnham |SA 383 |

| |Zeppelin raids on Colchester |SA 391 |

| |German aircraft and Zeppelins over Burnham |SA 470 |

| |Bombing of Colchester |SA 482 |

| |Zeppelin air raids, crash near Wickford |SA 489 |

| |Crash of Zeppelin at Billericay |SA 586 |

| |Eyewitness account of Zeppelin at Great Burstead, German aircraft over Stock |SA 598-599 |

| |Air raid warning in Walthamstow and sheltering on Wanstead Flats |SA 689 |

| |Zeppelins brought down at Little Wigborough and Great Burstead, incl. Essex air|SA 757 |

| |defences, fighter aircraft, air crashes and operations, sightseeing and press | |

| |reports | |

| |Interviews with eyewitnesses of crashed Zeppelins at Great Burstead and Little |SA 758 |

| |Wigborough | |


| |R Frith, War Comes to Wigborough |Pamphlet Box W5B |

| |K. Poolman, Zeppelins Over England |Shelf A2southend Branch RO Library |

| | |stock |

| |C.E. Wright, The Fate of The Zeppelin L32 (1977) |Pamphlet Box B3B |

| |Map of airship raids, 1915-1916 |Folded Maps Box 4 |

| | |1890-1920 |

| |Southend Standard Air Raid supplement, 1915 |Pamphlet Box 1 Southend Branch RO |

| | |Library stock |

| |Essex Review vols. 25 pp. 57-72, 111-119; 26 p.38 (poem on burning of |Searchroom |

| |Zeppelin); 30 p.60 (Hornchurch) | |

| |Library Folder War, account of the end of Zeppelin L33 |Searchroom |

| |Panorama (Journal of Thurrock Local History Society) no. 21 1977-1978 ‘The |Searchroom |

| |Zeppelins’ | |

| |Essex Countryside March 1962 p.200; April 1962 p.272; September 1968 p.28; |Searchroom |

| |December 1968 p.65; August 1969 p.46; September 1976 p.41; July 1984 vol. 32 | |

| |no.330 | |

Source 13


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