The Unit Organizer

|COURSE OUTLINE |CP World History Organizer |

| |Unit 11: World War I and the Russian Revolution |

|Periodization 1: | |

|Foundations (5,000 BCE-600 CE) | |

|Unit 1: River Valley & | |

|Classical Civilizations | |

|Unit 2: Greece & Rome | |

| | |

|Periodization 2: | |

|Post-Classical Era (600-1450) | |

|Unit 3: Islam & Africa | |

|Unit 4: Byzantine Empire | |

|& the Middle Ages | |

|Unit 5: Americas, China, | |

|& the Mongols | |

| | |

|Periodization 3: Transition to | |

|the Modern World (1450-1750) | |

|Unit 6: The Renaissance | |

|& Protestant Reformation | |

|Unit 7: Exploration & Scientific | |

|Revolution | |

| | |

|Periodization 4: | |

|Early Modern Era (1750-1914) | |

|Unit 8: The Middle East, Japan, & China | |

|Unit 9: Enlightenment, Revolutions, & | |

|Napoleon | |

|Unit 10: Industrial Revolution & | |

|Imperialism | |

| | |

|Periodization 5: | |

|The World at War (1914-1945) | |

|Unit 11: World War I & | |

|the Russian Revolution | |

|Unit 12: World War II | |

| | |

|Periodization 6: | |

|Late 20th Century (1945-Present) | |

|Unit 13: The Cold War | |

|Unit 14: Decolonization | |

|& Globalization | |

| |The Big Picture: |

| |From the 1880s to 1914, tensions increased among European nations as a result of imperial competition, advanced militaries, and powerful feelings of nationalism, especially in the |

| |Balkans. The outbreak of war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary triggered a network of European alliances and the beginning of the first World War between the Central Powers and |

| |the Allied Powers. This “Great War” was unlike any previous world conflict. Troops fought in trenches with new weapons like machine guns, tanks, and poison gas. Nations committed |

| |to “total war” and converted all their nation’s resources to winning the war. During the war, Russia was plagued by a series of economic and political problems. In 1917, Vladimir |

| |Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian government and created the world’s first communist nation, the Soviet Union. By 1919, the Allies had won and signed the Treaty of |

| |Versailles bringing an end to the war. The peacemakers created a League of Nations to prevent future wars, but brutally punished Germany and inadvertently created conditions that |

| |would lead to another world war in 1939. |

| |Unit Pacing: |Homework |Key Terms and Phrases: |

| | |(Answer Qs on Back) | |

| |2/26 World War I Reading Guide |Complete Unit 11 Organizer |Militarism |Unrestricted Submarine Warfare |

| |2/27 Causes of World War I |2/27 Read Ch 29.1 |Triple Alliance vs. Triple Entente |Zimmerman Telegram |

| |2/28 Battles of World War I |2/28 Read Ch 29.2 |Nationalism in the Balkans |Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points |

| |3/1 WWI Continued |2/29 Read Ch 29.3 |Archduke Franz Ferdinand |Treaty of Versailles |

| |3/4 The Russian Revolution | |Central Powers vs. Allies |Reparations |

| |3/5 County Interim |3/2 Read Ch 29.4 |Total War |Czar Nicholas II |

| |3/6 Russian Revolution |3/5 Read Ch. 30. 1 |New weapons of WWI |Vladimir Lenin |

| |3/7 Treaty of Versailles |3/6 Review |Trench Warfare |Bolsheviks |

| |3/8 Treaty of Versailles | |Battle of Verdun |Communism |

| |3/12 Review | |Home Front |Soviet Union (USSR) |

| |3/13 Review | |Mass production |Joseph Stalin |

| |3/14 CPWH Midterm Assessment | |Conscription |Stalin’s Five Year Plans |

| |3/15 Gateway #6 | |Propaganda | |

| |Essential Questions: |AKS |

| |Identify and explain FOUR causes for the outbreak of World War I in 1914. |AKS 45a |

| |How did “total war” change the way WWI was fought (a) on the battlefront and (b) at home by civilians? |AKS 45b |

| |Treaty of Versailles: (a) Identify and explain FOUR parts of the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI. |AKS 45c |

| |(b) How did the treaty help lead to a second world war? |AKS 45d |

| |Russian Revolution: (a) Name THREE reasons for the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. (b) Name TWO effects of the revolution in Russia. |AKS 46b |

|Course Website: |

Unit 11 Reading Guide—World War I and the Russian Revolution

Go to cz/books/wh_survey05/book_home.htm, click “Activity Center” and find the “Audio Downloads” link to listen to each chapter.

After reading the chapters, go to “Review Center” and take the “Chapter Quizzes” and look at the “Flip Cards” to review the content from the book.

Chapter 29, Section 1

1. What were three causes of tension Europe before World War I?

2. Who were members of the Triple Alliance? Who were members of the Triple Entente?

3. What happened to Archduke Franz Ferdinand when he visited Serbia?

4. Was the description of the Balkans as the “powder keg” of Europe justified? Explain.

5. Which of the forces at work in Europe played the greatest role in helping to prompt the outbreak of war?

Chapter 29, Section 2

1. Who was a member of the Central Powers? The Allies?

2. What was Germany's plan to have a six-week war? Did it work?

3. What are the Eastern and Western Front? Where was the Battle of Verdun?

4. How was war on the Western and Eastern Fronts different? How was it the same?

5. Why might it be fair to say that neither side won the battles of the Somme or Verdun?

Chapter 29, Section 3

1. Why did the Russians make a separate peace with Germany?

2. What does it mean to wage a total war?

3. What were two results of World War I?

4. In what ways was World War I truly a global conflict?

5. Which of the non-European countries had the greatest impact on the war effort? Explain.

Chapter 29, Section 4

1. Who is the author of the Fourteen Points? What was their purpose?

2. Why did an observer call the Treaty of Versailles a "peace built on quicksand?"

3. How did the other countries treat Germany at the Paris peace conference?

4. Why might the European Allies have been more interested in punishing Germany than in creating a lasting peace?

5. Was the United States right to reject the Treaty of Versailles? Why or why not?

Chapter 30, Section 1

1. Why were many Russians unhappy with Czar Nicholas II?

2. Which of the events during the last phase of czarist rule do you think was most responsible for the fall of the czar?

3. Who was the leader of the radical Bolsheviks? What did they want to accomplish

4. Why was Lenin successful during and after the Bolshevik Revolution?

5. Why was there a civil war in Russia after 1917? Who was involved?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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