Anne Frank WebQuest - Norwell Public Schools / Overview

Anne Frank WebQuest

During this Web Quest, you will learn more about Anne Frank's life as well as more about the major events

during World War II and the Holocaust. Use your Anne Frank Web Quest Companion Guide to record your

!findings and thoughts for each of the three major tasks.


Task 1: Events leading to WWII

You will first spend some time gathering research about the events that led to World War II.

You'll look at the people, countries, and historical events that laid the background for Anne

!Frank's story and record your findings on your Companion Guide.

First, visit . Find out a)

which men led their countries during the war (from Political Leaders of WWII)

!b) the dates WWII began and ended on the Timeline of World War Two. Questions 1 & 2.

Second, visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to answer questions 3-5. Summarize your

!answers in your own words.

Third, once you've learned about the historical context of Anne's life, visit the About Anne Frank section of

the Anne Frank Center USA website to answer three more questions about her world-wide impact on the

!generations to follow her. Questions 6-8.


Task 2: The Secret Annex

Now it is time to take a closer look at the life of Anne Frank. Visit the Anne Frank House to learn more about

!how she grew up.

Read each section and notice the pictures that accompany the text. Click on The

Secret Annex Online under the Anne Frank tab on the left to begin answering

!questions 1-4 on your Companion Guide.

The main section (Anne Frank) has sub-categories for you to investigate, for example:

Life in Germany, The Hiding Place, The Arrest, and Otto Frank Returns. You will

!need to visit each sub-category to complete your companion guide.

After you've finished reading Life in Germany (Questions 5-7), find To Anne Frank.

!From this menu, you can navigate back to the other sections for questions 8-15.

For an extra overview, the timeline provides more information about the events

leading up to and following World War II. Who's Who also breaks down each of the

!major individuals in Anne's life.


Task 3: Concentration Camps

Survivors: For this task, you'll be learning about the experiences of victims in the concentration camp. First,

visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Website section on Holocaust Survivors

exhibition/personal-history/theme.php?th=camps . Skim through each of the three survivors' stories and

!choose one to summarize and respond to. Task 3A.

Anne Frank at Bergen-Belsen: Read this document about Anne Frank's experience at the concentration camp

Bergen-Belsen and answer the questions in the Companion Guide to get a better understanding of someone

who did not survive the Holocaust. Task 3B.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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