World War I – Causes, Fighting, and Outcomes of WWI

World War I – Causes, Fighting, and Outcomes of WWIGuided Lecture NotesCauses of the WarImperial Tensions (Imperialism)European nations for coloniesMilitarism of war and increase in spending_______________ leaders were very influential in ____________ governmentsNationalismGreat pride in one’s country or aspiring to become one’s country and had only recently become united, independent countriesMany countries torn by tensions of different nationalist groups.Examples; ___________________________________The System of AlliancesDue to tensions and the ______________________, European countries created _________________Triple Alliance: , , and Triple Entente: , , andHow to remember these Causes: M.A.I.N.M= MilitarismA = AlliancesI = ImperialismN = NationalismWar Breaks OutNationalism in the BalkansBalkans = As Empire receded – new nations bornRussia and competed for control and influence over new nationsAustria-Hungary annexes in 1908 – Serbia resents this WHY? _____________________________________________________________The Assassination of the ArchdukeArchduke (or Franz) Ferdinand of Austria visited Bosnian capital (named ) on June 28th, 1914.7 assassins from the - Serbian nationalist group – plot against him kills the Archduke and his wife (__________________!!!!!).Austria-Hungary’s UltimatumGermany gave ““ of military support to Austria-HungaryAustria-Hungary serves to SerbiaSerbia refuses to let Austria-Hungary’s officials run an investigation in SerbiaAustria-Hungary declared war on on July 28th, 1914.The Alliance System Leads to War supported Serbia and Germany supported Within 1 week – almost all of Europe at war declares war on Russia and France Declares war on GermanyAlliances and Fronts of the WarThe AlliancesAllied Powers = Central Powers = The Western FrontThe Eastern FrontThe War Ends1917 - USA enters the war on the side of the Triple Entente – replaces manpower/material lost by Russia’s exit from the war and the were first Central Powers to be defeatedRevolts caused by __________________________ inside of Austria-Hungary and helped to end the war quickly in 1918 (German leaders convinced that they could not continue the war).New Weapons Used in the War Casualties of Modern WeaponryTactics of sending masses of men toward enemy across ___ didn’t work against modern weapons.Britain suffered 57,470 casualties on the first day of the Battle of the Total losses for WWI exceed million men and womenThe Reality of Soldiers’ LivesPatriotic FervorMany European looked forward to war at the startAttitudes ChangeSoldiers’ changed Europeans’ fervor through letters about the of warThe Return HomeNo crowds or heroes’ welcome after the warSoldiers were _______________ by society WHY???Trench WarfareLife in the TrenchesCharging over the top, crossing to reach the enemy trenchesBoring, terrifying, and caused Horrible Effect of the War on the Home FrontMobilizing for Total WarCivilians back home made huge Governments controlled industries and and used oftenNew Jobs for WomenWorked in jobs traditionally held only by , who were at the frontNumber in paid rose by over one millionWorked in organizations to support soldiers at the frontWomen’s WagesPaid less than men for workIndustrial and civil work (government jobs) provided better pay and hours than traditional jobsWomen’s Changing RoleWomen discovered the benefits of financial (means: ) and greater mobilitySome refused to return to serviceWomen won right to throughout EuropeEffect of the War on Colonial PeoplesColonial Peoples’ RoleFought alongside _____________________ in battles on the _______________ front and in their own homelands_______________________ experienced high casualty ratesColonial Peoples’ GoalFor fighting the war, colonial peoples expected ___________________________ with Europeans___________________ movements grewThe Paris Peace ConferenceWhat Did Nations Want_____________ and ____________ wanted to punish Germany and its alliesBritain and Italy wanted parts of ________________ and _____________ territories________________________ wanted to establish an international peace keeping organization (becomes ___________________________)President ‘s 14 Points Treaty of Versailles with GermanyFrance and Britain created a severe treaty that GermanyGermany had to:Return - _________region to FranceKeep area near France, called , demilitarizedPay war of $32 billionAgree to (Germany totally and only responsible for the war)Effects of the Treaty of Versailles______________________ never ratifies the treaty or joins the ________________________________________________ does NOT get promised territoryEuropean colonies are NOT awarded _________________________ (self-determination = ______________________________________________)Japan gets _________________ colonies in the Pacific OceanBritain and France gain ______________________________ territories in the Middle EastMandate Territories = _________________________________________The New EuropeTreaties similar to Germany’s signed with other PowersMany countries experienced a change in their Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia lost territoryMany countries were createdMap 2Map 1Maps of Europe before and after the Treaty of Versailles.Map 1: Europe 1914Map 2: Europe 1919 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET ................

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