Environmental Science - Mr. Bogdan - Env Sci 2016-2017

Name:_________________________Water WebquestBegin by taking the world water awareness quiz. What did you learn from this activity? Did any of this information surprise you? how much water do you consume in a day? Do you take long showers? Do you let the water run when you brush your teeth? How much water does it take to run the dishwasher or to flush the toilet? In this activity, you will estimate your daily water usage and compare this to what the average person consumes in other countries of the world. The following activities will help you to answer these questionsPart I: Personal Water UseCalculate your water use using the Personal Water Use Chart . Determine how much water you have used in the last 24 hours and then estimate your weekly water use.Part II: Global Water UseRead this article first: World's Water Hotpots Obtain an index card from your teacher. Research the per capita water use in the country written on your index card by going to the websites listed. Record your results. Per capita water use is calculated by dividing the total public supplied water in gallons per day by the population served for each state. The water withdrawn from public water suppliers includes all waters withdrawn by public and private water suppliers and delivered to multiple users for domestic, commercial, industrial, and thermoelectric power uses, as well as water lost in collection and distribution systems, public use (water for fire fighting, street washing, municipal parks, and swimming pools), and water transferred between adjacent states or water resources regions. This differs from total water use since it does not include irrigation and agriculture.Which countries have the greatest water stress?Calculate the water use per capita for your country using the CIA world factbook online. Example:Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural):total: 24.06 cu km/yr (15%/10%/75%)per capita: 1,193 cu m/yr (2000)Calculate the per capita use in gallons/day1 cu m = 264 gallons1 year = 365 daysObservationsRecord your per capita water use in the space provided along with the source of the information.________ gallons/dayPart III: Status of water in the U.S.1. Identify the states which have the greatest water crisis and list 10 of them here. Drought Watch USGS USGS Home Page-WaterPart IV: Indirect water use Uses of “Hidden Water”1. Rank the five types of meat from most to least water used per pound.2. Which of the five beverages takes the most water to produce? The least?3. Identify two energy resources that are the most water efficient. Which two are theleast efficient?4. How many gallons of water went into making your t-shirt?5. How many gallons of water are hidden in a 500-page notebook?6. Which of these figures surprises you the most?7. Based on all of this information, what would you say is our biggest major use of waterin the U.S.?8. Now that you see where all of the hidden water is, how will you value thingsdifferently? Give at least two specific examples of how you might work to reduce youruse of “hidden water.”Search the internet to find out how much water it takes to do the following...2. Make a piece of paper.3. Make a KWatt of energy.4. Make a ton of steel.Summary QuestionsCompare your own total daily consumption to the per capita daily consumption patterns in selected countries around the world. How does your daily behavior rank in comparison? Where are the highest consumption rates? Where are the lowest?Can you imagine doing all of your daily activities with amount of water that the average person uses in Zaire or Haiti? What daily activities would you give up if you had to live on this amount of water? What would you keep? List them and explain your reasoning below.Are any uses of water not accounted for in your personal daily estimate? In what other ways do you consume water resources everyday (i.e., indirect uses)? ................

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