Database: WorldCat - American Library Association

RUSA Hot Topics in Front Line Reference: “Disney Gives Great Service, Do We?”

ALA Annual, Anaheim, CA – June 2008

Selected Bibliography (2000-2008)


Capodagli, Bill, and Lynn Jackson. The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007.

Cockerell, Lee. Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney. New York: Currency Doubleday, 2008.

Connellan, Thomas K. Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney’s Success. Austin, TX: Bard Press, 2007, 1997.

Hamilton, Rich. Disney Magic: Business Strategy You Can Use at Work and at Home. Phoenix, AZ: SellBetter Tools, 2003.

__________. Disney Magic Ideabook: Using Disney’s Strategy for Your Own Business Success. Phoenix, AZ: SellBetter Tools, 2003.

Rukstad, Michael G., David J. Collis, and Tyrell Levine. The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King. Boston: Harvard Business School Pub., 2005.


Anh, Nguyen Hoai, and Brian H Kleiner. “Effective Human Resource Management in the Entertainment Industry.” Management Research News 28.2/3 (2005): 100-107.

Betts, Peter J. “Building a Mickey Mouse organization.” Health Forum Journal Sept./Oct. 2001: 13.

Boraks, David. “Hiring, Training Transformed by Service Emphasis.” American Banker. 24 September 2002: 10.A.

Davis, Riccardo A. “Mystery Science, Retail Traffic.” Atlanta Nov. 2006: 58-61.

“Disney's vision helps careers.” Human Resource Management International Digest 9.5 (2001): 30-32.

“DMV: Improved service is goal.” Sentinel. 9 Nov. 2000: A.11.

Lauer, Charles S. “These Aren’t Mickey Mouse Ideas.” Modern Healthcare. 2 Aug. 2004: 24.

Reddick, Bekah. “Teaching the Magic.” AgriMarketing July/Aug. 2002: 38-39.

Schueler, Judy. “Customer Service through Leadership: The Disney way. Training & Development Oct. 2000: 26-31.

Skillman, Keith C. “King Customer.” Association Management May 2003: 67-69.

Taylor, Karla. “When Services Means Everything.” Associations Now Nov. 2006: 36-42.

“Unversity Sends Assisted-Living Students to Disney to Soak Up the Hospitality.” Selling to Seniors Oct 2003: 5-6.

Wilson, Benet. “Miami Turns to Disney to Help with Customer Service Training.” Aviation Daily 1 May 2007: 5.


Brooks, Sam, and David H. Library/Vendor Relationships. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press, 2006.

Buckley Owen, Tim. Success at the Enquiry Desk: Successful Enquiry Answering – Every Time. London: Facet, 2006.

Christopher, Connie. Empowering Your Library: A Guide to Improving Service, Productivity, and Participation. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003.

Decker, Dru Scott. Customer Satisfaction: Practical Tools for Building Important Relationships. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, 2000.

Evenson, Renee. Customer Service Training 101: Quick and Easy Techniques that Get Great Results. New York: AMACOM, 2005.

Gross, T. Scott. Positively Outrageous Service: How to Delight and Astound Your Customers and Win Them for Life. Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 2004.

__________. Why Service Stinks ... and Exactly what to Do about It. Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 2003.

Heath, Fred M., and Martha Kyrillidou. Libraries Act on Their Libqual+ Findings: From Data to Action. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press, 2004.

Hernon, Peter, and John R. Whitman. Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality: A Customer-Based Approach for Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2001.

Jurewicz, Lynn, and Todd Cutler. High Tech, High Touch: Library Customer Service through Technology. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003.

Laughlin, Sara, and Ray W. Wilson. The Quality Library: A Guide to Staff-Driven Improvement, Better Efficiency, and Happier Customers. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008.

Melling, Maxine, and Joyce Little. Building a Successful Customer-Service Culture: A Guide for Library and Information Managers. London: Facet, 2002.

New Ways of Listening to Library Users: Tools for Measuring Service Quality: An Association of Research Libraries Workshop, 3-4 May 2001, Washington, DC: Workshop Reader. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2001.

Prince George’s County Memorial Library System Customer Service Code, August 2006. Hyattsville, MD: The Library, 2006.

Rubin, Rhea Joyce. Defusing the Angry Patron: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Paraprofessionals. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2000.

Rust, Roland T., and P. K. Kannan. E-Service: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002.

Sarkodie-Mensah, Kwasi. Helping the Difficult Library Patron: New Approaches to Examining and Resolving a Long-Standing and Ongoing Problem. [Binghamton,] New York: Haworth Information Press, 2002.

Siess, Judith A. The Visible Librarian: Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003.

Silverstein, Joanne, Jeffrey Pomerantz, and R. David Lankes. An Online Referral Tool for the Department of Education: Meeting Customer Needs. [Washington, DC: Dept. of Education, 2001.

Szwarc, Paul. Researching Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty: How to Find Out what People Really Think. London: Kogan Page, 2005.

Thompson, Harvey. The Customer-Centered Enterprise: How IBM and Other World-Class Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results by Putting Customers First. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Timm, Paul R. 50 Powerful Ideas You Can Use to Keep Your Customers. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2002.

Todaro, Julie Beth, and Mark Smith. Training Library Staff and Volunteers to Provide Extraordinary Customer Service. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2006.

Wagner, Pat. Library Customer Service Training Manual. Denver, CO: Pattern Research, 2001.

Walzer, Norman, Karen Stott, and Lori Sutton. Managing Illinois Libraries: Providing Services Customers Value; Executive Summary. [Macomb, IL]: Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, 2000.

Weaver, Stephanie. Creating Great Visitor Experiences: A Guide for Museums, Parks, Zoos, Gardens & Libraries. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2007.


Ahmed, Terry T., Carolyn Willard, and Marcia Zorn. “Automated Customer Service at the National Library of Medicine.” First Monday 6 Nov. 2006. [5 June 2008]

Belcastro, Patricia. “What Does a Cable Car Ride Have to Do with Customer Service?” Public Libraries May/June 2005: 131-2.

“Customer Service: Just Say ‘Yes!’” The Unabashed Librarian 140 (2006): 26-7.

Gardner, C. A. “The Importance of Customer Service.” Virginia Libraries Oct./Nov./Dec. 2005: 2-4. [Also available online [5 June 2008]

Hahn, Jim. “The Techniques and Benefits of Observation Inspired Customer Service.” Library Mosaics July/Aug. 2005: 14.

Hane, Paula J. “Serious about Customer Service: Interview with Clare Hart [president and CEO of Factiva]” Information Today Mar. 2003: 25-6.

Hirko, Buff. “Listen to Their Pleas(E)! Customer Service in the Age of the ‘Net.’”

PNLA Quarterly 70.1 (2005): 19, 36.

Huebert, Joy, and Mark Nixon. “Rules, Bureaucracy and Customer Service: A Dialogue between Two Public Librarians.” PNLA Quarterly 68.3 (2004): 10-11.

Jackson, Rebecca. “The Customer Is Always Right: What the Business World Can Teach Us about Problem Patrons.” The Reference Librarian 38.75/76 (2002): 205-12.

Labuik, Karen. “Making the Library Essential: Communications, Marketing and Customer

Service.” PNLA Quarterly 64.4 (2000): 19.

Leonicio, Maggie. “Going the Extra Mile: Customer Service with a Smile.” The Reference Librarian 34.72 (2001): 51-63.

Lisker, Peter. “Inspiring Phenomenal Customer Service: Techniques to Sway the Most Reluctant Staff Members.” Public Libraries Nov./Dec. 2002: 306-7.

__________. “The Ties that Bind: Creating Great Customer Service.” Public Libraries July/Aug. 2000: 190-2.

Lubans, John. “‘To Save the Time of the User’: Customer Service at the Millennium.” Library Administration & Management 15. 3 (2001): 179-82.

Lugg, Rick. “I, User – The Unbearable Lightness of Service: Notes on the Customer Experience.” Against the Grain 15.1 (2003): 86-7, 92.

McGuigan, Glenn S. “The Common Sense of Customer Service: Employing Advice from the Trade and Popular Literature of Business to Interactions with Irate Patrons in Libraries.” The Reference Librarian 38.75/76 (2002): 197-204.

Morgan, Frances. “Proactive vs. Reactive Customer Service: The Thinking Library Employee’s Approach to Actively Assisting Patrons.” Arkansas Libraries Aug. 2003: 18-19.

Ojala, Marydee. “Customer Service, Information Professionals, and Library 2.0.” Online July/Aug. 2006: 5.

Osa, Justina O. “The Difficult Patron Situation: Competency-Based Training to Empower Frontline Staff.” The Reference Librarian 38.75/76 (2002): 263-76.

Pinder, Jo Ann. “Really Looking at Customer Service.” Public Libraries Mar./Apr. 2003: 69.

Robinson, Leslie. “Everyone Wins – Customer Service, Saving YES!” The Unabashed Librarian 131: 2004: 13-14.

Sager, Donald J. “Customer Service and Public Libraries.” Public Libraries Mar./Apr. 2001: 85-9.

Schachter, Debbie. “The True Value of Customer Service.” Information Outlook Aug. 2006: 8-9.

Schroer, William J. “Too Much Customer Service?” Library Journal 1 Sept. 2003: 54.

Sevetson, Andrea. “Where Has Customer Service Gone.” DttP 34.3 (Fall 2006): 4.

Steinmacher, Michael. “Inside Pandora’s Box – Suggestions for Improving Customer Service Today.” Against the Grain 14.1 (2002): 77-8.

Talley, Mary, and Joan Axelroth. “Talking about Customer Service.” Information Outlook Dec. 2001: 6-8, 10, 13.

Toch, M. Uri. “The Yin and Yang of Customer Service.” Public Libraries Mar./Apr. 2001: 88-9.

Van Fleet, Connie, and Danny P. Wallace. “Mr. Green’s Axiom: Customer Service or Just Plain Good Service?” Reference & User Services Quarterly 42.1 (Fall 2002): 6, 8.

Wagner, Brent. “Patron or Customer (and Why)?” Library Journal 15 July 2007: 50.

Compiled by Suzy Szasz Palmer (Suzy.Palmer@lva.)


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