Capitalism, racism and genetics are topics discussed in an interview with a pan-african professor, about trying to find coronavirus cure in Africa.On April 3rd, two French doctors were accused of racism for wanting to test coronavirus on poor Africans. Their reasons behind wanting to test on poor Africans is economical and racial. Poor Africans have little to no economical stance to protect themselves against the coronavirus, making testing for the virus and finding a cure easier. The problem is that there are other people in France in different locations who have the virus and can be tested on instead of Africans.“It is a largely exploitative economic system that values money over people, and many Black people cannot afford to not work,” said Dr.Sunni-Ali, a Kent State Pan-African Professor. Teaching courses such as Black Experience, Dr.Sunni-Ali said many Black people work in areas that are considered essential by the government. Essential workers are at a greater risk of being exposed to the virus, so the government is looking at them as potential testers.Africa is no different from the economic hardship that Black people everywhere face. Many people in Africa are exploited by their government for money because of how bad the economy is in certain places. Nigeria recently opened its land to a 15-person Chinese medical team, but closed the deal due to growing racism towards Black people in Asian countries like China.“When it comes to science, studies are inevitably conducted through a racist, white supermacist and Eurocentric lens. This has resulted in what is now coined as scientific racism,” said Dr. Sunni-Ali. She compared what is happening now to the Tuskegee Project, in which African Americans were injected with Syphilis to study the worst effects of the infection on humans. African Americans were promised payment for participation, and due to the same economic hardships, African Americans agreed to be tested.Black people are asked to be tested on because of our genetics Dr. Sunni-Ali said . Racism is a part of the testing but the bigger part is how Black people live socially and genetically. The gatherings Black people have often consist of foods that are consumed in unhealthy quantities. This leads to a higher percentage of diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol,, and other health problems. As described in the news by President Trump and the head of CDC, African Americans are among the highest populations dying from the virus. Genetics and the healthy of Black people are major causes for testing on Black people.As racial tension towards Black people begins to escalate, there is still the question of the cure for the virus. The World Health Organization has rejected the proposal to test on poor Africans, and African countries are starting to kick people out of their countries for racsim and discrimination. Celebrities who have tested positive for the virus are trying to send in dna for possible testing, but a planto find the sure has yet to be put in place and solitified. ................

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