
Instant Messaging Interview: CLAIREINTERIEWER 15:11How often would you say you use Twitter on a daily basis?CLAIRE 15:11All the time ?INTERVIEWER 15:12What do you use twitter for?CLAIRE 15:13To talk to people and socialiseINTERVIEWER 15:14How easy or difficult did you find using twitter at first?CLAIRE 15:14Quite easy to useINTERVIEWER 15:14What kinds of people do you follow on Twitter?CLAIRE 15:17Mostly friends and some celebritiesINTERVIEWER 15:18Who do you tweet?CLAIRE 15:20General opinions but some conversations as wellINTERVIEWER 15:20No haha, WHO do you tweet ? :PCLAIRE 15:22Oops friendsINTERVIEWER 15:23If you were to look at your last tweet, what was it?CLAIRE 15:25@[Claire]: That lab report was 100% the worst piece of work I have ever handed in, soo glad its over and done with.INTERVIEWER 15:27What is the most interesting or exciting thing that has happened to you through Twitter?CLAIRE15:32I wouldn't really say anything that interesting or exciting has happened to menOops ? me*INTERVIEWER 15:32Have you ever had a bad experience or trouble on twitter?CLAIRE 15:33No, never!INTERVIEWER 15:33What annoys you on twitter?CLAIRE 15:34The new layout it's easier to accidentally follow peopleINTERVIEWER 15:36What in your opinion makes twitter different to other social networking sites like Facebook?CLAIRE 15:37Just the fact that more people use it probablyINTERVIEWER 15:37How is a tweet different to posting a Facebook status?CLAIRE 15:39Doing a Facebook status is more of a statement cause not as many people do it whereas twitter is just for posting tweetsINTERVIEWER 15:39Thank you Clara Williams 15:39No worries ?x ................

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