Two Truths & a Lie

 Two Truths & a Lie

What you'll need...

? A group of well-oiled hens

How to play...

This is a great icebreaker, especially if not all the hens have met before. Each girl takes it in turn to tell two truths and a lie. The rest of the ladies must then work out which one is the lie. If they get it right, the liar takes a drink. If they get it wrong, then the rest of the group must take a drink. Easy, right?

His Last Words

What you'll need...

? Pens & paper ? Help from the groom

How to play...

For this hen party game you'll need a little help from the groom. Email him the questions and ask him to complete the sentences for you. At the party give all the girls a piece of paper and a pen, then read out the sentences (leaving out the groom's words), the players must write down what they think he said. Once you've read all the questions and everyone has filled in their answers ask the players to switch papers and score each other's answers as you go through the questions again this time reading the correct answer.

You can get the hens to read out the funniest answers.

? When I get home from work the first thing I like [bride] to do is...

? [Bride's] best feature is... ? [Bride's] worst habit is... ? Even though she doesn't know it, when [bride] isn't at home,

I like to... ? The one word I think that describes [bride] best is... ? My pet name for [bride] is... ? If I could choose an outfit for [bride] to wear in the bedroom it

would be... ? The thing she does that really drives me mad is... ? The one thing I remember the most about our first date is... ? The moment I knew I loved her was when... ? One thing you probably don't all know about [bride] is... ? One thing I've never told [bride] is...

Wedding Dress ER

What you'll need...

? Pieces of paper ? Pens ? Dress "materials" ? Scissors, glue and tape ? Two willing models

How to play...

So what would the nearly-wed do if her dress didn't arrive in time for her special day? Thankfully she's got friends like you to help. As a trial run (and in case of emergency), collect some old material, cardboard tubes, foam, ribbons, coloured tape and paper... pretty much anything you can lay your hands on.

? Split the hens into two teams and start by giving them 5 minutes to design their dresses on the paper (each player must draw a design).

? Once the time is up the teams must decide which dress they want to try and make.

? They must also decide which of their team will be their model.

? Using all the materials give the teams just 5 minutes to create amazing bridal gowns, worthy of gracing a royal wedding!

? It's then up to you to decide the winning team! ? Judge's decision is final, bribes can be accepted.

Make sure you take photos of finished dresses and tweet them out to us #WeddingDressER, #GoHen, we'll feature the best and the worst on .

Confessions of a Hen Party

What you'll need...

? Small strips of paper ? Pens ? A box of chocolates ? A hat or small bag ? Shots or dares ? Some hens with hilarious hidden secrets

How to play...

Each player must write down a secret or fact about herself that nobody else knows, fold and place the piece of paper in a small bag or hat. Once everyone has `fessed up', take it in turns to pull out a confession and read it aloud. The person doing the reading must now try and guess whose confession they're holding. Guess correctly and the player gets a chocolate. But if they get it wrong, then they have to either take a shot or a dare.


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