AMERESTORE Secrets to Living a Healthy, (317) 894-8055 ...


1639 N. 600 W. Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 894-8055 OWNER: Mike Adams

November 2014

Secrets to Living a Healthy, Wealthy, & Happy Life...

Holidays And Stress

Can Go Hand In Hand...

6 Tools Help You Have An Enjoyable Season

Here are some tips for navigating through this next holiday season as stress free as you can be...

#1. Lower your expectations.

Today's media and commercial world portray a holiday season that would break the bank of most working people. Even the idealistic holiday depicted in favorite movie classics are well...just a fantasy. Unless you've got pockets as deep as a celebrity, don't expect so much from the holiday season.

#2. Keep it simple.

Going into debt to try to have the perfect holiday is probably one of the biggest stressors people face during this time of year. By not letting the pressures of the media or people around you dictate what your holidays should be like, you can design the perfect holiday season for your family that fits your beliefs and your budget.

#3. Be organized.

Lessen anxiety by accomplishing your tasks using lists, and sticking to a reasonable and comfortable budget. You can start checking "to-dos" off your list early, time your shopping to hit sales, and get ready for guests well ahead of time. For example, getting your carpets professionally cleaned by yours truly.

#4. Focus on what really counts.

When it's all said and done it's the people and experiences you have that make your life rich. Fill your life with beautiful moments and focus on being with the ones you love. This strategy will combat both stress and depression.

#5. Take a moment to breathe.

Be sure to take time to slow down and be present during this busy time. Live in the moment and don't worry about tomorrow. Some people find that reading a good book or taking quiet meditative moments can help them relax and not stress.

#6. Seek professional help when needed.

If you really find yourself spiraling out of control with stress and/or depression, seek professional help. There are many qualified people to help navigate through stressful times.

Whether or not you celebrate holidays these are great reminders for managing stress and focusing on what really matters. The holiday season is supposed to be a time of cheer; I hope yours is a great time, no matter what you do.

Cool Blogs, Sites & Online Resources to Check Out

Much of this website falls into the "guilty pleasures" category. The site describes itself as a social news and entertainment company. They're known for their brilliant content driven marketing, which means you've probably shared many a Buzzfeed link through social media or at least "liked" their stuff before. Buzzfeed professes a global audience of 150 million. It's a site worth checking out, but warning, it's very easy to get sucked into their endless pages of content once you are there.

This is another news heavy site, selfdescribed as a leading news source for "the connected generation." This website has an uber cool interface that gives a unique spin on browsing the news. With over 14 million followers on social media there is a chance you've come across content from Mashable before. Be sure to check out this smart and news packed site.


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24-Hour Emergency Service!

Healthy Talk

Indulge In One Too Many Holiday Meals?

Here Are Some Easy Fixes To Get Back On Track...

Get Inspired

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

? George Eliot

aka Mary Anne Evans 1850's novelist

If you find yourself on a holiday binge then don't beat yourself up, you're in good company! It has been purported that the average holiday weight gain is anywhere from 5-7 pounds. (approx. 2.5 kilograms)

Here are some easy tips for recovering from a holiday overindulgence ...

#1Let go of an "all or nothing" mentality. Often it's this "all or nothing" attitude that leads to a further binges and more weight gain. Remember one meal does not make or break your diet, nor does one day. So accept you indulged, let it go, and start fresh at your next meal.

#2Try yoga for your digestion and bloat. There are many people who claim that various yoga poses will benefit your digestion after a dietary transgression. So put those stretchy pants to use with a nice after dinner series of stretching and yoga.

#3Take a walk. Instead of wallowing in your bloat, get up and move. Grab the family and head out for some fresh air and movement. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, not even brisk, just walk, move, and breathe.

#4Have a drink. And not the alcoholic kind.... there are many soothing herbal teas that can aide digestion and bloat. Also, many people swear by sipping on a "tea" made from lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar, and honey. And there nothing like drinking pure water for a nice feeling of a system flush.

Have fun and enjoy your indulgences!

Disclaimer: These are just suggestions, I'm not a doctor or health specialist.

Quotes For November

"Nothing says `holidays' like a cheese log." ? Ellen DeGeneres, comedienne and talk show host

"The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family." ? Lee Iacocca, American Businessman and father of the Ford Mustang

"So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good." ? Helen Keller, American activist and author



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The Idea Corner

6 Must Have Tips For Traveling During The Holiday Season...

If you are like millions of people that travel during the holiday season, then you know what it's like, the overcrowded airports, the long lines, the cancelled flights, the winter storms that can derail the best laid vacation plans. But, in spite of the holiday travel hardships, you go again and again, because it's all worth it in the end to have some fun and build memories with the people you love. Maybe these travel tips will help ease the woes that can come with holiday travel...


Travel light.

This will keep down the cost of checked bags, the hassles of lines, and the risk of lost luggage. If you're really efficient you can pack your whole trip into a carry-on and your life will be oh so much easier at the airport. Just be sure all your toiletries and personal items comply with the latest TSA requirements. It's worth checking out before you travel to make sure all your travel details are compliant.

#2: Be sure you have your proper ID.

This one gets a lot of people into trouble at

those crazy busy airports or cruise ports. By

simply checking with the airline, the cruise

line, or on the TSA website you can be sure

you have all the proper ID for wherever you

are going.

#3: Get connected.

With all the awesome travel Apps available today you can check on flight status, find hotels, book a trip, and review local restaurants and attractions all from the palm of your hand. Some of the best Apps to check out are: Google flights, Expedia, Kayak, Yelp!, Gogobot, and Tripadvisor.

#4: Bring food.

After all, there is nothing worse than dealing with long lines and missed connections than dealing with it while you're "hangry"! (That's a word mashup of "hungry" and "angry" in case you missed that cute commercial with Tina Fey.) So, pack your bags with plenty of healthy, delicious, blood sugar stabilizing munchies. But again make sure they are all TSA compliant.


Stay Zen.

Sometimes that's really all you can do. In reality, you have no control over a winter storm that cancels hundreds of flights, or if the person in front of you is

totally disorganized and holding up the line. If it's stressful and everything is going wrong, just "choose it". Accept

it for what it is, take a deep breath, and stay in the moment. And always be kind to those around you and the

airport employees, after all, you are making memories.

Easy Pumpkin Swirl Brownies

Holiday days off school and work are the perfect chance to spend some time baking. Here is an easy and delish recipe that takes advantage of the pumpkin season yet it's simple enough so you still have time to spend the rest of the day curled up with a good book or a classic movie.

Ingredients Your favorite brownie mix ? cup canned pumpkin puree 4 oz. cream cheese 1-2 tablespoons sugar or honey ?-1 teaspoon pumpkin spice Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Mix up your brownies per the directions. Mix the remaining ingredients as listed, pumpkin through the nutmeg in a separate bowl. Next, spread half the brownie batter into a greased 9-inch square pan and then spread the pumpkin mixture over it. Finally, top with the remaining brownie batter. Take a butter knife and swirl the batters together so they look pretty. Bake approx. 35-45 minutes. Enjoy!


Thanks for All the Kind Words!

I had a coupon to use, otherwise I most likely would not have had the carpets cleaned in the middle of the winter season leaving the doors open for their hoses. They were offering this deal as this is obviously the slower season for them. They accommodated for the colder weather by having an air blocking barrier at the

door frame so all my heat wouldn't go out! Diane M.

They went above and beyond! I couldn't believe they showed up to our house at 9:00pm on a Saturday night to help us after our garage ceiling fell through. Their professionalism & knowledge of what to do won us over & totally put our minds @ ease! We couldn't be

happier with the job they did. Sabrina S.

Irrigation pipe was damaged and water was leaking into basement bathroom/ basement closet. Amerestore came out the day damage was identified and began the clean up process. Dried carpet and assessed damage in bathroom. They quarterbacked the entire process along side my insurance company (the 1000$ price was my deductible) and coordinated all of the remaining repairs (vanity fix, dry out process, carpet cleaning). Very professional and they kept things

moving to ensure a speedy fix.

John C.

Who Wants To Win Movie Tickets?

Take my Trivia Challenge And you could win too!

This is one of my favorite parts of the newsletter! Each month, I'll give you a new trivia question. Call in with the correct answer and we will put your name in the drawing for a $25 movie gift card. But hurry, you only have 7 days after the newsletter is mailed to enter. Enjoy a night out on me with someone special in your life! Take your best guess.

Remember, your chances of winning are better than you think!

Get Free Cleaning Tips and Specials at our Website

This month's Mega Trivia Question:

American businessman Lee Iacocca is famous for engineering which classic car?

A) Chevrolet Corvette B) Ford Mustang C) Hudson Hornet D) Kaiser Darrin

Hint: You'll find the answer in the newsletter.





So You're Getting FREE Carpet Cleaning PLUS Bonuses!

A Combined Value Of $223.00!

Hello friend! Hopefully you have a lot to be thankful for in 2014 ? and hopefully you will be sharing lots of time with friends and family in the days to come. Personally I'm thankful for my health, my family, and YOU! Without you I wouldn't be able to support and provide for my family so I want you to know you are appreciated. But, I don't just want to tell you that I appreciate you, I want to show you that I appreciate you, so...

You Get FREE Carpet Cleaning!

This is a ONE TIME A YEAR gift I'm offering to my existing clients to show my appreciation. I really hope you take advantage of this opportunity so you don't miss out. After all, you'll probably be having lots of guests, friends, and family in the coming weeks.

Wouldn't It Be Great If Your Carpets Were Soft,

Fluffy, and Sparkling Clean In Time For Your Guests?

Yes! So here is your FREE GIFT of Carpet Cleaning...

A Free Gift To You


Thanks! P.S. I pay you so thanks in

$ for your advance!


Because You Are Such A Great Client!

This is a gift certificate for you to receive one FREE Room of Carpet Cleaning. (Up to 250 square feet)

You will get my best 9 Step Cleaning absolutely FREE.

But wait there is more!

Just because you are so great and I really want your home to be ready for all your holiday guests... I am also giving you:

? Free Carpet Protection in that same room a $42 value!

? And as a BONUS.....Free Spots & Spills Cleaned Up Until January 31, 2015! ($99 Value)

This gift of carpet cleaning is worth $82.00.

There's no cost and no obligation to buy.

But you must call/text or e-mail before November 31, 2014

to reserve your FREE room.

That total with the Free Cleaning is $223.00!

Visit to schedule your FREE carpet cleaning and FREE carpet protection today. I've extended the offer through the holiday season but HURRY I can only afford to give away 5 of these gifts per week so it will have to be FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

My website is please "Like" me on Facebook at amerestore

*Restrictions may apply. Not valid with other offers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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