I. Call To Order: A meeting of the Vanderbilt Community Association, Inc. Board of Directors convened in the Wedgewood Room at 8250 Danbury Boulevard, Naples, FL, on Thursday, September 21, 2006, at 5:00pm. Notice of Club meetings continues to be posted on the Community Channel 95 and on the Vanderbilt Country Club website.

II. Establish Quorum: Directors Robert Bush, President; Denis Davidson, Executive Vice President & Treasurer; Charles Long, Secretary (absent); Joan Cappiello, Vice President; Dan Gritti, Parliamentarian; John Laliberte, General Manager; Pat Zymros, Controller and approximately 32 resident members were present. Niki Dutton, Membership Director/Office Manager, along with Charles Long recorded the minutes. Noting that a full quorum was present, Mr. Bush called the meeting to order at 5:03pm.

III. Review/Acceptance of Minutes

The August 17, 2006 Board of Directors minutes were approved. Mr. Gritti moved to accept the minutes Mrs. Cappiello seconded the motion. All directors were in favor and the minutes were approved.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Denis Davidson

August 2006

a) Receivables: Mr. Davidson apologized for the error in the previous minutes where the receivables were incorrectly reported. In July, 48% of the total receivables were 30 days or more past due versus 48% of the members being past due. This month approximately 22 residents are past due. The lien that was placed on one homeowner’s property will be removed as the monies due were received at our attorney’s office today.

b) Balance sheet: Assets were up $500,00 as a result of the increase in reserves, resale contributions, inventories and prepaid items. Interest on deposited funds are also ahead. Prepays are slightly up, totaling $30,000, due to prepaying the paving of the clubhouse parking lot and payment made to Reserve Advisors for the “Assest Reserve” study. To date, the Club has had 29 resale’s contributing to the $36,250 Resale Equity Capital Contribution Fee. Total equity is at $11,484,658 versus $11,274,143 prior year.

c) Notes to P&L: Income of $416,438 was up $13,059 for the month of August. This was ahead of budget by 3% and 11% ahead of 2005. Income gains to budget are a result of increases in food and beverage income (+$7,555) and outside golf outings (+$5,300).

d) Cost of Goods for food increased to 46% from budget of 40%.

e) Large Expense Variances: For the month were over budget as a result of Golf Course Maintenance fuel of $6,500, and repair & maintenance items in all departments were over $8,400.

f) Total Net Income: Better than budget by $1,466.

g) P&L Year to Date: Food and beverage ahead of budget by $21,500, which is being offset by merchandise sales (-$20,400). Cart fees and trail fees are below budget by -$13,200. The change to budget was -$12,479.

h) Cost of Goods: Food and beverage was under budget by $10,000. Golf merchandise is under budget $4,000.

i) Large Expense Variances: Payroll taxes, workers compensation, etc. is positive to budget +$28,900. Repair and maintenance in all departments is positive to budget +$3,000. Payroll is positive to budget $30,800. We are positive to expense budget $125,634 year to date. Our net income is ahead of budget $127,689.

j) Monthly Department Expenses: Food and beverage was over budget (-$485). Golf over budget (-$2,824). Tennis over budget (-$1,731) due to court maintenance. Activities/Fitness/Pools over budget (-$4,306) primarily due to pool and furniture repairs. Administration below budget $4,843. Access & Safety over budget (-$1,267) due to gate repairs. Golf Course Maintenance over budget (-$1,003) due to increased fuel costs. Property Management below budget $2,204.

k) Year to Date Department Expenses: All departments with the exception of food and beverage are better than budget. Total positive variance to budget is $125,633.

V. General Manager’s Report – John Laliberte

Old Business

1. Collier County Code Enforcement: A meeting was held on Thursday, August 24, 2006, with Rae Ann Boylan, Boylan Environmental Consultants, Inc., to review the Big Cypress Fox Squirrel Habitat Management Plan, relating to the vegetation removal permit application, which requires Collier County Environmental Services’ approval for the proposed trimming of saw palmettos within designated preserve areas. The total habitat preserve on site at Vanderbilt Country Club is 70.6 acres. The proposed vegetation trimming areas encompass 8.17 acres, which is approximately 11.6 percent of the total preserve acreage. A copy of the plan has been sent to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) and the Collier County Environmental Services for final review and approval.

2. Reserve Advisors, Inc.: The reserve study inspection for Vanderbilt Country Club will be conducted next week beginning on Monday, September 25 through Thursday, September 28, 2006 by Paul Mueller, Director of Club Services, Reserve Advisors, Inc. This on-site comprehensive reserve study will include: overview of the Club, facility orientation tour with our Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, Jim Gallagher, review of all architectural blueprints, Golf Course Maintenance equipment list review, inventory list of kitchen equipment, depreciation schedule review, review of operating and capital budgets for current fiscal year, and scheduled meetings with VCC department heads. The final report will be prepared and forwarded to Vanderbilt Country Club the week of October 16, 2006.

3. Private Cart Insurance Follow Up: A report prepared by Niki Dutton, Membership Director/Office Manager was distributed to the Board. The VCA Board had requested additional comparative information on liability insurance requirements for personal carts at select area clubs at the previous Board meeting. The majority of the clubs require a minimum of $300,000 liability limits, up to $1,000,000. Vanderbilt Country Club’s current liability insurance coverage (minimal) limits for golf cart owners are: (1) $100,000 personal injury coverage; (2) $300,000 personal injury coverage per occurrence; and, (3) $100,000 property damage coverage.

We are requesting VCA Board approval to amend the existing policy governing Personal Golf Cart usage, specifically related to private cart insurance and the following: (1) require each VCC private golf cart owner to sign an Indemnification Agreement, as recommended by legal counsel, each year in order to receive the annual trail fee decal; (2) increase minimum liability limits to $300,000/$300,000/$300,000; require liability insurance coverage as part of the Indemnification Agreement, but no longer require submittal of proof of insurance to the Club; (4) require that individuals operating private carts must have a valid drivers license. Estimates for additional liability insurance cost for these limits, to VCC private cart owners, vary from $30 to $80, and will depend largely on personal credit history, claim history, length of coverage time, etc. Mr. Davidson made a motion to keep the liability limits as is at $100,000/$300,000/$100,000 and to incorporate the revised Indemnification Form which must be signed by all private cart owners, on an annual basis, in order for them to receive their 2007 private cart trail fee decal. The Club no longer is required to record individual private cart owners proof of insurance, as this is the private cart owner’s responsibility. The form also states that all private cart owners must have a valid driver’s license. Mr. Gritti seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed.

New Business

1. Proposal for 15’ Palm Tree Trimming for Estates, Villas, Waterford & Wedgewood: A report prepared by April Keating, Community Association Manager was distributed. As our Vanderbilt community enters its 8th year, more and more palm trees are reaching the 15-foot height limitation for trimming, as part of the annual landscape contract(s). Currently, there are 304 palm trees (15’ or higher) in the Common Areas and 861 palm trees (15’ or higher) in all other residential areas of our community (Estates, Villas, Waterford, Wedgewood). The appearance of these palm trees at this time is not too standard. A bid has been received from J.D. Tree Service for a total of $14,637. to trim the 861-15’(+) residential palm trees. This cost would be offset by the three-month (June, July, August, 2006) credit taken from Tru Green in the amount of $17,058. for failure to meet the trimming schedule. As Tru Green remains on monitored performance, an additional credit is likely in September 2006. Recommendation is for VCA Board approval: (1) to use landscape credits in the amount of $14,637 for trimming all 861 remaining (15’ or higher) palm trees located in the residential areas of Vanderbilt community; and, (2) include this residential trimming service in future operating budgets to promote uniformity throughout the community, as is done for all Common Areas and all golf course palm trees. Mr. Davidson made a motion to approve the use of landscaping credits totaling $14,637 for trimming all 861 remaining trees. Joan Cappiello seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed. The Board will discuss including residential trimming services in future operating budget meetings.

2. Records Management Policy Proposal: April Keating, Community Association Manager distributed Records Management Policies and Procedures and Records Retention Schedule, as recommended by the Club’s audit firm, McGladrey & Pullen. Mr. Davidson made a motion to approve the policies, procedures and schedule pending input from our legal and audit experts. Mr. Gritti seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed.

3. Notification of Blasting for Rock Excavation: Vibration Energy Services, Inc. notified the Club on September 21, 2006 that as part of the construction project at the Buck’s Run Property, blasting for rock excavation for lake/retention pond construction will begin the week of September 25, 2006 and is expected to last one week. The area is located approximately 1,300 linear feet from our Vanderbilt boundary line, west of the Waterford Condos. This information will be communicated to our Vanderbilt residents via the website and channel 95. The Board objects to the nearby blasting and asked April Keating to call the county to object. Mr. Bush asked April to also contact Mr. John Gnagey, Worthington Communities if necessary for his input.

4. Staff Recognition: Christina Oldock, our Director of Tennis at Vanderbilt Country Club, has been selected by the USPTA Awards Committee to receive the “2006 USPTA Women’s Open Player of the Year” award, to be presented today at the USPTA World Conference on Tennis in Las Vegas, Nevada. The USPTA World Headquarters will send press releases to national and local media. The Club will assist in this endeavor. The Board congratulated Christina for this achievement and prestigious honor.

5. Welcome New VCC Staff Members: Bob Hilliard has been hired as our new Director of Access & Safety. Bob has an extensive background in the security field, having worked as branch manager for Allied Security (in PA & DE), district manager (4 ½ yrs.) for Pinkerton Security and Investigations (Philadelphia, PA), and manager of special programs security (15 yrs.) for General Electric Company (PA). Bob served in the U.S. Air Force as Master Sargeant, retiring after 21 years of service. Bob and his wife Amy relocated to the Naples area in April 2005. Cesar Montano joins us as our new Assistant Dining Room Manager. Cesar recently worked the past two years as the Dining Room Manager at Longshore Lake Club, and previously at Royal Palm Country Club. Cesar is originally from Nicaragua and has been in the U.S. for the past ten years. Cesar and his wife have one daughter and reside in Bonita Springs. Hazel Ward joins us as the Assistant Community Manager. Hazel was in attendance of the meeting and was introduced and welcomed.

6. Informational Items

➢ Golf Revenue Report – August, 2006

➢ Rounds of Golf Report – August, 2006

➢ Golf Revenue Report – September 1-15, 2006

➢ Rounds of Golf Report – September 1-15, 2006

New Business

a) 2007 Landscaping Contract – Bill Dorgan, Common Grounds Committee

Mr. Dorgan gave a detailed presentation on the current status of unsatisfactory landscaping care from TruGreen. TruGreen has been landscaping the VCC community for the past three years. Their contract will expire in 2006. He reported on the background and current status of TruGreen’s care, the pros and con’s of TruGreen and compared costs with TruGreen to other companies who have bid on our business. On behalf of the Common Grounds Committee, Mr. Dorgan made a recommendation that the Vanderbilt Country Club community change to Mainscapes, Inc. due to TruGreen’s hidden costs of ruined/dead bushes, poor aesthetics, failing performance and homeowner dissatisfaction. Mainscapes, Inc. will provide increased supervision and a five-week trim cycle. Based on the information provided, Mr. Davidson made a motion to approve a contract with Mainscapes, Inc., not to exceed $732,000. TruGreen will be given 30 days notice that they failed to meet their schedule and expectations. Mrs. Cappiello seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed.

i. Entryway Enhancement Project – Bill Dorgan, Common Grounds Committee: This topic was postponed and will be discussed at the November Board meeting.

b) Sealing/Striping of Roadways and Pool Areas – April Keating, Community Association Manager: Waste Management confirmed that their fleet of trucks caused severe damage to the roads in the community. As a result of that damage, two pressure-cleaning companies were asked to provide a quote for the cleaning of roads where hydraulic fluid had spilled. Both pressure-cleaning companies admitted that the damage was so severe; pressure cleaning alone would not improve those areas where the pavement had been destroyed. Two reputable asphalt companies agreed that those severely damaged areas would require a process of power brushing any necessary primer oil saturated areas and patching, or cutting out and pouring, those areas heavily saturated with the oil. This will then be followed by seal coating the entire roadway surfaces using 2 thick coatings of rubberized coal-tar emulsion sealer, as was recently done in the Clubhouse parking lot. When this process is complete, striping with high traffic commercial marking paint will be down. Waste Management submitted the proposals to their insurance company. VCC was informed that Waste Management would send VCC a check for the total amount of the lowest bidder, Black Magic Asphalt, Inc. a local reputable company. Black Magic’s bid is $72,965 less $1,000 for the satellite pool areas, where there are no dumpsters. VCC will pay the $1,000 to reseal and stripe this area at the same time. Mr. Davidson made a motion to approve Black Magic Asphalt, Inc. proposal and to proceed with this project, at no expense to the Association. Mrs. Cappiello seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed.

c) Memorial Tree Planting – Bob Bush: A group of members made a request to purchase a memorial tree in honor of a recently deceased member. Mr. Bush feels that as long as memorial tree plantings are monitored through Stuart Bothe, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent, with his suggestions on tree types, location of plantings, etc. Mr. Davidson made a motion that the staff implements a Memorial Tree Program. Mrs. Cappiello seconded, all were in favor and the motion was passed.

VI. Committee Reports

a) County & Local Development Committee Update – Chappell Wilson

i. Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension (VBRE): Several articles have recently appeared in the Naples Daily News regarding five homeowners living along VBR, east of VCC, asking the County to bring the road extension south of the Cypress Canal and buy out their homes as part of the VBRE. They were hoping that this could be done in lieu of the extension going north of the canal and taking out several costly water wells that the County owns. The reason this is of any interest to us is that it could affect our property at the corner of VBR and Massey. The worse case scenario for VCC would more than likely be that the County would ask for and or buy an easement to that corner. If that did happen we would attempt to work with the County to have a wall built, running along VBR as a noise barrier, similar to what you now see along Livingston Road at Wyndemere Country Club. Recommendation: Do nothing at this time. We want to stay on friendly terms with the County and the Commissioners. Members of the Committee will be working on this issue behind the scenes. Don’t believe everything you read in the paper. Nothing is certain until the engineering plans are presented for review and approved.

ii. Massey Road: A week ago several Committee members (David Pedersen and Larry Smith), along with Bob Bush, met with two individuals for the development of property east of Massey Road, south of Calusa Pines Golf Club, across from VCC along Gleneagle Way. This meeting was in response to a letter that the Cub received from Naples Realty Group asking for a meeting to discuss their wanting to tie into the County utilities located on our property. The development has already been zoned residential and would consist of 110 single-family homes, beginning in the $750,000 to $800,000 price range. The community is not related in any way with the Calusa Pines Golf Club and would be called Mockingbird Crossing at Caloosa Reserve. The County has already approved the use of the utilities. Our concern is to minimize the impact to our community caused by this tie in to the County utilities located on our property. Recommendation: We requested and have received copies of their construction plans, PUD and flow rate study. Review information and conclusions regarding utility usage. Arrange another meeting 3 or 4 weeks out to include a County Utility representative, along with any professionals we may deem necessary, to discuss ways to insure that this action will not impede VCC use of the utilities or add additional cost to our residents.

iii. Davenport Road: On Tuesday of this week, John Laliberte, David Pedersen, Larry Smith and Chappell Wilson met with Robert Murrell, the Association’s attorney to discuss placing as fence along Davenport Road separating our property from that of the Davenport Nursery. We discussed the history surrounding ownership of the road, the development going on around VCC, the problems with cans and debris on our property from nursery personnel and the desire of some residents for added privacy and security by putting up a fence along Davenport Road. We also discussed the concerns that the members of our Committee have regarding erecting a fence and wanted to see if those concerns were warranted or is their anything else that needs to be considered. Our attorney stated that erecting a fence along Davenport Road, which currently separates the two properties, would probably have the following two effects: 1. VCC will lose any argument with Davenport over the ownership of the road when and if the issue arrives in any mediation or arbitration hearing as a result of legal action. 2. VCC will lose any and all negotiating leverage with a new developer of the Davenport Nursery property to build any wall or other barrier to separate the two properties. Because of the impact that this fence will have on future strategies that VCC my employ when dealing with a developer of the Davenport property, the attorney recommends against putting up a fence along Davenport Road. Recommendation: The Committee strongly agrees with the attorney and recommends to the Board that no fence be erected along Davenport Road at this time.

Upcoming Meetings & Important Dates

a) October 10th (Tuesday) - BOD Candidates Written Notice Deadline

b) October 11th (Wednesday) – Budget Workshop #1 – 9:00am

c) October 12th (Thursday) – Budget Workshop #2 – 9:00am

d) October 17th (Tuesday) – Budget Workshop #3 – 9:00am

e) October 19th (Thursday) - Monthly Board Meeting – 5:00pm

f) October 24th (Tuesday) – Budget Workshop #4 - 9:00am

g) October 26th (Thursday) – Budget Workshop #5 – 9:00am

h) October 26th (Thursday) - Meet the Candidate Night – 5:00pm

i) November 13th (Monday) - Annual Meeting – 5:00pm

j) November 13th (Monday) – Budget Meeting – 9:00am

k) November 16th (Thursday) – Monthly Board Meeting – 3:00pm

IX. Adjournment

With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Davidson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm. Mrs. Cappiello seconded all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Niki Dutton

Membership Director/Office Manager


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