CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - Lakefield, Minnesota


May 8, 2017 ~ 7:00 PM



Council Present: Brian Rossow, Bruce Bakalyar, Andrea Monson, Nathan Hall, Brent Pavelko

Council Absent: NONE

Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Lance Frerichs-Street Foreman, Kristie Frericks – Liquor, Laura DeKok-Media, Andrew Konechne-Police, Robert Anderson, Sue Jansma

Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of April 17, 2017, meeting, made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.

Accounts payable –Motion to approve the payments as presented, in the amount of $200,352.80 made by Monson/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.

WASTE WATER PROJECT OPEN FORUM (3 minutes per speaker)




Robert Anderson—Congratulations to the new Mayor. Lakefield Roots website pictures have generated compliments to the community on how nice the community looks. He also works on promoting shopping in Lakefield and supporting local business.


1. Variance Approval Recommendation of Zoning Board – Motion to approve the variance request of Jordan and Alyssa Burmeister at 912 Douglas Street for building an attached garage 6” closer to the property line than the current unattached garage is located, on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, made by Hall/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

2. Police Department Request to order ammunition – Motion to approve the purchase of ammunition, in the amount of $869.60, from Capital Armament Company, made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.

3. Furnace Replacement at City Hall – City hall has 2 furnace/AC units; one of the furnace units is no longer feasible to repair. It had been repaired 3 times in a 2 month period, until it was shut down and one was able to serve city hall for the spring season. Both units are 1993 furnace units. A price quote was sought from Hanson Enterprises, LLC, and Winter’s Plumbing. The quote from Hanson for a 2 stage w/ ECM motor is $4646.07 for one unit or $8992.14 to replace both units. Winter’s Plumbing did not provide a quote. Staff recommends using Hanson for the replacement, as he has been doing the repairs and is familiar with our system. Staff did look into replacing the two units with a single unit, but the duct work layout would need to be altered at a significant expense. Motion to approve the installation of 2 RUUD 100,000 BTU 2-stage Furnaces with ECM Blower motor and the necessary electrical work made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

4. EDA appointment to replace Terry Wheeler with Jesse Ackermann – Motion to approve the resignation of Terry Wheeler from the EDA board and recommend Jesse Ackermann as his replacement, as recommended by Mayor Rossow, made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.

5. Bank of the West Custody Agreement – Motion to approve the Custody Agreement with Bank of the West and authorize signatures made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

6. Lorman Education Services 12 month access pass – Motion to approve the All Access pass for 12 months in the amount of $559 made by Hall/Monson, all yes, motion carried.



1. Synopsis of evaluation of Street Foreman Closed Session from 04-17-2017

2. Honorary City Council Program – Mayor Rossow shared information on an Honorary City Council Program used by the City of Worthington. He would like to get more people engaged in Lakefield city government. Many good things are done by the council that many of the public doesn’t see. Council feels the open forum of the portion of the council meets this need. Worthington has 13,000 people and may have issues with communications.

3. Nuisance Committee/Action Team – Mayor Rossow inquired about moving forward with setting up this process in Lakefield. The council had much discussion on avenues a nuisance committee could take.

4. Monthly Brush Pick Up Program Consideration – Mayor Rossow inquired about a monthly pick up for brush from the boulevard each month. This program will be tried over the summer months.



1. Department Head Report

2. Police Department Report

3. Next Coffee with the Mayor Event – To Be Decided

4. Southwest Regional Development Commission Hearing Notice


1. Next council meeting Monday, May 22, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion carried.


_________________________ _____________________________

Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Brian Rossow, Mayor


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