TMB Panther Speech Team

Panther Speech Team

Tournament & Event Schedule – 2015

In order to plan ahead for registrations, buses, and judges, each team member must indicate what tournaments they are attending.

|Yes? |Date |Tourney/Event |Who |Dep./ Arr. |Notes |

| |Saturday, Jan. 10 |Mankato – Speech Workshop |Anyone who wants to |6:45 am / |Will likely be taking a van. |

| | | |do it |8:45 | |

| |Saturday, Jan. 31 |Schwan’s Speech Spectacular, Marshall|Everyone |9:15 a.m. / |Scouting/Observation trip |

| | | | |9:45 | |

| |Saturday, Feb. 7 |Worthington |Everyone |7:15 a.m. / | |

| | | | |8:30 | |

| |Saturday, Feb. 14 |Redwood Falls |Everyone |7:15 a.m. / | |

| | | | |8:15 | |

| |Thursday, Feb. 19 |Tracy Junior High |Grades 7-9 |--- |Grades 10-12 run the tourney. Families |

| | | | | |provide concessions. |

| |Saturday, Feb. 21 |Pipestone |Everyone |7:30 a.m. / | |

| | | | |8:30 | |

| |Tuesday, Feb. 24 |Marshall Junior High |Grades 7-9 |1:45 p.m. / | |

| | | | |2:15 | |

| |Saturday, Feb. 28 |Adrian |Everyone |7:15 a.m. / | |

| | | | |8:15 | |

| |Saturday, March 7 |--- |--- |--- |Mid-season break. No tournament |

| | | | | |scheduled. |

| |Saturday, March 14 |Montevideo |Everyone |7:00 a.m. / | |

| | | | |8:45 | |

| |Tuesday, March 17 |RTR Junior High, Tyler |Grades 7-9 |3:00 p.m. / | |

| | | | |3:45 | |

| |Saturday, March 21 |SMSU, Marshall |Everyone |7:00 a.m. / |Early dep. for concessions. All families |

| | | | |7:30 |help with fund-raiser. |

| |Saturday, March 28 |Subsection 11 |Everyone |8:00 a.m. / | |

| | |at Pipestone | |9:00 | |

| |Monday, March 30 |Tracy |Most |--- |All who want to, and Everyone advancing |

| | |Speech Showcase | | |to Sections. |

| |Saturday, April 11 |Section 3A |Those who advance |8:15 a.m. / | |

| | |at SMSU | |8:45 | |

| |Friday, April 17 |State Class A |Those who advance |TBD |State trip winners will stay overnight |

| | |at Blaine | | |for the Class AA tournament on Saturday. |

I have checked our family calendars carefully, and I’m committed to attending the tournaments that I have marked “Yes.”

_____________________________________ __________________________________________

Team Member signature Parent/Guardian Signature


Additional bus stops - These are the stops on the way home from an event if along the route. The bus will not stop at farm sites, intersections, etc.

Tracy - High School Milroy - Kirsh's Korner Balaton - Benson's by the Lake

Walnut Grove - WG Bar & Grill Marshall - Walmart (East side) Garvin - This Ol’ Place

When 30 minutes from site, student needs to call parents so the bus is not waiting when they arrive.

If their ride is not there when bus arrives the bus continues on to Tracy High School. (Per Bill Tauer and Bob Bruder, 2013)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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