Curriculum Vita

Eloise M. Elliott, PhD

Ware Distinguished Professor

College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

West Virginia University

PO Box 6116

Morgantown, WV 26506

Phone: 304-293- 0869 (O)

540-392-5554 (M)


Personal Statement: In my role as the Ware Distinguished Professor in the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at West Virginia University, I have been charged with leading service initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the citizens of WV. Over the past nine years I have provided leadership in developing and implementing the first WV Physical Activity Plan (), in organizing two WV Physical Activity Symposiums, in developing and implementing two county initiatives to improve physical activity participation and healthy living in children, adolescents, and families ( and ), and in working with overweight children and their families to improve healthy lifestyles, and therefore, health status, of WV families ( and ). I have developed Active Academics (), a web-based teacher resource to include physical activity in the PreK-5 classroom, and a web-based instructional module for MS/HS, Take Charge! Be Healthy! () to enhance the school health curriculum. I am the co-director of the WV CARDIAC Project (statewide children’s health surveillance and intervention initiative), and serve as an adjunct clinical professor in the WVU School of Medicine. My primary research focus is on the development, implementation, and evaluation of interventional strategies to change behaviors related to physical activity, and on comprehensive school physical activity strategies.  


1997 Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA

Major: Curriculum and Instruction

Area of Emphasis: Physical Education Pedagogy and Curriculum Design

Dissertation: Designing, piloting, and evaluating the interdisciplinary Internet module - Healthy Hearts for intermediate grade children

1986 M.A. Salem-Teikyo University, Salem, WV

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Safety Education

Thesis: Effects of physical activity on kindergarten children’s reading readiness

1976 B.S. Concord University, Athens, WV

Major: Elementary Education

Concentration: Early Childhood Education


2010-present Ware Distinguished Professor (Visiting Associate Professor 2010-14, Full Clinical Professor - 2015)

College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

West Virginia University

2010-present Clinical Professor of Pediatrics

School of Medicine

West Virginia University

2004-present Co-Director (2015-present), Associate Director for Interventions (2004-2015)


2001-present Executive Director, eLearning for Kids, Inc


2004-2010 Professor of Education, Department of Human Performance

Concord University, Athens, WV

1993-2004 Department Chairperson, Department of Human Performance University

Concord University

1998-2003 Associate Professor of Physical Education, Department of Health and Physical Education

Concord University

1998-2000 Interim Division Chairperson, Division of Education, Library Science, and Physical Ed

Concord University

1993 - 1997 Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Department of Health and Physical Education

Concord College

1989 - 1993 Instructor of Physical Education, Department of Health and Physical Education

Concord College

1980-1989 Teacher, Sun Valley Elementary School, Lerona, WV

K-6 Physical Education Specialist 1980-1984

Kindergarten Teacher 1983-1989

1977-1980 Teacher, Mercer, Memorial, and Kegley Elementary Schools, Mercer Co, WV

K-6 Physical Education Specialist

1976-1977 Teacher, Ramsey, Spanishburg, and Bluewell Elem. Schools, Mercer Co, WV

K-6 Physical Education Specialist

1996-2003 Senior Editor, PE Central Website ()

Blacksburg, VA

1995-2001 Director, American Master Teacher Program (AMTP)

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA


Ware Distinguished Professorship, West Virginia University

▪ Chair the development of the updated version of the WV Physical Activity Plan, ActiveWV 2020 ()

▪ Led the development of the Ware Distinguished Lecture Series for the College of PA and Sport Sciences.

▪ Promote physical activity in the classroom as part of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (ongoing)

o Developed and delivered teacher training workshops to K-8 teachers in WV

o Developed, piloted, and released the online Active Academics Teacher Training Module – an online professional development module for integrating physical activity in the K-8 classroom

o Developed and oversee the online teacher resource – Active Academics ()

▪ Led the development of the first West Virginia Physical Activity Plan (WVPAP), ActiveWV 2015, one of two states to model a state plan after the National Physical Activity Plan (released in January 2010) () (2010-present)

o Chair, WVPAP Coordinating Committee (2010-present)

▪ Oversee the Plan development, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation

▪ Led the development and delivery of the WV Physical Activity Symposium held July, 2010, and the 2nd WV Physical Activity Symposium held March 2015.

▪ Chaired the development committee and co-managed two cohorts of the Camp NEW You Program, a yearlong program for overweight children and their families (2009-11)

• Co-develop and implement school-based educational interventions to foster healthy living and reduce childhood obesity, with a particular focus on increased physical activity

o Greenbrier CHOICES ()

o McDowell CHOICES ()

• Oversee web-based resources and instructional modules for teachers

o Active Academics ()

o Take Charge! Be Healthy! ()

• Continue research related to school-based physical activity and physical activity promotion, and work with doctoral students interested in this line of inquiry

• Serve on local, state, and national advisory committees

Teaching Duties at WVU:

o SEP 765 Dissertation Seminar required doctoral course for PhD/EdD)

o PET 745 – Physical Education Teacher Education Curriculum and Evaluation (required doctoral course for PhD/EdD)

o PET 797 – Research (independent research hours with select students)

o PET 798 – Dissertation

o PET 795 – Independent Study Courses

Concord University

• Teaching focus on physical education curriculum methods and pedagogy, and physical activity interventions in schools and communities (see teaching duties below)

• Supervised students in all clinical experiences

• New Program/Course Development – co-developed the online Health Promotion Masters (2009); revised PETE program of study and developed three new courses (2001); Developed technology courses for both undergraduate teacher education program (2) and Education Masters Program (1) (1999-2001)

• NCATE Accreditation, Physical Education SPA (2005-2009)

• Administrative duties (1993-2004 – see descriptions below)

Teaching Duties at CU:

o HLTH 530 Health Interventions for School-age Children (2010-12) (developed the online course in 2009)

o HLTH 510 Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity (2010-12) ) (developed the online course in 2009)

o PED 400 Physical Education Pedagogy 1999 –2009 (developed the course in 2001)

o PED 402 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Physical Education 1999 –2009 (developed the course in 2001)

o PED 110 Intro to Teaching Physical Education 1999 -2002 (developed the course in 2001)

o PED 401 Methods and Materials for Elementary Physical Education 1989-2009

o PED 401 Field Experience 1989-2009

o PED 212 Rhythms and Dance 1989-2001

o PED 400 Children’s Movement 1989-1999

o PED 101 Dance 1989-2003

o HED 208 School Health 1989-1993

o PED 101M Fitness for Life

o PED 225 Aerobics

Administrative Duties at CU:

o Department Chair, Department Human Performance (1993-2004)

o Responsibilities includes scheduling all department courses each semester, scheduling facilities, ordering equipment and supplies, conducting Department monthly meetings, recommending promotions, employment, etc., assuming duties necessary to meet the needs of specific students, monitoring equipment inventory, representing the department in the division and throughout the college, other duties as they arise

o Division Chairperson, Division of Education, Library Science, and Physical Education (1998-2000)

o Responsibilities included overseeing general operational procedures of the Division including administering the divisional operating budget, making policy regulatory decisions, representing and serving as spokesperson for the Division and the departments within, coordinating the activities of the division including monthly meetings, conducting evaluations of the eighteen full tine faculty members, providing leadership in seeking improvement in the academic programs of the division, recommending promotions, tenure, salaries, merit, employment, termination, hiring approximately fifteen adjunct faculty members each semester

Additional Key Accomplishments

• Developed web-delivered instructional modules for school children, and web-delivered teacher resources to provide physical activity opportunities in the elementary classroom​.

• Appointed member of the President’s Council on Youth Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (2015-2018)

• Serve as Co-Director of the WV Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project, WVU School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (previously Associate Director for Interventions)


Research interests include physical activity and children, childhood obesity, school-based physical

activity interventions, and physical activity promotion.​

Research and Project Support

Grant Submissions and Funding Status

Zizzi, S. (PI), Elliott, E. (Co-I), & Bulger S. (2019) Take Back Our Health Physical Activity Initiatives. WVDHHR Policy 3801. $183,564. July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020.

McCartney et al. (2018). WV Family Nutrition Program: SNAP-Ed. Submitted to the US Department of Agriculture: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Sub-award: Elliott, E. (PI), Murphy, E., Bulger, S., Zizzi, S., Pyles, L. (Co-Is). (2018) West Virginia Family Nutrition Program-SNAP-ED: Title of Project: The CARDIAC Project. USDA – Food and Nutrition Services - WV DHHR Bureau for Children and Families. October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020. (Under Review).

Elliott, E. (2019) WVU Faculty Travel/Development Grant to attend the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Convention, Tampa, Fl., April 2019. Submitted Feb. 4, 2019. Awarded $700.

Pyles, L. (PI), Elliott, E. (Co-Investigator) (2018) (WVU Subcontract Institution with prime institution, University of Kentucky; Donna Arrnet, PI) Title of Project: Home and Environment in the Appalachian Region: Trends in Health (HEARTH) Study. US DHHS-NIH – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01) $1,948,000. total budget for Year 1; $181,265.00 to WVU (research cooperative agreement). Six year total budget of 20,119,849. 9/01/2019 – 8/31/2026. OSP# 18-905 (Not funded (April 2019) Preparing for resubmission.

Pyles, L. (PI), Elliott, E., & Lilly, C. (Co-Investigators) (2018) (WVU Subcontract Institution with prime institution, Columbia University, New York; Moran, A., PI) Title of Project: Familial hypercholesterol screening in children: population impact of phenotype, genotype, and cascade approaches. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01). 4 Years; Total $124,528 (49,986 Year 1). ). Funded (May 2019 – May 2023) OSP#17-859

Murphy, E. (PI), Elliott, E., McCartney, K., Nichols, A., Bulger, S., Zizzi, S., Albidso, C., Lilly, C., Taliaferro, A., O-Hara Tompkins, N., Shamblin, M., Cook, A., & McVey, A. (Co-Is). (2018) Title of Project: Be Wild, Be Wonderful, Be Healthy: Improving Access to Healthy Foods and Physical Activity Opportunities in McDowell and Clay Counties, WV. US DHHS-CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention . $551,262 Year 1. October 1, 2018 – Sept. 30, 2023. Funded. OSP Ref: 14-895

McCartney et al. (2018). WV Family Nutrition Program: SNAP-Ed. Submitted to the US Department of Agriculture: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). $3,500,784. Funded.

Sub-award: Elliott, E. (PI), Murphy, E., Bulger, S., Zizzi, S., Pyles, L. (Co-Is). (2018) West Virginia Family Nutrition Program-SNAP-ED: Title of Project: The CARDIAC Project. USDA – Food and Nutrition Services - WV DHHR Bureau for Children and Families. $202,366. October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019. Funded. OSP Ref: 82659

Tsuda, E. (PI), Wyant, J. (Co-PI), Elliott, E., Bulger, S., & Taliaferro, A. (Co-Is). (2018) Title of Project: Status Report on State-Level Physical Education Accountability Policy and Systems. Partnership for a Healthier America and Action for Healthy Kids. 12,300. June 2018-November 2018. Funded.

Elliott, E. (2018) Big XII Faculty Research Fellowship Grant. WVU Office of the Provost. $2043. Awarded.

Tsuda, E. (PI), Wyant, J. (Co-PI), Elliott, E., & Lilly, C. (2018) Title of Project: Understanding the Needs of Pre-K Classrooms to Lead Children toward Physically Active Lifestyle. West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute grant. $5000. Submitted 10-24-17. Not funded.

Neal, W.(PI), Elliott, E., Pyles, L. (Co-Is) (2017) The Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project. WV DHHR-BPH-Office Community Health Systems-Division of Rural Health G170190. $213,750. 7/1/2017-6/30-2018. Not Funded.

Neal, W.(PI), Elliott, E., Pyles, L.(Co-Is). (2016) The Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project. WV DHHR-BPH-Office Community Health Systems-Division of Rural Health G140513. ($427,000 funded) 7/1/2016-6/30-2017. OSP# 56876

Elliott, E. (2017) Big XII Faculty Research Fellowship Grant. WVU Office of the Provost. $2043. Awarded. 2017-2018.

Elliott, E. (2018) WVU Faculty Travel/Development Grant to attend the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Convention, Nashville, TN. March 2018. Submitted November 19, 2017. Awarded $700.

Elliott, E. (2017) WVU Faculty Travel/Development Grant to attend the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Convention, Boston, MA. March 2017. Submitted January 30, 2017. Awarded $700.

Jones, E., Bulger, S.M., Taliaferro, A.R., Elliott, E., Hannon, J.C., & Flett, R. (2016). Monongalia CHOICES: Children’s Health Opportunities Integrating Classroom- and Evidence-based Strategies. Submitted to the US Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Carol M. White Physical Education Program. ($1,361,806, not funded) --- Co-investigator

Elliott, E. (PI), Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A. (2016).   Learning on the move: Integrating physical activity in K-5 classrooms.  Aetna Foundation Cultivating Healthy Communities 2016 Grant Program. ($100,000, not funded)

Elliott, E. (2015). Big XII Faculty Research Fellowship Grant. WVU Office of the Provost. ($1537 funded). 10/1/15 – 10/1/16.

Jones, E,, Kelly, P., Elliott, E., Gerlach, J., Neal, W. (2015). Harrison County CHOICES (Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities Environments and Schools). WVU/Marshall University Health Grants Partnership. ($49,787.91 not funded) --Co-investigator.

Jones, E., Taliaferro, A., Bulger, S.M., Lilly, C., & Elliott, E. (2015). Physical Activity Policy: Implementation and Impact on Health Disparities in Rural Appalachian Children. The William T. Grant Foundation. ($324,764 not funded) --- Co-investigator

Elliott, E. (PI), Bulger, S., Jones, E., Kristjansson, A., Taliaferro, A., & Reed, D. (2014; 2015). McDowell CHOICES Project Outreach: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools. US Department of Agriculture and National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program. ($61,174 funded). 10/1/14 – 10/1/15. No cost extension granted: 9/29/15 – 9/29/16

Elliott, E. (Co-PI) Bulger, S. (Co-PI), Jones, E., Neal, W. Kristjannson, A., Taliaferro, A. (2013). McDowell CHOICES: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools Implementation Grant, (Grant No. 1021038.01). The Highmark Foundation. ($204,000 funded.) 10/14/2013 to 10/13/2014

Elliott, E, (Co-PI) Bulger, S. (Co-PI), Jones, E., Neal, W. Kristjannson, A., Taliaferro, A. (2013). McDowell CHOICES: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools Planning Grant. The Highmark Foundation. ($75,000 funded). January – June, 2013.

Elliott, E. (PI), Bulger, S., Jones, E., Neal, W., Lilly, C. (2011). Greenbrier CHOICES: Children’s Health Opportunities Involving Coordinated Efforts in Schools. US Department of Education Carol M. White Physical Education Program Grant awarded to Greenbrier County Schools, WV. (Award No. Q21F110479) ($881,273 funded). 10/01/2011 to 09/30/2014

• Subcontract: Evaluation and Program Develop of Greenbrier CHOICES. Greenbrier County Public School System. 10015778. ($140,395 subcontracted to WVU). 1/2012 to 1/2015.

Neal, W. (PI), & Elliott, E. (2015). The WV CARDIAC Project. WV Department of Health and Human Resources G140513. ($437,500 funded). 7/1/2015-6/30-2016. –Co-investigator

Elliott, E. (2014). 2nd WV Physical Activity Symposium. WVU Foundation Public Service Grant. $2500 funded. 1/29/14.

Elliott, E. (PI) & Braga, L. (2014). Middle School Students Perceptions of the Physical Education Component of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. CPASS Faculty/Graduate Student Internal Grant. $1570.96 awarded.

Elliott, E. (Co-PI), Bulger, S.M. (Co-PI), Jones, E., & Neal, W. (2012). WV Physical Activity Plan Coordination. The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. ($300,000 not funded).

Elliott, E. (PI), Bulger, S. (2011). WV Physical Activity Plan Symposium and Plan Development. WVU Community Service Grant to support physical activity symposium and statewide plan development submitted to the WVU Faculty Senate. ($8926 funded).

Elliott, E. (2010). WV Physical Activity Symposium sponsorships and contributions from 21 organizations and

agencies across WV. ($60,000 funded).

Elliott, E. (Co-PI), & Bulger, S. (Co-PI). (2011). WV Physical Activity Symposium and Plan Development. Contractual agreement to support physical activity symposium and statewide plan development from WV on the Move, Inc. ($13,336 funded)

Elliott, E. (Co-PI), Bulger, S.M., & Neal, W. (2007-2010). Camp NEW You Program. Contractual agreement for planning, implementing, and evaluating a year-long, family-based intervention through multiple sources including health insurance providers (PEIA, Mountain State Blue Cross/Blue Shield, WVCHIP), private foundations (Mylan and Benedum Foundations), and WV state government (Office of Healthy Lifestyles) ($150,000 funded)

Neal, W., and Elliott, E. (2006). Developing and Sustaining CARDIAC Interventions. Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. (750,000 funded). 2006-2011. –Co-Investigator

Elliott, E. (PI). (2009). Technology for WV Health Initiatives. Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Grant, ($100,000 funded). 2009-2011.

Neal, W., and Elliott, E. (2005). WV on the Move Schools on the Move Grant Program. Benedum Foundation and

WVU Children’s Hospital, ($250,000 funded). 2005-2010. Co-Investigator.

Elliott, E.(PI). (2008). Healthy Hearts 4 Kids: Development of a Web-based Instructional Module for 5th Grade Students. WV Development Office. ($8000 awarded). 2008-09.

Elliott, E. (PI). (2006). Healthy Hearts 4 Kids web-based instructional website for WV children. WV Department of Education, Office of Healthy Schools, Tobacco Prevention Program. ($20,000 funded). 2006-2007.

Elliott, E. (PI). (2006). Active Academics website development: Resource for K-5 WV teachers. WV Bureau for

Public Health, Osteoporosis Program. ($10,000 funded). 2006-2007.

Elliott, E. (2008). eLearning 4 Kids: Providing Educational Resources for Teachers. WV Governor’s Office, through a state line item appropriation. ($70,000 funded). 2008-2010.

Elliott, E. (2005). Development funds for statewide web-based health promotion projects – The WV Resource Directory, Active Academics for K-5 classroom teachers, Healthy Hearts 4 Kids, Take Charge Be Healthy! WV Bureau for Public Health, Cardiovascular Health Program, through the Centers for Disease Control. ($167,000 funded)

Elliott, E. (2004). Healthy Hearts – a Web-based Instructional Module for WV Students, Teachers, and Parents. WV Bureau for Public Health, Cardiovascular Health Program, through the Centers for Disease Control. ($190,000 funded).

Elliott, E. (2002). Healthy Hearts for New York: Supporting Upgrades, new developments, and state-specific templates. New York Statewide Center for Healthy Schools. ($46,000 funded).

Elliott, E. (2002). Healthy Hearts – Developing the Parents Section. Forward Southern West Virginia, Inc. ($3000 funded).

Elliott, E. (2002). Healthy Hearts - An eLearning Module for Kids. WVU CARDIAC Project, ($10,399 funded).

Elliott, E. (2001). Healthy Hearts - An eLearning Module for Kids. WVU CARDIAC Project, ($7787.50 funded).

Elliott, E. (2001). Healthy Hearts - An eLearning Module for Kids: Teacher Training Workshops in 13 locations in West Virginia. The WVU CARDIAC Project ($6510) and Forward Southern West Virginia, Inc. ($9000.) ($15,510 funded).

Elliott, E. (2001). Healthy Hearts: An eLearning Module for Kids". Twelve summer training sessions for teachers in southern West Virginia. Forward Southern West Virginia, Inc. ($15,000 funded).

Olpin, S. & Elliott, E. (2001). Implementation of Healthy Hearts in Ten Southern West Virginia Elementary School

Classrooms. Smithkline Beecham Community Partnership, $9279.65. $2000 funded.

Elliott, E. (2000). Healthy Hearts - A Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Module for Children. Funded by the WV Health and Human Services, ($4950 funded).

Elliott, E. (2000). Healthy Hearts - A Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Module for Children. Funded by the CARDIAC Project, West Virginia University, ($15,000 funded).

Briscoe, F., & Elliott, E. (2000). Concord College: IMPACT Grant Participation. West Virginia Department of Education via the Federal Grant IMPACT, ($5000 funded).

Elliott, E. (1999). Educational Technology Lab Development in the Division of Education, Concord College. Title III Grant, ($40,000 awarded).

Elliott, E. (PI), Graham, G., & Palmer, S. (1999). Healthy Hearts: An Interdisciplinary Internet Module for Children on Cardiovascular Health. The Institute for Connecting Science Research to the Classroom, Virginia Tech, ($3500 funded).

Other Grant Related Activity:

▪ Provided technical assistance to McDowell County Schools in writing the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness Grant – awarded $100,000 in fitness equipment to Southside K-8 School, McDowell County Schools (May 2013)

▪ Provided technical assistance to McDowell County Schools in writing an Action for Health Kids grant –awarded$1000 to Fall River Elementary, McDowell County Schools, (July 8, 2013)

▪ Awarded a WVU OSP Faculty International Grant for travel to the International Congress for Physical Activity and Public Health, Sydney, Australia. (Fall 2012).

▪ Awarded a WVU OSP Professional Development Grant for professional endeavors with international colleagues at the International Congress for Physical Activity and Public Health, Sydney, Australia. (Fall 2012).



Graham. G., Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. (2016) Teaching Children and Adolescents Physical Education (4th ed),

Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill.

Elliott, E.(2003) Instructor Resource Guide for Children Moving,(6th ed.). McGraw-Hill, St. Louis, MO.

Elliott, E. (2000) Instructor Resource Guide for Children Moving,(5th ed.). Mayfield Publishers, Mt. View, CA.

Elliott, E. (1998) Instructor Resource Guide for Children Moving,(4th ed.). Mayfield Publishers, Mt. View, CA.

Book Chapters

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Kristjannson, A. (2019) Conducting a Systematic Needs Assessment for CSPAP Success. In R. Carson & C. Webster (Ed), Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Evidence-based Research to Practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.

Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Elliott, E. (2018). U. S Physical Activity Policy: Achieving alignment at national and state levels. In J. Piggin, L. Mansfield, & M. Weed (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice. Abingdon, OX14 4RN: Routledge International Handbooks, Taylor and Francis Group.

Elliott, E., Jones, E., Nichols, D., Murray, T., Kohl, H. (2014) State-based efforts for physical activity planning: Experience from Texas and West Virginia. In R. Pate and D. Buchner (Eds.) The National Physical Activity Plan: Implementing Physical Activity Strategies. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.

Elliott, E. (2012) Integrating the skill theme approach across the curriculum. In G. Graham, S. Holt-Hale, & M. Parker (Ed), Children Moving (9th ed). St. Louis, MO: McGraw-Hill Publishers.

Elliott, E. (2009) Integrating the skill theme approach across the curriculum. In G. Graham, S. Holt-Hale, & M. Parker, Children Moving (8th ed). McGraw-Hill, St. Louis, MO.

Elliott, E. (2006) Integrating the skill theme approach across the curriculum. In G. Graham, S. Holt-Hale, & M. Parker, Children Moving (7th ed). McGraw-Hill, St. Louis, MO.

Elliott, E. (2003) Integrating the skill theme approach across the curriculum. In G. Graham, S. Holt-Hale, & M. Parker, Children Moving (6th ed). McGraw-Hill, St. Louis, MO.

Peer-reviewed Web-based instructional modules, educational resources, and project websites

2010-present Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Belcher. D. [Developers]. ActiveWV: The WV Physical Activity Plan [Online]. Princeton, WV. World Wide Web:

2006-2016 Elliott, E. & Belcher, D. [Developers]. Take Charge! Be Healthy! [Online]. Blacksburg, VA. World Wide Web:

2005-present Elliott, E. & Belcher, D. [Developers]. Active Academics [Online]. Blacksburg, VA. World Wide Web:

2013-present Belcher, D., Jones, E., Elliott, E. The McDowell CHOICES website [Online]. Princeton, WV. World Wide Web:

2009-2011 Elliott, E. [Developer]. (2006- present) WV Healthy Resources Directory [Online]. Blacksburg, VA. World Wide Web:

2000-2013 Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. [Developers]. Healthy Hearts. [Online]. Blacksburg, VA. World Wide Web:

1996-2005 Manross, M., Graham, G., Pennington, T., & Elliott, E. [Editors]. PE Central. [Online]. Blacksburg, VA: World Wide Web: .

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Casanave, K., Gabbert, K., O’Hara Tompkins, N., Murphy, E., Elliott, E., & Zizzi, S. (accepted) Community partners perceptions of environmental factors affecting rural physical activity behavior. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.

Towner, B. Elliott, E (in review) Examination of Shared Use and Community-school Partnerships in West Virginia Public Schools. Health Education and Behavior. Submitted 9.24.2020

Tsuda, E., Wyant, J., Bulger, S., Taliaferro, A., Burgeson, C., Wechsler, H., Elliott, E.,(in review) Status of State-Level Accountability Systems of Student Learning in Physical Education. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. Submitted 10-12-2020

Goad, T., Jones, E., Bulger, S., Daum, D., Hollett, N., Elliott, E. (2020) Predicting Student Success in Online Physical Education. American Journal of Distance Education. DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2020.1829254.

Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., Machamer, A., & Taliaferro, A. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of professional learning to increase classroom physical activity: Supporting school policy implementation. Excellence in Education Journal, 9 (1), 32-56. (equal authorship)

McWilliams, S., Bulger, S., Keath, A., & Elliott, E. (2020) The Fit Family Challenge: A County-wide Web-based Physical Activity Initiative. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 91(3), 35-39. (Senior author)

Jones, E., Braga, L., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Cho, K., & Lilly, C. (2020) Initial findings of a multi-component school health intervention in rural Appalachia: The Greenbrier CHOICES Project. Health Education & Behavior, 47(2) 332-343.

Tsuda, E., Wyant, J., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Taliaferro, A., Burgeson, C., Wechsler, H. (2019) Recommendations for Developing and Implementing State-Level Physical Education Accountability Systems in Student Learning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

Mosimach, C., Lilly, C., Forbin, A-N., Murray, P.J., Pyles, L., Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2019). Early Testing of Insulin Resistance: A Tale of two Lipid Ratios in a Group of 5th Graders Screened by the Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities Project (CARDIAC Project). World Journal of Pediatrics. 15(4), 398-404.

Beak, J., Keath, A., & Elliott, E. (2018) Physical Education Teachers’ Technology Practices and Challenges. International Journal of Human Movement Science. 12(2), 27-42. ISSN 1976-4391(Print) / ISSN 2586-078X(Online) (Senior author)

Elliott, E., Lilly, C., Murphy, E., Pyles, L., Cottrell, L., & Neal, W. (2018). Coronary Artery Risk Detection In Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC):  An 18 Year Review. Current Pediatric Reviews (14). DOI 10.2174/1573400514666180117093652

Braga, L. & Elliott, E. (2018) Culturally and Geographically Relevant Content in Secondary Physical Education: Lessons from the Greenbrier CHOICES Project. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance.

Cho, K., Lilly, C., Braga, L, Bulger, S., Elliott, E., & Jones, E. (2017). Relationship between adherence to individual goals within the 5-2-1-0 guidelines for obesity prevention and number of PACER laps in adolescents. Journal of School Health. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12549

Allar, I., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Kristjansson, A., Taliaferro, A., Bulger, S. (2017) Involving families and communities in CSPAP Development using asset mapping. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. 885(5), 7-14. DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2017.1280439

Allar, I., Jones, E., Elliott, E., Kristjansson, A., Taliaferro, A., Mann, M., Bulger, S. (2017). The Perceived Impact of I am Moving, I am Learning on Physical Activity and Family and Community Involvement: A Preliminary Investigation. American Journal of Health Behavior. 

Pyles, L., Lilly, C., Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2017) Screening for Familial Hypercholesterolemia: What strategies can be employed? Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. 11:5. doi:10.1007/s12170-017-0531-z 

Pyles, L., Lilly, C., Mullett, C., Polak, E., Elliott, E.,& Neal, W. (2017). LDL Cholesterol Level in Fifth Grade School Children Associates with Stature. Journal of Lipid Research. 58(10), doi: 10.1194/jlr.P078816

Abildso CG, Shawley S, Owens S, Dyer A, Bulger SM, Jones DL, Murphy, E., Olfert, M., & Elliott, E. (2016) An Evaluability Assessment of the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan, 2015: Lessons Learned for Other State Physical Activity Plans. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:160307. DOI: () (senior author)

Braga, L., Jones, E., Bulger, S.M., & Elliott, E. (2016). Empowering teachers to implement innovative content in physical education through continuous professional development. Teacher Development, 1-19. doi.: 10.1080/13664530.2016.1235608 (senior author)

Lilly, C.L., Braga, L.C., Jones, E., Bulger, S., Cho, K., & Elliott, E. (2016). Planned Missing Design in a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Early Adolescence. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 4(4), 83-93. doi: 10.12691/ajssm-4-4-1 (senior author)

Miller, W.M., Bulger, S., Campbell, H.D., Elliott, E., Lilly, C., & Wiegand, R.L., & Bulger, S.M. (2016). Teacher perceptions of Fitnessgram® and application of results. International Journal of Exercise Science. 9(2), 187-204. (co-author)

Carnot, MJ, Sutliffe, JT, Palmer, SE, Elliott, E. (2015) Ten-year trends in children’s caloric-beverage consumption and behavioral intent. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. S3:002, 8-15. (senior author)

Braga, L., Elliott, E., Jones, E., & Bulger, S.M. (2015). Middle school students’ perceptions of culturally and geographically relevant content in Physical Education. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, 3(4), 62-73. (senior author)

Sutliffe, JT, Carnot, MJ, Palmer, SE, Elliott, E. (2015) Ten-year trends in children’s fruit and vegetable knowledge, intent and behavior. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. S3:001, 1-7. (senior author)

Kristjansson, A. L., Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A. R., & Neal, W. (2015). Needs assessment of school and community physical activity opportunities in rural West Virginia: The McDowell CHOICES planning effort. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 327. (co-author)

Brusseau, T. A., Bulger, S. M., Elliott, E. M., Hannon, J. C., & Jones, E. (2015). University and community partnerships to implement comprehensive school physical activity programs: Insights and impacts for kinesiology departments. Kinesiology Review, 4, 370-377. (equal authorship)

Cottrell, L., Lilly, C., Murphy, E., John, C., Elliott, E., & Neal, W.A. (2015). Chronic Disease Risk Screening: Characteristics of parents who participate in screening with their children. . West Virginia Medical Journal, 111, 24-29.

Jones, E.M., Taliaferro, A.R., Elliott, E.M., Bulger, S.M., Kristjansson, A.L., Neal, W., Allar, I. (2014). Feasibility Study of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs in Appalachian Communities: The McDowell CHOICES Project. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 467-491.

Elliott, E., Jones, E., Bulger, S. (2014) ActiveWV: A Systematic Approach to Developing a Physical Activity Plan for West Virginia. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11, 478-486.

Cottrell, L., John, C., Murphy, E., Lilly, C. L., Ritchie, S., Elliott, E., Minor, V., & Neal, W. (2013). Individual, family, community, and policy level impact of a school-based cardiovascular risk detection screening program for children in underserved, rural areas: The CARDIAC Project. Journal of Obesity. Special Issue: Childhood Obesity: Today and Tomorrow’s Health Challenge. Article ID 732579, 2013, 1-7. PMID: 23840946.

Elliott, E., Erwin, H., Hall, T., Heidorn, B. (2013) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Position Statement. National Association for Physical Education and Sport. (2nd edition). Retrieved from: . February, 2019.

Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Fitzpatrick, S., Jones, D., Tompkins, N., & Olfert, M. (2011). ActiveWV 2015: West Virginia Physical Activity Plan. Retrieved from WV Physical Activity Plan website:

Ritchie, S., Murphy, E., Ice, C., Cottrell, L., Minor, V., Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2010) Universal vs. Targeted Blood Cholesterol Screening Among Youth. Pediatrics, 2010; 126: 260-65. PMID: 20624798

National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2008) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program [Position Statement]. Beigle, A., Elliott, E., McKenzie, T., Woods, A. Strategies. , July/August 2008.

Housner, L., Chapman, D,. Childers, S., Deem, R., Elliott, E., Klemick, P., McCracken, B., Weikle, M., & Workman, J. (2008) The West Virginia Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy: A model for statewide professional development. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

Cottrell, L., Minor, V., Murphy, E., Ward, A., Elliott, E., Tillis, G. & Neal, W. (2007). Comparisons

of Parent cardiovascular knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors based on screening and perceived

child risks. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 24 (2), p. 87-99. . PMID:17563281

Frisbee, S., Minor, V., Cottrell, L., Elliott, E, Murphy, E., Tillis, G., & Neal, W. (2006) The epidemiology of obesity and cardiovascular disease risk factors in West Virginia school children: Results from the CARDIAC Project. American Journal of Prevention

Elliott, E. ( 2005). Active healthy summer. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 15 (9), 43-44.

Palmer, S., Graham, G., & Elliott, E. ( 2005) Effects of a web-based health program on fifth grade children's physical activity knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. American Journal of Health Education. 36 (2), 86-93.

Elliott, E. (2004). Advocating for increased physical activity for children: The role of the physical education teacher. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 15 (5), 46-48.

Elliott, E., & Sanders, S. (2002) Keeping Children Moving: Promoting Physical Activity throughout the Curriculum. Teacher Source, [Online] PBS. World Wide Web: .

Muratova, V., Demerath, E., Spangler, E., Ogershok, P., Elliott, E., Minor, V., Neal, W. (2003) The relation of obesity to cardiovascular risk factors among children: The Coronary Artery Risk Detection In Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project. West Virginia Medical Association Journal.  98(6):263-267.

Elliott, E. & Manross, M. (1996). Physical educators and the Internet: Part I: Using e-mail. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 7, (4), 6-9.

Elliott, E. & Manross, M. (1996) Physical educators and the Internet: Part II: The world wide web. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 7, (5), 12-15.

Published Abstracts

Tsuda, E., Wyant, J., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Taliaferro, A., Burgeson, C. (2020) Status of State-Level Physical Education Accountability Policy and Systems. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 91:sup1, A-136., DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2020.1773156

Pyles, L., Lilly, Christa, Joseph, A., Mosimah, C., Elliott, E., Neal, W., Mullet, C. (2019, March) Cardiometabolic Risk Factors from a School-based Cross- sectional Screening Program. Circulation. Vol. 139, No. Suppl_1. PO58.

Breithoff, C., Keath, A., Elliott, E., Watterson, T., Bulger, S. (2019) Big Brother: The Reality of Hiring Practices in the 21st Century Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 90 (Suppl. 1), A-5-A-171. DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2019.1591919

Breithoff, C.L., Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M., Keath, A.J., & Baek, J. (2018). Google It: Students' Perceptions of Digital Presence on Future Employability. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 89 (Suppl. 2), A192-193.

Machamer, A.E., Elliott, E.M., Taliaferro, A.R., & Bulger, S.M. (2017). Professional development on the implementation of classroom physical activity policy. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 88 (Suppl. 2), A100.

Allar, I.C., Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., Jones, E.M., Kristjansson, A.L., & Taliaferro, A.R. (2016). An impact evaluation of I Am Moving, I Am Learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 87 (Suppl. 2), A44-A45.

Jones, E.M., Bulger, S.M., Braga, L.C., Cho, K., Lilly, C.L., Neal, W., & Elliott, E. (2016). Initial findings of a multicomponent school-based PEP grant: Greenbrier CHOICES. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 87 (Suppl. 2), A69-A70.

Pyles, L, Lilly, C., Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2016) Correlation of sibling lipid levels from a statewide child cardiac risk factor registry. Circulation, 2016. 133(S1): p. AP031

Jones, E., Bulger, S.M., Kristjansson, A.L., Taliaferro, A.R., Allar, I., Acosta, N., Neal, W., & Elliott, E. (2014). Feasibility study of comprehensive school physical activity programs in Appalachian communities. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 85 (Suppl. 1), 100.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M. Jones, E.M., & Neal, W. (2013). Physical activity guidelines for Americans case study - West Virginia: Building a statewide plan for physically active lifestyles. Published on the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) website at: .

Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Fitzpatrick, S., Jones, D., & O’Hara Tompkins, N. (2013). Development of a Statewide physical activity plan using concept mapping. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 84 (Suppl. 1), A80.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M., Jones, E., & Neal, W. (2012). The development of a statewide physical activity plan in the U.S. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sports, 15 (Suppl.), S263.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Neal, W. (2012). The development of a statewide physical activity plan in the US. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,15 (Suppl), 291.

Ice, C., Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Leary, J., Neal,W. (2012). Parental perception of child’s physical activity and cardiovascular health outcomes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,15 (Suppl), 93.

Elliott, E. The West Virginia Physical Activity Symposium: Successful Beginnings of a State Physical Activity Plan. (2011) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 43:5 Supplement.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Murphy, E., Housner, L, Bowen, E., McCartney, K., Ice, C., Neal, W. (2009) Camp NEW You: Developing and Evaluating a Year-Long Community-Based Intervention for Overweight Children. Obesity, 17 (Suppl.), S132.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, D. (2008). eLearning for Kids: Health Instructional Modules for School-based Delivery. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008 (pp. 50-51), Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Murphy E, Cottrell, L.,Ward A, Minor V, Elliott E, Neal W. (June 2007) CARDIAC: A Statewide Risk Surveillance Project Combating Childhood Obesity in West Virginia. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 2007, 39 (5) 198, Supplement MSSE Abstract Issue.

Ward, A., Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Powell, M., and Neal, W. (June 2007) New You: A Community-based Physical Activity and Nutrition Program For At-risk Youth And Their Parents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 2007, 39 (5) 196, Supplement MSSE Abstract Issue.

Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Murphy, E., Ward, A., & Neal, W. (2006) Healthy Hearts 4 Kids: 3-year results of a web-based health intervention in elementary schools. Obesity. (October 2006), Supplement.

Elliott, E, Palmer, S, Aukerman, M. (June 2005) Effectiveness of an Internet-based tool for teaching cardiovascular health knowledge to elementary-school children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (1), Supplement Research Consortium Abstracts.

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Palmer, S., Aukerman, M. (2005) Healthy Hearts for Kids: Is the Internet viable tool for teaching health behaviors to children? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 2005, 37 (5). Supplement MSSE Abstract Issue.

Graham, G, Palmer, S, & Elliott, E ( 2002). Effects of the Web Based Instructional Unit Healthy Hearts on Fifth Grade Children’s Physical Activity, Knowledge, Attitudes, & Behavior. (Refereed Conference Proceedings). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73, (1), Supplement, A-28.

Research/Technical Reports

Elliott, E.M., Kohl, H. W., Johnson, A.M., Dooley, E., Towner, B., Heischmidt, K. (2019) State-level physical planning in the United States: A Report to National Physical Activity Plan Alliance. Submitted to the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance, May 15, 2019.

Tsuda, E., Wyant, J., Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E. Taliaferro, A. R. (2019) Status of State-Level Physical Education Accountability Policy and Systems. Submitted to funder Action for Healthy Kids, Active Schools, and the Alliance for a Healthier America, May 1, 2019.

Elliott, E. (2017) The Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) Project Brief: Its Impact and Importance to West Virginia. Presented to the WV Department of Health and Human Resources Cabinet Secretary on February 14, 2017.

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Pyles, L, Nicholson, P., Belcher, D., Lilly, C. (2017).CARDIAC Quarterly Progress Report – to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services, January 15, 2017, April 15, 2017, July 15, 2017.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M., Taliaferro, A. Jones, E.M., & Kristjansson, A., (2016, Dec) Final Grant Report for McDowell CHOICES Project Outreach: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools. , Submitted to the USDA-NIFA, Rural Health and Safety Education.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M., Taliaferro, A. Jones, E.M., & Kristjansson, A., (2016, July) Progress Report for McDowell CHOICES Project Outreach: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools. , Submitted to the USDA-NIFA, Rural Health and Safety Education.

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Nicholson, P., Lilly, C. (2016-17).CARDIAC Quarterly Progress Report – to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services, October 15, 2016, January 15, 2017, April 15, 2017, July 15, 2017)

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Nicholson, P., Lilly, C. (2015-16).CARDIAC Quarterly Progress Report – to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services, October 15, 2015, January 15, 2016, April 15, 2016, July 15, 2016)

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Nicholson, P., Lilly, C. (2014-15).CARDIAC Quarterly Progress Report – to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services, October 15, 2013, January 15, 2014, April 15, 2014, July 15, 2014, October 15, 2014, January 30, 2015.

Jones, E.M., Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., White, A., (2013, August). Carol M. White Physical Education Program- Greenbrier CHOICES Year 2 Evaluation Narrative, Submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.

Elliott, E., Neal, W., Bulger, S.M., Jones, E.M., Kristjansson, A., Taliaferro, A., & Allar, I. (2013, June) Planning Grant Report for McDowell CHOICES: Children’s Health Opportunities Involving Coordinated Efforts in Schools, Submitted to the Highmark Foundation Board of Directors.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M. Jones, E.M., Neal, W. (2013). Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Case Study- West Virginia: Building a Statewide Plan for Physically Active Lifestyles, Published on the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) website at:

Jones, E.M., Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., White, A., (2012). Carol M. White Physical Education Program- Greenbrier CHOICES Year 1 Evaluation Narrative, Submitted to the U.S. Department of Education,

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E. (2012, January) ActiveWV: The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan. Access on .

Elliott, E. (2010, November). The Need for a WV Physical Activity Plan: A White Paper. Access on .

Elliott, E., Abildso, C., & O’Hara Tompkins, N. (2010, September). WV Physical Activity Symposium Report. Submitted to sponsors, participants, and published on

Bulger, S., Elliott, E. (2009, November). Camp NEW You: Executive Summary of the 2009-2010 Program (Part II). November 2009.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2009, October) Camp NEW You: Results of the 2008-09 Program.

Other Publications and/or Publicity

WVU faculty featured in Appalachian health initiative conference. WV Mountaineer enews.

October 15, 2018



WVU faculty featured in Appalachian health initiative conference. October 10, 2018. CPASS Media Hub



WVU faculty awarded Big 12 research grants. July 27, 2017

Rockefeller, Burwell to keynote WVU Children’s Health Policy Summit , August 17, 2017.

State Physical Activity Plans – Expanding Roadmaps for Change March 29, 2017

State Physical Activity Plans – Expanding Roadmaps for Change March 29, 2017

WVU faculty members earn national recognition for exceptional scholarship. March 1, 2017.

McDowell CHOICES creates program to promote family health in southern West Virginia, August 26, 2016,

Elliott, E. (2016, July) Science Board Scientific Summary. Elevate Health.


West Virginia leads national school physical activity effort. August 4, 2016.

Top story on WVU Mountaineer eNews August 4, 2016

West Virginia becomes first state to have all public elementary schools join Let’s Move! Active Schools.

June 22, 2016.

National exercise plan adds churches, sports to targets, April 20, 2016. Charleston Gazette-Mail

WV ranks at top of national physical activity plan. April 28, 2016. Channel 12 News, WBOY.

WV ranks at top of national physical activity plan. By Marla Pisciotta for the State Journal The Exponent

Telegram.Clarksburg, WV


WVU obesity and physical activity authority to serve on President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition, September 16, 2015,

Seven additional WVU faculty members awarded Big 12 research grants, October 1, 2015,

WVU partners with McDowell County to continue CHOICES program. June 16, 2015, The Daily Athenaeum, WVU newspaper.

University launches new Mountaineers #GoFirst website: features McDowell CHOICES Program

Top story, Mountaineer ENEWS, June 10, 2015.

Southern West Virginia schools partner with WVU to promote physical activity. June 9, 2015. WVU #GOFIRST.

WV Physical Activity Plan featured in ASTHO’s (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials) Physical

Activity Guidelines Issue Brief - Supporting and Sustaining the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

. WV Case Study –

Elliott, E. (invited) (2010, November). Voice of the NPAP highlight, National Physical Activity Plan website.

Online at:

Elliott, E. (invited) (2010, December). The West Virginia Physical Activity Symposium: A First Step in the

Development of a WV Physical Activity Plan. USDHHS – Be Active Your Way Blog. Online at:

Published Reviews

Graham G., Bell, K., Doering, N., Elliott, E., Krouscas, J., Manross, M., McCollum, S., Oliver, K., Pennington, T., Person, L., Poole, J., & Westfall. S. (1997). [Review of book Student Learning in Physical Education: Applying Research to Enhance Instruction]. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 17, 130-134.

Unpublished Work

Elliott, E. (1997). Designing, piloting, and evaluating the interdisciplinary Internet module - Healthy Heart for intermediate grade children. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Ad Hoc Reviewer

Convention Program Reviewer SHAPE America 2019: Research (August 2018)

External Tenure Reviewer: faculty member, Clemson University (October 2017)

External Tenure Reviewer: faculty member, University of South Carolina (January 2017)

External Tenure Reviewer: faculty member, Georgia Southern University (2016)

Convention Program Reviewer SHAPE America 2017: Research (August 2016)

Convention Program Reviewer SHAPE America 2016: CSPAP (July 2015)

Convention Program Reviewer SHAPE America 2015: Elementary (July 2014)

Convention Program Reviewer AAHPERD/NASPE 2014: Elementary (July 2013)

Convention Program Reviewer: AAHPERD/NASPE 2013: Elementary (July 2012)

Manuscript Reviewer: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Wellness (August 2018)

Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of Physical Activity and Health. (July/August 2014)

Professional Document Review: A Guide for Developing Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. A joint project between AAHPERD/NASPE and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (March 2013)

Professional Document Review: Supporting and Sustaining the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: The Role of State and Territorial Health Agencies (subsection - ActiveWV: Promising State Practices for Increasing Physical Activity. For the Association of State & Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) (March 2013)

Grant Reviewer: WV on the Move – Communities on the Move Grant Selection Committee – chose 6 WV

communities to be awarded $5000 grants from WV on the Move to promote physical Activity in their

communities. (August 2012)

Grant Reviewer: WV on the Move – Schools on the Move Grant Selection Committee – chose 6-10 WV

schools (per year) to be awarded $5000 grants from WV on the Move to promote physical Activity in their schools. (2009-20012)

External Tenure Reviewer: Clemson University, SC (2017)

External Tenure Reviewer: University of South Carolina, SC (2017)

External Tenure Reviewer: Clemson University, SC (2010)

External Tenure Reviewer: Barton College, Wilson, NC (2007-08)

Book Reviewer: National Association for Sport and Physical Education, Supersized PE: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Teaching Overweight Students (2007)

Book Reviewer: Human Kinetics Publishers, Physical Education Methods for Classroom Teachers, by Human Kinetics (1998)

Book Reviewer: Human Kinetics Publishers, Interdisciplinary teaching through physical education, by Werner, P., Cone, T., Cone, S., & Woods, A. (1997)


David Robertson, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee Chair)

Anticipated Comprehensive Exam – Spring 2021

Anticipated Prospectus Meeting – Fall 2021

Anticipated Dissertation Defense – Spring 2022

Olivia Mackey, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee Co-Chair)

Anticipated Comprehensive Exam – Fall 2022

Amelia Chloe Simpson, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Anticipated Comprehensive Exam – Spring 2021

Margaret Roberts, EdD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Plan of Study meeting – April 11, 2017

Anticipated Comprehensive Exam –Spring 2021

Anticipated Prospectus Meeting – Spring 2021

Anticipated Dissertation Defense – Summer 2022

Cory Breithoff, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Comprehensive Exam – oral and written – December 11, 2018

Prospectus Meeting – March 5, 2019

Dissertation Defense – June 15, 2020

Dissertation: A Delphi Study Exploring the Impact and Feasibility of Entrepreneurial Initiatives in College/University Kinesiology Programs

Annie Machamer, EdD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Prospectus Meeting – January 16, 2019

Dissertation Defense – June 24, 2019

Dissertation: Movement in the Classroom: Contingent Factors Underlying Teacher Change

Adam Keath, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Chair, doctoral committee)

Prospectus Meeting – December 13, 2016

Dissertation Defense – July 17, 2017

Dissertation: #Physical Activity: Influencing Parent Behavior Change Through Social Media

Hannah Kipfer, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Chair, doctoral committee)

Comprehensive Exam – oral and written – April 20, 2017

Prospectus Defense – November 27, 2017

Dissertation Defense –May 9, 2018

Dissertation: Gaining Consensus on Implementation, Sustainability, and Benefits of School Garden Programming in Washington, DC

Brooke Towner, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Chair, doctoral committee)

Comprehensive Exam- oral and written exam – October 5, 2017

Prospectus Defense – November 29, 2017

Dissertation Defense – May 7, 2018

Dissertation: Examining the Process of Shared Use through Community-School Partnerships

Tyler Goad, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Prospectus Meeting – August 2017

Dissertation Defense –April 2018

Dissertation: Predicting Student Success in Online Physical Education

Kathleen Wack, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Plan of Study meeting – April 11, 2017

Anticipated Comprehensive Exam –Spring 2021

Anticipated Prospectus Meeting – NA

Anticipated Dissertation Defense – NA

Luciana Braga, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Chair, doctoral committee)

Dissertation Defense – April 15, 2014

Dissertation: Middle School Students’ Perceptions of and Responses to the Inclusion of Culturally Relevant Units in the Physical Education Curriculum

Ishonte Allar, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Dissertation Defense – April 24, 2015

Dissertation: Impact Evaluation of I am Moving, I am Learning Using the RE_AIM Framework

Katrina Terry, PhD Candidate, Trident University (Committee member)

Dissertation Defense - December 5, 2013

Dissertation: A Comparison Study: Job Satisfaction of Cyberspace Defense and Cyberspace Control Air Force Company Grade Officers

William (Mike) Miller, EdD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Dissertation Defense - May, 2013

Dissertation: West Virginia physical education teacher perceptions of state mandated Fitnessgram testing and application of results

James Wyant, PhD Candidate, WVU CPASS (Committee member)

Dissertation Defense – April 2012

Dissertation: A mixed methods analysis of a single-course strategy to integrate technology into PETE.

Sherry Roper, PhD Candidate, University of Tennessee (Committee member)

Dissertation Defense – September 2012

Dissertation: Spatial distribution of obesity among West Virginia 5th grade children: Analysis of the socioeconomic, physical, and personal environment.



Elliott, E., Murphy, E. Gabbert, K. (2020, Feb) Be Healthy WV Program: Using “mini-contracts” to foster community-driven physical activity. Active Living Conference 2020.

Towner, B., Elliott, E. (2020, Feb) Examining shared use practice and partnerships in West Virginia public schools: Is state policy really working? Active Living Conference 2020.

Elliott, E., Towner, B., Jarrett, D., Bulger, S., Zizzi, S. (2018, February). Implementation of the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan: A business/industry sector model. Active Living Research Conference 2018, Banff, Canada.

Kohl, H.W., Johnson, A. M., Towner, B.C., Dooley, E. E., Pate, R., Heischmidt, K., & Elliott, E. (2018, May). Prevalence And Characteristics Of Us State-level Physical Activity And Public Health Planning. 2018 65th Annual ACSM Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and Work Congress on the Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy of the American College of Sports Medicine. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A. (2017, February) The McDowell CHOICES Project: Promoting active-friendly schools. Active Living Research Conference 2017, Clearwater Beach, FL.

Braga, L., Jones, E., Bulger, S., Elliott, E. (2016, June) Archery, Mountain Biking, and Slacklining in Physical Education: Students’ Perceptions of Culturally and Geographically Relevant Content in the Curriculum. AIESEP International Conference, Laramie, Wyoming. June 8-11, 2016.

Braga, L, Jones, E., Bulger, S., Lilly, C., Cho, K., Elliott, E. (2016, June) Greenbrier CHOICES: The Story of a Three-year School-based Health Intervention. AIESEP International Conference, Laramie, Wyoming. June 8-11, 2016.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Neal, W. (2012, November). The development of a statewide physical activity plan in the US. The 4th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health (ICPAPH): beActive 2012. Sydney, Australia.

Ice, C., Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Leary, J., Neal,W. (2012, November). Parental perception of child’s physical activity and cardiovascular health outcomes. The 4th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health (ICPAPH): beActive 2012. Sydney, Australia.

Elliott, E., & Bulger, S. (2011, June). Camp NEW (Nutrition, Exercise, and Weight management) You at WVU: A Family-based Program. (Invited keynote) World Conference on Physical Education and Sport: Challenges and Future Directions. Shanghai, China.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2011, June). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming:  Examples from West Virginia (WV) Schools. World Conference on Physical Education and Sport: Challenges and Future Directions. Shanghai, China.

Elliott, E. (2011, June). The West Virginia Physical Activity Symposium: Successful Beginnings of a State Physical Activity Plan. The 58th Annual Meeting and 2nd World Congress on Exercise is Medicine of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, Colorado.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., & Vosloo, J. (2010, May). Physical Activity and Camp NEW You: What Overweight Adolescents in a Year-long Intervention Say and Do. The 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Toronto, Canada.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Holland, S., OHara-Tompkins, N., & Neal, W. (2010, May). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming: Examples from the WV Schools on the Move Program. The 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Toronto, Canada.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, (2008, November). D. eLearning for Kids: Health instructional modules for school-based delivery. eLearn: World Conference on eLearning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Las Vegas, NV.

Yang, S., Vasil, J., Graham, G., Elliott, E., Manross, M. (2002, October) Log It: Using Pedometers and the WWW to Increase Physical Activity Levels in Grade 5 West Virginia Schoolchildren. NAWeb 2002 Web-based Learning Conference, New Brunswick, Canada.


Elliott, E., Fenn, L., Koontz, S. (2020, January) Active Classrooms Webinar: Integrating Physical Activity into Classroom Instruction. An invited webinar by Active Schools.

Gabbert, K., O-Hara Tompkins, N., Elliott, E., Eades, D., Murphy, E. (2020, October) Empowering Rural Communities to Address Obesity Through Policy, Systems, and Environmental Strategies. American Public Health Association Annual Conference (virtual).

Bulger, S, Elliott, E, Gabbert, K, Cook, A., Shamblin, M., Murphy, E. (2020) Be Wild, Be Wonderful, Be Healthy: Using Communication to Support Community Health Promotion Programs.. 2020 National Health Outreach Conference Annual Conference (NHOC).  Accepted. CONFERENCE CANCELLED.

Elliott, E., Palmer, S., Keath, A. (2020, April) Effective Pedagogical Skills for Teaching K-8 PE: Facilitating Physical Literacy and Social and Emotional Learning. 2020 SHAPE America National Convention and Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. Accepted . CONFERENCE CANCELLED.

Tsuda, E., Wyant, J., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Taliaferro, A., Burgeson, C.(2020, April) Status of State-Level Physical Education Accountability Policy and Systems. 2020 SHAPE America National Convention and Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. Accepted. CONFERENCE CANCELLED. Abstract published (see in Publications).

Palmer, S & Elliott, E. (2020, April) Motor Skill evaluation in the real world. 2020 SHAPE America National Convention and Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. Accepted. CONFERENCE CANCELLED.

Elliott, E., Kohl, H. (2019, September) Aligning State Public Health Physical Activity Plans with School Leaders’ Priorities and School PE/PA Curriculum. Integrating Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE) Conference, Columbia, SC.

Elliott, E. & Keath. A. (2019, September) Using the Skill Theme Approach to foster physical literary: A necessity to meeting the US Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Integrating Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE) Conference, Columbia, SC.

Jones, E., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Kristjansson, A. (2019, September) Needs- and Strength-based Approaches to Planning Whole-of-School Physical Activity and Wellness Interventions. Integrating Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE) Conference, Columbia, SC.

Towner, B., Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Kohl, H., & Bias, T. (2019, April) Should we share? Examining shared use in WV public schools. 2019 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Tampa, FL.

Breithoff, C., Keath, A., Elliott, E., Watterson, T., Bulger, S. (2019, April) Big Brother: The Reality of Hiring Practices in the 21st Century. 2019 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Tampa, FL.

Elliott, E., Kohl, H., Towner, B., Johnson, A., Dooley, E., & Heischmidt, K. (2019, April) Your State’s Physical Activity Plan: Can it enhance your CSPAP? 2019 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Tampa, FL.

Zizzi, S., Casanave, K., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Murphy, E. (2019, October). Using Asset Mapping to Guide Community-based Physical Activity Interventions in Rural WV. Association for Applied Sport Psychology 34th Annual Conference, Portland, OR.

Pyles, L, Lilly, C., Joseph, A., Mosimah, C., Elliott, E., Neal, W., & Mullett, C. (2019, March) Cardiometabolic Risk Factors From a School-Based Cross-Sectional Screening Program. American Heart Association Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle, and Cardiometabolic Health 2019 Scientific Sessions, Houston Texas.

Kipfer, H., Towner, B., Keath, A., & Elliott, E. (2018, October). Molding PETE/HETE candidates using the Whole School Whole Child approach. SHAPE America 2018 PETE and HETE Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., & Taliaferro, A. (2018, Oct). Developing Effective School-Community-University Partnerships: Lessons Learned From McDowell CHOICES. SHAPE America 2018 PETE and HETE Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Breithoff, C., Keath, A., Elliott, E. & Bulger, S.(2018, April) Goggle It: Students’ Perceptions of Digital Presence on Future Employability. 2018 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.

Keath, A., Cottrell, L., Towner, B., & Elliott, E. (2018, April) Fitbook: Using Facebook to Influence Family Physical Activity Behaviors. 2018 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.

Keath, A., Harvey, S., Kipfer, H., Machamer, A., McWilliams, S., & Elliott, E. (2018, April) Evaluation of Active Academics on Student Classroom Physical Activity Roundtable 1: Kinesiology & Health Disciplinary Evidenced-Based Discussions. 2018 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.

Braga, L., Lilly, C., & Elliott, E. (2017, June). Adolescents’ BMI and Predispositions to be Physically Active. Poster presented at the 9th Biennial of Obesity Conference in San Diego, CA.

Machamer, A., & Elliott, E. Movin’ and Groovin’ Throughout the School Day. (2017, March) 2017 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Boston MA.

Keath, A., McWilliams, S., Elliott, E. Break it Up: Students Perceptions of PA in the Classroom. (2017, March) 2017 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Boston MA.

Machamer, A., Elliott, E., Taliaferro, A., Bulger, S. (2017, March) Professional Development on the Implementation of Classroom Physical Activity Policy. 2017 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Boston MA.

Bulger, S., Jones, E., Elliott, E. PETE Program Recruitment and Retention Efforts at WVU. (2017, March) 2017 SHAPE America Convention and Expo, Boston MA.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A. (2017, February) The McDowell CHOICES Project: Promoting active-friendly schools. Active Living Research Conference 2017, Clearwater Beach, FL

Braga, L., & Elliott, E. (2017, January) Culturally and Geographically Relevant Content in Secondary Physical Education. NAKHE 2017 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL

Elliott, E. & Braga, L. (2017, January) Perspectives of a Physical Education Curriculum Development Project: A University-school Partnership. NAKHE 2017 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL

Allar, I., Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Kristjannson, A., Taliaferro, A. (2016, April) An Impact Evaluation of I am Moving, I am Learning. SHAPE America National Convention and Expo, Minneapolis, MN.

Beak, J.H., Keath, A., Elliott, E. (2016, April) Instructional technology in PE: Who, what when, where, and why? SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN.

Jones, E., Bulger, S., Braga, L., Cho, K., Lilly, C., Neal, W., Elliott, E. (2016, April) Initial findings of a multi-component school-based PEP Grant: Greenbrier CHOICES. SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN.

Jones, E., Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2016, January) The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan Policy Priority Area: Plan Implementation and Statewide Physical Activity Policy Development. Active Living Research Conference, Clearwater, FL.

Pyles, L., Lilly, C., Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2015, November) Association of Lower Height and Higher LDL-c in a Statewide Schoolchild cholesterol screening program. AHA Scientific Sessions 2015, Orlando, FL.

Elliott, E. (2015, October) Classroom teachers and physical activity: Lessons learned from West Virginia. SHAPE America PETE & HETE Conference 2015, Atlanta, GA. 

Cho, K., Jones, E., Lilly, C., Bulger, S.M., Neal, W., Braga, L., & Elliott, E. (2015, July). The relationship between PACER and 5-2-1-0 guidelines in adolescents. Presentation at the 8th Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference, San Diego, CA.

Cho, K., Jones, E., Lilly, C., Bulger, S.M., Neal, W., Braga, L., & Elliott, E. (2015, July). The effect of desired PACER goal on physical activity and nutrition. Presentation at the 8th Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference, San Diego, CA.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Jones, E. (2015, March). First flight of the fledgling: Advancing comprehensive school physical activity program research. Part of a ½ day workshop at the 2015 SHAPE America National Convention and Exposition, Seattle, WA. 

Braga, L. & Elliott, E. (2015, March). Middle School Students and Culturally Relevant Units in Physical Education. Research Program at the 2015 SHAPE America National Convention and Exposition, Seattle, WA. 

Elliott, E, Bulger, S., Jones, E.,Taliarerro, A. Kristjansson, A. (2015, March). Support for CSPAP: Igniting Change through the McDowell CHOICES Project. SHAPE America Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Bulger, S., Jones, E., Elliott, E. (2015, February). Critical reflections on physical activity plan development in West Virginia. National Physical Activity Plan Congress, Washington, DC.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E. (2015, February). WV Physical Activity Plan Education Sector Strategies: Positive outcomes in Plan implementation related to the school environment, policy change, and systems support. National Physical Activity Plan Congress, Washington, DC.

Kohl, B., Elliott, E., Maddock, J. (2015, February). Physical Activity at the State and Local Level: Case Studies from three states. National Physical Activity Plan Congress, Washington, DC.

Hannon, J., Elliott, E., Brusseau, T., Bulger, S., Jones, E. (2015, January). Key lessons learned from Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming Implementation in two states. 2015 American Kinesiology Association Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.

Miller, M., Belcher, D., Elliott, E.  (2015, January). Active Academics: A Web-Based Resource to Increase Physical Activity. FETC 2015, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL.

Kristjansson, A.L., Elliott, E., Bulger, S.M., Jones, E., Taliaferro, AR., & Neal, W. (2014, November). Needs Assessment of School and Community Physical Activity Opportunities in Rural West Virginia: The McDowell CHOICES planning effort. Round table discussion at the 142nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), New Orleans, LA.

Jones, E., Bulger, S.M., Kristjansson, A.L., Taliaferro, A.R., Allar, I., Acosta, N., Neal, W., & Elliott, E. (2014, April). Feasibility study of comprehensive school physical activity programs in Appalachian communities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), St. Louis, MO.

Elliott, E., Belcher, D., Braga, L. (2014, April) Active Academics: Getting elementary kids moving more in school. SHAPE America Convention, St. Louis, MO.

Elliott, E., Belcher D., Wells, A. (2014, April) Take Charge! Be Healthy: Supplementing the MS/HS health curriculum with web-based instruction. SHAPE America Convention, St. Louis, MO.

Braga, L., Jones, E., Bulger, S., & Elliott, E. (2014, January) Teacher Engagement in Continuing Professional Development Regarding the Integration of Culturally-Relevant Content in School Physical Education. 2014 National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE) Collaborative Congress, San Diego, CA.

Sayres, S., O’Hara Tompkins, N., Kelly, P., Holland, S., Elliott, E., Neal, W., McCracken, B., Eck, R. (2013, November). A view from the field: Implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of comprehensive school physical activity programs. 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Bulger, S.M., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Fitzpatrick, S., Jones, D., & O’Hara Tompkins (2013, April). Development of a state-wide physical activity plan using concept mapping. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), Charlotte, NC.

Belcher, D., Elliott, E., Wells, A. (2013, April) Take Charge Be Healthy: Supplementing the MS / HS Health Curriculum with Web-Based Instruction. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention and Expo, Charlotte, NC.

Pate, R., Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Epping, J. (2013, April) The National Physical Activity Plan: Implementation at the State Level. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention and Expo, Charlotte, NC.

Elliott, E., & Bulger, S. (2013, January) The Development of Active WV: The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Webinar Series, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO).

Jones, E., Bulger, S., Elliott, E. (2012, October) Greenbrier CHOICES: Promoting Health Across School, Community, and Healthcare Settings. 2012 PETE Conference, Las Vegas, NE.

Elliott, E, Jones, E., Bulger, S. (2012, October) Active WV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. 2012 PETE Conference, Las Vegas, NE.

Elliott, E. Health Status of WV Children: The CARDIAC Project Results and Active WV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. WV Board of Education Wellness Committee. Nov. 12, 2012.

Pate, R., Elliott, E., Stollings R. (invited) (2012, May) The National Physical Activity Plan. CDC Weight of the Nation Conference, Washington, DC.

Elliott, E. (invited) (2012, April) Comprehensive School Physical Activity: A Blueprint for Fostering Active Children. Invited Lecturer, Distinguished Lecture Series, Texas A&M, College Station, TX.

Elliott, E., & Epping, J. (2011, April) Camp NEW You: Behavioral and Social Approaches to Physical Activity. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention and Expo, San Diego, CA.

Elliott, E., Belcher, D., & Fetty, K. (2011, April) Supplementing Your Health Curriculum with a Web-based Intervention. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention and Expo, San Diego, CA.

Ramsey, C. & Elliott, E. (2011, April) Active Academics: Connecting Physical Activity with Learning. National Student Teaching and Supervision Conference, Slippery Rock, PA

Elliott, E., Palmer, S., Ice, C., Belcher, D. & Braga, L. (March, 2011). Physical activity and nutrition: What 5th graders know and say. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2012 AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA

Elliott, E. & Bulger, S. (invited) (2010, April). Camp NEW You: A WV Initiative for Overweight Children and their Families. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity. Atlanta, GA.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Murphy, E., Housner, L. Neal, W. (2009, October) Camp NEW You: Developing and Evaluating a Year-Long Community-Based Intervention for Overweight Children. The Obesity Society 27th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC.

Housner, L, Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2009, April) Camp NEW (Nutrition, Exercise, and Weight Management) You @ WVU. AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, D. (2008, November) eLearning for Kids: Health instructional modules for school-based delivery. eLearn: World Conference on eLearning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Las Vegas, NV.

Elliott, E., Ward, A., Murphy, E., Housner, L, Neal, W. (2008, April) The CARDIAC Project: Interventions to improve children’s health in WV. AAHPERD National Convention, Fort Worth, TX.

Elliott, E. and Palmer, S. (2008, April) Take Charge! Be Healthy! And Healthy Hearts 4 Kids: eLearning in the School Health Curriculum. HEDIR Technology Seminar, AAHPERD National Convention, Fort Worth, TX.

Murphy, E., Cottrell, L., Ward, A., Minor, V., Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2007, October) The CARDIAC Project:

A statewide risk detection and prevention initiative. National Prevention and Health Promotion

Summit. Washington, D.C.

Murphy, E., Ward, A., Elliott, E., Tillis,G., Cottrell, L., & Neal, W. (2007, October) Weight Status Predicts Cardiovascular Risk: Eight-Year Results from the CARDIAC Project. Annual American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Murphy E, Cottrell L., Ward A., Minor V., Elliott E., Neal W. (2007, June) CARDIAC: A Statewide Risk Surveillance Project Combating Childhood Obesity in West Virginia. 54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

Ward, A., Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Powell, M., and Neal, W. (2007, June) New You: A Community-based Physical Activity and Nutrition Program For At-risk Youth And Their Parents. 54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Murphy, E., Ward, A., & Neal, W. (2006, October) Healthy Hearts 4 Kids: 3-year results of a web-based health intervention in elementary schools. The Obesity Society’s 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA.

Elliott, E., Cottrell, L., Murphy, E., Ward, A., & Neal, W. (2006, October) eLearning for Health: Healthy Hearts 4 Kids and Take Charge! web-based modules for school children and teens. The National Prevention Summit: Prevention, Preparedness, and Promotion. Washington, DC.

Ward, A,, Murphy, E, Elliott, E, Neal, W. (2006, March) Universal Versus Selective Cholesterol Screening

Among Children: Are National Guidelines Still Working? American Heart Association 46th

Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. , Phoenix, Arizona.

Frisbee, S., Cottrell, L., Elliott, E., Minor, V., Spangler-Murphy, E., Neal, W. (2005, November) Relationship between economic conditions and cardiovascular disease risk factors in West Virginia School Children: Results from the CARDIAC Project. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2005. Dallas, TX.

Frisbee, S., Cottrell, L., Elliott, E., Minor, V., Spangler-Murphy, E., Neal, W. (2005, October). Obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and the metabolic syndrome in West Virginia children: 7 years of the CARDIAC Project. North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) Annual ScientificMeeting Vancouver, Canada.

Elliott, E, Palmer, S, Aukerman, M, & Neal, W. (2005, June) Healthy Hearts for kids: Is the internet a

viable tool for teaching health behaviors to children? Presented as a mini-symposium at the 52nd

Annual American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM), Nashville TN.

Frisbee, S., Cottrell, L., Elliott, E., Minor, V., Spangler-Murphy, E., Neal, W. (2005, April). Epidemiology of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance in West Virginia school children: six years of the CARDIAC Project. American Heart Association 45th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. Washington, DC.

Elliott, E, Palmer, S, & Aukerman, M. (2005, April ) Effectiveness of an Internet-based tool for teaching

cardiovascular health knowledge to elementary-school children. American Alliance for Health,

Physical education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Convention, Chicago,IL.

Aukerman, M. & Elliott, E. (2004, November) Elementary School Children’s Knowledge of Physical

Activity Recommendations: Results from Healthy Hearts for Kids. 2004 Mid Atlantic Regional

American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) Conference, Bushkill, PA.

Elliott, E, & Neal, W. (2004, October). The CARDIAC Project and Healthy Hearts: A collaborative

statewide school health surveillance and a web-based instructional intervention for 5th graders.

78th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association (ASHA),

Pittsburgh, PA..

Elliott, E., Neal, W.A., Cottrell, L., Minor, V., Murphy, E.S., & Palmer, S. (2004, August). Schools as

change agents: Implementing the WV CARDIAC Project and the e-learning module Healthy Hearts. 2nd

National CDC Prevention Conference on Heart Disease and Stroke. Atlanta, GA.

English, G., & Elliott, E (2003, April) NY Healthy Hearts: A web-based instructional module for New York 5th/6th graders. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

Graham, G, Palmer, S, & Elliott, E (2002, April). Effects of the Web-based Instructional Unit Healthy

Hearts on Fifth Grade Children’s Physical Activity, Knowledge, Attitudes, & Behavior. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention, San Diego, CA.

Elliott, E., Graham, G, & Palmer, S. (2001, March). Healthy Hearts: An Internet Instructional Module for 5th Grade Students. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Graham, G., Elliott, E., Manross, M., & Pennington, T. (1999, March). PE Central: Join the team and help create the future. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, Boston, MA.

Carson, L., Elliott, E., Givler, J., McGhie, S., Roberts, E., & Sanders, S. (1999, March) Physical education is a subject too: Instilling the value of physical education in future elementary teachers. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, Boston, MA.

Graham, G., Elliott, E., Fowler, J., Manross, M., Pennington, T., Poole, J., & Westfall, S. (1997, August) Technology is great: But how do we know it works? National Conference on Technology in Physical Education and Sport, Muncie, Indiana.

Elliott, E., & Fowler, J. (1997, August) The Internet for Kids! Modules to motivate youngsters to be active and healthy. National Conference on Technology in Physical Education and Sport, Muncie, Indiana.

Graham, G., Elliott, E., Manross, M., & Pennington, T. (1997, April). E-mail and the Internet for

Physical education teachers: Practical examples to improve your program and make your job

easier. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National

Convention, St. Louis, MO.


Elliott, E. (2018, October) Active Academics: Learning on the Move. 12th Annual Southern Obesity Summit, Charleston, WV.

Neal, W., Elliott, E., Pyles, L. (2018, October) The WV CARDIAC Project: A Statewide Surveillance, Intervention, and Research Initiative. 12th Annual Southern Obesity Summit, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2018, October). Be Wild! Be Wonderful! Be Active! 12th Annual Southern Obesity Summit, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2018, September). The CARDIAC Project: Surveillance, Research, and Interventions. The Appalachian Translational Research Network (ATRN) Summit. Lexington, KY.

Elliott, E. & Kipfer, H. (2017, August). Active Academics: Getting elementary and middle school kids moving more in school. Move More, Sit Less, Learn Better Workshop. Broken Arrow Academy, Tulsa, OK.

Elliott, E. (2017, June). Developing a statewide physical activity plan: The National PA Plan and the WV PA Plan as Potential Models. Consulting with the Alabama Obesity Task Force. Birmingham, AL.

Elliott, E. (2014, March) Childhood Obesity: The Role of Healthcare Providers. DuBois Medical Center, DeBois, PA.

Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2013, November) Active West Virginia - A Model for Developing a Statewide Physical Activity Plan. Southern Obesity Summit, Nashville, TN.

Elliott, E. (invited featured speaker) (2013, September) School Environments that Encourage Physical Activity: Policies and Practices that Promote Healthy Children .No Time to Weight: Childhood Obesity Prevention Conference, Pittsburgh, PA

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Neal, W. (2013, August) McDowell CHOICES (Coordinated Health Opportunities involving Communities, Environments, and Schools): Results of a six-month planning effort. Highmark Foundation – WVU Meeting, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., & Ramsey, C. (2011, March). Active Academics: Connecting Physical Activity with Learning. 2011 Extra Learning Opportunities, Promising Practices – Proven Strategies Conference, Harrisburg, PA.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Arnold, E. (2009) Camp NEW You. The 23rd Mid-Atlantic Conference on Worksite Wellness. Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. Neal W. (2008, March). eLearning 4 Kids Initiatives : Making a Difference in WV. Invited presentation to the Highmark Foundation of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA.

Elliott, E. (invited) (2008, March). eLearning 4 Kids Initiatives : Making a Difference in WV. The Highmark Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.

Neal, W. & Elliott, E. (invited) (2005, February). Schools as Agents of Change: The WV CARDIAC Project. Teacher workshop, Naperville, IL.

Neal, W. & Elliott, E. (invited) (2004, September). Schools as Agents of Change: The WV CARDIAC Project. Faculty and community members of Murray State University, Murray, KY.

Neal, W. & Elliott, E. (invited) (2004, November). Schools as Agents of Change: The WV CARDIAC Project. Physicians, school officials, and community members at Sussex County, New Jersey.

Neal, W. & Elliott, E. (invited) (2004, September). Schools as Agents of Change: The WV CARDIAC Project The WV CARDIAC Project. Hospital leaders, school officials, and community leaders at Monet, Missouri.

Elliott, E, & Neal, W. (invited) (2003, October) Healthy Hearts and CARDIAC (The Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities Project) Collaboration: Facts, Findings, and Future. A presentation for the Graduate Colloquium Series in the Department of Kinesiology at Penn State.

Graham, G., & Elliott, E. (invited) (2002, August) Guiding Youngsters to Remain Physically Active for a Lifetime through K-12 Physical Education: Innovations, Ideas and  Incentives. A two-day teacher workshop for K-6 physical education teachers, Dublin, Ohio.

Elliott, E. (invited) (2002, January) Healthy Hearts: An eLearning Module for Kids. Montgomery County Maryland Teachers Winter Conference. Northwest High School, Montgomery County, Maryland.

Graham, G, Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2001, March). Healthy Hearts and CARDIAC (The Coronary Artery Risk Detection in Appalachian Communities Project) Collaboration: Accomplishments and Possibilities. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.

Elliott, E (2000, April). The New Frontier in Physical Education: Making it Appropriate for All. NC Physical Education Leadership Conference, Reidsville, NC.

Elliott, E (2000, April). PE Central: The Library of the Future. NC Physical Education Leadership Conference, Reidsville, NC.

Elliott, E (2000, April) Dance/Rhythms from Cyberspace. NC Physical Education Leadership Conference, Reidsville, NC.

Elliott, E. (2000, February). Get Movin' with PE Central - Come On, Let's Dance! 20th Northwest Conference on Children's Physical Education K-8, Portland, OR.

Elliott, E. (2000, February). PE Central - The ultimate website for physical education teachers: How it can help your program now and in the future. 20th Northwest Conference on Children's Physical Education K-8, Portland, OR.

Graham, G., Elliott, E., Manross, M. (1999). PE Central: The ultimate web site for physical education teachers: How it can help your program now and in the future. The Twelfth Annual Sharing the Wealth Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.

Elliott, E. (1999) Interdisciplinary learning for elementary children: Examples of thematic units of study that include physical education. The Twelfth Annual Sharing the Wealth Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.

Elliott, E., Juarez, R., McCrumb, D., Ryan, C., Stevens, D. (1999) PE Central: The ultimate physical education website. Southern District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, Greensboro, NC.

Elliott, E. (1999) PE Central - The ultimate website for physical education teachers: How it can help your program now and in the future. Midwest District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, Huntington, WV.

Sallis, J. & Elliott, E. (1997) Technology and the CDC Guidelines for Physical Activity (How can technology help YOU as you strive to meet the CDC guidelines and promote physical activity?) Twenty-fourth Annual Fall Physical Education Conference of the California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and the California Department of Education, Sacramento, California.

Elliott, E., Holdren, B., & Johnson, J. (1994) Problems of first year administrators in higher education. Midwest District AHPERD Convention, Morgantown, WV.

Graham, G., Bell, K., Elliott, E., Himberg, C., Oliver, K., & Pennington, T. (1996). Do your students have a cue?? What kids can learn about wellness in 72 days (or less). The Ninth Annual Sharing the Wealth Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.


Elliott, E., Van Dyke, E., & Mackey, O. (2020, October). Active Academics: Learning on the Move. An exhibit at the virtual SHAPEWV (WVAHPERD) Conference.

Elliott, E. (2019, October 21) Active Academics: Getting Elementary Kids Moving More in Health Lessons. Presented to the WVU Extension Service Health Educators at the FNP in-service workshop, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2019, October 22) The WV CARDIAC Project: Results, Procedures, and Updates. Presented to the WVU Extension Service Health Educators at the FNP in-service workshop, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. & Murphy, E. (2019, June 8) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Getting Elementary and Middle School Kids Moving More in Schools. WV Try This Conference, Buckhannon, WV.

Elliott, E. (2019, August) Integrating Movement in the Classroom. Classroom teacher training workshop. Riverdale School, Monongalia County. WV.

Elliott, E. (2019, July). State-level Physical Education Accountability Policy and Systems: Next Steps for Policy Change. Research 2 Policy Advisory Council, Charleston, WV.

Belcher, D., Elliott, E., & Machamer, A. (2017, October). Advocating for Learning on the Move Using Active Academics®. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Shepherdstown, WV.

Machamer, A., Belcher, D., Kipfer, H., Elliott, E. (2017, October). Active Academics®; Connecting Movement to Academic Learning. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Shepherdstown, WV.

Elliott, E., Machamer, A., Belcher, D. (2017, October). Help! I Have Recess Duty! West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Shepherdstown, WV.

Towner, B. & Elliott, E. (2017, October). Maximizing Opportunity: Shared-use Agreements. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Shepherdstown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2016, October). Invited WVAHPERD Awards Banquet Keynote Address. Dedication to Physical Education and Physical Activity Promotion: Life is Why. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Glade Springs Resort, Daniels, WV.

Elliott, E., & Machamer, A. (2016, October). Active Academics: Recess on the Move. K-5 Classroom Teacher Training. Brookhaven Elementary, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., Machamer, A. (2016, June). Active Academics: Learning on the Move. WV Kidstrong Conference. WV Department of Education. Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E., & Bulger, S. (2016, May). McDowell CHOICES: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Progress. Physical Education Teacher Professional Development Workshop. McDowell County Schools, Welch, WV.

Keath, A., Breithoff, C., & Elliott, E. (2016, April). Integrating Physical Activity into 21st CCLC Programs. West Virginia 21st Century Community Learning Centers Spring Conference. Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., Jones, E., Bulger, S., Taliaferro, A. (2016, April). Igniting change through the McDowell CHOICES Project, and The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan Policy Priority Area. WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Visiting Committee. Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, D. (2016, March). Active Academics: Learning on the Move. K-5 Classroom Teacher Training. Suncrest Primary, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, D. (2016, January). Active Academics: Learning on the Move. K-5 Classroom Teacher Training. Mylan Park Elementary, Morgantown, WV.

Jones, E., Howington, L., Hairston-White, M., Yost, J., & Elliott, E. (2015, October). Let's Move McDowell: Facilitators and Barriers to After-school PA Programs. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference, Pipestem State Park, Pipestem, WV.

Elliott, E., Belcher, D. (2015, July 31). The McDowell CHOICES Project: Active Academics Classroom Teacher Professional Development Workshop (full day).. McDowell County Schools, Welch, WV.

Elliott, E., Belcher, D. (2015, June). Active Academics. 2015 WV KidStrong Conference: Building Community and School Partnerships. Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2015, May). The McDowell CHOICES Project: Teacher Professional Development Workshop on Comprehensive School Physical Activity. Welch, WV.

Elliott, E. (2015, May). The CARDIAC Project Interventional Strategies. WVU School of Medicine Grand Rounds.

Elliott, E., Belcher, D. (2015, March 14). Active Academics. WV Department of Education’s Physical Activity Training for Classroom Teachers and Administrators. West Virginia University, Morgantown WV.

Also planned and oversaw the delivery of 12 afternoon sessions centered around movement in the classroom.

Braga, L., Elliott, E., Jones, E., & Bulger, S. (April 2105). Mountain biking, archery, slacklining in physical Education: Students’ perceptions of culturally relevant content in the curriculum. Presented at the 2015 Scholars Transforming Academic Symposium at University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., McCracken, B., Grant, J., Keys, B., & Acosta, N. (2014, November). Comprehensive School Physical Activity: A Blueprint for Fostering Active Children. WV Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Flatwoods, WV.

Belcher, D., Elliott, E., & Grant, J. (2014, November). Active Academics: Learning on the Move. WV Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Flatwoods, WV.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A., & Acosta, N. (2014, October). Let’s Move McDowell: The McDowell CHOICES Physical Activity Celebration. Welch, WV. October 23, 2014.

Elliott, E. (2014, August) 2013-14 Statewide Results of the CARDIAC Project, Active Academics, and McDowell CHOICES. WV Board of Education Wellness Committee.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A. (2014, August) McDowell County Physical Education Teachers Professional Development Workshop. Welch, WV.

Belcher, D., & Ramsey, C., & Elliott, E. (2014, June) Active Academics: Integrating Physical Activity in the K-5 Classroom. Kidstrong Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2014, June). Active WV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. Try This! Conference, Buckhannon, WV.

Elliott, E., & Jones, E. (2014, April). Greenbrier CHOICES and McDowell CHOICES: A model for other counties. Preston County Community Recreation Committee.

Kristjansson, A., & Elliott, E. (2014, January) Barriers and Facilitators to Cascade Screening for FH: Do we attempt to study this? FH Cascade Screening Conference, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2013, October) McDowell CHOICES: Announcing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming Opportunity. McDowell County Expo – Reconnecting McDowell social event, Welch Armory, Welch, WV.

Elliott, E. (2013, October). McDowell CHOICES: Announcing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming Opportunity. McDowell County School Board of Education.

Elliott, E. (2013, October) ActiveWV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. WV County Commission Association, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2012, November). Childhood Obesity: The CARDIAC Project Results and Interventions. 2012 WV Rural Health Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2012, November). Health Status of WV Children: The CARDIAC Project Results and Active WV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. WV Board of Education Wellness Committee, Charleston, WV.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Jones, E. (2012, October). WV Physical Activity Plan Updates. WVAHPERD State Conference, Bridgeport, WV.

Elliott, E., (2012, September). Implementation of the WV Physical Activity Plan. Change the Future WV Meeting, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2012, July). The WV CARDIAC Project: Health Screening Results and Interventions. WV Legislature Joint Committee on Health, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2012, June) Health Status of WV Children: The CARDIAC Project Results. WV Legislature Joint Committee on Education, Charleston, WV.

Galluzzo, C, Moore, L., Thomas, R., Crotty, A., Hogue, P, Elliott E. (2012, June). Let’s Move! WV: Getting Elementary Kids "Moving More in School". WV Kidstrong Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., & Jones, E. (2012, February). Active WV 2015: The WV Physical Activity Plan Implementation

“Mapping for the Future”. WV Physical Activity Plan Sector Teams meeting, Stonewall Resort, Roanoke, WV.

Elliott, E. (2012, January). ActiveWV: The WV Physical Activity Plan. WV County Commission Association Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E, & Bulger, S. (2011, December) The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan: Moving Towards One Vision, One Voice. Invited to present to the WV Legislative Oversight Commission for Health and Human Resources Accountability (LOCHHRA), WV State Capitol, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2011, October). ActiveWV: The West Virginia Physical Activity Plan: Moving Towards One Vision, One Voice. (invited keynote) West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (WVAHPERD) Conference.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S., & Jones, E. (2011, October). Developing the WV Physical Activity Plan. WV PAP Sector Teams Meeting, Charleston, WV.

Neal, W. & Elliott, E. (2011, September). Abnormal Lipids in Children. Medical Grand Rounds, Mercer County Medical Association and Princeton Community Hospital.

Elliott, E. (2010, November). Planning and Implementing a Standards-based Curriculum. Workshop for Pendleton County Physical Education and Health Teachers (Part 2).

Elliott, E. (2010, October). Active WV 2015: A West Virginia Physical Activity Plan. WV Legislative Oversight Committee for Health and Human Resources Accountability (LOCHHRA), Charleston, WV.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., McCracken, B., Holland, S. (2010, November). Schools on the Move: Developing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program in WV. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 89th Annual Convention, Canaan Valley, WV.

Elliott, E., Jones, E., Sammons, S.B., Groff, C. (2009, October). The Inclusion of Overweight Students in Physical Education: Do Your Teaching Strategies Work? West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 88th Annual Convention, Flatwoods, WV.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Holland, S. (2009, October) WV on the Move: Guidelines for Writing a Winning Schools on the Move Grant. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 88th Annual Convention, Flatwoods, WV.

Elliott, E. (2009, November). Local School Wellness Policy and Healthy Interventions: Influencing Children’s Health. CARDIAC School Policy Wellness Workshop. RESA III, Flatwoods, WV.

Elliott, E. (2009, May). A Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. A presentation to the Governor’s appointed WV Healthy Lifestyle Coalition, Charleston, WV.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E. (2008, November). Camp NEW (Nutrition, Exercise, and Weight Management) You. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Canaan Valley, WV.

Bulger, S., Elliott, E., Holland, S. (2008, November). Schools on the Move: Grant Writing Workshop. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Canaan Valley, WV.

Elliott, E., Bulger, S. (2008, November). Schools on the Move: Best Practices of Winning School Grants. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Canaan Valley, WV.

Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2008, September). Expanding Camp NEW You: CNY @ Marshall University. A presentation to MU President and Planning Committee, Marshall University, Huntington, WV.

Elliott, E. (2008, July). Physical Education Curriculum Development. WV Health and Physical Education Teacher Leadership Academy. Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E. and Campbell, D. (2008, February). Standards-based Instruction. WV Health and Physical Education Teacher Leadership Academy, Beckley, WV.

Elliott, E., (2009, February). The CARDIAC Project: Our Role in Interventions. CARDIAC School Wellness Workshop. Parkersburg, WV.

Elliott, E., (2008, November). Creating a School Wellness Policy: Where are you now? CARDIAC School Wellness Workshop. Shepherdstown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2008, February). Local School Wellness Policy and Healthy Interventions: Influencing Children’s Health. CARDIAC School Policy Wellness Workshop. RESA I, Beckley, WV.

Elliott, E. (2008, February). Local School Wellness Policy and Healthy Interventions: Influencing Children’s Health. CARDIAC School Policy Wellness Workshop. RESA VII, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2008, January). Local School Wellness Policy and Healthy Interventions: Influencing Children’s Health. CARDIAC School Policy Wellness Workshop. RESA II & III, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2007, October). Higher Education: Resources for PETE Instructors. WVAHPERD Annual Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2007, August). The CARDIAC Project: Our Role in Intervention. CARDIAC Summer Session.

Elliott, E., & Summer, S. (2006, October). School-based Interventions to Improve Health. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Huntington, WV.

Elliott, E., and Neal, W. (2006, October). Childhood Obesity In West Virginia: Results and Interventional Strategies of the CARDIAC Project. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Huntington, WV.

Elliott, E., & Neal, W. (2006, September). The CARDIAC Project: Surviellance of Chidren’s Health Status in WV. Presentation to Mercer Co. Physicians, Princeton Hospital, Princeton, WV.

Elliott, E. (2006, September). The CARDIAC Project in West Virginia. Presentation to local AHEC medical students, Princeton Hospital, Princeton, WV.

Elliott, E. (2006, June). Standards-based Learning in Physical Education. A two-day professional development workshop for Putnam Co. WV physical education teachers. Putnam County, WV.

Elliott, E. (2006, June). Health Interventions for the K-12 Setting. RESA V Summer School Classes. WVU

Parkersburg, WV.

Neal, W., Elliott, E. (2006, May). CARDIAC Project: Creating a Healthier Generation. 27th Annual

Conference of the WV State Health Education Council (SHEC). Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2006, February). Come On! Let’s Dance: Teaching Rhythmic Activities K-12. WVAHPERD Young

Professionals’ Conference, Cedar Lakes, WV.

Elliott, E. (2005, October). K-4 Classroom Physical Activity. WV Association for Health, Physical

Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Flatwoods, WV.

Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2005, November). Schools as Agents of Change in Health Behaviors. Growing Healthy

Children Conference, Charleston WV.

Elliott, E. (2005, October). Promoting Children’s Health and Learning: Healthy Hearts 4 Kids. WV Rural

Health Conference, Stonewall, WV.

Elliott, E. (2005, July). Standards-based Curriculum. WV Health and Physical Education Leadership

Academy Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E., Neal, W. (2005, May). Schools as Agents of Health Behavior Change. WV Primary Care Network 2005 Conference, Stonewall, WV.

Elliott, E. (2005, April). eLearning for Kids: Instructional Modules for WV Schools. State Health Education Council (SHEC), Pipestem, WV.

Neal, W., Elliott, E. (2004, November). Results of the WV CARDIAC Project. WV Board of Education meeting, Beckley, WV.

Elliott, E. (2003, May) Using Pedometers to Promote Physical Activity. WV State Medical Association/Foundation Conference, Roanoke WV.

Elliott, E. (2003, February) Healthy Hearts in West Virginia: Facts, Findings, and Future. Presented to the Bureau for Public Health, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, August). Physical Education Staff Development: Mercer County K-8 Physical Education Teachers, one day workshop held at Concord College.

Elliott, E., & Ayers, S. (2002, July). Understanding the New Physical Education Content Standards. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Canaan Valley Resort, Davis, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, June). Using Technology in Physical Education and Health. Governor's Summer Institute for K-12

Educators, Wheeling, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, June) Effective Pedagogical Skills for Teaching Physical Education. Governor's Summer Institute for K-12 Educators, Wheeling, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, March). The Health of West Virginia: Where we stand…What we can do. West Virginia Council for the Social Studies, Pipestem, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, February). Our Children’s Health in WV. A radio interview with Dr. Bill Obrien on WWNR 620 am, Southern Communications Network, Beckley, WV.

Elliott, E. (2001, November). Using PowerPoint: Educational Applications. Teacher workshop for Princeton Senior High School teachers, Princeton, WV.

Elliott, E. (2001, October). Healthy Hearts: An eLearning Module for Kids. Higher Education Workshop, West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Charleston Marriott, Charleston, WV.

Graham, G, & Elliott, E. (2001, August). Children’s Physical Education in the 21st Century. Conducted two 2-day workshops for teachers from Virginia Beach City Schools.

Elliott, E. (2001, July) Healthy Hearts: An eLearning Module for Kids. A presentation to the Masters of Education students at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Elliott, E. (2001, July). Healthy Hearts: The Effects on Children’s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors related to Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use. CARDIAC Research Seminar, Morgantown, WV.

Elliott, E. (2001, April). Healthy Hearts: An Internet Instructional Module for 5th Grade Students. West Virginia School Health Committee meeting, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E., & Belcher, D. (2000, October). Possibilities! Technology in Health and Physical Education. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Glade Springs Resort, Daniels, WV.

Elliott, E. (2000, October). Making PE Developmentally Appropriate for All. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Glade Springs Resort, Daniels, WV.

Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. (2000, October). Healthy Hearts: An Internet Instructional Module for 5th Grade Kids. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Glade Springs Resort, Daniels, WV.

Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. (2000, October). Let’s Get Movin’ with PE Central. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Glade Springs Resort, Daniels, WV.

Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. (2000, September). Implementing Healthy Hearts into West Virginia 5th Grade Curricula. WV Rural Health Consortium members, and project collaborators from CARDIAC. Flatwoods, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, August) One-day teacher training for K-8 physical education teachers in Mercer County, Princeton, WV.

Elliott, E. (2002, March-May; 2001, Sumer, November, December) Healthy Hearts Teacher Training Workshops, 12 locations throughout West Virginia.

Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. (1999) Healthy Hearts: An Interdisciplinary Internet Instructional Module for Elementary Children about Cardiovascular Health. A presentation to a delegation of educators from the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore visiting Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Elliott, E. (1999) Movin' with PE Central - Come On, Let's Dance! West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Summer Workshop, Parkersburg, WV

Elliott, E. (1999) PE Central - The ultimate website for physical education teachers: How it can help your program now and in the future. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Summer Workshop, Parkersburg, WV

Graham, G., Elliott, E., Manross, M. (1998). PE Central: A portrait of a successful web site. South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (SCAHPERD) Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Graham, G. & Elliott, E (1997). Technology for the 21st century: Use it or get left behind. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Annual Conference, Wheeling, WV.

Graham, G. & Elliott, E (1997). Great Golf!! Using the Internet to motivate youngsters to be physically active. West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Annual Conference, Wheeling, WV.

Graham, G., & Elliott, E. (1997) Healthy Hearts: An Interdisciplinary Internet Module for Children on

Cardiovascular Health. Enhancing Instruction in Science, Mathematics and Technology Conference for K-12, Roanoke, Virginia.

Elliott, E., & Pennington, T. (1996) Using the Internet in physical education. West Virginia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (1996) Children’s dance. West Virginia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Conference, Charleston, WV.

Graham, G., & Elliott, E. (1996) Using technology to improve your PE program and your teaching attitude. South Carolina Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (SCAHPERD) Fall Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Elliott, E. (1995) Rhythmic activities for your elementary physical education program. 1995 First Annual West Virginia Mountain Top Summit, Canaan Valley, WV.

Elliott, E. (1994, November) The status of physical education in West Virginia. West Virginia Board of Education Meeting, Charleston, WV.

Elliott, E. (1992) Current Issues in West Virginia Physical Education. (an in-service for Wyoming County physical education teachers). Pineville, WV.

Elliott, E. (1992) Physical Fitness and Classroom Teachers. Camp Caesar Elementary Physical Education Annual Conference, Cowen, WV.

Elliott, E. (1992) Let’s get physical with reading. West Virginia Reading Council Convention, The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV.


Service to the University

University Committees - WVU

WVU Faculty Senate (2017-2019)

WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CPASS) CATS Department Doctoral Program Co-Chair (2014-2017)

WVU CPASS Grants and Research Committee (2016-18)

WVU CPASS Graduate Council (2015-16)

WVU CPASS Curriculum and Assessment/Student Awards Committee (2014-15)

WVU Prevention Research Center Translating Research Into Policy Advisory Board (2015-2018)

WVU Prevention Research Center Faculty Affiliate Member (2015)

WVU CPASS CATS Recruiting and Marketing Committee (2013-14)

WVU Bucklew Scholars Selection Committee (2013)

WVU Alumni Reception in Charleston (WVU-Marshall game), Jan. 18, 2012 – Provided physical activity for participates on behalf of CPASS/WVPAP

WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Bernard Shultz Endowed Professorship Selection Committee (2012)

Served on the School of Public Health - Health Education position Selection Committee, March 2, 2012

University Committees – Concord University (CU)

CU Faculty Senate (2008-09, 1994, 1991)

CU Wellness Committee, Chair (2008-09)

CU Faculty Development Committee (elected) (2004-2010)

CU Division Personnel Committee (2003-present)

CU Social and Recreational Improvement Committee (2008-09)

CU representative on the WV Advisory Council of Faculty (elected by faculty) (2008-2009)

CU Graduate Program Council (2008-09)

CU Health Masters Degree Committee (ad hoc - Division) 2005 - present

CU Campus Health Committee (2006-07)

CU NCATE Committee – ad hoc (Department) (2005 – present, 1999-2001, 1991)

CU PE Majors Professional Portfolio Evaluation Committee – ad hoc (Dept) (2006-07)

CU Campus Health Committee (invited) (2006-07)

CU PE Majors Professional Portfolio Evaluation Committee (Dept) (2006-2008)

CU Teacher Education Advisory Council (TEAC) (college) (2002 – 2005)

CU Division Scholarship Committee (2001-03)

CU Division Technology Committee (Chair, 1999-2001)

CU College Technology Committee (1998-2000)

CU College/Community Masters Program Committee (presidential appointment)(1999-2001)

CU Teacher Education Advisory Council (1993-2006)

CU Academic Policies and Procedures Committee (1997-98)

CU Tenure Committee (1991-95)

CU Various Search Committees Concord University (CU)

Faculty Advisor to student clubs

CU Collegiate 4-H Club (1998-2000, 2004-05, 2008-09)

CU Student Human Performance Organization (1993-97, 2000-01, present)

Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority (1992-93)

Service Representing the University


2017 Appointed Chair of the Science Board of the President’s Council for Fitness, Sport, and Nutrition

2015 Appointed to a three year term on the Science Board of the President’s Council for Fitness, Sport, and Nutrition (Jan 2015-Jan 2018)

2013 Member, NASPE Task Force: Position Paper entitled A Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (2nd ed)

2008 Chair, NASPE Task Force: Position Paper entitled A Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

2003-06 Executive Committee of the Council of Physical Education for Children (COPEC) of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (Co-Chair)

Conduct 2 annual business meetings

Oversaw the development of NASPE Position Statements

Presented the position paper on recess for national dissemination

Oversaw the selection and delivery of sessions during the AAHPERD Convention

Introduced National Teachers of the Year at the annual NASPE Awards Dinner

2008 NASPE National Teacher of the Year Selection Committee – select the National Secondary Physical Education Teacher of the Year

1996-present PE Central, Advisor, Managing Editor , Senior Advisor of the website, PE Central (), a world-renowned website for physical educators

1995-2001 Director of the American Master Teacher Program for Children’s Physical Education (AMTP), a national in-service program that services school districts throughout the US and Canada

1997-2001 Director of the 21st Century Workshops, a series of in-service teacher workshops offered nationally through Virginia Tech on topics such as assessment, current trends in secondary physical education, social responsibility, sport education, rhythmic activities

1994-95 AAHPERD Alliance Assembly, State Delegate

1994-95 NASPE Delegate Assembly

1993-94 AAHPERD Midwest District President’s Council Committee, Chair

AAHPERD Midwest District Convention Planning Committee


2015 Active Southern WV Program Advisor to Board of Directors

2014 Led the planning and delivery of the Let’s Move McDowell countywide physical activity celebration, October 23, 2014

2006-2013 Governor’s Clinical Advisory Council for the Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (appointed)

2013-present Reconnecting McDowell Health Wrap-around Services Subcommittee member

2013 McDowell County Expo Planning Committee member

2009 WV Higher Education Advisory Council of Faculty Retreat, Morgantown, WV. July 2009.

2007-2011 Co-chairing the development and implementation of Camp NEW (Nutrition, Physical Activity, Weight Management) You, a year long program for overweight youth and their families

Partnership between WVU CARDIAC Project- WVU Dept. of Pediatrics, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, WVU Extension Service, and Concord University

Future partnership with Marshall University, Division of Exercise Science, Sport, and Recreation

2004-2013 West Virginia on the Move Board of Directors (Past Chair)

Developed the Schools on the Move Grant Program – oversee the award of 10 school grants of $5000 to WV Schools to promote physical activity environments in the school setting

Developed and facilitated a Strategic Planning Retreat for WV on the Move, Stonewall Resort, Roanoke, WV. (Feb. 2008)

WV Physical Activity Symposium, Planning Committee

Reviewer and Site Visit Mentor: WV on the Move Schools Grants Recipients (Spring 2008 and Spring 2009)

Represented WV on the Move, Inc at the America on the Move headquarters at a meeting with national officials and WV Congressmen (Oct. 2007)

2004-2012 West Virginia Action for Healthy Kids Team

Physical Activity Committee (Past Co-Chair)

Member, WVAFHK Advisory Committee

WV Cardiovascular Health Program Advisory Council

2005-2008 Mentor, WV Health and Physical Education Teacher Leadership Academy

Responsible for standards-based curriculum and pedagogy for two year-long cohorts

2008-09 Assisted in the development of the CARDIAC Wellness Initiative that included 1 day workshops for Local School Wellness Policy teams in schools in 7 WV RESA’s.

2008 Organized and facilitated a visit to Clendenin Elem. School (Kanawha Co) by Governor Manchin and First Lady Gayle Manchin to see health interventions in schools in action. Visit included legislators and WVDE representatives. (4/2/08)

Physical Activity Consultant to the WV Public Broadcasting System

1993-2017 Held various offices in the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (see listing below)

WVAHPERD President 1993-95

WVAHPERD Convention Chair, 1995-96

WVAHPERD Past Presidents’ Council, Chair 1995-96

WVAHPERD Vice President, Higher Education 2006

WVAHPERD Past President’s Council 2014-present

2004 WV Planning Compact – by invitation, WV Bureau for Public Health

Legislative Action

Instrumental in crafting the legislation in the Healthy WV bill related to physical education and physical activity in WV schools

Invited to attend the signing of the bill by the governor, May 2, 2005

2005 Advisor, Curriculum development and physical activity implementation in state camps, WV University Extension Service

2002 WV Obesity Summit, Charleston, WV, invited attendee (Dec. 9-10, 2002)

2002 US Healthy Kids Summit, Washington, DC, invited attendee (October)

2002 Appointed to the West Virginia Physical Education Curriculum Refinement Team to redevelop the WV Physical Education Content Standards K-12

2001 Appointed to the West Virginia School Health Committee (March)

1999 Appointed to the West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation (WVHTC) Higher Education Advisory Board - Meeting in Fairmont WV (Sept)

1995-97 West Virginia Physical Education Instructional Goals and Objectives Development Task Force, (appointed by the State Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Henry Marockie)

1997 West Virginia School Health Task Force (appointed by the Dept. of Education - Healthy Schools Executive Director, Lenore Zedosky)

1993-95 West Virginia Coalition for Physical Activity, Board of Directors (appointed by the Bureau of Public Health)

1992-94 West Virginia Jump Rope for Heart Task Force, WV Affiliate of the American Heart Association

1992 West Virginia Youth Fitness Summit with Arnold Schwarzenegger (invited guest), Charleston, WV

1991 West Virginia Basic Skills Computer Committee (appointed by state superintendent of schools)

1990 WV Association for Elementary Physical Education, President, Conference Chair

Public Interviews

Chair, WV Physical Activity Plan

Multiple media events associated with the ActiveWV: WV PA Plan Launch, January 19, 2012

Interviews included: WV Radio, WV MetroNews Talkline, WEPM Panhandle Live, Charleston Gazette, Charleston Daily Mail, WV Media, WVU DA, Associated Press – Charleston, WSAZ –TV (3), WCHS –TV (8), WOWK-TV (13), WVAH – TV (11)

Governor Tomblin’s presentation of a Proclamation for WV Physical Activity Day – Jan 19th

WV Senate’s presentation of a Resolution for making physical activity a priority – Jan 19th

Other WV Radio and MetroNews interviews – Example: Live, May 7, 2012 3:30pm (topic: Weight of the Nation conference presentation – ActiveWV)

Helseth, Candi. Intervention Programs Target Childhood Chronic Disease. The Rural Health Monitor, Winter 2011. Online at: Article highlights the CARDIAC Project, Camp NEW You, and the Take Charge! Be Healthy! instructional module for schools

Interviewed by Tom Ackerman, Al Jaareerz News – Americas. October 29, 2009. News spot: Tackling the US Obesity Problem, Al Jazeera News, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009.

2008-09: WVVA TV, WV Public Radio, WV Public Broadcasting System (PBS), WV State Journal, Associated Press (all related to children’s health, health behaviors, and obesity)

National: Pediatric News, April 2008 (WV Project Aims to Aid CV Health, Doug Brunk)

National: Family Practice News, March 2008 (Community Project Targets Heart Health in West Virginia, by Doug Brunk)

Community involvement

Mercer Co. School Wellness Policy (2007-2009)

Consultant to Princeton Health and Fitness Center NEW You After School Program for overweight children (2007-08)

Athens Safe Routes to Schools Grant Committee (2007)

Host to local students/teachers for a physical activity day at CU (2005)

Mercer Co. Physical Education teacher workshop (2004)

Mercer County PE Field Day, CU

Professional Service Prior To University Employment

1988-92 Governor’s Task Force for Computers in Education (Appointed by the Governor of WV)

1987-93 Originator and Coach of the Sunshine Skippers Ropeskipping Demonstration Team

1988-90 Coach of the West Virginia American Heart Association Ropeskipping Teaching Team (conducted numerous workshops and exhibitions at schools and other community functions)

1984,86,88 Member of the Mercer County and the WV State School Evaluation Teams

1988-1991 Conducted staff development workshops for the computerized Writing to Read Program

1988-1991 Statistician and Announcer, Princeton Senior High Basketball

1988-89 Local School Curriculum Committee

1983,87,88 Mercer County Education Association Building Representative

1983, 1984 PTO Board of Directors

1983 Professional Advisory Council for Sun Valley School


2018 Faculty Excellence in Service Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2018 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2018 Faculty Excellence in Research Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2017 WVU Big XII Faculty Fellow, WVU Provost’s Office.

2017 West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Dana Brooks Mentorship Award

2017 Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE) America Research Fellow Award

2017 Appointed Chair (1 year term) of the President’s Council for Fitness, Sport, and Nutrition Science Board

2017 Faculty Excellence in Service Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2017 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2017 Faculty Excellence in Research Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2016 Faculty Excellence in Research Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2016 WVAHPERD Presidential Citation Award

2015 Appointed to a three year term on the Science Board of the President’s Council for Fitness, Sport, and Nutrition (beginning January 2015 – January 2018)

2014 Outstanding Grantsperson Award, WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

2014 Active Academics () received the following national recognitions and support:

A recommended resource by the national initiative, Lets Move! Active Schools! (for physical activity during school) ()

A recommended resource in the newly published CDC National Framework for Physical Activity and Physical Education ()

Education World Site Review – 4 out of 5 stars ()

2013 WVU Foundation Faculty Partners Recognition

2013 Highmark Foundation No Time to Weight Childhood Obesity Conference invited featured speaker

2012 CDC Weight of the Nation Conference invited keynote speaker, Washington, DC (May 2013)

2012 Texas A&M Distinguished Lecturer (April 2012)

Texas A&M Distinguished Lecturer Series Scholar Award

2012 WV Physical Activity Plan

WV Governor Earl Ray Tomblin Proclamation issued – recognizing WV Physical Activity Day – 1/19/12

WV Legislative Senate Resolution – designating WV Physical Activity Day

2010 WVAHPERD Scholar Award (presented at the WVAHPERD Conference, Canaan Valley, WV Nov 2010)

2009 Ware Distinguished Professor, West Virginia University, 2009-Present

2009 Outstanding Faculty Award - Service, Concord University. April 2009.

2007 US Department of Health and Human Services 2007 Innovation in Prevention Award

(presented to the entire CARDAIC Project team) (View the video shown at the National Prevention Summit in Washington DC on November 28, 2007 at: )

2006 American Association of Health Education (AAHE) Health Professional of the Year – Public/Community Health (award presented April 28, 2006, AAHPERD Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah)

2005 AAHPERD Midwest District Health Professional of the Year (award presented at the WVAHPERD Conference, October 28, 2005)

2004 WV Health Educator of the Year, presented by the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (WVAHPERD) Presented July, 2004

2004 Healthy Hearts 4 Kids (HH) was recognized by the American Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) organization as one of eight school-based interventions that scored a perfect score when rated on their effective school-based intervention criteria instrument, ().

2001 Ray O. Duncan Award, for outstanding professional service, the highest award presented by the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, October, 2001.

1999 Featured Bibliographical Article in the Concord College Annual Report distributed to all donors and potential contributors

1997 Outstanding Doctoral Student Award - College of Human Resources and Education, Health and Physical Education Program, Virginia Tech, April 1997

1997 Initiated into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Virginia Tech Chapter, April 1997

1994 WVAHPERD Honor Award given by the association for outstanding service to the profession

1994 Al Canonaco Award for outstanding service to the profession in WV

Presented by the West Virginia Association for Elementary Physical Education


SHAPE America (previously American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance -AAHPERD)

West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance (WVAHPERD)

American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM)

International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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