Part I: Lesson Plan for - Georgetown University

Grammar Lesson Plan

Context: Intermediate Students

Learner Needs: To learn and practice giving advice.

Objectives/Aims: Students will be able to write using the modal auxiliary verbs “should”, “could”, and “would” to give advice.

Assumptions: I’m presuming that these students have enough language knowledge understand this grammatical structure.

Language Analysis: This lesson will focus on the usage of “should” and “could” to make suggestions/give advice.

Materials: Writing materials

Timing/Sequencing: 55 minutes.

Assessment: Collect student’s tips for travelling in their hometown.


Lesson Plan:

|Stage |Aim |Procedure |Mats. |Focus |Time |

|Warm up |

| |Start students thinking |Call on students to list some of the advice they’ve been given|None. |T-S |5 |

| |about advice they have |in their life, or what advice they give to others. To keep | | | |

| |been given. |with theme of lesson, ask them for what advice they hear/give | | | |

| | |for travelling to foreign countries/cities. List them on the | | | |

| | |board. | | | |

|Lesson activities/assessments |

| |Provide examples of how |Explain how should and could are used to make suggestions and | |Getting students |10-15 |

| |should/could/would are |give advice. Write a few prompts on the board (What | |familiar with | |

| |used to make |monuments should I visit on the National Mall?) and model | |different ways of | |

| |suggestions/give advice.|different examples. Discuss the difference in meaning (could | |giving | |

| | |is used for suggestions, while should gives more definite | |advice/making | |

| | |advice. | |suggestions. | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Show “Giving Polite Advice” YouTube video to model the phrase | | | |

| | |“If I were you, I would____” After video, ask students how we| | | |

| | |could rephrase their advice from the warm-up to fit this | | | |

| | |structure. | | | |

| |Practice using should, | On back of the handout, have 3-4 examples of dialogue using |Writing |S-S-S |5-7 |

| |could, and would to give|should, could, and would to make suggestions. (Ex: A: I need |materials. | | |

| |advice. |to get to Ronald Reagan National Airport. | | | |

| | |B: You could take a taxi, but they are very expensive. You | | | |

| | |should take the Metro. | | | |

| | |C: You should not take the Metro, the Blue Line has too many | | | |

| | |delays.) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Have students read dialogues in small groups. | | | |

| |Practice writing using |Distribute “5 Tips for Washington, D.C., tourists” article |Writing |S-S-S |5-7 |

| |should/could/would |(simplied), have students divide into small groups and take |materials | | |

| | |turns reading the different tips. Ask students to rewrite the| | | |

| | |tips (Visit your Congressman/Congresswoman, tune into the | | | |

| | |music scene [may have to explain this phrase]) using the | | | |

| | |phrases “If I were you I would”, “When in DC, you should”, or | | | |

| | |“When visiting DC, you could” | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Ask students to volunteer to read their revised version of the| | | |

| | |tips aloud. | | | |

| |Practice speaking using |Harking back to Bokyung’s lesson, ask students to speak in | |S-S |5-7 |

| |should/could/would |pairs and offer advice about their favorite restaurant in DC | | | |

| | |(When in DC, you should eat at/visit X restaurant/try this | | | |

| | |particular dish). If students finish this topic early, ask | | | |

| | |them to give advice about their favorite places to go in DC. | | | |

|Conclusion |

| |Produce writing advice |Ask students to think about what advice they would give to a | | |15 |

| |using should/could/would|tourist visiting their own hometown. Model my own paragraph | | | |

| | |for Toledo, OH. When students finish, ask for volunteers to | | | |

| | |read them to the class. | | | |


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