Secondary: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4

 FrenchSecondary: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 468531255023350Curriculum plan 2020-2190000081324001. Curriculum PrinciplesCoherence and flexibilityLanguage learning is inherently cumulative. In a low exposure classroom setting, learning is most effective when language knowledge is logically sequenced and frequently revisited. For that reason, we foreground coherence.?This then allows pupils to use their core knowledge flexibly when they need to.Language knowledgeWe set out to teach and practise three main bodies of knowledge that research indicates are fundamental to progress for beginner language learners in a classroom setting. These are: phonics (sound-writing relations), vocabulary, and grammar.Knowledge organisationWe set out this knowledge clearly, with an explicit spine of grammar and sets of high-frequency vocabulary.? Phonics feature in every lesson as regular and frequent short bursts of practice.?Knowledge selectionIn years 7 and 8, the aim is to avoid introducing too much language too fast, in line with the MFL Pedagogy Review, a report published by the Teaching Schools Council (2016), which drew on research into language learning and teaching and on the knowledge and experience of a wide range of experienced practitioners.? Over time, teaching includes a range of grammar features on nouns, verbs, and adjectives (for persons, number, gender, subjects, tenses, and key syntax). Vocabulary selection is based on word frequency; sets of words from different parts of speech, with a special emphasis on the most common verbs, allow students to manipulate verbs and regularly create their own sentences in speech and writing.?The year 9 languages curriculum is designed to be used flexibly and to meet a range of pupil needs. Its grammar spine is a condensed version of the essential grammar required to start current GCSE courses.?For that reason, teachers may want to make use of Y9 material to fill knowledge gaps or provide additional reinforcement to students at KS4, as well as those in Y9. In years 10 and 11, the three core knowledge strands (phonics, vocabulary, grammar) are retained, though the requirements of external examination bring topic content closer to the fore. Nevertheless, each lesson contains opportunities to practise the sound-writing relationship, revisit high-frequency vocabulary and practise paying close attention to the meaning and form of grammar structures.Inclusion and ambitionGiven the mixed picture of primary FL provision and transition arrangements, we seek to achieve maximum inclusivity by assuming little prior knowledge on arrival in Y7.? However, foregrounding knowledge of phonics, grammar and vocabulary naturally de-emphasises traditional thematic topics often taught in primary settings, and so our lessons provide new learning opportunities to challenge most pupils on arrival at secondary school.Pupil engagementCarefully designed input (listening and reading) activities compel students to pay close attention to the meaning and form of the new language.?Each week practice extends to production, which ensures that pupils have to actively recall and manipulate language to communicate where there is a genuine ‘information gap’ (where information must be successfully expressed and understood by the learner).Motivation through learningTeaching is carefully planned to compel thinking, thinking drives learning, and success in learning is motivational.?A curriculum of qualityWe support curriculum planning with resources that emphasise transparent explanations and abundant practice, building in frequent feedback to maximise confidence and success. Regular and frequent revisiting of knowledge is explicit and systematically integrated into planning.Planning in years 7 and 8 is in line with the Review of MFL Pedagogy and NCELP (National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy). In years 9, 10 and 11, the planning prepares for current GCSE content and examinations, which builds on the core grammar and high-frequency vocabulary outlined in the programmes of study for Key Stages 2 and 3.2. Subject structure overviewYear 7As the curriculum is carefully sequenced, prior knowledge for unit 2 onwards is assumed to include the preceding unit(s).UNITCONTEXTGRAMMARPHONICS SSC - Sound-symbol correspondenceVOCABULARY1Describing a thing or personSaying what people haveDescribing thingsDistinguishing between having and beingTalking about a thing or personTalking about doing and making thingsEssential verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular)?TRE (c’est) - to be, being AVOIR - to have, havingFAIRE - to do, doingAdjective agreement (as complement to verb)Indefinite, singular articles and genderDefinite articles le, la, l’, lesRegular plural nouns (-s)Yes/no questions with raised intonationFeminisation of job titles (-e)Subject pronouns il / elle meaning ‘it’Silent final consonant SFCSSC [a]SSC [i] and [eu]SSC [e] and [au] [eau] [o]Contrast SSC [u] and [ou]Silent Final [e] and [é] [-er], [-et]SSC [en] / [an], [on]SSC ‘[-ain] / [-in], [è] / [ê]Liaison (t-and s-)Learning what it means to know a word from recognition, to pronouncing, spelling and using the word in a sentence.High-frequency vocabulary relevant to given context.Mixed word class vocabulary sets (average 10 words per week) on QUIZLET for each week of the Y7 course.2Saying what people doSaying what we doSaying what others do (they)Saying ‘you’ (singular and pluralUsing FAIRE to mean ‘go’ER verbs (used with simple present and present continuous meaning)(1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular, 1st and 3rd persons plural)Preposition à with certain verbs meaning at /toIntonation questionsTwo-verb structures with aimerSSC [ai] and [oi]SSC [ch], [?] and soft [c]SSC [qu], [j] and soft [g]SSC [-tion], [-ien]Revisit Silent Final Consonant (SFC)Revisit [a]Revisit [i]Consolidation and extension of vocabulary relevant to the given contexts. Developing a verb lexicon (-ER regular verbs)Deepening vocabulary knowledge through work with a challenging text. 3Saying how many there are, numbersDescribing people (family)Saying what people haveSaying what people doIl y aPlural indefinite article desPlural adjective agreementEssential verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons plural)?TRE - to be, beingAVOIR - to have, havingFAIRE - to do, doingpossessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes)Revisit [eu]Revisit [e]Revisit [au], [eau], [o]Revisit [u]Revisit Liaison (t- and s-)Revisiting essential verbs in new contexts (?TRE, AVOIR, FAIRE)Plural nouns and adjectives4Saying where people go (places)Saying where people go (countries)Asking questionsUsing question wordsTalking about yourself, to and about someone elseEssential verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular)ALLER - to go, going‘à’– au / à la / à l’ / aux meaning ‘to’Question words comment', où and quand Essential verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons plural)ALLER - to go, going‘à' - meaning ‘to’ and ‘in’ with towns and cities‘en’ - meaning ‘to’ and ‘in’ with countries (f)chezPresent tense (-ER verbs)Revisit [ou]Revisit SFE, Silent Final [e]Revisit [é ], (-er, -et)Revisit [en] / [an], [on]Revisit [on]Revisiting essential verbs in new contexts (ALLER)Question wordsDeveloping the verb lexicon (-ER verbs)Deepening vocabulary and grammar knowledge through work with a challenging text.5Asking questionsUsing question wordsSaying people do not do somethingExpressing future intentionsDescribing things and peopleSubject-verb inversion questionsque, quel, combien plus othersne...pas negationAdjectives in front of the nounEssential irregular –RE/-IR verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular) – PRENDRE, APPRENDRE, DIRE, SORTIR, VENIR, DORMIRRevisit [-ain]/[-in]Revisit SSC [è]/[ê] Revisit SSC [ai]Revisit SSC [oi]Revisit SSC [ch]Revisit SSC [?] and soft [c])Question words6Asking questionsExpressing future intentionsSaying what you want to, can and must doSaying what you don’t want to, can’t and don’t have to doSaying what you know how to doALLER + infinitive (all persons)Negation and question-forming practiceModal verbs - VOULOIR, POUVOIR and DEVOIRModal verbs in the negativeSubject-verb inversion questions with question words (two-verb structures)Essential irregular –RE/-IR verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular) – PARTIRTo know (how to) - SAVOIR + infinitiveRevisit SSC [qu]Revisit SSC [j]Revisit SSC [-tion]Revisit SSC [-ien]Revisit Silent Final Consonant (SFC)Revisit [a]Revisiting essential verbs in new contexts (ALLER)Developing a verb lexiconDeveloping the use of modal verbs, including with negationDeepening vocabulary and grammar knowledge through work with a challenging text.Year 8As the curriculum is carefully sequenced, prior knowledge for unit 2 onwards is assumed to include the preceding unit(s), as well as Y7 units. However, all Y7 vocabulary, grammar and phonics are systematically revisited during Y8.UNITCONTEXTGRAMMARSOUNDS OF THE LANGUAGEVOCABULARY1Asking how to say and write new words in FrenchDistinguishing between being and having [2]Comparing what you and others do with what people do in generalTalking about what you do and don’t doTalking about what you are doing today vs what you did yesterdayFinding out about each other's past experiencesY7 revisiting: ?TRE and AVOIR, gender and number, definite and indefinite articles, il y a / il n'y a pas, il(s)/elle(s) meaning 'it'/'they’, possessive adjectives (1st, 2nd sing), present tense of -ER verbs (all persons), à with certain verbs, contracted forms of à, question formation (intonation and inversion, with and without question words) in single-verb structures, negation with ne … pas in single-verb structuresAdjective agreement (-e, -euse)Est-ce que, yes/no questions (intonation and inversion)Pronoun on meaning everyone, you, oneQu'est-ce que, information questions (intonation and inversion)Possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, notre)Present vs perfect tense (with past simple equivalent in English), regular and irregular verbs (taking AVOIR)Ce, cet, cette, cesIn Y8, SSC knowledge is further developed by activities focused on two or more SSC. In some weeks, several SSC are revisited.[em] | [am][en] | [an][(a)im] | [(a)in][um] | [un]All of the above before a vowel[h]Stress syllabificationLiaisonRevisiting Year 7 SSCsWe focus explicitly on some common word patterns between French and English. The words are high-frequency and often cognates or semi-cognates with English. We also develop learners’ knowledge of word families (i.e., parts of speech connected by a common, semantically-related stem). -euse’, ‘ice’ to masculine people nounsEssential verbs are revisited in new contexts (?TRE, AVOIR)Numbers constructions 13-31Mixed word class vocabulary sets (average 10 words per week) on QUIZLET for each week of the Y8 course2Talking about what you and others did and did not doTalking about what you do and where you do itTalking about nouns you can't countConsolidation Formal and informal situations: Talking to people you do and don't knowY7 revisiting: present tense of common irregular -IR and -RE verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular), adjective agreement and placementNegation: ne…pas (de) in perfect tense Il y a vs il y avaitForms of 'à' with definite article au, à la, à l', auxForms of 'de' with definite article du, de la, des, de l'Partitive articles du, de la, des, de l'Quel, quelle, quels, quellesPartitive articles in negative sentences and expressions of quantityBOIRE (je, tu, il/elle)Common irregular -IR verbs in the present tense SORTIR, PARTIR, DORMIR, VENIR, REVENIR, DEVENIR (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons plural)Vous as formal youPronoun on. Everyone, you, one’ vs 'we' [-ill-][?]/open [eu][-s-][-gn-][r]closed [o/?]open [o/o]Building the verb lexiconRegular revisiting of Yr 7 vocabulary for consolidation Words with multiple meanings are taught cumulativelyText exploitation to extend vocabulary, aid recognition of cognates, and pupils’ knowledge of word families Consolidation of question words and question formation3Talking about what you and others doSaying what you are going to do on a specific day vs weekly routineWhat is it like? [1] Describing thingsWhat is it like? [2] Comparing thingsRegular -IR verbs Present tense as future with time adverbialsPre-nominal vs post-nominal adjectivesRegular plurals for nouns (-s, -x, -aux Regular plurals for adjectives (-s, -aux)Position of multiple adjectivesComparative adjectivesRegular adjective agreements (-e, -euse, -sse, -nne, -lle)[th]Revisiting the below:Stress syllabification[h]SFC[em] /[am] and before vowel[en]/[an] and before vowel[e][a]Building the verb lexiconRegular revisiting of Yr 7 vocabulary for consolidation4Talking about what always happens vs something that happened onceAsking about what others have done at a specific time vs in generalTalking about what you and others do [3]Comparing how people do thingsY7 revisiting: modal verbs (DEVOIR, POUVOIR, VOULOIR, SAVOIR meaning ‘to know how to’), question formation (intonation, inversion, with and without question words) in two-verb structures, negation with ne … pas (de) in two-verb structuresPresent vs perfect tense (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English)Regular -ER verbs (taking AVOIR), all personsAdverb placement in the perfect tenseYes/no questions (inversion) in the present and perfect tenseIrregular past participles (taking AVOIR) (all persons)Information questions (inversion) in the present and perfect tenseCommon irregular -RE verbs in the present tense, 1st, 2nd 3rd singularAPPRENDRE, COMPRENDRE, PRENDRE, DIRE, METTRE Regular -RE verbs in the present tense (1s, 2nd 3rd singular)Regular comparative forms of adjectives and adverbsRevisiting the below:[aim]/[im] and before vowel[ain]/[in] and before vowel[-ien][om] and before vowel[on] and before vowel[um]/[un] and before vowel[u][ou][-ill-][i][ch]Building the verb lexiconMixed word setsCommon irregular verbs as lexical items5Talking about what you can, must and want to doTalking in the negativeTalking about what, where and who you knowComparing past and presentTalking about past actions which affect the presentY7 revisiting: present tense of present tense of essential irregular verbs - FAIRE, ALLER (all persons), ALLER + infinitive, (future intention), prepositions: uses of 'en', 'à' and 'chez' (to vs in)Modal verbs (present tense)DEVOIR, POUVOIR, VOULOIR Il faut/il ne faut pasNegation ne…jamais, ne...rien, ne…personneCONNA?TRE (1st, 2nd, 3rd singular), VOIR SAVOIR vs CONNA?TRE (present tense)Present vs perfect Regular -IR verbs (taking AVOIR) Revisiting the below:[?]/open [eu][eu]closed [o]/[?]open [o][-s-][?] / soft c[-gn-]j / soft g[th][qu]Stress syllabificationRegular revisiting of Yr 7 vocabulary for consolidation Yr 8 vocabulary revisited throughout in different contextsSemantic complexities addressed through deliberate practice (Savoir vs conna?tre)Revisiting and extending negation in new contexts6Talking about when, how often and for how long you do thingsTalking about where you wentTalking about what you have done vs what you have never doneFuture intention with ALLER plus infinitiveTout, tous, toute, toutesOUVRIR (1st, 2nd 3rd singular)ne…pas (de) with two-verb structuresPresent vs perfect tense -ER verbs (taking ?TRE) (je, tu, il/elle)-IR and -RE verbs (taking ?TRE), all personsne…jamais, ne…rien, ne…personne in the present and perfect tenseQuestions in the present and perfect tenseRevisiting the below:[h]Sfe[am] / [an] and before vowel[em] / [en] and before vowel[è]/[ê][aim]/[im] and before vowel[ain]/[in] and before vowel[om] and before vowel[on] and before vowel[um]/[un] and before vowel[ai][é (-er, -ez)][-tion]Developing the verb lexicon – highly frequent (irregular verbs) in present and perfect, with verbs reused in different contexts.Year 9Y9 content, selected on the basis of word frequency, core grammar and phonics ensure that Y9 lessons have substantial value, both as standalone learning opportunities and as preparation for progression to the KS4 curriculum.? The Y9 curriculum could also be used as an ab initio introduction year to a new, second language that pupils might then take for GCSE. UNITCONTEXTGRAMMARSOUNDS OF THE LANGUAGEVOCABULARY1Describe a thing or personSay what people haveDescribe what people haveTalk about doing and making thingsSay what people doSay what people doSay what you do with others?TRE: singularRegular adjective agreementIntonation questionsAVOIR: singularIndefinite articles & gender un, unePost-nominal position of adjectivesDefinite article (le, la, les, l')Feminisation of agent nouns/jobs (-e)Subject pronoun 'it'FAIRE: singularPresent: regular -ER verbs - singular, Two-verb structures: AIMER + infinitive‘à’with certain verbs meaning 'to' and 'at'"Present: regular - ER verbs - 1st plural[SFC] (silent final consonant) [a] [i] [eu][e] [au / eau / o][u] vs [ou][SFE] (silent final -e) [é] (-er, -et)[en / an] [on][-ain / -i] [è / ê]Learning what it means to know a word from recognition, to pronunciation, spelling and using the word in a sentence. High-frequency vocabulary relevant to given contextMixed word class vocabulary sets are presented in each week of the course and regularly revisitedDeveloping a verb lexicon 2Say what others doDistinguish between 'you' singular and 'you' pluralSay how many there areDescribe peopleSay what people have and doTalk about things that are mineSay where people goPresent: regular - ER verbs - 3rd pluralPresent: regular - ER verbs - 2nd pluralIl y aPlural marking on nouns (-s)Plural indefinite article des?TRE: pluralRegular plural marker on adjectives (-s)AVOIR: plural FAIRE: pluralPossessive adjectives: mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tesALLER: singularForms of 'à' with 'to' - à la/auIntonation questions with question words[ai] [oi][ch][?] (and soft 'c')[qu][ j] (and soft 'g')[-tion] [-ien][SFC] (silent final consonant) revisited [a] revisited [i] revisitedEssential verbs are revisited in new contexts (AVOIR / ?TRE/FAIRE)Consolidation of question wordsDeveloping the verb lexicon Consolidation and extension of vocabulary relevant to the given contexts. 3Say where people goAsk questionsUse question wordsSay people do not do somethingDescribe things and peopleExpress future intentionsALLER: pluralPrepositions ‘à’, ‘en’, ‘chez’Common (irregular) -RE verbs: APPRENDRE, COMPRENDRE, PRENDRE, DIRE - singular, Inversion (with question words)Negation: ne...pas, ne...pas de/d' (with indefinite articles)Prenominal position of certain common adjectivesIrregular feminine form of adjectivesTwo-verb structures: ALLER + infinitive (future intention)Negation: ne...pas of two-verb structuresOpportunities for revisiting of all (SSC) across the unit of work.Explicit revisiting of:[eu] [e] r[au / eau / o] [u] [ou] Developing a verb lexiconConsolidation of question wordsNegation in new contextsDeepening vocabulary and grammar knowledge through text work.4Ask and answer about future intentionsSay what you want to do and what you must / have to doDistinguish between being and havingTalk about what people do in generalTalk about personal vs general eventsALLER + infinitive - pluralInversion questions - two-verb structuresTwo-verb structures: modals with dependent infinitives DEVOIR, VOULOIR, POUVOIR, SAVOIR – singularEst-ce que questionsRegular adjective gender agreement (-euse)Feminisation of agent nouns and job titles (-euse, -rice)Pronoun on meaning everyone, you, oneQu'est-ce que questionsPossessive adjectives: son, sa, ses, notreOpportunities for revisiting of all (SSC) across the unit of work.Explicit revisiting of:[SFe] [é] (-er, -et)[en / an] [on] [-ain / -in] Developing a verb lexiconConsolidation of question wordsExtending knowledge of two-verb structures5Talk about what you are doing today vs what you did yesterdayCompare each other's past experiences; ask and answer questionsTalk about what you and others did and did not doTalk about what you do and where you do itDistinguish between parts and wholesTalk about nouns you can't countPresent vs past (perfect) tense Past (perfect) tense with AVOIR, regular -ER verbs - singularCe, cet, cette, cesQuestions?: qu'est-ce que, intonation, yes/no, est-ce que, inversionIl y a vs il y avaitNegation: ne.. pas (de) in present / pastPrepositions and forms of de with definite article Partitive articles Quel, quelle, quels, quellesNe...pas de/d' with partitives and expressions of quantityVerb BOIREOpportunities for revisiting of all (SSC) across the unit of work.Explicit revisiting of:[è / ê] [ai] [oi] [ch] [?] (and soft 'c') [qu] Developing knowledge of the features of nounsConsolidation of question wordsNegation in new contexts6Talk to people you do and don't knowSay what you are going to do on a specific day vs weekly routineWhat is it like? Describe thingsTalk about what has happened at a specific time vs in generalAsk about what others have done at a specific time vs in generalTalk in the negativeTalk about where you wentPresent: irregular -IR verbs, SORTIR, VENIR Singular; vous Present regular -IR verbs, present tenseComparative adjectivesRegular adjective agreement (-sse, -nne, -lle)Present vs past (perfect) with past perfect meaning, regular -ER verbs – pluralIrregular past participles (taking AVOIR), all personsNe…jamais, ne...rien, ne…personne (single verb structures)Past (perfect) - ER verbs taking ?TRE, all personsOpportunities for revisiting of all (SSC) across the unit of work.Explicit revisiting of:[j] [-tion] [-ien] [SFC] Extending the range of negationDeveloping knowledge of future patterns of adjective agreementUsing two meanings of the perfect tense and distinguishing between themYear 10/11Unit titleLength of unitBasic understanding of past, present and future tenses assumed from the end of unit 1.In addition, the following concepts are also assumed as prior learning: 1. Family and Friends19 Lessons1. Present Tense AVOIR 1st person singular 2. Present tense of ?TRE 1st person singular 3. Simple adjective agreement 4. Concept of present, future and perfect tenses2. Free Time17 Lessons1. Present Tense FAIRE 1st person 2. Concept of present, near future and perfect tenses 3. Daily life and special occasions17 Lessons1. Days of the week 2. Clothes vocabulary3. Shops vocabulary 4. Food vocabulary 5. Partitive article 4. Local Area18 Lessons1. Places in the town 2. Modes of transport 3. Telling the time 5. Holidays17 Lessons1. Places in the town 2. Modes of transport 3. Telling the time 6. School 18 Lessons1. School subjects 2. Adjectives to describe school subjects 3. Time 4. School Uniform 7. Work18 Lessons1. Jobs 2. Numbers (money) 8. Global Issues16 Lessons1. Food 2. Free time activities. 3. Unit specificsFor all years, there is an appendix with detailed lesson level information, including the grammar, vocabulary and phonics in each lesson. Here, we provide in addition a lesson by lesson breakdown for KS4 only.In KS4, planning is carefully designed to build on KS3 knowledge, whilst including essential revisiting. Lessons feature:Systematic retrieval of 175 non topic-specific high-frequency words through the low stakes exit quizAccessible entry to each sequence of lessons to establish the knowledge baseIncremental challenge build over the course of a sub-unit of lessonsSounds of the language (including sound-symbol correspondences (phonics), liaison, and pronunciation)Speaking tasks that include read aloud with immediate feedback as an extension to phonics workDifferentiated guided writing lessons at the end of each module Additional ‘stand-alone’ higher lessons for student and teacher to explore content that would not typically feature in the mixed ability classroom.1. Family and FriendsLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3,Talking about friends. What makes a good friendEtre / Avoir in the third person singular. ER verbs in the present tense4,5,6Talking about relationshipsPossessive Adjectives Making verbs reflexive in the present tense Emphatic pronouns (avec moi / toi / lui / elle / eux / elles)7,8,9Making arrangements to go outRevisiting the verb + infinitive (to express future or wishes)10,11 ,12Describing a night out with friendsRevisiting the Perfect Tense with regular past participles (-er, -ir, -re); 13Understanding passages about past events (Higher)Revisiting the Perfect Tense with regular and irregular past participles14,15Describing life when I was youngerIntroducing the Imperfect with être & avoir Then regular -ER verbs16,17Talking about role modelsUnderstanding the present and perfect tense together (regular -ER verbs)18Guided writing: Family and Friends. (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present and, near future19Guided writing: Family and Friends. (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, future, imperfect and perfect tense 2. Free TimeLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3Talk about sportDepuis with the present tense4,5,6Talk about your life onlineIrregular verbs in the present tense (1st person singular) METTRE, PRENDRE, ECRIRE, LIREUsing impersonal expressions with the infinitive7Talk about books and readingUsing 'de' with negatives (ne pas, ne plus, ne jamais)8,9Talk about hobbiesRevisiting the imperfect tense, with -ER verbs10,11Talk about TV programmesUsing the comparative12Understand direct object pronouns in listening and reading passages. (Higher).Direct object pronouns (le / la / les)13, 14, 15A night out with friendsThe perfect tense with on16Guided writing: My free time. (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present, near future and perfect tense 17Guided writing: My free time. (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, near future, imperfect and perfect tense 3. Daily life and special occasionsLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3,4Talk about your daily routineModal verbs in the present tense (first person singular) DEVOIR, POUVOIR5,6,Shopping for clothes and foodUsing quel, quelle, quels, quellesDemonstrative adjectives: ce, cet, cette, ces7Shopping for foodExpression of quantity + de8,9Describe festivals and traditionsEst-ce que and qu'est-ce que10,11,12Talk about food at home vs at special occasionsIrregular verbs in the present tense (first person singular) BOIRE, PRENDREPronoun en13Using polite languageTu vs vous14,15Congratulations. (Higher)venir de (to have just done)16Guided writing: Describe family celebrations (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present, near future and perfect tense 17Guided writing: Describe family celebrations (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, near future, imperfect and perfect tense 4. Local AreaLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3,4,5Describe a regionUsing il y a / il n'y a pas dePosition and agreement of regular and irregular adjectives SuperlativePronoun ‘y’6,7,8Describe a townNegatives9Understanding nuances in listening passages. (Higher)Negatives10, 11Discussing what to see and doAsking questionsQuel / quelle / quels / quelles12Understanding directionsAsking questions13, 14WeatherUsing si clauses; present + future15,16Future PlansIntroducing the simple future17Guided writing: Where you live (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect (il y avait), perfect tense 18Guided writing: Writing about your local area (Foundation / Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect and perfect tense 5. HolidaysLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2, 3,4Saying what you do and did on holidayPresent and perfect tense verbs in the ‘I’ form. 5,6Booking hotelsRetrieval: Asking questions7At the train stationRetrieval: Asking questions8,9Talk about an ideal holidayIntroducing the conditional10, 11Ordering in a restaurantUsing expressions with AVOIR 12Reviewing a restaurant (Higher)En + present participle13,14,15Talking about a disastrous holidayAvant deUsing the perfect and pluperfect. 16Guided writing: Holidays (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect (il y avait), perfect tense 17Guided Writing: Holidays (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect and perfect tense 6. SchoolLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3Talking about your school / school subjectsDirect object pronouns4,5,6Talking about your school dayPresent tense verbs in the 3rd person singular and pluralComparative7Developing inference (Higher)Developing lexical fields8,9,10Discussing school rulesIl faut + infinitiveIl est interdit de + infinitiveOn doit + infinitive11, 12Talking about extracurricular activitiesRecognising and using the imperfect tense and the present tense13,14Making the most of your time in schoolRevisiting the simple future15, 16Talking about a school trip or school exchangeUsing multiple tenses together17Guided writing: School (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect (il y avait), perfect tense 18Guided writing: School (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses: present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, imperfect and perfect tense 7. WorkLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1Career ChoicesNo article when talking about jobs2,3Discussing career choicesExploring lexical fieldsUsing the conditionalMieux, pire, le mieux, le pire4,5,6Talking about future plansRevisiting the simple futureSi clauses; present + future 7Talking about future plansUsing pour + infinitive8Talking about hopes and wishes (Higher)Introducing the subjunctive9Discussing the importance of languagesAdverbs 10,11Understanding job advertsUsing infinitives12,13Talking about what you do to earn moneyRevisiting the imperfect, present and conditional tenses14,15Talking about work experienceRevisiting the perfect and the present tenses16Understanding case studies. (Higher)Verbs followed by ‘à’ and ‘de’17, 18Guided writing: Work and future plans (Foundation and Higher)Writing using multiple tenses - perfect, imperfect (il y avait, je devais), present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, conditional8. Global IssuesLesson numberPurpose of language useGrammar1,2,3Healthy vs unhealthy lifestylesPresent tense modal verbs with onUsing pour + infinitiveAdverbs4,5Problems facing the worldUsing ce quiExploring lexical fields6,7,8Protecting the environmentConditional tense modal verbs with onUsing the infinitiveUsing multiple tenses9,10,11Talking about volunteeringUsing emphatic pronounsExpressing intended future actionsUsing direct object pronouns12Participating in your community (Higher)Using indirect object pronouns and ‘en’13,14Talking about big eventsPresent tense modal verbs in the third person plural Giving arguments for and against15Guided writing: Protecting the environment (Foundation)Writing using multiple tenses - perfect, present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, conditional16Guided writing: The advantages and disadvantages of big events (Higher)Writing using multiple tenses - perfect, imperfect, present, ALLER + infinitive, simple future, conditional ................

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