Session 1: Session title

|Session 5 Decisions, decisions… |

|National Curriculum |Computing: Be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology; Use technology |

| |safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns |

| |about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. |

|Teaching Objectives |To know what is meant by a safe and unsafe decision online. To identify safe solutions for a range of online scenarios. To create a |

| |key message statement for one aspect of e-safety. |

|Resources |Weblinks |

|Agony aunt/uncle forum | cyber safety quiz |

|questions, filming/recording | |

|equipment. | |

|Whole Class: Start the session with a quiz. The weblink is to an Australian quiz (it talks about dollars rather than pounds), but has good |

|KS1-appropriate content to consolidate learning so far. Do the quiz as a physical activity, getting chn to complete an action for each selected answer: |

|answer 1 (arms by their side), answer 2 (both arms in the air) or answer 3 (hands on heads). Note any confusion or misconceptions and clarify. Now |

|explain that the chn have been invited to be a guest agony aunt/uncle for the day on a kids’ online safety forum. Lots of chn have sent in their |

|questions for them to come up with a response for (session resource). Have the questions in envelopes and get chn to come up and open them. Read them |

|together as a class without suggesting answers at this stage. Explain that chn will need to discuss the dilemma and come up with a clear piece of advice |

|for each one. Explain that chn will then be recording their advice as video clips to be uploaded onto the safety forum. Also explain that they have also |

|been asked to compose a class song, for the forum, about e-safety to be sung to the tune of ‘if you’re happy and you know it’. Share with them the sample|

|verse provided: |

| |

|If you find a dodgy website tell an adult |

|If you find a dodgy website tell an adult |

|Tell an adult who you trust - it’s an absolute must |

|If you find a dodgy website tell an adult |

| |

|Split the class into 5 ‘teams’ and give each a safety theme: Asking for help/Keeping personal information safe/Pop-ups/Cyberbullying/Online stranger |

|danger. Do not use Reliable Websites as this has already been done as the example. |

|Easy/Medium/Hard |

|Agony aunt/uncle advice (intermittent adult support): in teams chn look at the dilemmas (try and ensure one child in each group is a strong reader) and |

|make a list of ideas for each one. Move between groups and support chn with their ideas, encouraging them to look at their cyber-rainbow so far, thinking|

|about the ideas highlighted to stay safe. Set up your TA in a ‘recording studio’ (you may wish to do this in another space, such as the ICT room or even |

|outside) and get chn to film/record their advice. |

|Safety song (intermittent adult support): give chn their theme and ask them in the first instance to come up with a simple statement that highlights the |

|key safety message (remind them of the example). Help chn to re-form their statement so that it has 11 syllables (in order to fit with the tune) then |

|help them to create the third line (this is the tricky bit!). If at any point chn in a group are awaiting adult support or their slot to record their |

|advice, get them to create an illustration to go with their advice or song verse. |

|Plenary |Reflect on one another’s advice (watch the videos) and highlight any especially good advice, adding in anything that the chn have missed |

| |out. Sing your song altogether (this could also be recorded) and then explain the chn have earned their yellow and blue rainbow paints |

| |today by spotting what to say yes to and what might be a bad idea. Choose the remaining 4/5 chn per colour to paint the final parts of |

| |your rainbow and as a class come up with a shared written statement about what to say ‘yes’ to online and what might be a bad idea. |

| |Display your cyber-rainbow and recap on each colour. Chn could share their rainbow and safety song during an assembly; with parents; or |

| |even recorded on your school website. |

|Outcomes |Children will: |

| |Understand what is meant by a safe and unsafe decision online |

| |Discuss a range of online scenarios and offer advice |

| |Compose a song verse about one aspect of e-safety |


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