The Wright Brothers DVD Note Sheet

Standard 6: Transportation TechnologiesCentral Concept: Transportation technologies are systems and devices that move goods and people from one place to another across or through land, air, water, or space.Strand:6.1Identify and compare examples of transportation systems and devices that operate on or in each of the following: land, air, water, and space.Identify and describe three subsystems of a transportation vehicle or device, i.e., structural, propulsion, guidance, suspension, control, and support.Identify and explain lift, drag, friction, thrust, and gravity in a vehicle or device, e.g., cars, boats, airplanes, rockets.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wright Brothers invented the first self powered AIRPLANE.Although people were fascinated by flight for as long as there had been man, HUMAN flight was thought to be impossible.The Wright Brothers give credit to their PARENTS for the inspiration to create and invent things. After High School they created their own printing press and operated a NEWSPAPER business.In the 1880’s, BICYCLES were becoming increasingly popular in the US because it gave people a sense of freedom & speed. The Wright Brothers were influenced by this popularity and started their own bicycle business in the year 1892. At their shop, they sold, rented, & repaired bikes. They also began to MANUFACTURE their own bikes. Their interest in flying also continued. Using their knowledge of bikes along with their fascination with flight the Wright Brothers determined that CONTROL was going to be the key to success. They watched and observed birds when doing their research into flight and believed that the CURVED wing was critical to control. In the 1500’s, heavier than air vehicles were sketched by LEONARDO DA VINCI, but the technology available did not allow them to be built. The real age of flight began with the invention of the hot air balloon in 1783. This was witnessed by American Ben Franklin. The airplane’s roots can be traced back to the early 1800’s when the first GLIDERS were created. Controlling the wings was considered critical by the Wright Brothers. This was achieved by figuring out a way to TWIST them. Needing wind to test their theory the Wrights traveled to KITTY HAWK, NORTH CAROLINA in the year 1900. They had the parts of their glider shipped from DAYTON, OHIO in parts by train. They tested an UNMANNED glider first. The first time the glider was flown successfully with a person aboard was 1900, the glider traveled about 300 to 400 feet.In 1901 the Wright’s were discouraged after suffering a setback in their testing. They determined that the information that they were using was WRONG. They began to conduct their own research and built a small WIND TUNNEL and tested different kinds of wings. While conducting their research they kept written records and photos. They constructed a 32 foot glider with a tail. In September 1902 they created a glider with a MOVABLE tail, which allowed the pilot to control both the wings and the tail. Although successful, this was still not satisfactory to the Wrights because it was still a GLIDER. They needed POWER to really achieve their goal. They did much research and actually filled 5 NOTEBOOKS. They designed a light and powerful engine but could not find a company to build it. Despite this setback, they persevered, building their own engine in 6 weeks. They even built the carburetor from and old TOMATO CAN. In 1903 they created the WRIGHT FLYER which had a wingspan of 40 feet. While the Wrights were doing their work, the US government was funding the research of SAMUEL LANGLEY who was also working to develop a powered airplane. His steam powered airplane crashed and the New York Times declared on November 3, 1903 that man would eventually fly but it would take 1 TO 10 MILLION years of research before it would be possible.Just over 1 month later on DECEMBER 17, 1903. The Wrights returned to North Carolina with their Wright Flyer. Their first attempt was UNSUCCESSFUL. But the second attempt resulted in a flight that lasted 12 SECONDS over a distance of 120 feet. They took 3 more flights that day before the wind destroyed their plane. The longest flight lasted 1 MINUTE over a distance of 800 feet. With the achievement of a self powered plane, the Wrights did not need to travel to North Carolina anymore. They continued their experiments in a 100 acre cow pasture in the state of OHIO. By the year 1905 they were able to fly with PRECISION. Having achieved this, the Wrights wanted to SELL their planes. They approached the US Army but they turned them down. Eventually they sold their planes to the US Army Signal Corps. In 1909 they started the Wright Company, a FLIGHT school and an exhibition TEAM. In the year 1969, in remembrance of the Wright’s contribution to flight, NEIL ARMSTRONG took along a piece of cloth from the wing of the Wrights’ plane when he became THE FIRST MAN TO WALK ON THE MOON. ................

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