MENG 491W Senior Design Project I - University of San Diego

MENG 491W Senior Design Project I

Pain Relief Glove for Spasticity

Spencer Anderson, Matt Arnold, Vincent Atofau, Sergio Valdez

Table of Contents

1. Context 4

1.1. Background of Need 4

1.2. Customer Need Statement 6

1.3. Literature Review 6

1.3.1. Prior Work 6

1.3.2. Patents 6

2. Problem Definition 7

2.1. Customer Requirements 7

2.1.1. Form 7

2.1.1. Fit 7

2.1.2. Function 7

2.2. Assumptions 7

2.3. Constraints 8

2.4. Customer Requirements Schematic 8

2.5. Test/Evaluation Plan for all Requirements and Constraints 8

3. Concept Development 9

3.1. Overview 9

3.1.1. Creative Strategies 9

3.1.2. Governing Principles 9

3.2. Synthesis and Analysis of Overall Concept 9

3.2.1. Lever and Brace 9

3.2.2. Pulley and Air Pump 10

3.2.3. Pulley and Springs 11

3.2.4. Pulley and Motor 12

3.3. Evaluation 13

3.4. Refinements 14

3.5. Selection 14

4. Design Specifications 15

4.1. Design Overview 15

4.1.1. Description 15

4.1.2. Design Schematics 15

4.2. Functional Specifications 17

4.3. Physical Specifications 17

4.4. Product QFD 18

4.5. Subsystems 20

4.6. Design Deliverables 20

5. Project Plan 20

5.1. Research 20

5.2. Critical Function Prototypes 21

5.3. Design 21

5.4. Construction 23

5.5. Testing 23

5.6. Project Deliverables 24

5.7. Schedule 24

5.8. Budget 25

5.9. Personnel 25

6. References 26

7. Appendices 27

7.1. Team Member Resumes 27

List of Figures

Figure 1: Hand Anatomy () 5

Figure 2: Customer Requirement Schematic for glove 8

Figure 3: Lever and Brace Force Analysis 10

Figure 4: System Schematic for Pain Relief Glove 15

Figure 5: Function Schematic for Pain Relief Glove 16

Figure 6: Process Schematic for Pain Relief Glove 16

Figure 7: Drawing 18

Figure 8: Gantt Chart 25

Figure 9: Organization Chart for Pain Relief Glove 26

List of Tables

Table 1: Hand Grip Strength Test 5

Table 2: Kepner-Tregoe Analysis for Pain Relief Glove 13

Table 3: Product QFD Matrix for Pain Relief Glove 19

Table 4: Schedule 24

Table 5: Budget for Pain Relief Glove 25

1. Context

1.1. Background of Need

A stroke typically is caused by hemorrhaging or a lack of blood supply to a localized region of the brain. The affected area is usually contained in one side of the brain. Therefore, the neurological damage only affects the muscles on the opposite side of the body. One of the many symptoms that last long after immediate recovery from a stroke is spasticity. After a stroke occurs, the muscles in the victim’s arm may become contracted constantly, disabling their hand from opening (Spasticity After Stroke). This results in the individual creating a fist. In other cases, spasms can occur frequently, leading to extreme pain in the joints and muscle damage. The condition can also seriously hinder the victim’s daily routines. If the hand is not opened periodically, disfiguration can occur. Many spasticity attacks can happen at night, causing discomfort as well as loss of sleep.

A Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center study also shows that a connection between a person’s body mass index and their chances of stroke has not been found. Instead, there waist-to-hip (WHR) ratio is a better predictor of stroke. A greater WHR means there is a greater chance of a person having a stroke than a person with a lower WHR (Siddiqui 2008). Another study by the Department of Neurology, Liaquat National Hospital, shows that females are just as likely as males to have a stroke. Also, most stroke victims are an average age of 60 years old and therefore past the peak of their physical strength (American Academy Of Neurology). Therefore, the stroke survivors most likely have poor strength compared to an average adult. Table 1 shows a hand strength test for adults, in which it is assumed that most stroke victims would score in the poor or very poor categories, giving them an average hand grip strength of about 30kg before their stroke. It is assumed that the stroke survivors will become much weaker after they suffer the stroke as well. Also, although spasticity does contract the muscles in the hand, it is believed that this will not cause the hand to close at its full capacity shown by the hand grip strength test. The patient will not be clenching their fist as hard as they can. Therefore, it is more likely that a stroke survivor suffering from hand spasticity will keep their hand closed with a force of about 20 lbs.

There are numerous ways in which spasticity can be relieved, with varying ranges of cost and effectiveness. One of the newest and most successful methods is the insertion of Botox into the patient’s hand. However, this is very expensive, and it is not always convenient. There is limited time that a Botox treatment is effective before it wears off. Because of this, the patient will never be able to fully recover from the stroke and will spend large amounts of money in an attempt to do so. Another past solution to the problem is the use of dynamic hand splints, which are used in many nursing homes and hospitals.

Table 1: Hand Grip Strength Test

|rating* |males (kg) |females (kg) |

|Excellent |> 64 |> 38 |

|very good |56-64 |34-38 |

|above average |52-56 |30-34 |

|average |48-52 |26-30 |

|below average |44-48 |22-26 |

|poor |40-44 |20-22 |

|very poor |< 40 |< 20 |

 * source and population group unknown

Aides at hospitals and nursing homes often have many ways of dealing with spasticity. Depending on the strength and frailty of the patient, some aides are able to open spastic hands by sheer brute force. There are other times when this is not possible. One of the simple and effective tools used by hospital staff to combat spasticity in patients is the cone. Many times an aide will place the small end of the cone in between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and curled fingers (Figure 1) of a patient’s hand. They then force the cone slowly through the fist until the hand is opened. This seemingly primitive method is actually used quite frequently by aides. There is a need for a way to open the hand without an aide, giving the stroke victim more independence from medical professionals.

Figure 1: Hand Anatomy ()

1.2. Customer Need Statement

The primary customers of this project are stroke survivors that suffer from the post-stroke symptom of hand spasticity. The assumed customers are those suffering from spasticity in one of their hands. Typically, a nurse or aide is needed to help patients stretch their hand to an opened position. A device that assists in the opening and closing of the hand without an aide is needed to remedy the pain caused by spasticity. Frequently, spasticity attacks occur at night when aides are not readily available. Accordingly, the device would be used primarily at night and would be designed to be worn while the patient is asleep. Addressing this need would relieve pain and save the customer the money needed to employ a part-time aide, while improving their independence.

1.3. Literature Review

1.3.1. Prior Work

Many patients with spasticity have resorted to Botox injections to help relieve the pain they get from their day to day muscle spasms. “Botox (Botulinum toxin)… relaxes muscles by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which triggers muscles, prompts excitability, arousal, and reward, and activates learning and short-term memory. A small dose of Botox injected directly into the spastic muscle(s) blocks the acetylcholine so that the muscle can loosen and relax, resulting in increased flexibility and mobility and reduced pain” (South Nassau Communities Hospital).

The results of the drug can come into effect within the first week of usage. For some, the drug works well in relieving the pain, however, some patients found negative results. “Localized pain, tenderness, and/or bruising may be associated with the injection” (Botox). Also the Botox injections have been known to worsen many medical conditions.

Many patients have also looked to strengthening the muscles in opening the hands. “One of the exercises against repetitive strain syndrome is to exercise the muscles that open the hands,” says Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM. However it still doesn’t help open the hands when in a spasm.

1.3.2. Patents

Many patents have been filed for devices that try to solve the problem of hand spasticity. The following patents solve parts of the problem, but leave much room for improvement:

• Articulated hand splint with multiple pivot points- Rudolph H. Bodine(4660550)

o Articulated hand splint with a frame around the arm connected by a pivot at the wrist to a hand grip housing. A therapist can set the device to two or more positions.

o This device only allows for movement in the wrist. The fingers are always clasped around the hand grip, so the hand is not opened by the device. Also, a therapist is required to adjust the device.

• Universal articulated splint- Rose DeProspero(4719906)

o Articulated hand splint with pivots at every finger joint. The wrist and each finger are supported and can be bent and locked into place or provide resistance for exercise.

o There is no mechanism to aid in the opening of the hand. The hand must be opened joint by joint and locked into position by an aide. The glove is primarily for the rehabilitation of a weak hand as opposed to relieving pain caused by a spastic hand, although the patent mentions the glove could be used for a hand affected by spasticity.

• Device for and method of dynamic splinting- Krister Silfverskiold(4790301)

o Dynamic hand splinting device that uses a line attached to a finger support and wrapped around a spool to provide the force needed to straighten the fingers. The spool is anchored to a fastening plate for stability.

o The power input to straighten the fingers is not explained well. A spring is used to raise the finger, but it is unclear how.

2. Problem Definition

2.1. Customer Requirements

The customer requirements are broken up into the three categories of form, fit, and function and rated on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the most important. The glove should:

2.1.1. Form

1. Weigh less than 3 lbs. 3

2. Be custom fit according to users’ hand (normal hand size). 1

3. Be made of a strong, durable material. 5

2.1.1. Fit

1. Support the four fingers. 5

2. Support the thumb. 2

3. Be simple to use 3

4. Fit comfortably on the patients’ hand. 3

2.1.2. Function

1. Open a patients’ clenched hand and keep it open for an extended period of time. 5

2. Be able to lock in the opened position, supporting upwards of 20lbs of force. 4

3. Be operable by the customer alone, without an aide. 4

4. Have good ventilation and be washable. 1

5. Not interfere with sleep patterns. 2

6. Provide some resistance when slowly reclosing the patients’ hand. 2

2.2. Assumptions

The assumptions are as follows:

1. Customers could use a device to open their hand to improve their daily lives

2. Spasticity normally affects one side of the body, so the other hand is healthy

3. Customers have low hand grip strength

2.3. Constraints

The constraints are as follows:

1. The project needs to be done in 8 months

2. There is an $800 budget

3. Frailty of a patients’ hand

4. Must be quiet enough to allow for sleeping (under 70 decibels)

5. Must abide by the Universal Medical Device Code

2.4. Customer Requirements Schematic

The customer requirements schematic is shown below in Figure 1:


Figure 2: Customer Requirement Schematic for glove

2.5. Test/Evaluation Plan for all Requirements and Constraints

Plans for testing the following requirements include:

• Achieve a maximum force of 20lbs: A Jamar dynamometer or similar tool will be use to measure the strength of the glove. The dynamometer will also be used to calibrate the user’s commands with the output power. The resistance will be varied to see how it affects the force the glove achieves.

• Easy to use: Glove will be tested by letting customers use the glove and asking them questions and getting feedback of what they thought of the gloves overall performance.

3. Concept Development

3.1. Overview

3.1.1. Creative Strategies

The following creative strategies were used to generate the various designs in the development process:

• Sketching

• Functional decomposition (Appendix A)

• Role-play

• Analogies

• Ask a good question

3.1.2. Governing Principles

The pain-relief glove is governed by the principles of Ergonomics (the safety, comfort, ease of use, productivity, and aesthetics). Potential motors would be governed by the principles of physics (how much power needed for work) and circuits (electrical uses). The pulleys are governed by principles of physics (least amount of pulleys for maximum work). The air pumps are governed by principles of physics as well (determining air pressure). The springs and cables are governed by principals of physics (determining tensions and strength in each spring and cable)

3.2. Synthesis and Analysis of Overall Concept

3.2.1. Lever and Brace

To devise the lever and brace concept we implemented strategies such as “asking a good question”, sketching, and role playing. The question that was considered was, “How can the hand of a patient be opened with the least input force?” By asking basic questions we were able to define our problem and foster multiple solutions. Role playing helped us visualize the movement of the hand. The sketching made it easier to understand how the levers could be assembled.

The lever and brace consists of two levers and two braces. The first brace would be connected to the proximal phalanges, shown in Figure 1, with the lever locked at the forearm. The second brace can be connected to the middle phalanges and lever will be locked at the forearm. The basic principal of the lever and brace is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Lever and Brace Force Analysis

Some of the advantages of this system are:

• Safe

• No Noise

• Low Weight

• High Strength

• Low Cost

Some disadvantages are:

• Low Comfort/Bulky

• Requires an Aide to Use

3.2.2. Pulley and Air Pump

The next design used the same concept for the mechanics of opening the hand, but utilized a different power source. Instead of a motor, an air pump and pneumatic system could be used.

The Pulley and air pump concept is composed of a piston that is connected to a cable that pulls the fingers up. The piston is located on the forearm and it is pumped with a foot pump. After the user pumps the piston to full length it will be locked at the forearm. The cable is connected to a plastic plate that stands on the metacarpal bones. A block and tackle reduces the force needed to raise the fingers up. The block and tackle is connected to cables that go to the fingers.


• Safe

• No Noise

• Low Weight

• High Comfort

• Low Cost

• Low Dependence on Aide


• Low Strength

• External Pump Needed

3.2.3. Pulley and Springs

The Pulley and springs design was easier to create because we used analogies and combinations strategies. SaeboFlex makes a similar glove to the one that we want to create. Using ideas from their design and ideas from our Pulley and Pump, we came up with the Pulley and Springs.

The Pulley and Springs design is very similar to the Pulley and Pump in structure but with minor changes. Instead of using a piston and pump to provide the force, a spring will be used. The spring will still be connected to block and tackle to reduce the force needed to raise the fingers. After the block and tackle, a basic locking system will be actuated in order to keep the fingers in place over a long period of time (i.e. sleeping). Refer to Figure 5 for clarification/visualization.


• No Noise

• Low Cost/Low Complexity

• High Comfort

• Low weight


• Some patients may be reliant on an aide to actuate the system

• Low Strength

• Low Safety

3.2.4. Pulley and Motor

Our final concept is a design to limit the dependence on an aide. We wanted a mechanism that was more user-friendly. In this design we put a motor on the forearm to provide the force needed to open the hand. With this design you will just need help in putting the glove on the hand but after that the user can be without an aide.

The components of this concept are a motor stationed on the forearm that provides the force. The motor is connected to a cable that runs through a block and tackle. The pulley is then connected to springs that are connected to distal phalanges.


• Potential to create large opening force

• Low Dependence on Aide


• Low Safety

• Low comfort

• Excessive Noise

• High cost

• High Weight

• Electric Power Necessary

3.3. Evaluation

A Kepner-Tregoe Analysis, shown in Table 2, has been created to show the benefits and drawbacks of each design. The information presented in the decision matrix for each design is discussed below.

Table 2: Kepner-Tregoe Analysis for Pain Relief Glove

|Featur|Meet Codes? |110 |Comfort |

|es / | |Volt | |

|Select| |compat| |

|ion | |. | |

|Criter| | | |

|ia | | | |

| | |Physical |Functional |

|Customer Requirements and |Priority |Light |Small Size |Input |Locking / |Reversibility |

|Constraints | |Weight | |Force |Unlocking | |

|CR1: Open Hand |5 |-- |-- |5 |No |No |

|CR2: Keep Hand Open |5 |-- |-- |-- |Yes |No |

|CR3: Close Hand |4 |2 |2 |3 |No |Yes |

|CR4: Independence | | | | | | |

| |2 |5 |4 |-- |Yes |Yes |

|CR5: Comfort |2 |3 |3 |-- |Yes |Yes |

|C1: Safety |5 |2 |-- |5 |Yes |Yes |

| | | | | | | |

|Target Values | |2.5lbs |13” long by |20lbs |Yes/No |Yes/No |

| | | |2” tall | | | |

|Technical Difficulty | |3 |3 |3 |1 |1 |

|Importance Rating | |34 |22 |37 |Yes |Yes |

Each of the customer requirements correlates with at least one design specification. The customer requirements that have the highest priority are safety, opening the hand and keeping the hand open.

With every design that deals with human, safety is the number one priority. The range of the motion of the fingers can be limited so that the fingers are not at risk of being bent backward. The material we select for the cables should have lower yield strength than the yield strength of bones. A design specification that accounts for the need of the customer to operate the device on their own is “ease of use”.

According to the QFD matrix, the most important aspect of the design is that the input force is great enough to open the user’s hand. The difficulty of this task is of medium difficulty because a system of pulleys will be designed to reduce the initially required force of 20 lbs. Also, it should not be difficult to obtain a device, such as a compress spring, that can supply that much power. However, achieving this goal may make it difficult to keep the whole glove light weight. This is a concern because the weight of the glove is the second most important design specification. Special attention will be necessary to achieve this goal. Other important design specifications, such as the glove to lock the fingers into place should be relatively easy to accomplish.

4.5. Subsystems

The subsystems of the device are described below:


Four cables are attached to a brace at the fingertip of each finger. The cable runs through a tube that have small pulley to reduce the friction attached to each digit of each finger to keep it in line with the finger. Each cable is attached to a bar at the back of the hand. When the bar is pulled up the arm, the cables will extend the fingers and open the hand. The cables should have lower yield strength than 100MPa for safety.

Block and Tackle:

The Block and tackle is a two pulley system that will reduce the amount of force needed to open the hand. The force conversion factor should be a least 2. The block and tackle will be connected to the bar and mounted to the forearm.


There is one compress spring attached to the end of the pulley cable. The spring provides the force to open the hand smoothly. It also reduces the rigidity of the system, allowing the hand to move slightly in the opened position.


A crank will be added at the end of the spring to provide more force to open the hand if needed.

Each subsystem is shown in Figure 4.

4.6. Design Deliverables

By the end of the semester, the following items will be available:

• Preliminary Design Report with associated modeling and analyses

• Full set of engineering drawings

• Bill of Materials- Parts to be ordered and from where to be ordered

• Cost estimates

5. Project Plan

5.1. Research

Further research into how a block and tackle can most effectively reduce the amount of force needed to open the hand is necessary before more in depth design decisions can be made. Literature on pulleys will be used to better understand different pulley designs. If the pulley significantly reduces the input force required from the motor/pneumatic air pump, a lighter, less expensive actuator can be purchased.

More research also needs to be done to understand the motion of the hand as it opens. To open an individual finger, the cable attached to it needs to be pulled back a particular distance proportional to the path of that fingertip. It is assumed that the stroke needed to fully open the pinky finger will be less than the stroke that corresponds to opening the middle finger, because the pinky is significantly smaller than the middle finger. Research into the motion of each finger will help determine the stroke of each individual finger. How to pull the cable attached to each finger through their individual strokes with the single stroke of the actuator also needs to be researched.

5.2. Critical Function Prototypes

After visualizing our design and trying to find all possible flaws we figure that the most critical function would be the bar that sits on the metacarpal bones. The flaw that we saw in our design was the lack of control that the bar has over the length needed to pull the fingers up. We thought about breaking the bar into small pieces instead of one piece but we need to keep the bar sturdy to provide support when the cables pull. By placing the bar further up the forearm, where all of the cables attached to the fingers will intersect, the displacement that causes the rotation of the bar can be eliminated. The rest of functions are not as critical as the bar. The cables that we use should carry at least 20lbs each. In our design we predict the cables will open the hand if they pull the fingers from the top. This will be tested by pulling the fingers with a string following the motion of our cables. We plan in buying a block and tackle we will have all the designer specifications but we will still test the force transformation ration and compare it to the one provided by the manufacture. The pulley system will be tested by pulling a weight up and seeing how much force we use to pull it. Using this information will allow us calculate the force transformation ratio. The spring will be tested by being pull at both ends and finding the length of when the spring fails or when it starts to plasticity deform. The spring that we select should stretch at least 3 inches before it fails. Our motor will be replaced with a crank. We want a force transformation of at least two from the crank. The crank will be tested in a similar way as the pulley.

5.3. Design

The first step in the design process will be to determine the displacement of cable needed to straighten each finger. This determines the shape of the bar that all of the cables attach to and also the size of the stroke needed by the power input device. Another issue to consider is the stability of the bar to which the cables attach. A design that keeps the bar straight must be developed. The finger braces, block and tackle, and the power input device also need to be designed, but are mostly independent from the other subsystems. They can be placed in series with the other subsystems when necessary. Each of these subsystem designs will be discussed below.


The motion of the fingers from a bent position to a straight position will require the cable attached to each finger to be pulled through a certain displacement. Pro/Engineer can be used to measure how much displacement is needed to open each finger given that finger’s dimensions. In the same process, the tension in each cable will be determined using a force analysis involving tension, such as in statics or dynamics. This process will most likely take a week to determine the stroke corresponding to each fingers motion and the tension in each cable. This design will make sure that each finger is opened fully and will allow for a single power source to control the entire device by pulling one cable a specified distance. One constraint is that the fingers should not be allowed hyperextend (there will be a limit to the motion of the fingers).

Bar Design:

The Bar will need to be designed so that it can pull all of the cables to through the stroke needed by the longest finger, while bringing all of the fingers to their extended position at the same time. Stoppers placed on the cables can be used to achieve this. The stoppers will catch on the bar at different times depending on that finger’s cable’s required displacement. Once the cable displacements are found from the above Pro/Engineer analysis, the distance from the block to the bar for one of the smaller fingers can be determined as the difference between the displacement of the cable on the longest finger and the displacement of the smaller finger’s cable. The design of this aspect may take a week after the previous analysis is done. This design will also insure that each of the fingers are able to fully open at the same time.

This design, however, may lead to more instability in the bar. If one finger is stronger or stiffer than the others, it could cause the bar, as currently shown in Figure 4, to rotate. The bar needs to be placed further down the wrist where all of the finger cables will intersect. This will allow the bar to provide the force needed to open all of the fingers while remaining stable.

Finger Braces:

The finger braces will be placed at the finger tips and at the base of each knuckle of each finger. They will most likely be made of a fabric strap with a tube attached to them on the top of the finger for the cables to pass through. The further the tubes are elevated from the fingers, the more torque will be available to straighten each knuckle. This torque should be increased while keeping the braces from becoming bulky. A compromise between force reduction and the streamlined design will have to be found. The height of these tubes will be incorporated into the Pro/Engineer model of the cable design for analyzing the tension in the cables. The braces will need to be designed to fit the customer’s fingers, so the diameter of each finger will need to be found. An effective design of the finger braces will reduce the input force needed, reduce the amount of material needed, and be comfortable to wear.

Block and Tackle:

The block and tackle is attached between the bar and the spring. Its main purpose is to decrease the amount of force needed to lift the fingers, but it cannot be too bulky. It should not extend more than two inches above the forearm and should not hang over the sides of the forearm. Block and tackles can be purchased as a unit, so the only concern is how to attach it to the bar and spring. A block and tackle that most effectively reduces the required input force, yet is small in size should be purchased.

Power Input Device:

A manual power input device is desired. Either a lever arm or a crank will be used as another way to reduce the input force needed to operate the pain relief glove. The lever arm could be pulled down toward the wrist and locked into place, while the crank would wind up the cable until the hand is fully opened. Analyses of force, such as torques and moments, will be necessary to understand which device is most efficient at reducing the required input force. Pro/Engineer will help us visualize which device fits best into the design, both aesthetically and practically. The power input device needs to be easily locked, fit with the streamline design of the glove, and effectively reduce the input force.

5.4. Construction

The construction processes of this project will most likely be very measurement based. The design itself does not seem overwhelmingly complex, but each part must be measured out with extreme precision. If this is not done, the glove will either be too painful to use, or will not be able to function at all. Most likely we will have to measure the lengths of all the bones in the phalanges. This is to ensure that our pivot points in our cables will be matched up with the knuckles of the hand. This is important because the knuckles are basically the natural pivot points in the phalanges themselves. We also will have to measure the amount of slack that we need to give the pulleys so that they can function properly.

This project will most likely involve only minimal machining. Most of the materials that we need should be available to purchase at lengths that correspond with the measurements of the hand that are going to be taken previously. In order to get our expected precision, materials may need some minimal machining. Yet all in all, it does not appear that the manufacturing process will be a large obstacle in the overall project. Ultimately, the construction process will consist of simply assembling various parts that will be ordered and purchased, with the occasion machining/welding. The metal and wood shop at the University of San Diego contains any equipment that would be needed for manufacturing. Due to this, it will not be necessary to order any manufacturing equipment in order to complete the project by its due date.

5.5. Testing

As in most projects, many of the customer requirements are very difficult to test. One of the main concerns with our project is the level of comfort that the customers experience while using the product. In order to test this, we will have to conduct a series of reviews and surveys of a large cross section of prospective customers.

One customer requirement that can be quantitatively tested is the opening strength of the glove. This can be done by attaching a fish hook force testing device, and conducting a force examination. If the force exceeds our goal of over 20 lbs, we will consider the test a success.

Another customer requirement that can be tested is whether or not the device locks once it reaches the optimal position. This is similar to the no/go situation discussed before in this proposal. I f the design is not able to lock, we will explore another design or modify the design until it is able to lock. Only once the device locks will the project be considered a success.

5.6. Project Deliverables

By the end of the second semester we will have the following:

• Final Design Report including test results or the cables, motor, bar, spring and pulleys.

• A working prototype that meets customer requirements of an opening I hand that provides 25lbs of resistance.

• Analysis of the crank and pulley with a transformation ration of at least two.

• Instructions to let our patients know how to put the glove and how to operate it safely.

• A force analysis of the motion of the cable to figure how much force is converted to tension.

• A glove design should not be longer than the elbow or exceeding the height of 2 inches.

• A bar that should allow us to pull the fingers to the desire length.

5.7. Schedule

The schedule for the project is given below in Table 4 along with the corresponding Gantt chart in Figure 8.

Table 4: Schedule



Figure 8: Gantt Chart

5.8. Budget

A rough estimate of the project’s budget is found below in table 5.

Table 5: Budget for Pain Relief Glove

|  |Part/Material |Cost |Quantity |Shipping/Tax |Subtotal |

|Braces |Finger Splint “Stackies” Size 5 |$3.00 |4 |$10.00 |$22.00 |

| |Wrist Brace |$21.16 |1 |$10.00 |$31.16 |

| |Wrist Support |$5.19 |1 |$8.00 |$13.19 |

|Linkages |Wire rope (1/16''D, part #3449T14 McMaster-Carr) |$0.46 |25 |$15.00 |$26.50 |

| |Cable Sleeve Stopper (1/8"ID) |$3.00 |4 |$8.00 |$20.00 |

| |Spring (2'' length) |$8.55 |6 |$10.00 |$61.30 |

| |Pulley(1.25''OD, 1/16"rope) |$8.88 |1 |$10.00 |$18.88 |

|Force |Crank Handle(3/16'' hole Diameter) |$12.00 |1 |$10.00 |$22.00 |

|Reducers | | | | | |

| |Block and Tackle |$20 |1 |$10.00 |$30.00 |

| |  |  |  |Total |$245.03 |

5.9. Personnel

An organizational chart showing the responsibilities of each team member is shown in Figure 9.


Figure 9: Organization Chart for Pain Relief Glove

6. References

Maimoona Siddiqui, Shoaib Rasheed Siddiqui, Azra Zafar, Farrukh Shohab Khan. “Factors delaying hospital arrival of patients with acute stroke” J Pak Med Assoc Apr 2008;58(4):178-82.

American Academy Of Neurology. "Beyond Obesity: Waist-To-Hip Ratio May Be Better Predictor Of Stroke Risk." ScienceDaily 18 April 2002.


Vega, Jose. “Spasticity After Stroke” 13 May 2008.

South Nassau Communities Hospital. “Botox Injections Bring Relief to Victims of Stroke, Spine, Brain Injury”HealthNewsDigest 15 June 2008

Botox 2008

Bookspan, Jolie. “Fast Fitness - NoCost Hand Strength and Rehab Equipment.” Healthline 20 June 2008. < >


7. Appendices

7.1. Team Member Resumes


Movement of Hand

Variation of Glove Strength

Closed/Spastic Hand

Different Hand Size

Different Hand



Input Force


Open Hand






Pulley System

Nothing taller than 2 inches

20lbs of Force

Force Reduction

Reaction Forces

Spring Force

Spring Actuator

Pulley System



Finger Bracelet

Spring Actuator

Pulley System



Finger Bracelet

Sergio Valdez

2113 Crestline Dr.

Oceanside CA, 92054

(760) 754-2197


Objective: Seeking a permanent position as an entry level engineer in Mechanical Engineering to utilize my technical knowledge and gain hands on experience.


University of San Diego, 2005 - present

• Mechanical Engineering, Senior level

• GPA 3.45

• Expected Graduation: May 2009

Coursework & Lab experience:

Programming, Materials, Prob. & Stats., Circuits, Engr. Economics, Manufacturing Process, Thermal Sciences, Applied Thermodynamics, CAD & Machine Shop, Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Machine Design I

Currently taking:

Electrical Power, Com. Applications in Mechanical Engineer, Machine Design II, Senior Design Alternative Energy


JC Baldwin Construction Company, Carlsbad CA, Summers 2005-2007

Manual Labor

• Assisted civil engineer with giving tension to tie backs.

• Recorded pressure on tie backs

Home Depot, Oceanside CA, January 2004-December 2005


• Sold soil

• Assisted costumers with garden materials

Technical Skills:

Tools/Test Equipments:

CNC and manual mill and lathe, wood shop, power tools

Operating Systems:

Windows 95/98/ME/XP


Microsoft Excel/Word/PowerPoint, MATLAB, Pro/E Wildfire 3.0, C++, Lasercamm

Honors and Awards:

• California Governor’s Scholar, 2002

Personal Information:

• U.S. citizen

• Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME

• Fluent in Spanish

References available upon request

Spencer Clark Anderson

17747 Azucar Way

San Diego, CA 92127

Phone: 619-925-4427 email:

Objective: To obtain a position that provides hands-on experience and the opportunity to gain working knowledge in the engineering field. I am a committed student achieving high academic honors who is eager to bring my dedication and hard work ethic to a company that can in turn provide an environment that will enhance my engineering skills and knowledge.


University of San Diego (USD)

Status: Senior Academic GPA 3.91

Degree Matriculation: Dual Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Mechanical Engineering (ME)

ª%Planning on pursuing an MBA or Masters in Engineering


Comprehensive Model 3.91

Degree Matriculation: Dual Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Mechanical Engineering (ME)

▪Planning on pursuing an MBA or Masters in Engineering


Comprehensive Model for the Apparent Viscosity of Blood 2007 - Present

▪APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Presentation (accepted) November 2008

Work Experience

San Diego Gas & Electric May - August 2007

▪Region Engineering Intern

Principal Financial Group/C.R. Anderson June - August 2006

▪Database Management/Marketing Support

Imgenex Corporation June - August 2005

▪Biotech Lab Assistant/Marketing Support


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) President 2008 - Present, Secretary 2007-08

Alcalá Senior Honor Society Chapter of Mortar Board Member 2007 - Present

Torero Days Orientation Student Mentor Preceptorial Assistant 2007

National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Member 2005 - Present

Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISYE) Treasurer 2005-2006

Honors, Awards and Scholarships

USD Outstanding Junior Scholarship ME 2008

USD Outstanding Sophomore Scholarship ME 2007

University of San Diego Trustee Scholar 2005 - Present

National Merit Commended Scholar 2005

Building Industry Association Scholarship Recipient 2005

Skills: Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0, AutoCAD, Manual/CNC Mill and Lathe, Woodshop

Coursework & Lab Experience: Statics, Dynamics, Materials, Thermodynamics, Machine Design, Programming; Classes w/Labs: Physics (Mechanics & Waves, Electricity & Magnetism), CAD & Machine Shop, Circuits, Fluids, Heat Transfer, and Computer Applications in ME

Community Service: American Cancer Society Making Strides, American Diabetes Association, Juvenile Diabetes Teen Staff Member (Camp Wana Kura), Little League Umpire Volunteer

5998 Alcala Park Unit 475 Matthew R. Arnold 181 Stoneridge Ct.

San Diego, CA 92110 East Aurora, NY 14052

619-929-8348 716-655-8480

Objective: Seeking an (internship as an entry level engineer) in the field of Mechanical Engineering to utilize and strengthen my technical knowledge and gain hands on experience.


University of San Diego, 2005 - present

• Mechanical Engineering, Senior level

• GPA 3.31

• Expected Graduation: June 2010

Coursework & Lab experience:

Statics, Mechanics, Materials Science, Solid, Thermodynamics, Applied Thermodynamics Physics: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves, Optics; Lab Works: Physics Mechanics, Circuit Design, and Wave Analysis


Midshipman (Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps): 9/05 – Present: University of San Diego

• Developed Leadership and Management skills

• As Company First Sergeant, was responsible for the well being of over 90 Sailors and Marines

• Received Limited experience in Naval Engineering systems aboard US Navy ships

• Through the program, was cleared for a Secret Security Clearance

Construction Laborer: 6/08 – 8/08: Lancaster, NY

• Demonstrated safe behavior in a hazardous work environment

• Developed skills with heavy machinery such as plows and Bobcats

• Maintained Perfect Attendance throughout tenure

Technical Experience and Special Projects:

• Acoustic Guitar: Manufactured a fully functional acoustic guitar, using machinery in a standard wood shop.

• Boat Launch System: Designed, fabricated, assembled and analyzed a prototype of a boat launch.

Technical Skills:

• Tools/Test Equipments:

Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Band Saw, Drill Press, Hand Drafting (in addition to CAD programs), Mill, Lathe, Circular Saw

• Operating Systems:

Windows 95/98/ME/XP

• Softwares:

Microsoft Excel/Word/PowerPoint, AutoCAD 2000/2002/2006, MATLAB, CAD

Personal Information:

• U.S. citizen

• Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME (2004-present)

References available upon request

Vincent Punaloa Atofau Jennings


Permanent Address

11526 Gale Ave

Hawthorne, CA 90250



Seeking for a position as an entry level engineer in mechanical Engineering to utilize my technical knowledge and gain hands on experience.


• University of San Diego

• Major: Mechanical Engineering

• Expected Graduation date: Dec 2009


Programming (Matlab and C++), AutoCAD, Thermodynamics, Thermal Sciences, Statics, Mechanics, Material Science, Pro-E, Machine shop, Heat Transfer, Machine Design I&II, Computer Applications, and Fluid Dynamics


• Proficient using Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Project, and Visio

• Proficient with AutoCAD, Matlab, C++ programs and Pro-E Wildfire


Consolidated Electrical Supplies, San Diego CA, Warehouse Worker December 2007-Current

• Organized and relocated stock

• Filed orders for customers

• Operated forklifts

Swissport Cargo Services, Los Angeles CA, Warehouse Worker May 2007-July 2007

• Organized and relocated shipments

• Filed orders for companies

• Operated forklifts and tugs

John’s Construction, Inglewood CA, Construction Worker June- August 2006

• Renovated driveways, yards, and brick walls

• Operated hand tools such as hammer, saw, and pick

• Worked with cement, bricks and wood

USD’s Aikane Club, San Diego CA, Club Performer April 2006-Current

• Organized Island Performances

• Entertained audiences with various dances for various islands

• Participated in fundraisers


• Student athlete Football player, devoting 30 hours per week to training for NCAA Division IAA non scholarship program

• Participated as a project manager in 2006 USD Engineering Truss Design competition. In this competition, I demonstrated leadership, teamwork, and time management skills.


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