Cut, Draw, and Write Fractions

Cut, Draw, and Write Fractions! | |

|Grade Level: Third Grade |

|Assessment: Ask your student to draw 1 whole and label it using a sheet of blank paper and a writing utensil. Repeat this with 1/3,|

|1/5, 1/2, and 1/4. |

|Alignment/ Standards: |

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|Pennsylvania Department of Education State Aligned Standards |

|M3.A.1.2.1: Write the fraction that corresponds to a drawing or part of a set (numerators 1-9, denominators 2-10. No equivalent or |

|improper fractions or mixed numbers). |

|M3.A.1.2.2: Create a drawing or set that represents a given fraction (numerators 1-9, denominators 2-10. No equivalent or improper |

|fractions or mixed numbers). |

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|Common Core Standards |

|CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal |

|parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. |

|Vocabulary: |

|Fraction- Any part of a group, number, or whole. |

|Numerator- The number above the line of a fraction, showing number of parts of a whole. |

|Denominator- The bottom of a fraction. The number of groups the whole is divided into.  |

|Objectives: |

|The student will be able to draw a picture to represent a fraction correctly 4 out of 5. |

|The student will be able to write a fraction to represent a picture. |

|Essential Question: |

|How can we represent fractions? |

|Duration: |

|~15 minutes |

|Materials: |

|Paper cut into 6 equal sized circles or 6 paper plates |

|Crayons, markers, or colored pencils |

|Scissors |

|2 blank pieces of paper |

|Suggested Instructional Strategies: |

|Active Engagement- The student is coloring, cutting, and drawing fractions. |

|Modeling- The teacher models the first fraction so the student can observe the activity. |

|Skill/Concept- Throughout the lesson the students will be |

|Kinesthetic/Tactile- The students are able to physically color, create, and represent fractions. |

|Analysis- The students analyze characteristics of fractions and determine |

|Instructional Procedures: |

|Introduction |

|Today we are going practice representing fractions in different ways. We will color, write, and even cut fractions. But first, |

|let’s review what we know about fractions. When we make a whole into fractions, we need to separate it into equal pieces. When we |

|write fractions we place the numerator or the number of parts of a whole on the top and the denominator, the number of groups the |

|whole is divided into. Let’s make some fractions! |

|Have your student color each paper plate to look like a different circular object. (ex. Beach ball, pumpkin, cookie, wheel, etc.) |

|Pick one of the colored circles and a piece of paper and writing utensil. |

|Say, this is one whole paper plate. I am going to draw a picture on this paper of 1 whole and next to my picture I am going to |

|write 1 because it is one whole. |

|Repeat this process with another plate and cut it into half. Say, “This is cut into halves. I am going to draw a picture of this |

|circle and next to each piece I am going to write ½.” |

|Now it is your turn! Have students cut one of their circles into thirds, draw it, and label each piece. |

|Continue this with the last three circles, fourths, fifths and sixths allowing the student complete fifths and sixths |

|independently. |

|Conclusion: How many ways did we represent fractions? What do you think we do more often, draw or write fractions? Why? We cut, |

|wrote, and drew fractions. Let’s see if you can represent fractions without the plates. |

|Assessment: Ask your student to draw 1 whole and label it using a sheet of blank paper and a writing utensil. Repeat this with 1/3,|

|1/5, 1/2, and 1/4. |

|Modifications/ Extensions: |

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|Extension- See how many different ways you can cover the whole circle with the fraction pieces (ex. 1/2 and 2/4s = 1 whole). Keep a|

|record of your combinations. This can even be competitive. See who can find the most combinations to make 1 whole. |

|Retention- If the student is struggling with drawing fractional representations, the student can trace the fraction pieces of |

|plates onto a blank piece of paper and label them. |


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