Poetry Unit Project

Poetry Unit Portfolio

Exploring, Writing, and Analyzing

Five Different Types of Poetry

Directions to Students: You will work through the six major parts of this project, create different types of original poetry, and analyze poetry of your choosing. We will start this on Monday, December 17, 2013 and work on it during class. The finished product must include:

• a cover sheet that serves as a general title for your work

• nine illustrated original poems with analysis

• two poems of your choosing and a thorough analysis of each

• a one paragraph reflection of the project work (13 pages)

All of the above must be bound in a folder of some sort. The folder can be store-bought or handmade from a file folder, construction paper, markers, and a stapler.

The portfolio is due on Thursday, January 10, 2013. On the back of this sheet is a rubric by which your portfolio will be graded.

Poetry is FUN to read and GREAT to read aloud, but AWESOME to create!

Poetry Unit Scoring Rubric:

Cover sheet/title page is neat and complete 1 2 3 4

Free Verse Poems follow guidelines and are neat 2 4 6 8

Quatrain poetry follows guidelines and is neat 2 4 6 8

Two Haiku poems follow guidelines and are neat 2 4 6 8

Life Poem follows guidelines and is neat 1 2 3 4

Two Praise poems follow guidelines and are neat 2 4 6 8

Poetic Analysis of one choice poem is thorough 2 4 6 8

Poetic Analysis of second choice poem is thorough 2 4 6 8

Reflection of Portfolio is thorough with no errors 2 4 6 8

Poems are meaningfully illustrated 2 4 6 8

Student used time wisely during class work times 2 4 6 8

Portfolio is bound together neatly in a folder 1 2 3 4


86 to 78 points = A

67 to 58 points = B

57 to 46 points = C

45 to 36 points = D

< 36 points = F

Part 1 of Poetry Unit Project – Free Verse Poetry

Many people consider free verse to be a modern form of poetry. The truth is that it has been around for several centuries; only in the 20th century did it become one of the most popular forms of poetry. Its popularity stems from the belief that free verse is poetry without rules; after all, it doesn't rhyme, and it doesn't have a meter. However, what separates poetry from prose is the arrangement of carefully chosen words into verses.


     There's more to free verse than a sudden thought recorded on paper. It's not that no rules apply to free verse; rather, the poet makes up the rules for each poem! Free verse done well will have rhythm, though it may not have a regular beat. A variety of poetic devices may be woven throughout the piece. There may be patterns of sound and repetition. Free verse can be compared to a song that doesn't rhyme. There is still a lyric quality to it.


     It may be more difficult to write free verse than any other form, simply because the poet has more decisions to make. With a haiku, you know the exact measurement of the poem; your task is easily defined. You need only follow the rules of the pattern. With free verse, there is no pattern until the poet creates one!


     Without set rules, you are free to decide where to break your poem into stanzas. You may arrange your poem in stanzas of two or more lines. You may break at each new thought, much like paragraphs. You may break stanzas in mid-sentence to draw attention to a specific word or phrase. Like American poet Walt Whitman, you might break stanzas at the point where one would take a breath, were he or she reading aloud. It's up to you.


     As we try our hand at writing free verse, we will begin by writing our thoughts all together, without stanzas. Then we can go back and edit the words, removing unnecessary ones or choosing more powerful synonyms, and working to cut and shape the poem. We'll know we are through when we're satisfied with the message and the shape of our poem.



  First, let's analyze this short free verse poem.

|I Dream'd in a Dream |

|by Walt Whitman |

|I DREAM'D in a dream I saw a city invincible to the attacks of the |

|    whole of the rest of the earth, |

|  I dream'd that was the new city of Friends, |

|  Nothing was greater there than the quality of robust love, it led |

|    the rest, |

|  It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of that city, |

|  And in all their looks and words. |


     Walt Whitman is gone; he cannot tell us what this poem means. That is something we can only guess. So here's a thought to ponder–is this poem about a real city, or is it about friendship? How would you interpret this poem?







     Did you notice any rhyme, rhythm, consonance, assonance, alliteration, imagery, or other poetical devices? Are you getting comfortable with the idea of writing your own free verse? Before we start, let's look at two more poems written in the free verse style. The first one is a simple poem of 21 words written by American poet Carl Sandburg. It gives the reader a different mental image of fog.

|Fog |

|by Carl Sandburg |

|The fog comes |

|on little cat feet. |

| |

|It sits looking |

|over harbor and city |

|on silent haunches |

|and then moves on. |


     Notice that the first stanza has only two lines, while the second stanza has four. Also, the author used imagery in describing fog as a cat. Imagery is another poetical device with which you might wish to experiment. This is a very short poem, to state the obvious. If writing poetry leaves you feeling awkward, remind yourself that it need not be long, labored, or detailed.


     The last poem I want to share contains a completely capitalized word, two sets of parentheses, and a creatively spelled word. As you read, circle the word with the unusual spelling and underline the parenthetical phrases.

|When I read the book |

|by Walt Whitman |

|WHEN I read the book, the biography famous, |

|And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man's life? |

|And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life? |

|(As if any man really knew aught of my life, |

|Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my real |

|   life, |

|Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirections |

|I seek for my own use to trace out here.) |


     What is Whitman's impression of biographies?






     With this brief introduction to free verse, you should now see that it can be about any subject with as few or as many words as you like. You are allowed to get creative with punctuation and spellings and stanzas. It will need a title. You can choose from a variety of poetical devices, or use none at all.


     Your assignment is to create a free verse poem from your earliest childhood memory. For this exercise you will need at least two clean sheets of paper.



 First, write a paragraph in prose describing your earliest memory. Reach as far back into your past as you can and relive that memory. Don't worry about grammar and spelling. Just get your story on paper.


     Next, go back and look at the words you chose. Are they powerful? Do they evoke images or emotions? Are there synonyms that will work better? Work on the words. Are there any weak or unnecessary words? Mark those out.


     Now you are going to distance yourself from the poem. Wherever you used first person words–like “I,” “me,” “my,” “myself,” or “mine”–change them to third person. You may choose to use pronouns like “he” or “she,” or you might refer to yourself as “the child” or “the little, wide-eyed girl” or something else–the choice is yours.


     It's time to start shaping your memory into poetic form. Look at the paragraph. Where would you like your line breaks to be? Draw light lines in those places. Use thick lines to separate stanzas.


     Go to another sheet of paper and write the new version of your poem. Follow your plan for line and stanza breaks. Then, revise the lines until they look, feel, and sound (in your mind anyway) like free verse.


     Here is an example of prose turned into poetry. It is brief; feel free to include more details in your own work!


I remember feeling jealous about all the attention my baby sister got. I felt invisible!


|Jealousy |

|Hidden behind the door, watching |

|    the baby fall asleep, the little girl |

|took her half-empty bottle |

|    and drained it. |

Two Free Verse Poems are required for Part 1 of your Poetry Portfolio. Each must be accompanied by a paragraph explaining the poetic techniques used in the poem and how they assist in the meaning of the poem.

Part 2 of the Poetry Unit Project - Quatrain

  Do you know how to count in Spanish? The Spanish word for four is cuatro [KWAH-troh]. Quatrain [KWAH-train] is not a Spanish word, but both words are related to the Latin word for four. A quatrain is a four-lined, rhyming poem or stanza.


     Quatrains have several possible rhyme schemes. The first is designed as two couplets joined together with the a a b b pattern. Other rhyme patterns are a b a b, a b b a, and a b c b. There is no set number of beats required for a quatrain. You just need to make sure that you have a rhythmic pattern. You also need to come up with a title for your quatrain. Here are a few examples with the end rhymes highlighted:




| |Author unknown |

|  |Evening red and morning gray,       |

| |a |

| | |

| |Set the traveler on his way,       |

| |a |

| | |

| |But evening gray and morning red,       |

| |b |

| | |

| |Bring the rain upon his head.       |

| |b |

| | |




| |by Robert Browning |

|  |Round the cape of a sudden came the sea, |

| |       |

| |a |

| | |

| |And the sun looked over the mountain's rim: |

| |       |

| |b |

| | |

| |And straight was a path of gold for him, |

| |       |

| |b |

| | |

| |And the need of a world of men for me. |

| |       |

| |a |

| | |


     The end rhymes have been changed in the next poem. Your mission is to replace the underlined words with synonyms that complete the rhyme scheme a b a b.




| |by B. B. Covert |

|  |A candle flickers in the eventide |

| |       |

| |______________ |

| | |

| |While snow blows soft and downreaching. |

| |       |

| |______________ |

| | |

| |The gentle, glowing flame's low gleam |

| |       |

| |______________ |

| | |

| |Soon lulls the child to slumber. |

| |       |

| |______________ |

| | |


     Write a quatrain about storms and the feelings they evoke. Describe the thunder, lightning, wind, and/or rain from your memory of past storms. Who reacts to the storm? What do they do? Think it through before you start. Make sure your first end rhyme leaves you with plenty of choices for the rhyme scheme. Mark your rhyme scheme at the end of each line. Count the syllables and try to have a clear rhythmic pattern. Proofread and revise as needed.



















Two Quatrains are required for Part 2 of your Poetry Portfolio. At least one quatrain must also have a paragraph explaining how the rhyming pattern helps explain the meaning of the poem.

Poetry Unit Part 3 – Haiku

1 If you can count syllables, you can write a haiku. This is one of the easiest types of poetry to learn to write. It doesn't rhyme, and it isn't supposed to have a title. The hard part is deciding which words to use!

2 The modern haiku was fashioned by a Japanese poet named Masaoka Shiki in the late 1800's. He created this new form of poetry to present realistic portrayals of nature and life. Tradition insists that a clue to the season be included. This poem is made up of three lines only. There are only 17 syllables altogether. The pattern of syllables goes like this:

five syllables

seven syllables

five syllables

3 The tricky part is to find a way to express yourself using few words. Seventeen syllables don't allow room for lots of details or unnecessary words.

Yesterday I ate (5) - Yes/ter/day/I/ate

breakfast and grabbed my backpack (7) - break/fast/and/grabbed/my/back/pack

to hurry to school (5) - To/hur/ry/to/school

From the syllable illustration on the right you can see that I used the five-seven-five pattern. I wrote a complete sentence. You can also see that I didn't have anything interesting to share. The "haiku rules" call for a mention of the season too, but I ran out of syllables! I'll have to try a little harder this time.

Pancakes with syrup (5) - Pan/cakes/with/sy/rup

Winter's chill delayed awhile (7) - Win/ter's/chill/de/layed/a/while

The bus driver honks (5) - The/bus/dri/ver/honks

4 If the poet has done her work, you can probably imagine yourself enjoying a steaming plate of pancakes, when you are interrupted by a honk that calls you out into the cold weather. By using a few concrete details and leaving out unimportant words, we can create a word-picture and a related feeling!

What emotion did the haiku evoke in you? ________________________________

5 Let's attempt to write a haiku together. We'll describe a dark mountain

and the stream that flows down it. For the first line, you will need to provide

two syllables, and I'll provide three. You may choose two one-syllable words or

one two-syllable word.

___________________________ dark mountain

6 For the second line, I'll supply the first four syllables, leaving you to

supply three more. Be sure to include a verb and an adverb, and don't go over

three syllables!

Rushing waters _____________________________(verb + adverb)

Over muscled rocks.

7 Look at the last line. Rocks don't have muscles; however, when teaming

those two words together, I imagine big, strong, powerful rocks that the water's

great force cannot move.

8 Rewrite the completed haiku here:

9 Now you are ready to write a haiku on your own. Choose either your most favorite or least favorite season. Then choose an object that represents that like or dislike. Include both the season and related object in your haiku. Try to evoke the same emotional response in your reader that those things make you feel. Remember to use the 5-7-5 pattern of syllables!

10 Write one more haiku on a clean piece of paper. Share it with a friend and discuss why you wrote it.

Two Haiku poems are required for Part 3 of the Poetry Portfolio. Each Haiku must be accompanied by a brief explanation of how the words were chosen to convey the meaning.

Poetry Project, Part 4 - Life Poetry

1 Today we're going to learn to write poetry that celebrates your life. You are alive today; that makes you a survivor! During times of struggle, whether it be personal problems or perhaps a national attack, you can remember that you are a survivor. You are worth celebrating.

2 I call this poetry, “Life Poetry.” It is also called “catalog or list poetry.” It's easy to write. There is no rhyme or rhythm involved unless you want to use them! The only rule for “Life Poetry” is that you are honest.

3 To begin, get a clean sheet of paper. You are going to be making short lists under six headings – at six thoughts per list. After you have completed the lists, I'll explain how to turn them into a life poem.

4 Think of the room in your home where you spend most of your time. List four to six nouns that relate to that room, without naming the room! You can include verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. For example, if I were to make a list for my kitchen, I might write this: sink cluttered with dishes, the aroma of beef stew, corn flakes scattered everywhere, spotted canine looking for a treat, child proudly making breakfast for me. Those things are not always there, but they represent that room of my house! Notice that I didn't write complete sentences in my list. Make your first list. Be creative!

5 The focus of the next heading is a little larger. While the first list was about a room, this heading covers your home and yard, play area or neighborhood; the places where you primarily live. Think not only about objects in these places, but also activities and emotions that are common there. Are there any sounds or smells that are familiar to your home and play area? Choose around six thoughts (NOT sentences) for your list.

6 The third list is about your community and state. By community I mean the

country, small town, or big city where you live, local places you have visited,

and things like that. Are there any attractions where you live? For instance, if

you live in Winston-Salem, your list might include Old Salem. This list should include things with which you are familiar; you shouldn't have to research your community. Then move on to your state of North Carolina. Without naming the state, list clues that a person could use to guess your home state. What makes our state different from other states? What makes it special?

7 The fourth list is about our country. Without writing the words “America”

or “USA,” write down some of our most famous landmarks, such as the Statue of

Liberty and the Liberty Bell, and your feelings about our country and its

people. Think about how we help each other during times of crisis. Remember the

courage of our police officers, our firefighters, our military, and even our

ordinary citizens who risk their lives to protect us and keep us safe!

8 Now we'll switch gears and focus on your heritage (family). Think about your ancestors as well as your living relatives. Did they come from other lands? What types of work have they done? Don't list them all, but choose the ones that stand out in your mind. My list would include “first generation American,” and “southern textile worker.” Notice that I did not say my grandfather was… OR my dad was… How do you feel about your heritage? This list will show others the path that leads to you.

9 Your last list will be about your vision for the future, not only your future, but your family's future, and also your country's future. Are you optimistic about the future? Are you pessimistic? Do you have hopes and dreams? List all of that here. This list may include some things you enjoy now, such as music, food, sports, and so on. Again, you don't need complete sentences.

10 Now we'll take these lists and shape them into poetry. The hard part is over. Have fun with your life poem!

How to Create Your Life Poem:

11 Each list will become a separate stanza. Your first stanza is about a room. On a clean sheet of paper, after you write your heading, write “My Life Poem” (we’ll change the title later) across the top with your name underneath. Then skip a line and write “I am from,” followed by items from your list. We will use “I am from” as our repetition. Remember, this makes the reader notice the importance of the words. Dress the words up if necessary. End with the words “I am from home,” and briefly describe your feelings about it. Here is an example of the first stanza, written by a friend of mine. Can you guess which room she is describing?

12 My Life Poem

by Katie Newcastle

I am from cotton steaming hot under an iron,

From soapsuds and aprons stuffed with tissues and notes,

From fragrant loaves cooling on the brown bread board

And warm apple pies and fresh blueberry muffins.

I am from home—neat and cheery, ringing with hearty laughs.

13 Your second stanza should follow the same pattern as the first, beginning

with the words, “I am from,” and listing thoughts about your home and play area.

Each line should begin with the word “From” or “And” (repetition again!)

14 Follow that with stanzas for your community and state, and for your country – still beginning each stanza with the words, “I am from.”

15 Your fifth stanza will reveal your heritage. Don't worry about making it seem good. While most of us have someone in our lineage that makes us proud, most people also have a “black sheep” (METAPHOR!!!!) in their family – one or more relatives or ancestors whose character and behavior was less than perfect. You aren't required to include them in your poem, but you needn't feel embarrassed about them, either. After all, you are a survivor! Whomever you choose to include, feel free to use adjectives. Katie N. wrote this about her heritage:


I am from stern stuff; my core is hard, cold steel,

From short bossy Irish and sturdy Norwegians,

From tall southern farmer and dedicated German teacher,

From resourceful mechanic to strict Methodist pastor,

Electronic technician to mom at home, fighting for me.

17 Your final stanza will be your vision for the future. You will once again

begin this stanza with, “I am from.” The last line will present a specific

thought about the future as you imagine it.

18 After you finish this rough draft of your life poem, read through it and mark any changes, additions, or deletions you need to make. Rewrite, shape, and polish your poem. Read it aloud to see how it sounds. It should flow smoothly from one idea to the next. Lastly, change the title if you want. This can create a mood or expectation about the poem. Be sure to keep the title brief.

Final notes: Nothing has to rhyme; don‘t worry about it. If you choose to employ rhyme, that is great, but not necessary. Remember, free verse is very effective as a poetic tool. Each stanza should be a minimum of four lines. Be thorough. Do not think in a minimalist manner! To summarize the lesson, here is the format that our life poetry will follow:

Stanza 1 – the room in which you spend the most time

Stanza 2 – your house and yard

Stanza 3 – your community or state

Stanza 4 – your relatives or ancestors (heritage)

Stanza 5 – your country

Stanza 6 – your vision for the future

Your final copy can be handwritten (very neatly) or typed on a computer. This will become Part 4 of your Poetry Portfolio. No paragraph or explanation is required although it would count as extra credit.

Look at what you have written!! You should be very proud of yourself, because you are a POET, and you didn’t KNOW IT!!! (RHYME!)

Part 5 of the Poetry Unit Project – African Praise Poetry

1 How do you feel about yourself? Today we are going to explore the subject of African praise poetry, and you will learn how to reveal yourself in poetic form.

2 The African culture is steeped in oral tradition. One of those traditions is the praise song. It is a spoken poem about a person. Each line in the poem gives one "praise name." A praise name is a colorful description (imagery) of some aspect of the person. The praise song could be chanted to a drum beat or performed as a song.

3 The African call-and-response form can be used in a praise poem. The poet speaks (calls) a line of the poem, and the audience responds on cue with its line. The audience will repeat the same line throughout the poem; each of the poet's lines will be different.

4 Rhythm and sound are important, but rhyme is not. You will need to speak your poem aloud and listen for a beat. You may need to edit it for a better sound.

5 Your praise poem will describe your heritage, your unique qualities, and your emotions. Other "names" that reveal who you are could be your height, color, talent, a favored animal or natural object, and the way you walk. Your given name comes first, but there is no specific order for the rest of the lines. You may write five lines about yourself, or you may write twelve. You are encouraged to try for ten. Your words should give others a clear picture of you. However, don't feel as if you must divulge your every secret. Reveal those aspects that you are comfortable in revealing, and retain a little mystery to keep life interesting.

6 We will work our way through two versions of African praise poetry. The second version will include call-and-response lines. That will be the line your audience says. You can choose what you would like them to say about you. It should be important, since it will be repeated several times! It can be about a talent, interest, or dream for the future.

7 The easiest part of this project is the first line. That is where you will put your first name. Take a clean sheet of paper and begin.

8 The second line can reveal the meaning of your name, or interesting events about your birth. For instance, a person born in the back of a taxi could write, "Born on wheels."

9 The third line could reveal your heritage. You might write a brief but vivid description of your skin color. You might list the nationality of your ancestors. You could include each of those items in separate lines. It is your praise poem. You can write it as you please!

10 The next line may offer something more personal to the listener. Perhaps you describe your height, your hair, your style, or a feature that makes you stand out. Choose one feature-two at the most.

11 Next, choose something that represents your personality. If you are always laughing, you might write, "In tune with the hyena" or "kin to bubbling brook." You are welcome to include more than one item in this line.

12 Do you have a passion or a special talent? Using imagery, describe it in the next line. A candy-maker might write, "Sugary delights mastered and shared."

13 Do you have a pet or feel a special tie to a certain species of animal? The next line will be about your love of that animal. If you fear or dislike a certain animal, you can write about that. Another choice would be to choose a natural object, such as a water or land formation or a specific plant.

14 You may include as many other revelations about yourself as you wish. If music is a big part of your life, you may include a line about it. The last line will sum up the wholeness of you. One person, whose life's ambition was to be a veterinarian, ended her praise poem in this way: "Helper of animals." Another person might write, "Fountain of curiosity, flowing toward wisdom." That would indicate the person's interest in learning.

15 Here are two examples of praise poetry and the meaning of the lines. One is a simple praise poem while the other is call-response praise poem that I found on the internet. After looking these over, prepare to write your own poems. Include the meaning of your lines to show your understanding of this assignment (the meanings won't be considered part of the poem.) You may need an extra sheet of paper to brainstorm your ideas.

16 Praise Poem - Meaning

Page (My name)

Paper (One of the meanings of my name)

Born in thunder (I was born during a storm)

Shamrocks, scones, and challah (of Irish, British, and Polish/Jewish ancestry)

Different eyes, always watchful (2 different colored eyes that look for things)

Treads the path of lions (I claim the lion's strength and pride)

Whispers to the gentle ladybug (I love being quiet and sometimes feel small)

Bone of steel and blood of green (I have a strong will and am a Girl Scout)

Romps with puppy, talks with dogs (I like to play with my three dogs)

Guiding beacon, peaceful port (I am a teacher and an encourager)

[Call:] [Response:]

Barron Future president

of noble blood Future president

from four hearts sprung Future president

chocolate silk Future president

fireworks and grand parades Future president

calls insects by name Future president

brain of gears and springs Future president

protector of felines Future president

Seeks adventure, embraces dreams Future president


Barron (the name of a 12-year-old boy)

of noble blood (the meaning of his name)

from two hearts sprung (two hearts stand for his birth parents)

chocolate silk the color of his skin, (representing African ancestry)

fireworks and grand parades (loves noise, excitement, and people)

calls insects by name (bugs fascinate him, and he has a collection)

brain of gears and springs (enjoys mechanical objects and building things)

protector of felines (stops cat fights and stops sister from tail-pulling)

seeks adventure, embraces dreams (is active and optimistic)

17 What is your name's meaning?

18 Which emotion will your poem reflect?






19 After writing one praise poem about yourself, write one to honor an important person in your life. Be sure to edit your poetry for grammar and spelling errors. Write each one on a separate piece of paper.

Two praise poems are required for Part 5 of the Poetry Portfolio. Each must be accompanied by an explanatory paragraph.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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