


1. 4-5 min Presentation on Elements: (55 pts)

• Your presentation must include the following information: Element name, Symbol, Atomic #, Atomic Mass, Melting Point, Boiling Point, and Normal Phase. Then add at least 6 different facts such as: Appearance, Cost, Nonmetal/Metal/Metalloid, Origin of Name, Discovery & Date, Uses, Where it’s found, Interesting Information.

• It is strongly encouraged to make a PowerPoint to teach your information; however, if you choose not to, you will need to bring in 2 pictures of your element for the class to see.

• NOTE: You will be graded on the length of the presentation – if you go over or under, you will be docked.

2. Test Questions: (15 pts)

• You will create 4 tests questions, which must follow this format: 2 multiple choice and 2 T/F. Test questions will be typed out 1-4 and then an answer key MUST be included at the bottom of the paper

3. Complete the Adopt-An-Element information sheet. (30 pts)

• You may use a variety of reference sources. Possible ideas are encyclopedias, science catalogs, magazines, and internet sites*. Information sheets must be neat, written in black ink, and contain all the information requested. You also need to provide a list of your sources on the back of your information sheet. A minimum of three sources are required.

*Excellent Internet Sites:


Fact Sheet

Name ____________________________________

Element ___________________________

Cost = __________ for __________

Classification: ○Nonmetal ○Metal ○Metalloid

Origin of Name ____________________________________________________________________

Discovered by ______________________________________________________ in ________(year)

Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass

______________ ______________ ______________

Melting Point Boiling Point Normal Phase

____________oC ____________oC ______________

Interesting Info: May include important uses, interesting facts, appearance, etc.







Write down references on the back of this paper

(must have at least 3 different sources)!!!

Grade Sheet

Name ________________________________________

Time Started:______

Time Ended: ______


1) 4-5 min Presentation on Element:

a. Prepared to present (10pts)

b. Time (10 pts): ________

c. PP or Pictures (10 pts): ________

d. Professional/ Delivery (20 pts): ________

e. Included Correct Information (5 pts): ________

2) Test Questions:

a. Correct Format (5 pts) ________

b. Test Questions (5 pts) ________

c. Answer Key (5 pts) ________

3) Complete an Adopt-An-Element information sheet:

a. Filled out completely (20pts) ________

b. 3 separate sources used (10) ________

Total Points = __________ out of 100 = __________% A B C D F


Adopt An Element

Project List Teacher Information

Hydrogen ______________________________________________

Helium ______________________________________________

Lithium ______________________________________________

Beryllium ______________________________________________

Boron ______________________________________________

Carbon ______________________________________________

Nitrogen ______________________________________________

Oxygen ______________________________________________

Fluorine ______________________________________________

Neon ______________________________________________

Sodium ______________________________________________

Magnesium ______________________________________________

Aluminum ______________________________________________

Silicon ______________________________________________

Phosphorus ______________________________________________

Sulfur ______________________________________________

Chlorine ______________________________________________

Argon ______________________________________________

Potassium ______________________________________________

Calcium ______________________________________________

Titanium ______________________________________________

Vanadium ______________________________________________

Chromium ______________________________________________

Iron ______________________________________________

Cobalt ______________________________________________

Nickel ______________________________________________

Copper ______________________________________________

Zinc ______________________________________________

Gallium ______________________________________________

Arsenic ______________________________________________

Selenium ______________________________________________

Bromine ______________________________________________

Krypton ______________________________________________

Silver ______________________________________________

Cadmium ______________________________________________

Tin ______________________________________________

Antimony ______________________________________________

Iodine ______________________________________________

Xenon ______________________________________________

Tungsten ______________________________________________

Platinum ______________________________________________

Gold ______________________________________________

Mercury ______________________________________________

Lead ______________________________________________

Radon ______________________________________________

Uranium ______________________________________________


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