Powered by student voices - TASB


Governance Seminar

Powered by student voices




We are delighted to host the Winter Governance Seminar for the second time in Galveston! WGS offers specialized, interactive learning for all school board members, no matter their years of experience. Unique to this event, attendees experience smaller sessions that foster collaboration in an adaptive environment. You'll notice some exciting additions to our agenda and some new ways for you to engage with the content in the program. As always, we hope you enjoy the opportunity to learn, connect, and grow.



Sessions at WGS are primarily for school board members, and most topics are appropriate for ALL audience types and experience levels unless noted for newly elected school trustees in their first year of service.

The following topic notations have been added at the end of each descriptor to provide attendees with a quick glimpse of the session's focus. Also noted are which sessions will be presented by TASB staff.

District Culture Engagement and Advocacy Fiscal Responsibility Policy and Legal Student Achievement Student Voice Visionary Team

H TASB Staff Presentation


"Regiception"...................................................................................... 4:30?6 p.m. Packet pick-up, meet and greet, student entertainment Preconference Sessions..................................................................... 5?8:30 p.m.


Registration and Breakfast....................................................................... 7?8 a.m. General Session.................................................................................. 8?9:15 a.m. Breakout....................................................................................... 9:30?10:45 a.m. Breakout...................................................................................11 a.m.?12:15 p.m. Lunch........................................................................................... 12:15?1:15 p.m. Breakout......................................................................................... 1:30?2:45 p.m. Breakout.............................................................................................. 3?4:15 p.m. Reception....................................................................................... 4:30?5:30 p.m.


Registration and Breakfast....................................................................... 7?8 a.m. General Session.................................................................................. 8?9:15 a.m. Breakout....................................................................................... 9:30?10:30 a.m. Students Inspired*...................................................................... 10:30?11:15 a.m. Breakout..............................................................................11:15 a.m.?12:15 p.m. Lunch............................................................................................ 12:15?1:15 p.m. Student Voices Panel...................................................................... 1:15?1:45 p.m. Breakout................................................................................................... 2?3 p.m. Students Inspired*.............................................................................. 3?3:30 p.m. Breakout......................................................................................... 3:30?4:30 p.m.

*NEW! In addition to students presenting and copresenting sessions, we've added an opportunity for students to lead hands-on activities in an informal, exhibit-style setting.


Breakfast by the Bay................................................................................ 7?8 a.m. Connecting the Dots................................................................................ 8?9 a.m. General Session............................................................................9:15?10:30 a.m.


General Session Speakers

Thursday, February 21 Anne Grady Speaker, Author, Parent

Anne Grady is not your typical motivational speaker. She is a bestselling author, two-time TEDx speaker, trainer, survivor, optimist, inspirer, and truthbomb dropper.

Anne has a master's degree in organizational communication and has spent the last 20 years working with some of the largest organizations around the globe.

She has become known as an expert on communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience, contributing to Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, and FOX Business, among other organizations.

Audiences love her raw honesty, edgy humor, authenticity, and insight. Anne shares inspiring personal stories, cutting-edge, research-based content, and implementation tools to transfer learning into real-life situations, helping to improve relationships, navigate change, and triumph over adversity. And she'll make you laugh while she does it.

In her first book, 52 Strategies for Life, Love & Work, Anne provides practical strategies to improve relationships, increase productivity, and reduce stress. In her most recent book, Strong Enough: Choosing Courage, Resilience and Triumph, Anne draws from her personal life experiences that touch the hearts and minds of audience members, helping them use adversity as a catalyst to grow "strong enough."

Friday, February 22 Student Voices Students, Leaders, Activists

Friday's general session will showcase student leaders in the Student Voice movement who will share personal narratives and experiences in a conversation about public school climate. Students will be prompted to think critically about the ways school policy has impacted their learning. Audience members will walk away with examples of ways to engage students in the governance process.

Andrew Brennen will serve as the moderator. Andrew is a senior at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he majors in political science. He cofounded the Prichard Committee Student Voice Team in 2012 as a junior in high school. Andrew helped launch and lead a number of projects to amplify and elevate students as partners in improving Kentucky schools. Andrew is now the National Field Director for Student Voice, a national organization with the goal of bridging the gap between students and the education community. He has led a nationwide tour with the goal of engaging thousands of students across the country through a platform called the "Student Bill of Rights".

Andrew has assisted a wide range of organizations in engaging students, including The White House, The Obama Foundation, The Hewlett Foundation, Google, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, XQ, and SXSW EDU.

Post photos. Connect with other attendees.

Share what you've learned! # wingov19


Saturday, February 23 Poet Ali Motivational Speaker, Writer, Creative Troubadour

Poet Ali is a motivational speaker, actor, writer, and hip-hop troubadour. He uses his many talents to simultaneously entertain and teach, making him right at home on the biggest stages in the world. Poet has toured global stages in Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and most of the United States and has been invited to share his talents at multiple national and international conferences, including the prestigious TED Talks stage.

Poet is currently on tour reaching out to youth through his music, empowerment, and activism. At his production studio in Long Beach, California, he works with artists, producers, and writers from all over the world. He is passionate about supporting a variety of causes, and education is one of those in the forefront of his work. He seeks to inspire and help adults and students reach their fullest potential, and he does it with a "matter of fact" rawness that resonates with all walks of life.


Special student performance by POET ALI on Friday, February 22, 2?3 p.m.

For the first time ever, we are offering a unique free session presented by Poet Ali for students and district staff participating in WGS!


With any learning experience, it's best to have goals and expectations decided upon before beginning the adventure. Take a moment to think about what you'd like to walk away with from your Winter Governance experience.

We've included a few prompts to get you started. As you fill them out think about:

What do I hope to learn to make me a better school board member?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

What are two or three things my district is working on that I might learn more about from a presentation or by asking fellow attendees?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Are there some ideas being presented during this event that my community could benefit from in addition to my district?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Now that you've made your list, check it frequently to remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish while you're here with us in Galveston!





4?6:30 p.m. Regiception will automatically be added to your agenda for Thursday-Saturday attendees. Attendees can pick up their packets, grab a snack, and listen to music by Clear Creek ISD students.

Preconference Sessions 5?8:30 p.m.

Newly Elected Board Members: Orientation to the Texas Education Code Orientation to the Texas Education Code (TEC) is required for all newly elected or appointed school board members in Texas. The purpose of this training is to provide new board members with an overview of the structure of the TEC and important information found in the code. This training will provide insight into the laws that govern public education in the state of Texas. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the portions of the TEC related to the roles and responsibilities of school trustees and superintendents. Presenter: Robby McGowen, Deputy Executive Director, Division of Support Services, Region 4 Education Service Center ? Spinnaker

Board Officers' Academy (BOA): The "You Decide" Preconference This preconference session, with a special focus on board officers, was designed by the attendees. The discussion will include two presentations that were voted on during registration, "Important Tools for Meeting Preparation" and "Effectively Engaging Your

Community." H

? "Important Tools for Meeting Preparation" will introduce two important tools--an agenda calendar and a customizable background information form for agenda items. You will also be provided with tips for reviewing draft agendas.

? "Effectively Engaging Your Community" will focus on the unique opportunity you have as trustees and officers of public schools to improve the exchange of information with your community. To get your community more engaged with their public schools, it's important to learn and practice some techniques to positively connect with your community.

Presenter: David Koempel, Senior Consultant, TASB Leadership Team Services ? Yacht

Special thanks to our event sponsors


T R E V I ? O R U S S O & K Y L E P. C . *Exclusive sponsor for Student Voices.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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