Date and Time

Product Time Tracking Table

Below the blank table, you’ll see two sample tables to show you what the table might look like at the beginning of the week (with the first three columns completed) and at the end of the week (with the remaining columns completed). This tracking table assumes a standard commitment of 15 minutes a day, five days a week, so only target times are listed.

|Date and Time |Intended Target |What I intend to work on (Target |Actual Time |What I actually did |Reward |How I feel about today’s writing |What I want to focus on next time|

| |Time |task) | | | | | |

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|Date and Time |Intended Target |What I intend to work on (Target |Actual Time |What I actually did |Reward |How I feel about today’s writing |What I want to focus on next time|

| |Time |task) | | | | | |

|Monday |1 hour |Revise Place of Refuge | | | | | |

|5/24/10 |9:30 – 10:30 am | | | | | | |

|Tuesday |15 min |Revise Place of Refuge | | | | | |

|5/25/10 |4 – 4:15 pm | | | | | | |

|Wed |2 hours |Research exercise effects on brain | | | | | |

|5/26/10 |11:30 am– 1:30 pm | | | | | | |

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|Thursday |2.5 hours |Cluster ideas for Self-Care chapter | | | | | |

|5/27/10 |1 – 3:30 pm |of AWB | | | | | |

|Friday 5/28/10 |1 hour |Gather freewrites and relevant class | | | | | |

| |3 – 4 pm |notes t for Self-Care chapter of AWB | | | | | |

|Date and Time |Intended Target |What I intend to work on (Target |Actual Time |What I actually did |Reward |How I feel about today’s writing |What I want to focus on next time|

| |Time |task) | | | | | |

|Monday |30 min |Place of Refuge revision |50 min |Read pages 1-16 made minor |50 cents |Tired – I should have made time for this |Place of Refuge or Sun query |

|5/10/10 |10:00 – 10:30 am | |10:10 – 11:00 |deletions | |earlier in the day |(waiting for feedback from |

| | | |pm | | | |Sherri) |

|Tuesday |30 min |Send JBT/Sun query |30 min |Finalized query and mailed |Dark chocolate |Good. Accomplished. Quietly satisfied. |Revise Place of Refuge |

|5/11/10 |4:00 – 4:30 pm | |4:00-4:30 | | | | |

|Wed |3 hours |Revise Place of Refuge – cut 1500 |At least 3 hours |Revised Place of Refuge – cut|Bought a chocolate|Good. Accomplished. Excited about this |Revise Place of Refuge |

|5/12/10 |9 am to noon |words |throughout the day |almost 1100 words, only 385 |for when I send |challenge. | |

| | | | |to go |the story | | |

|Thursday |2 hours |Review Place of Refuge |1.75 hour |Revised Place of Refuge – |$1 |Excited, engaged. Great! |Proofread Place of Refuge and |

|5/13/10 |12 to 2 pm |Send to |1 - 2:45 pm |down to 4,999 words | | |submit to |

| | | |30 min 9:30-10 pm | | | | |

| | | | |Final proof –ready to submit | | | |

| | | | |tomorrow | | | |

|Friday |1 hour |Visit Writers Market online |20 min |Submit Place of Refuge (5000 |Dark chocolate |Good – but other frustrations of the day |Check Writers Market online for |

|5/14/10 |11 to noon | |12:40-1 pm |words) to |candy |are dampening my excitement about this. |novella publishers and contests |

| | | | |novella@ | | | |

| | | | |contest | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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