CCRPI Innovative Practice - Jefferson County School District

Louisville Middle School

School Improvement Initiatives


• RTI Process- Incorporation of Class Works system consistently into our practice. PBIS implementation-Behavior management teams- Read 180/System 44 programs for Reading Instruction for struggling readers.

• CCGPS Unit Development- Continue professional learning system wide to strengthen our instructional strategies and assessment practices. Pervasive use of GA Framework activities to promote rigor. Monthly meetings by content.

• APPEX- Incorporation of APPEX through our connection classes to challenge high achieving students and add rigor to curriculum. Work to provide opportunities for High School credit and classes to high achieving 8th grade students.

• Saturday School/Writer Workshops/After School tutorials- Continue to provide Saturday School 2X monthly during second semester leading up to the CRCT. Continue Saturday Writers Workshop classes for students leading up to the 8th grade State Writing Assessment. After School tutorials that are laser focused to content, standards concepts, and domains. Emphasis on special needs students.

• Double Dose Mathematics- Every student will take at least two math classes per day. Data Driven scheduling.

• Academic Connection Classes- Math, Writing, Reading- Data driven to ensure extra safety nets for struggling students and also for extension and enrichment for high achieving students. Spanish classes for all students to aide in High School transition and getting our students post secondary ready.

• Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)- Use of lexiles to target, drive, and progress monitor student achievement for instruction and reading growth.

• Write Score- 2X per year. To target, drive, and progress monitor student writing achievement for instruction and writing growth.

• Teachers as Advisors- Monthly scheduled advisor classes to assist with communication, building relationships, and progress monitoring.

• Mentoring Program- Community/School Mentoring Program to aide with progress monitoring of academics and behaviors. Mentors are volunteers from the community who have gone through training.

• Master Schedule- Flexible and Data Driven master schedule which includes academic connection classes and two periods of exploration for students to provide extension for high achieving students and safety nets for struggling students. Also allows for advancing our professional learning activities and opportunities.

• Instructional Framework- Full implementation of common instructional framework to improve and enhance instructional practices in all content areas. Framework will intertwine with TKES, with emphasis on differentiated instruction, data driven flexible groups, constructive response questions, and reading strategies across all content areas.

• Parent Resource Center- Incorporated into media center for parent use. Technology and digital resources will be available for parents in aiding their children with school work. Resources are available for parent use.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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