|Launching Writer’s Workshop/Personal Narrative |
|3rd Grade |
|Desired Results for the Unit |
|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |
|- Students will learn that small details of their lives are worth capturing. |
|- Students will have a small repertoire of strategies for generating ideas in narrative writing. |
|- Students carry their knowledge of qualities of good writing into this new genre continuing to incorporate writing strategies into personal narratives. |
|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|
|Students will understand that… |actions?) |
|- They need a clear idea of what matters most |- What strategies do you use to create strong images for your small moments? |
|- What is worth remembering |- How did you create a mood by using setting, internal thinking, dialogue or action? |
|- And a sense of importance. |- How did your writing capture your audience’s attention? |
|- Understand the author’s intent and what the author thinks is important and is trying to communicate. | |
|Assessment Evidence |
|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |
|- Students will transfer a piece from their writer’s notebook to loose leaf and present orally to the |should be collected?) |
|class. |- Conferencing |
|- Students will publish one small moment personal narrative. |- Reader’s Response Journal Entries |
| |- Share with the class |
|Resources |
|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |
|- Mentor texts |- Loose leaf paper |
|- Breathing Life into Essays by Lucy Calkins |- Writer’s notebooks |
| |- Drawing paper |
|Date | MONDAY | TUESDAY 9-8-09 | WEDNESDAY 9-09-09 | THURSDAY 9-10-09 |FRIDAY 9-11-09 |
|WEEK 1: |Possible Read Alouds: |Readers Understand the Schedule of |Readers are Listeners and Thinkers |Readers Choose Books in Many Ways |Readers Pick Just Right Books |
|Reading |Charlotte’s Web |Reading Workshop |Connect: Ya know… readers not only listen |Connect: Our library is set up in a way so|Connect: Yesterday we talked about the |
|Workshop |Phantom Tollbooth |Readers walk to the rug and find a |to their own thinking - they also listen |that it’s easy to find books. Show system|different ways that readers choose books. I |
| |Stuart Little |spot… |when something is read aloud so today I |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach you |remember when I was little - I wanted to |
| |The Miraculous Journey of |Connect: I am going to be teaching you |want to teach you a couple of things that |that readers can choose books in many |impress my teachers and friends and I would |
| |Edward Tulane |to be better readers and thinkers in |we can practice right away. Readers are |ways. I chose this book by… add to chart |pick big fat books so that they would think I |
| |Because of Winn Dixie |what I call reading workshop. |active listeners -and active listeners do |of Readers Choose Books in Many Ways What |was really smart etc. |
| | |Teach/Model: I want you to understand |these things: |are some other ways we can choose books? |Teach/Model: Readers pick books that are just |
| | |the structure of the workshop. So, |Active Listeners |I want you to reflect on yourself as a |right for them. Just right books are books |
| | |every day during reading workshop, I |Focus eyes on the speaker |reader. (By: author, subject, genre, |that are a tiny bit challenging - they give |
| | |will read aloud and teach you a mini |Remain quiet |topic, cover, blurb, amount of text, |you a few chances to solve unfamiliar words |
| | |lesson that will help make you a better|Keep your body still |recommendation) I want you to really |and many chances to practice thinking like |
| | |reader and thinker – you’ll have time |Clear your mind |think about the way you do it. While I |we’ve been doing. So, my job during |
| | |to practice it with me and then |Use reading strategies |read aloud to you today - I want to show |independent reading right now will be to make |
| | |independently back at your seats. |-visualize |you how I’m thinking while I’m reading. |sure that you can select a just right book for|
| | |Finally we’ll all come back to the rug |-predict |Today I’m going to show you how I might |yourself. So, let’s say you pick a book and |
| | |for a share. |-question |stop and question to help me make sense |you’re reading and you get stuck - so much |
| | |So let’s try it now: I am going to |-summarize |and understand. Listen as I read… |that you can’t even remember what’s going on |
| | |read aloud from ____________ and today |Teach/Model: While I read and model for |Remember to practice some active listening|in the story - what do you do? Set up rules - |
| | |I want to talk to you about how readers|you another way that readers are thinkers |strategies. Which ones will you practice?|chart |
| | |are thinkers. While I read I’m going |I want you to pick one or two listening |1-2 students? Read aloud. Hmm… I wonder |Listen as I read… Today I want to show you how|
| | |to share with you some of my thinking. |strategies to try to see if that helps you|why…? |I can retell while I read - which helps me to |
| | |I predict that… |to think while you hear me read. I want |Active Engagement: Now you try asking an |follow the story. It gives me time to process|
| | |Active Engagement: So now you have a |to show you how I visualize while I read. |“I wonder” question while I continue |or digest what’s going on - That’s something |
| | |try… |That helps me to understand what’s going |reading. Turn and talk and tell a partner|good readers do. |
| | |Link: After you take a book from a bin |on in the story. Let me show you that… |your I wonder question -brief share |Active Engagement: Today, I want you to |
| | |at your table, I want you to practice |Pick a listening strategy and practice it |Link: When you go back for independent |choose a book like we talked about yesterday |
| | |thinking while you are reading and try |while you listen. |reading, I want you to practice your |and when you bring it back to your seat I want|
| | |to make a prediction (think about what |Active Engagement: Now you practice |thinking try questioning while you read- |you to make sure that it’s a just right book |
| | |will happen next) |visualizing while I read the next little |that will make you understand better |for you. It shouldn’t be too easy or too |
| | |Conference: If able |part…Turn and talk and tell which strategy|Conference: If able |challenging |
| | |Share: A few students can share their |you used to help you be a better listener.|Share: A few students |Link: During independent reading I want you to|
| | |thinking |We will practice being active listeners | |practice your thinking try retelling to |
| | | |each day until you own it! | |yourself and then we’ll talk about how that |
| | | |Link: When you go back for independent | |helps. I want to conference with 2 people to |
| | | |reading, I want you to practice your | |make sure they are choosing just right books |
| | | |thinking and try to visualize - make a | |and give them a reader to reader interview |
| | | |picture in your mind while you read. | |(attachment) |
| | | |Conference: If able | |Conference: 2 students if able |
| | | |Share: A few students | |Share: A few students |
|WEEK 1: | |Intro to Writing Workshop |Starting the Writing Workshop |Generating More Writing |Qualities of Good Writing: Focus, |
|Writing Workshop | |Connect: Just like in reading |Writers generate personal narratives by|Writers sometimes think of a |Detail and Structure |
| | |workshop where we work in a structure|thinking of a person and listing the |meaningful place, list small moments |Writers focus their stories - They |
| |*Set up writing folders for each |- whole class on the rug, independent|small moments they remember about him |related to it, select one and write |tell stories in scenes rather than |
| |student |work at desks, a conference time and |or her. |about it |summaries |
| | |then a whole class share time - we’re| | | |
| | |going to work in writing workshop. | | | |
| | |Review schedule |Connect: Remember yesterday’s story – | | |
| | |Teach/Model: Today, I’m going to show|well we are all story tellers. We have | | |
| | |you how we will visit the writing |funny times, sad times, embarrassing |Connect: Remember how I shared my |Connect: For the past couple of days |
| | |supply area., take a pencil, stamp |times etc. I keep a writer’s notebook |list with you. Well today I want to |we’ve been generating story ideas. |
| | |the date on a notebook page or paper.|where I record my stories. |show you how I can list meaningful |Today we’re going to start talking |
| | |Watch as I stamp mine. |Teach/Model: Today I’m going to show |places and list small moments related|about zooming in to make the writing |
| | |After the mini lesson on the rug |one way writers generate narrative |to it. |more interesting to our readers or |
| | |today, I’m going to ask each student |stories. Sometimes when you’re writing|Teach/Model: |audience. For ex. |
| | |to do the same. Students will come |you can’t think of what to write so one|Active Engagement: |Teach/Model: Let me show you how I |
| | |back to the carpet for the mini |way is make a list of people who are |Link: |can |
| | |lesson. Today I want to show you how|special to me. Model a list – Choose a|Conference: |Active Engagement: |
| | |good writers write about a topic or |person and a time/story Tell it orally |Share: |Link: |
| | |story idea. Watch as I think about |and model the writing. | |Conference: |
| | |my trip to Maine. I will write about|Active Engagement: Turn and talk a | |Share: |
| | |the time when we went to the beach |personal story (for those who can’t | | |
| | |and the seagulls swooped down and ate|think of a story – conference on the | | |
| | |my sandwich. Model it |rug) | | |
| | |Active Engagement: Students get |Link: Today we’re going to go back ad | | |
| | |paper, pencil, write their names and |write a story – if you can’t think of a| | |
| | |wait for date stamp/write the date |story – write a list of people who are | | |
| | |Link: When you work independently |important to you first then pick one | | |
| | |today, try to think about a story |and… | | |
| | |you want to tell and write it. |Conference: Try to work with one | | |
| | |Conference: Try to work with one |student (Check in with many) | | |
| | |student (Check in with many) |Signal and students return pencils | | |
| | |Signal and students return pencils |Share: I worked with: Can you share | | |
| | |Share: I worked with: Can you share |your writing with the whole class? Can| | |
| | |your writing with the whole class? |another student share her writing? | | |
| | |Can another student share her | | | |
| | |writing? | | | |
|Date | MONDAY 9-14-09 |TUESDAY 9-15-09 |WEDNESDAY 9-16-09 |THURSDAY 9-17-09 |FRIDAY 9-18-09 |
|WEEK 2: |Readers Think and Talk About Their|How to Buzz Effectively (Accountable Talk)|Good readers understand the difference between |Readers Keep a Record of Their |Readers Have Jobs During Reading |
|Reading |Reading |Read Ish by Peter Reynolds - abridge it as|fiction and non fiction |Reading |Workshop |
|Workshop | |needed | | |Question |
| |Connect: We’ve been doing some | | |Connect: Readers keep a record of |Chart |
| |great thinking as readers. Today |Connect: Yesterday, we spent some time |Connect: There are different types of books – good|their reading to keep track of the |Teacher’s role during independent |
| |I want to teach you how good |talking in partnerships - I want to make |readers notice that the books they are reading are|kinds of books that interest you and |reading vs. Students’ roles during |
| |readers think and retell a part of|that go more smoothly… |different genres or types. |to meet the state standard. |independent reading |
| |the story while they listen. |Teach/Model: Listen as I read a part of |Teach/Model: We’ve been choosing just right books|Teach/Model: Let me show you how to | |
| |Teach/Model: When readers retell, |Ish and then turn and talk to a partner. |today we’re going to be looking at the two |fill out the form. Sometimes I’m not | |
| |they tell as much detail as |Fish bowl. Chart : Good partners… Read |different kinds we find in the library – fiction |going to read aloud to you, I’m going| |
| |possible as a way to gain |the rest Active Engagement: Partnership |and non fiction. Hold up book you’re reading |to have you read along with me. I |Connect: Readers have jobs during |
| |understanding. Pick some listening|will practice retelling |and/or other books |call this shared reading. Let me |reading workshop – what is your job |
| |strategies you will practice right|Link: Today when you go back to your seats|Active Engagement: Determine which is which – |show you how that will work. Listen |during independent reading? We read|
| |now. Listen as I read this |read and practice retelling because it can|true, accurate information , not true |and follow with your eyes as I read |silently and practice the strategy to|
| |passage from… Here’s what I’m |help you understand what you are reading |Link: When you go back today I want you to read |aloud this section of… that I blew up|help us to be better thinkers. |
| |thinking as I read… Model the |Conference: 2 students |and decide whether your book is fiction or non |on chart paper. Now we’ll read it |What’s my job during independent |
| |retelling you do to yourself as |Share: A few students |fiction and how you know |together. Good readers make their |reading - |
| |you read. You see, then I can | |Conference: 2 students |reading sound like talking to make it|Teach/Model: Today I want to show you|
| |turn to a partner (or all of you, | |Share: A few students |more interesting. Model choppy and |how good readers ask questions while |
| |in this case) and easily recall | | |then smooth |they read: Listen as I read aloud |
| |and retell Good readers not only| | |Active Engagement: Students read |from… I stop and ask myself… I wonder|
| |think while they read - they are | | |along with expression |why or I wonder how etc. |
| |able to talk about their reading | | |Link: When you go back to your seat |Active Engagement: Have a try! Listen|
| |and their understandings. | | |practice reading in your head with |as I read… turn and talk to a partner|
| |Active Engagement: Now you have a | | |expression |and tell them an I wonder question |
| |try while I read this part… | | |Conference: 2 students |Link: When you go back to your seat |
| |Link: During independent reading I| | |Share: A few students |practice thinking and asking yourself|
| |want you to practice your thinking| | | |a question |
| |try retelling to yourself and then| | | |Conference: 2 students |
| |we’ll share back at the rug. I | | | |Share: A few students |
| |want to conference with 2 more | | | | |
| |people to make sure they are | | | | |
| |choosing just right books | | | | |
| |Conference: 2 students | | | | |
| |Share: A few students | | | | |
|Date | MONDAY 9-14-09 |TUESDAY 9-15-09 |WEDNESDAY 9-16-09 |THURSDAY 9-17-09 |FRIDAY 9-18-09 |
|WEEK 2: |The Writer’s Job in A Conference |Building Stories Step by Step |Choosing a Seed Idea |Revising Leads: Learning from a |Writing Discovery Drafts |
|Writing Workshop |The structure of a writing conference|Writers unfold stories bit by bit |Writers reread their notebooks |Published Writer |Writers draft by writing fast and |
| | |rather than summarizing them |selecting and committing themselves to |Writers craft their leads like other |long in order to get the whole story |
| |Mtg: When you have finished, you | |an idea they’ll develop into a finished|authors |down on paper as it comes to mind |
| |can: | |piece | | |
| |Add details to the sketches |TP: Writers spell the best they can -| | |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |
| |Add more details to the existing |“Ish” their words and move on | | |launch List: Things that annoy me |
|*Launch of Writer’s |sentences | |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |(stamp the date) |
|Notebooks |Start a new piece |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |launch: My self portrait (stamp the |launch: How I was named (stamp the | |
| | |launch List: Questions I have About |date) |date) | |
| |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |the World (stamp the date) | | | |
| |launch - List: The most important | | | |Connect: |
| |people in my life (stamp the date) | | | |Teach/Model: |
| | |Connect: |Connect: |Connect: |Active Engagement: |
| | |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Link: |
| | |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |Conference: |
| |Connect: |Link: |Link: |Link: |Share: |
| |Teach/Model: |Conference: |Conference: |Conference: | |
| |Active Engagement: |Share: |Share: |Share: | |
| |Link: | | | | |
| |Conference: | | | | |
| |Share: | | | | |
|Date | MONDAY 9-21-09 |TUESDAY 9-22-09 |WEDNESDAY 9-23-09 |THURSDAY 9-24-09 |FRIDAY 9-25-09 |
|WEEK 3: |Good readers can respond to what they |Good readers can respond to what they|Good readers use what they already know| Good readers can respond to text by |Good readers listen carefully to |
|Reading Workshop |read and write a one paragraph response|read and write about their thinking. |about the topic to help them to be |asking a question of the text to |themselves as they read and make sure|
| |on paper. My favorite part was… |I predict that… |better readers |clarify their understanding. I |that the words they are saying make |
| | |Read for 20 minutes |Read for 20 minutes |wonder if the character… |sense. They stop and reread to self |
| |Read for 20 minutes | | |Read for 20 minutes |correct |
| |Connect: Let’s review what I expect of |Connect: | | | |
| |you during independent reading |Teach/Model: I predict verbally then | | | |
| |Chart the Expectations during Reader’s |I write the response as a model. In |Connect: Readers bring everything they |Connect: Remember how we’ve talked | |
| |Workshop: |the story… the character… is …. I |have ever done, learned, smelled, gone,|about how good readers use their |Read for 20 minutes |
| |You should always be reading, thinking |predict that he is going to get lost…|heard etc. to every text they read. |prior knowledge (what they’ve seen, |Connect: We’ve been doing so much |
| |or writing about your reading. |(Add to model letter while reading) |That’s called prior knowledge |heard, thought, experienced) to help |good reading and thinking. |
| |Most of the time I want you to be | |Teach/Model: Good readers use their |them understand what they read? |Teach/Model: Today I want to talk to |
| |reading |Active Engagement: Read a little more|prior knowledge –everything they |Teach/Model: Well today, I’m going to|you about good readers listen |
| |Some of the time you can use for |-Turn and talk - discuss a prediction|already know to help them think while |show you how good readers make |carefully to themselves as they read |
| |writing about your thinking in your |Link: During independent reading I |they read and make connections. Let me|connections between what they are |and make sure that the words they are|
| |reader’s response notebook (or paper) |want you reading - if you want to |show you what I mean… I know about… so |reading and their own lives which can|saying make sense. They stop and |
| |Teach/Model: Let’s talk about that. |practice a quick response… |it helps me to read and understand… |help you to better understand what |reread to self correct. Listen as I |
| |Good readers can respond to what they |Conference: 2 students |(Add to model letter while reading) |you are reading. Listen as I read … |read (make a mistake) go back and |
| |read and write a one paragraph |Share: A few students | |Stop and make a connection… This |self correct. Continue reading and |
| |response. Readers are always thinking | |Link: During reading go back and try to|makes me think about (Add to model |make a few mistakes |
| |– sometimes they can share their | |think first about your prior knowledge |letter while reading) |Active Engagement: Have students |
| |thinking with a partner but other times| |and then use it to help you connect and| |notice the mistakes |
| |they can write their thinking down in | |understand better. If you’re in the |Active Engagement: Now you have a try|Link: During reading I want you to |
| |the form of a response. Let me show | |middle of a book think about everything|Link: During reading today, I want |practice this |
| |you what that might look like. Read | |that’s happened so far – that has |you to practice reading and making |Conference: 2 students |
| |aloud and show or write response: My | |become part of your prior knowledge – |connections to your own life. You |Share: A few students |
| |favorite part… (in letter format | |and see if that will help you to make |can stop and jot down your | |
| |starting with date and Dear Class,) | |connections, think about what might |connections if you want to. - but | |
| |Active Engagement: Read a loud a | |happen and better understand the story.|most of the time - remember - you | |
| |little bit more and have students | |Conference: 2 students |should be reading. I really want you| |
| |practice turning and talking and | |Share: controlled share |to practice your thinking while you | |
| |sharing their thinking about their | | |read. | |
| |favorite part. | | |Conference: 2 students | |
| |Link: During independent reading I want| | |Share: controlled share | |
| |you reading - if you want to practice a| | | | |
| |response… | | | | |
| |Conference: 2 students | | | | |
| |Share: A few students | | | | |
|WEEK 3: |Revising Endings: Learning from |Taking Charge of Our Writing Work: |Timelines as Tools for Planning Stories|Timelines as Tools for Developing |Writing From Inside a Memory |
|Writing Workshop |Published Writers |Starting a Second Piece |Writers can use timelines to plan and |Stories |Writers replay life events to help |
| |Writers craft the endings of their | |structure their narratives |Writers can develop seed ideas by |ourselves write in ways that let |
| |stories like authors | | |choosing one dot from a timeline and |readers feel the experience |
| | |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |expanding that event into a new | |
| | |launch List: My favorite words |launch List: What if… (stamp the date)|timeline | |
| |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |(stamp the date) | | |Writers build/unfold stories step by |
| |launch List: Things that make me | | | |step |
| |smile (stamp the date) | | |Connect: | |
| | | | |Teach/Model: |(Practice Ishing) |
| | | | |Active Engagement: | |
| |Connect: |Connect: | |Link: |Connect: |
| |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Connect: |Conference: |Teach/Model: |
| |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |Teach/Model: |Share: |Active Engagement: |
| |Link: |Link: |Active Engagement: | |Link: |
| |Conference: |Conference: |Link: | |Conference: |
| |Share: |Share: |Conference: | |Share: |
| | | |Share: | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | |Baseline Writing Assessment? | | | |
|Date | MONDAY 9-28-09 |TUESDAY 9-29-09 |WEDNESDAY 9-30-09 |THURSDAY 10-1-09 |FRIDAY 10-2-09 |
|WEEK 4: |Closed for Yom Kippur |Readers can have good discussions by |Good readers make their reading sound |Good readers make connections between|Good readers can talk about books and|
|Reading Workshop | |thinking about good questions for |like talking. |what they are reading and their own |tell why they think what they think |
| | |talking about books. | |lives which can help you to | |
| | | |Connect: When we read, it’s really like|understand the story. |Connect: Earlier this week we worked |
| | |Connect: Good readers are good |someone is telling us a story or giving| |with partners and tried to make our |
| | |thinkers - they can have deep |us information. Good readers try to |Finish Model letter |book talks longer and better. |
| | |conversations with other readers. |make their reading sound like talking. | |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach |
| | |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach |It makes the reader get more into what |Read 20 minutes |you how good readers can talk about a|
| | |you to ask some questions when you |they are reading because it sounds more| |book and also tell why they think |
| | |are talking with a partner to help |interesting |Connect: Another way that good |what they think. Let me show you how|
| | |make your conversation about your |Teach/Model: Listen as I read aloud |readers think while they are reading |that might sound. Listen as I read… |
| | |book longer and more interesting. |without making my reading sound like |is to make connections between what |Michael can be my partner - This |
| | |Listen as I read… I might ask my |talking and then how I read and make my|they are reading and experiences from|story reminds me of … because… I |
| | |partner: What did your book make you |reading sound like talking. Did you |their own lives. |also want to teach you some more |
| | |think of? or Who did you like best in|notice the expression I used? |Teach/Model: Let me show you an |questions to ask your partner so that|
| | |the story? |Active Engagement: Let’s try that |example of that… Listen as I read… |you will have a better conversation. |
| | |Active Engagement: Let’s try asking |together |That part reminds me of a time in my |“Michael, what did this story make |
| | |our partners those questions during |Link: During reading today, I want you |life when… |you think of? Why do you think that?|
| | |reading today. |to practice reading independently and |Active Engagement: Listen as I read… |Or What makes you think that? |
| | |Link: After independent reading |making your reading sound like you are |Now you have a try making a |Active Engagement: Let’s try asking |
| | |today, I want you to sit with a |talking |connection - a few students can |those questions to our partners after|
| | |partner and have a conversation about|Read for 20 minutes |connect or turn and talk and then |we’ve read for a little while today. |
| | |the books you are reading. Practice | |share - a few students |Link: After independent reading |
| | |asking your partner these two |Conference: 2 students |Link: During independent reading, I |today, I want you to sit with a |
| | |questions: What did your book make |Share: A few students |want you to try to make a connection |partner and have a conversation about|
| | |you think of? or Who did you like | |between what you are reading and |the books you are reading. Practice |
| | |best in the story? | |something from your own life. |asking your partner these three |
| | | | |Readers do this to become really |questions: What did this story make |
| | |Read for 20 minutes | |involved with the text or character. |you think of? Why do you think that?|
| | | | |It helps you to make meaning as you |Or What makes you think that? |
| | |Conference: 2 students | |read. |Read 20 minutes |
| | |Share: A few students | |Conference: 2 students | |
| | | | |Share: A few students |Conference: 2 students - Begin TCRR |
| | | | | |Share: 1-2 Students |
|WEEK 4: | |Writing in Passages of Thought |Developing the Heart of the Story |Using Editing Checklists |Publishing: A Writing Community |
|Writing Workshop |Closed for Yom Kippur |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a |Writers revise by asking “What’s the | |Celebrates |
| | |launch List: My favorite places |most important part of the story?” and |Writers edit to make the writing | |
| | |(stamp the date) |developing that section |exactly how we intend it to be for | |
| | | | |readers - checklists help | |
| | |Writers can bring out more of their |Writers keep a writer’s notebook - a | | |
| | |stories by writing whole paragraphs |launch List: Gathering examples of | | |
| | |from single key sentences |catchy leads (stamp the date) | | |
| | | | | |Connect: |
| | |Connect: | | |Teach/Model: |
| | |Teach/Model: | | |Active Engagement: |
| | |Active Engagement: | | |Link: |
| | |Link: |Connect: |Connect: |Conference: |
| | |Conference: |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Share: |
| | |Share: |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: | |
| | | |Link: |Link: | |
| | | |Conference: |Conference: | |
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|Date | MONDAY 10-5-09 |TUESDAY 10-6-09 |WEDNESDAY 10-7-09 |THURSDAY 10-8-09 |FRIDAY 10-9-09 |
|WEEK 5: |Mtg: Post schedule for reader’s | | | | |
|Reading Workshop |response notebooks in letter format | | | | |
| |due | | | | |
|From here on in the | | | | | |
|structure of the | | | | | |
|workshop should be in | | | | | |
|place - monitor that |Connect: | | | | |
|everyone is doing his |Teach/Model: | | | | |
|or her job |Active Engagement: | | | | |
| |Link: | | | | |
| |Conference: Begin TCRR | | | | |
| |Share: | | | | |
|Date | MONDAY 10-5-09 |TUESDAY 10-6-09 |WEDNESDAY 10-7-09 |THURSDAY 10-8-09 |FRIDAY 10-9-09 |
|WEEK 5: |Launch of Narratives - Small Moments | | | | |
|Writing Workshop |Writers understand the genre: | | | | |
| |true story in chronological sequence | | | | |
|From here on in the |includes story elements - | | |Connect: | |
|structure of the |a short time, zoomed in -stretched | | |Teach/Model: | |
|workshop should be in |out | |Connect: |Active Engagement: | |
|place - monitor that |a significant, important time |Connect: |Teach/Model: |Link: | |
|everyone is doing his | |Teach/Model: |Active Engagement: |Conference: | |
|or her job | |Active Engagement: |Link: |Share: |Connect: |
| | |Link: |Conference: | |Teach/Model: |
| | |Conference: |Share: | |Active Engagement: |
| | |Share: | | |Link: |
| |Connect: | | | |Conference: |
| |Teach/Model: | | | |Share: |
| |Active Engagement: | | | | |
| |Link: | | | | |
| |Conference: | | | | |
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