GA FTE Verification and Processing

State Reporting For Student Records

Student Records

Fiscal Year: 17

The following must be done for ALL students that attended your school at any time (even if the child attended only one day) this year.

I. Student Level


1. All students have correct Social Security Number or a state assigned 900 number. If a SSN/999 is changed, remember to update it in GUIDE.

To verify you have no missing Social Security Numbers:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Missing SS#’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

To add or correct SSN:

1. Click Census

2. Click People

3. Search for All People

4. Locate desired student

5. Change/update SSN on Demographics page.

6. Click Save

2. Student FIRST, MIDDLE AND LAST name shown on student’s birth certificate or legal name change documentation is now required. This is required by board policy and state law.

For Legal Name changes a new Identity must be created. Do not overwrite the name in Demographics.

Please use the full legal name, including middle name

3. All Students have a GTID.

To verify you have no missing GTID Numbers:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Missing GTIDs’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

For Student’s missing a GTID you must verify their GTID has been claimed in the GUIDE application. If they have been claimed by your school, you can then can copy and paste the GTID from GUIDE, or type in the number into the Student State ID on the Demographics page under Person Identifiers. You can also key in the number into Infinite Campus. The number does not automatically download back to Campus.

4. All students have correct birth date. Must verify against the birth certificate.

To verify student birth date:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Student Birth Date’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN

To add or correct Birth Date:

1. Click Census

2. Click People

3. Search for All People

4. Locate desired student

5. Change/update birth date on Demographics page.

6. Click Save

5. All students have correct gender code.

To verify student genders:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Student Gender’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To add or correct Gender:

1. Click Census

2. Click People

3. Search for All People

4. Locate desired student

5. Change/update gender on Demographics page.

6. Click Save.

6. All students have correct ethnic code.

1. Is the student Hispanic/Latino

2. Individual from one or more of these races?

2 - American Indian or Alaska Native

3 – Asian

4 - Black or African American

5 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

6 – White

7 – Multiple selections

3. Who made the Race/Ethnicity Determination

01 – Parent

02 – Self Identified

03 – Observer Determined

04 - Unknown

To verify student race and ethnicity:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Race/Ethnicity’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click Open

To add or correct Race/Ethnicity:

1. Click Census

2. Click People

3. Search for All People

4. Locate desired student

5. On the Demographics page, click Edit by Race/Ethnicity

6. All three areas must be entered.

7. All students have a Birth Country/Birth Place.

All students not born in any US state, District of Columbia or Puerto Rico has the Date of Entry into US School. This includes students of military personnel born in another country.

Children born to U.S. parents on military bases are U.S. citizens. The PLACE OF BIRTH (which should be on the birth certificate) may reflect their actual country of birth. Report the PLACE OF BIRTH based on the information shown on the birth certificate (or other approved documentation listed policy guidelines). The new definition of born in the U.S. allows the student to be counted as an immigrant for purposes of Title III immigrant children and youth program, provided they meet the full definition of an immigrant student.

To verify Birth Country:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Query, ‘Birth Country’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Comma Separated Values.

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct Birth Country:

1. Click plus (+) sign by Census

2. Click People

3. Search for Student

4. Click the student to select

5. On the Demographics page, click the dropdown under Birth Country.

6. Select appropriate country.

7. Click the Dropdown under Birth Place and select the appropriate country.


To correct Date Entered US /Date Entered US School:

1. Click plus (+) sign by Census

2. Click People

3. Search for Student

4. Click the student to select

5. On the Demographics page, click in the date by Date Entered US/ Date Entered US School.

6. Enter the date in the mm/dd/yy format.

7. Click Save

8. U.S. Schools less than 3 Years has been marked in Enrollment for all students who were born outside the United State, District of Columbia or Puerto Rico and have attended a US school for less than 3 years.

The new definition of born in the U.S. allows the student to be counted as an immigrant for purposes of Title III immigrant children and youth program, provided they meet the full definition of an immigrant student

U.S. SCHOOL LESS THAN 3 YEARS indicates whether the student has been enrolled in a U.S. school for less than 3 years (i.e., accumulated 36 months). The accumulated school months are based on enrollment periods. For example, a student may be enrolled in the U.S. for one year, then leave the country for a year, then return to the U.S. and re-enroll. The 36 months would not include the time the student was out of the country. The months do not need to be consecutive months, just cumulative months.

To verify U.S. School less than 3 years:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Query, ‘Born outside US’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Comma Separated Values.

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To enter U.S. School less than 3 years:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Click the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Check box by ‘US Schools < 3 Years’


9. Primary Language for all students identified as having limited proficiency in English.

PRIMARY LANGUAGE indicates the student’s primary spoken language if other than English. PRIMARY LANGUAGE must be entered if the student is coded ELL (LEP) = ‘Y’. PRIMARY LANGUAGE cannot be English if the student has Limited English Proficiency.

Do not use 51: English – other than Standard America English for US born students!!

To verify Primary Language:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Query, ‘copy of Home Primary Language’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Comma Separated Values.

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct Primary Language:

1. Click plus (+) sign by Census

2. Click People

3. Search for Student

4. Click the student to select

5. On the Demographics page, click the dropdown under Home Primary Language.

6. Select appropriate country.

7. Save.

10. Active Military identifies a student with a parent or guardian who meets one of the following criteria at any point during the school year:

• Is an active duty member of the uniformed services, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty.

• Is a member or veteran of the uniformed services who is severely injured and medically discharged or retired for a period of one year after medical discharge or retirement.

• Is a member of the uniformed services who died on active duty or as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one year after death.

To enter/update whether the student has a parent/guardian who is on active duty:

1. Click plus (+) sign by Census

2. Click People

3. Search for Student

4. Click the student to select

5. On the Military Connections tab, click on the parent/guardian that is active military. The parent’s name should now appear at the top of the page.

6. Click New

7. Enter the start date

8. Enter the Status and Branch.

9. Click Save

To verify whether the student who has a parent/guardian who is on active duty has been entered:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting

2. Click Data Export

3. Under Saved Filter, Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon

4. Scroll to the Query, ‘Active Military Connections and click to highlight

5. Under Format, Click Delimited values (CSV)

6. Click Export

7. Click Open


English Learner (EL) indicates whether the student has been identified as having limited proficiency in English.

ESOL indicates whether the student has been enrolled in the state-funded ESOL program at any time during this school year. By definition, all ESOL students have limited proficiency in English. Therefore, all ESOL students must also be coded ENGLISH LEARNER=’Y’. Some students that have limited proficiency in English may not be in a state-funded ESOL program. For these students, a NON-ESOL reason must be indicated.

If ENGLISH LEARNER=’Y’, then a PRIMARY LANGUAGE must be identified.

Once a student has tested out of the ENGLISH LEARNER program, the student is monitored for 2 years to ensure that the student no longer requires ENGLISH LEARNER services. The first full year that a student is out of the ENGLISH LEARNER program, the student is marked ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) =’1’. The second full year that a student is out of the ENGLISH LEARNER program, the student is marked ENGLISH LEARNER (EL)=’2’. After two years of monitoring, the student should be reported with ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) = ‘3’ (No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) 3 years ago); the next year, ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) = ‘4’ (No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of EL 4 years ago). After 4 full years out of the ENGLISH LEARNER program, the student would be reported with ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) = ‘F’ (Former EL Student) for all subsequent years.

If the student was incorrectly report as an ENGLISH LEARNER in the past and was never qualified as an ENGLISH LEARNER, report the student with ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) = ‘I’.

|EL Code |Description |

|Y |The student has limited English proficiency. |

|N |The student does not have limited English proficiency. |

|1 |First year out of EL Program; monitored year one. |

|2 |Second year out of EL Program; monitored year two. |

|3 |No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of EL 3 years ago. |

|4 |No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of EL 4 years ago |

|F |Former EL Student – no longer monitored |

|I |Student incorrectly reported as ‘EL’. |

Print a list of students identified ESOL students and confirm with ESOL teacher

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting

2. Click Data Export

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘EL Students and Services’ and highlight

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export

7. Click OPEN


Retained indicates whether the student was retained at the end of this school year NOT including summer school. As students are retained, the End Action in Enrollment must be coded as R: Retained. Do NOT code inactive students as retained.

11. All inactive students have had the Retained code removed.

To verify Retained Inactive Students

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Retained Inactive Students’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct End Action:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Click the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update End Action.

8. Save


12. The date first entered 9th grade has been entered for all students in grades 9 – 12.

DATE ENTERED NINTH GRADE is the date the student enrolled in the ninth grade for the first time. The date in the DATE ENTERED NINTH GRADE field may be reported as 00 if the exact date is unknown. The DATE ENTERED NINTH GRADE cannot be a future date, nor can it equal the student’s birthdate, or include a year value that is less than 2000.

To Verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Date First Entered 9th Grade’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

13. Diploma Seal

The DIPLOMA SEAL indicates the student has completed all the requirements for a given diploma seal. A DIPLOMA SEAL is recognized by employers and post-secondary institutions as an indicator the student has achieved a higher level of proficiency in one of the DIPLOMA SEAL areas. There are three different DIPLOMA SEALs. A student can earn more than one DIPLOMA SEAL. Not all students who graduate will earn a DIPLOMA SEAL.


| |‘C’ - Civic Engagement Seal |(Grade 12 only) |

|‘I’ - International Skills Seal (Grade 12 only) |

|'L' - Bi-Literacy Seal (Grade 12 only) |

|'F' - Fine Arts Seal |

To verify

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Graduation Program of Study’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Graduation Tab

6. Change/update the Graduation Program of Study

14. Diploma Type has been entered for all graduates. – Indicates the type of diploma earned by a high school graduate. A Diploma Type is required if Withdrawal Reason = ‘G’. International Exchange Students are not eligible to receive a diploma.

If DATE OF ENTRY IN 9TH GRADE is FY2009 or greater, then DIPLOMA TYPE must be General diploma (G), Special Ed diploma (S), or Certificate of Performance (A).

If the DATE OF ENTRY IN 9TH GRADE is prior to FY2009, the diploma type options are College Preparatory (C), Vocational (Technology/Career) (V), Both College Preparatory & Vocational (Technology / Career) (B), Special Ed diploma (S), or Certificate of Performance (A).

Note: Students who have received a regular high school diploma are no longer eligible for enrollment. This is referenced in SBOE Rule 160-5-1-.28 STUDENT ENROLLMENT AND WITHDRAWAL and O.C.G.A. 20-2-150.

|DIPLOMA TYPE |Description |

|Entry in 9th Grade PRIOR to FY2009 |

|C |College Preparatory |

|V |Vocational (Technology / Career) |

|B |Both College Preparatory & Vocational (Technology / Career) |

|S |Special Ed |

|A |Certificate of Performance |

|Entry to 9th Grade in FY2009 or later |

|G |General Diploma |

|S |Special Education |

|A |Certificate of Performance |

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Diploma Type and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

At the end of the year schools will have the option of marking all their students with a ‘G’ General diploma type. They will then need to remove the Graduation type from those who did not graduate or needs another diploma type entered.



15. MIGRANT indicates whether the student has been a migrant student at any time this year. A MIGRANT student is a student who is enrolled in the Migrant Education Program (MEP). MIGRANT must = ‘N’ for International Exchange Students.


Indicates the student is identified as Priority for Service (PFS) by the MEP. The GaDOE MEP Regional Office provides on a monthly basis a report that indicates the student is identified as PFS. The PFS “Y” must remain for the duration of the school year regardless if a student withdraws from school. PRIORITY FOR SERVICE must be either ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Blank is not allowed

To verify Migrant Status

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Copy of Migrant Status’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct End Action:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Click the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Click the drop-down for Migrant Indicator and select Yes or No.

8. Save

Environment Codes

Danielle Jones will be coding this information. However, please run the queries to verify all 3 data elements have been coded. If not, contact Danielle Jones.

16. Student Environment Code, Homeless, and Primary Nighttime Shelter has been entered for all students

The ENVIRONMENT code indicates the type of residential environment in which the student lives.

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Environment Codes’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

Type of residential environment in which the student resides

Must equal one of the following codes:

‘1’ – Resides in a local institution for the neglected

‘2’ – Resides in a local institution for the delinquent

‘3’ – Is homeless

‘4’ – Unaccompanied Youth

Blank – does not meet the criteria for 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Gifted Services

17. All Students receiving Gifted Services has been coded as 1: Serviced this Year in the Gifted Service Code field in the Enrollment Tab.

18. GIFTED REFERRAL CODE coded for all students indicating method by which the student was referred to the Gifted Program this school year. All codes apply exclusively to this school year only.

|Gifted Referral Code |Description |

|1 |Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure this school year. |

|2 |Referred by teacher this school year. |

|3 |Referred by parent/guardian this school year. |

|4 |Referred by self this school year. |

|5 |Referred by peer this school year. |

|6 |Referred by other this school year. |

|9 |Not referred (default). |

19. GIFTED ELIGIBILITY CODE coded to indicate eligibility status of a student at any time during the school year at this school regarding the Gifted Program this school year. Codes ‘2’ and ‘4’ apply exclusively to this school year.

|Gifted Eligibility Code |Translation |

|2 |Initial eligibility established this year |

|3 |Initial eligibility obtained in a previous year |

|4 |Referred this year, but not eligible |

|5 |Referred in prior year, but not eligible |

| | |

|9 |Never eligible (default) |

| | |

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Gifted Services’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.


STUDENT IS A SINGLE PARENT indicates the student is a single parent. The STUDENT IS A SINGLE PARENT is a data element created to indicate a special need for a single parent in a CTAE AND/OR in a Title 1 funded class as specified by the federal Perkins Law. If school has a School-Wide Title I Program, individual students do not need to be coded unless the student is also taking CTAE courses.

20. Special Needs Code has been coded for all Title 1 Students who are single parents.


|Title I Students |Description |

|Translation for records where any TITLE I PARTICIPANT CODE = Y |

|2 |Student is a single parent |

To add Special Needs:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Click the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Click the drop-down for Special Needs and select ‘2’.

8. Save

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Special Needs – Single Parent and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

21. Pre-K Program Code has been entered for all Pre-K students.

If student’s Grade Level is Pre-K one of the following codes is required:

* Note: Where the student is part day one program and part day special ed, choose the code that represents the non-special ed portion. EX: If the student is part day Georgia Pre-K and part day special ed, then choose '05' Georgia Pre-K for any child attending the lottery funded program, regardless of whether or not they are receiving Spec Ed services.

The same is true for the other programs:

• Choose the code 02/03/04 for the appropriate HeadStart age level group for a child who is in the HeadStart program regardless of whether or not they are receiving Spec Ed services.

• Choose the code of 07/08 if not in either the Pre-K or HeadStart programs and they are being serviced by Spec Ed. There are a small number of blended programs in Georgia.

The program director for each of the blended programs would know if they are one of those programs.

In cases where the students are not associated with the district (Head Start private grantee and no classes in district), but are receiving special ed services from the district, report them in FTE 1 for the federal child count only. These students would not be reported in Student Record if they are not enrolled in the district.

If a student’s Grade Level is K-12, the Pre-K Program Code should be blank.

To verify Pre-K student’s Program Code:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, Pre-K Program Code and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click Open

To add or correct Pre-K student’s Program Code:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update Pre-K Program Code.

REMEDIAL ED SUBJECT CODE indicates the academic subjects for which the student received Remedial Education Program (REP) services at any time during this school year. Code the student for Remedial Education Program (REP) services received at any time during this school year. These codes are valid for students in grades 6-12 ONLY.


|REP Code |Description |

|3 |Remedial English/LA |

|4 |Remedial ELA/Reading (GRADE LEVEL ‘06’ – ‘12’) |

|5 |Remedial ELA/Writing (GRADE LEVEL ‘06’- ‘12’) |

|6 |Remedial Mathematics (GRADE LEVEL ‘06’ – ‘12’) |

|7 |Both ELA/Reading and Mathematics (GRADE LEVEL ‘06’- ‘12’) |

|8 |Both Writing and Mathematics (GRADE LEVEL 6-12) |

|9 |Both ELA/Reading and Writing (GRADE LEVEL 6-12) |

|Blank |Not Applicable |

22. REP Subject Code has been entered for any student enrolled in a XX.1 class or received a ‘J’ segment for FTE.

To verify REP Subject Code

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘REP Subject Code’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct REP Subject Code:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 16-17 line of enrollment

7. Change/update Remedial Education/EIP.

8. Save

EIP Subject Code

EIP Subject Code indicates what academic subject(s) the student received Early Intervention Program services at any time during the school year. An EIP SUBJECT CODE should be reported for all students with an FTE program code of ‘E’ ‘F’ or ‘G’. (Kindergarten, Primary Grades, 4th and 5th Grades) Codes ‘1’-‘3’ valid only for GRADE LEVEL KK-05.

|Code | |Description |

|‘1’ |Reading | |

|‘2’ |Mathematics |

|‘3’ |Both Reading and Mathematics |

|Blank |N/A | |

23. EIP Subject Code has been entered for any student receiving EIP services at any time this year.

To verify EIP Subject Code

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Subject Code’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

Give this list to your EIP teacher to verify.

To correct EIP Subject Code:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update Remedial Education/EIP.

8. Save

24. Resident District, Resident County, Residence Status

NOTE: the Resident District and the Resident County must be the same.

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting

2. Click Data Export

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Residence/Status’ and highlight

5. Click Delimited Values(CSV)

6. Click Export

7. Click OPEN

a. Resident District has been entered in Enrollment for all students. Bibb County resident is 611.

To correct Resident District:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 16-17 line of enrollment

7. Click the drop down for Resident District and select appropriate district.

b. Resident County has been entered in Enrollment for all students.

To correct Resident County:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Click the drop down for Resident Count and select appropriate county.

c. Resident Status has been entered in Enrollment Information for all students.

To correct Resident County:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 16-17 line of enrollment

7. Click the drop down for Resident Status and select appropriate status.


25. Alternate Math Sequence – indicates whether a special ed student in Grade Level ’10 – 12’ is taking the alternate course sequence for completing high school math requirements. The Alternate Math Sequence is a Y/N flag and is required for SWD students in Grade Level ’10-12’. Leave the field blank for all other students. If Alternate Math Sequence is blank, and the student is SWD in Grade Level 10 – 12, then the Alternate Math Sequence will default to ‘N’.

To add or correct Alternate Math Sequence:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Scroll down to the Title 1 section

8. Check or uncheck box by Alternate Math Sequence (SWD).

9. Save.

26. CAPSTONE PROJECT indicates whether the student completed a career-related Capstone Project (Y/N flag). The field is required for CAPSTONE students in Grade Level ’09-12’. Leave the field blank for all other grade levels.

To add or correct Capstone Project:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Scroll down to the Title 1 section

8. Check or uncheck box by Capstone Project.

9. Save.

27. CCAE (Coordinated Career Academic Education /Project Success) Indicate if a student participated in the CCAE (Coordinated Career Academic Education /Project Success) program at any point during the school year. Valid values are ‘Y’ and ‘N’.

To add or correct CCAE participation:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Scroll down to the Title 1 section

8. Check or uncheck box by CCAE.

9. Save.

28. CTI (Career Technical Instruction) Indicates whether the student was enrolled in CTI (Career Technical Instruction) program at any point during the school year. Valid values are “Y” and “N”.

To add or correct SST participation:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Scroll down to the Title 1 section

8. Check or uncheck box by CTI.

9. Save.

29. SST – Indicates whether a student participated in SST (Student Support Team) Tier 3 meeting has been held at any point during the school year.

To add or correct SST participation:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Scroll down to the Title 1 section

8. Check or uncheck box by SST.

Special Education Services

30. Special Ed Status has been set to YES and Area of Exceptionality has been entered. If a student has exited PEC then they may have Special Ed Status = N but must have the Area of Exceptionality.

If a student has an Area of Exceptionality of 6, 7 or 8 then the Area Served must also be entered.

To verify:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

3. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘PEC Students’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

5. Click Export.

6. Click OPEN.

Use this list and comfirm with your PEC teachers.

To correct Special Ed Status:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Under Special Ed Fields, click the drop down for Special Ed Status and select Yes for Special Ed Status

8. Click the Dropdown for Area of Exceptionality and select appropriate Exceptionality. (You must get this information from your Special Ed Lead teacher)

NOTE: If a student has exited Special Ed this school year, the Special Ed status should be NO but the Area of Exceptionality must be entered. Ensure the Exit Date has also been entered.

GAA (Georgia Alternate Assessment)

The GAA FLAG is used to identify special education students that have courses accessing the general curriculum and the IEP indicates the GAA is appropriate for the student. The Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) is a portfolio-based assessment for students in GRADE LEVEL ‘KK’ – ’12’ who have been identified as having the most significant cognitive disabilities and cannot participate in the general assessment program even with maximum accommodations. Students in grades K, 3-8, and 11 are assessed with the GAA.

31. Students with GAA = ‘Y’ should have at least one Course record with an 8 in the first digit after the decimal, (XX.8


To code GAA students:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Under the Special Ed section, click the dropdown for GAA Flag and select appropriate code.

8. Save


Indicates whether 8th grade students were made aware of Dual Enrollment opportunities for the current

academic year regarding scheduling, enrollment, and coursework guidance. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Cannot be



|Indicates whether 9th grade students were made aware of Dual Enrollment opportunities for the current | |

|academic year regarding scheduling, enrollment, and coursework guidance. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Cannot be |

|blank. | |


Indicates whether 10th grade students were made aware of Dual Enrollment opportunities for the current academic year regarding scheduling, enrollment, and coursework guidance. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Cannot be blank.


Indicates whether 11th grade students were made aware of Dual Enrollment opportunities for the current academic year regarding scheduling, enrollment, and coursework guidance. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Cannot be


II. Enrollment Level

ENROLLMENT LEVEL RECORD (Layout F) A student may have multiple enrollment records submitted if the student entered and withdrew more than once during the school year. Any student reported with an enrollment record must have a corresponding student level record. Likewise, if a student level record is reported for a student, there must be at least one corresponding enrollment record.


32. Start Date is a valid school day (08/01/16 or later).

To verify student start dates:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Start Date’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Prompt to Save File

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

No Total Records is a good thing.

33. Verify your Start Status.

The Start Status ‘N’ Never Attended School Before can only be used for those who have NEVER attended. If a student enrolls with us in KK but attended PK somewhere, we will get an error if we report the Start Status as Never Attended.

To verify student Start Status:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Start Status’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

34. To correct student Start Status:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update Start Status.

35. Service Type – All Service Types must be set to P: Primary or S:Partial. All partial must have primary enrollment at another school.

Do not use N: Special Ed. These students are not pulled for FTE.

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

Click Data Export.

2. Click the + sign beside the FTE icon.

3. Scroll to the Query, ‘Service Type Not Primary’ and click to highlight.

4. Click Comma Separated Values.

5. Click Prompt to Save File

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

36. Alternate System Code/Alternate School Code – All students attending a program outside their zoned school must have the Alternate System Code and the Alternate School Code entered in the Enrollment Tab.

37. Verify your withdrawal dates and codes. Pay close attention to students’ withdrawal/leave codes that are considered as “drop outs”. You should have as few of these codes as possible because these codes affect your drop-out rate. The codes considered as drop-outs are: B, E, F, I, L, M, O, P, R, S, and U. Check your request for records to verify your withdrawal codes.

|Code |Description |Code |Description |

|*B |Marriage |*S |Serious Illness/Accident |

|D |Death |T |Transferred to another school in another system |

|C |Court or Legal |*U |Unknown |

|*E |Expelled |V |Advanced to another school in the system |

|*F |Financial Hardship/Job |*R |Removed for Lack of Attendance |

|G |High School Graduation |W |Transferred to another school in the system |

|H |Attend Home Study |X |Transferred out of state |

|*I |Incarcerated/ Criminal Justice Authority (See note below) |Y |SB10 Transfer to State Schools |

|J |Transferred out of country |Z |SB10 Transfer to Private School |

|K |Transferred to private school |1 |SB10 Transfer to Public School |

|*L |Low Grades/School Failure |2 |Title I School Choice |

|*M |Military |3 |USCO |

|N | |Transferred to a Department of Defense school | |4 |Transferred /under Jurisdiction of DJJ |

|*O |Adult Education/Post-Secondary |5 |Not subject to compulsory attendance |

|*P |Pregnant/Parent |Blank |n/a |


• Students transferring to Academy of Classical Education (ACE) should have the Withdrawal Code of ‘W’

• Students transferring to Cirrus Academy should have the Withdrawal Code of ‘T’

• Students transferring to DJJ should have the Withdrawal Code of ‘4’

• Students transferring to GA Charter Schools such as Odyssey School or Provost Academy should have the Withdrawal Code of ‘T’

• A WITHDRAWAL CODE of ‘I’ means that the student is incarcerated and is no longer enrolled in a public school. If the student is withdrawn and under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Justice Department and is pursuing a diploma, the WITHDRAWAL CODE ‘4’ should be used.

*Records with these withdrawal codes will be included in dropout statistics.

To verify student that Student Withdrawal Codes:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting.

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Dropout Withdrawal Codes’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct student as Withdrawal Code:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update End Status.

38. Transfer Documents have been verified and scanned into the Documents folder in Infinite Campus.

The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) conducts data inquiries and audits to maximize the accuracy of data that local education agencies (LEAs) report to the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), pursuant to its statutory charge in O.C.G.A § 20-14-26. Accurate and consistent data are critical for state-level accountability and funding determinations.

Verify the accuracy for transfer codes: C, D, H, J, K, N, T, X, 2, 3, and 5. Verify you have appropriate documentation.

To verify student that Student Withdrawal Codes:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Transfer Withdrawal Codes’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

To correct student as Withdrawal Code:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click Enrollment Tab

6. Open the 18-19 line of enrollment

7. Change/update End Status.

Appendix III: Acceptable Documentation for Withdrawal Codes

(Appendix is taken from GaDOE Guidance for State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.28 STUDENT ENROLLMENT AND WITHDRAWAL

Concerning Withdrawal Codes “C”, “D”, “H”, “J”,” K”, “N”, “X” “2”, “3”, or “5”, the following are acceptable forms of documentation for an LEA to submit as proof of appropriate withdrawal code usage:

|Withdrawal | | |

|Code |Withdrawal Type |Acceptable Documentation |

|H |Attend Home Study |A document signed by the parent, guardian, or “other person” declaring |

| | |their intent to utilize a home study program |

|J |Transferred Out of |Written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country but |

| |Country |it need not be official. |

|K, T, X |Transferred to |The private school, or out-of-state school’s request for transcript or |

| |Private School or |student records. |

| |Transferred Out of State | |

|2, 3 |School Choice |The receiving school’s request for transcript, student records, or |

| |Transfer (Title I School |verification of student transfer through the Georgia Testing ID (GTID) |

| |Choice) or USCO transfer |system. |

|5 |Not Subject to |If student is an unemancipated minor older than the age of mandatory |

| |Compulsory School |attendance as required in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1, written permission of a parent, guardian,|

| |Attendance |grandparent, or other person and a record of a school- based conference that was held with|

| |(This code should be used |the principal (or principal’s designee) and the parent, guardian, grandparent, or other |

| |only for students under age|person. |

| |6.) | |

| | |If student is an emancipated minor older than the age of mandatory attendance as required |

| | |in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1, written documentation from the student of his/her intent to |

| | |withdraw and a record of a school- based conference that was held with the principal (or |

| | |principal’s designee) and the student.** |

|C* |Court or Legal |Official legal document notifying school of withdrawal for said reason. |

| | |Code can also be used for special education students that legally age out of system. |

|D* |Death |Written notification from parent/guardian, an obituary, or a newspaper |

| | |article confirming death. |

|N* |Transferred to a |The Dept. of Defense school’s request for transcript or student records. |

| |Department of | |

| |Defense School | |

|*The type of documentation for these codes are either not listed or not listed in full in the GaDOE Guidance |

|document. However, in compliance with the SBOE Rule 160-5-1-.28, schools must document the reasons to support student withdrawal. |

|**Emancipated minors not subject to compulsory attendance are not directly addressed in the SBOE rule. |

|However, in compliance with the SBOE Rule 160-5-1-.28, schools must document the reasons to support student withdrawal. |

39. Verify student’s start date in the class. The start date in the class cannot be prior to the start date in the enrollment record.

40. Verify student has a start date for all classes that have an end date. Otherwise, it appears the start date is after the end date.


DAYS ABSENT is the total number of school days for which the student was absent from the reporting school during this school year. DAYS ABSENT must be in the range 0-179. Count of all days for which the student was absent more than one-half of the instructional day. Students may make up absences through Saturday school programs as long as the time and content provided is equivalent to the regular school day requirements. Include only the days the student was absent from this school, not the DAYS ABSENT in any other school, even if the student came from another school in this same school system. If the student was withdrawn for part of this school year, report all days absent from this school for that enrollment record. If the student has enrolled and withdrawn multiple times during the year at the same school, the total DAYS ABSENT from each school for each enrollment record should be reported. Do not include days “off roll” in the total of DAYS ABSENT. See UNEXCUSED DAYS ABSENT for subset of the days absent total.

DAYS MADE UP DAYS MADE UP indicate the number of days the student was allowed to make up through an attendance recovery program. The number must be in range of 0 to 179 within a school. Field must be a whole number and right justified. Blanks or decimals are not allowed. DAYS PRESENT DAYS PRESENT is the total days the student was present for at least one-half of the instructional day during the enrollment period.

DAYS PRESENT from all enrollment records must be greater than zero and cannot be greater than 180 within school. Blanks or decimals are not allowed. NOTE: If the student was withdrawn for part of the school year, report all days present in this school for that enrollment record.

To verify student that Class Start Dates with Enrollment date:

1. Click Ad Hoc Reporting

2. Click Data Export.

3. Click the + sign beside the Student Records icon.

4. Scroll to the Saved Filter, ‘Transfer Withdrawal Codes’ and click to highlight.

5. Click Delimited Values (CSV).

6. Click Export.

7. Click OPEN.

III. Program Level Record

1. Data compiled at the program level. One record for a student should be reported for each assignment to a program (Alternate Ed, GNETS, Charter Career Academy, and Extended Learning Time). As such, a student could have multiple program assignment records reported.

2. Because a student may have concurrent assignments to different programs, the program dates in multiple program records can overlap for the same student in the same reporting school.

3. Student cannot have more than one record per PROGRAM TYPE and PROGRAM CODE for the same period of time.

4. In-school suspension is no longer reported for this data element. This information is captured in the Student Safety records.

5. A Program Level record is not reported for a student if the student did not have any program assignments.

DOE Alternative Program Data

Charter Career Program


All alternative program types should be keyed in the DOE Alternative Program Data tab.

To Add a record in the DOE Alternative Program Data tab:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click DOE Alternative Program Data

6. Enter Status Date – Must be on the student’s enrollment date for the program

7. Click the drop-down under School Code and select the Hutchings for Hutchings students but you will have to select the home school for the Part-Time CTAE Pathways students

8. Click the drop-down under Program Type and select 03: Charter Career Academy

9. Click the drop-down under Program Code and select 03A Career Academy

10. Key in the End Date – must be the student’s withdrawal date from the program or the last day of school

11. Key in the Alternative School Number put Hutchings school number: 6099

12. Click the drop-down under Alternative System Code and select 611: Bibb County

13. Click SAVE


The status date is the start date for whatever program is being reported for each student. The end date should be recorded for any student that stops that program for any reason. One record will be reported for each assignment the student has to any Alternative Education program. A student cannot be reported for more than on PROGRAM TYPE and PROGRAM CODE in the same time period. Because a student may have concurrent assignments to different programs, the program dates in multiple program records can overlap for the same student in the same reporting school.

DOE Alternative Program Data

GNETS Program


To add a record in the DOE Alternative Program Data tab:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click DOE Alternative Program Data

6. Enter Status Date – Must be on the student’s enrollment date for the program

7. Click the drop-down under School Code and select Student’s Home School

8. Click the drop-down under Program Type and select the ‘02’ GNETS type.

PROGRAM TYPE must equal one of the following codes:

‘01’ = Alternate Ed

‘02’ = GNETS

‘03’ = Charter Career Academy

‘04’ = Extended Learning Time

‘05’ = Flexible Learning Program

9. Click the drop-down under Program Code and select the appropriate code

10. Key in the End Date – must be the Date that service ends for the student. If student completed the year with the program, the last day of school is entered (05/26/2016)

11. Key in the Alternative School Number (this is your program code - 6041)

12. Click the drop-down under Alternative System Code and select 611: Bibb County

13. Enter the number of Segments the student received in the GNETS program

14. Click SAVE


The status date is the start date for whatever program is being reported for each student. The end date should be recorded for any student that stops that program for any reason. One record will be reported for each assignment the student has to any Alternative Education program. A student cannot be reported for more than on PROGRAM TYPE and PROGRAM CODE in the same time period. Because a student may have concurrent assignments to different programs, the program dates in multiple program records can overlap for the same student in the same reporting school.

DOE Alternative Program Data

Alternative Ed Program


To add a record in the DOE Alternative Program Data tab:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click DOE Alternative Program Data

6. Enter Status Date – Must be on the student’s enrollment date for the program

7. Click the drop-down under School Code and select Student’s Home School

8. Click the drop-down under Program Type and select the ‘01’ Alternate Ed type.

PROGRAM TYPE must equal one of the following codes:

‘01’ = Alternate Ed

‘02’ = GNETS

‘03’ = Charter Career Academy

‘04’ = Extended Learning Time

‘05’ = Flexible Learning Program

9. Click the drop-down under Program Code and select the appropriate code.

Note: must begin with the 01 code:

10. Key in the End Date – must be the Date that service ends for the student. If student completed the year with the program, the last day of school is entered (05/26/2016)

11. Key in the Alternative School Number (this is your program code - 6100)

12. Click the drop-down under Alternative System Code and select 611: Bibb County

13. Click SAVE

The status date is the start date for whatever program is being reported for each student. The end date should be recorded for any student that stops that program for any reason. One record will be reported for each assignment the student has to any Alternative Education program. A student cannot be reported for more than on PROGRAM TYPE and PROGRAM CODE in the same time period. Because a student may have concurrent assignments to different programs, the program dates in multiple program records can overlap for the same student in the same reporting school.

DOE Alternative Program Data

Extended Learning Program – SIG Schools


To add a record in the DOE Alternative Program Data tab:

1. Click Student Information

2. Click General

3. Search for Student

4. Locate desired student

5. Click DOE Alternative Program Data

6. Enter Status Date – Must be on the student’s enrollment date for the program

7. Click the drop-down under School Code and select your school code

8. Click the drop-down under Program Type and select the ‘04’ Extended Learning Program type.

PROGRAM TYPE must equal one of the following codes:

‘01’ = Alternate Ed

‘02’ = GNETS

‘03’ = Charter Career Academy

‘04’ = Extended Learning Time

‘05’ = Flexible Learning Program

9. Click the drop-down under Program Code and select the appropriate code

10. Key in the End Date – must be the Date that service ends for the student

11. Key in the Alternative School Number (this is your school code, the same as in step 7)

12. Click the drop-down under Alternative System Code and select 611: Bibb County

13. Click SAVE


The status date is the start date for whatever program is being reported for each student. The end date should be recorded for any student that stops that program for any reason. One record will be reported for each assignment the student has to any Alternative Education program. A student cannot be reported for more than on PROGRAM TYPE and PROGRAM CODE in the same time period. Because a student may have concurrent assignments to different programs, the program dates in multiple program records can overlap for the same student in the same reporting school.

I. Student Address Level

• Data compiled at the student address level. One record is transmitted from a school for each student enrolled at that school at any time during the school year.

• One record should be transmitted for each student who attended this school, this school year, regardless of the number of times the student enrolled or withdrew from this school.

• Student cannot have more than one Address record per school.

• Data in the Student Address Level Record include demographic data elements for the address where the student currently resides, including the street address, city, state and zip code.


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