Author Research Paper Rubric

Author Research Paper Rubric Name: ___________________________________

|Literary Analysis |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Partially Meets the Standard |Does not Meet the Standard |

|THESIS |• Thesis statement is concise|• Thesis statement is clear |• Thesis statement is based |• Thesis statement is overly |

| |and articulate and presents |and focused and presents a |on plausible idea, but is |general, unfounded or absent.|

| |an original, complex, |thoughtful, comprehensive |wordy or unclear. | |

| |sophisticated argument. |argument. | | |

|Thesis Development/ ANALYSIS |• In addition to meeting the |• Analysis is thoughtful, |• Analysis is plausible but |• Analysis is oversimplified,|

| |criteria for a Meets essay, |comprehensive, well grounded,|oversimplified and/or not |too general or |

| |analysis is more |and not oversimplified. |well grounded in the text. |unsubstantiated. |

| |perceptive/original, |• Organization stems from |• Organization stems from |• Organization stems from |

| |thorough, clear, and precise.|logical progression of ideas.|ideas, but progression may |examples, not ideas, and/or |

| |• Organization stems from an |• Argument is well developed |lack a logical order or |ideas lack cohesion and |

| |articulate and logical |and complete. |become generalized. |therefore argument is not |

| |progression of ideas. | |• Argument has some minor |proven. |

| |• Argument is thoroughly | |flaws or missing pieces. |• Argument changes direction,|

| |developed, cohesive and | | |is incomplete, or |

| |successfully proven. | | |inconsistent. |

|Connection between Author and| Connection is explicit and |Connection is clear. |Connection is oversimplified.|Connection is unclear or |

|Literary Time Period |fully analyzed. | | |absent. |

|Selection and Analysis of |• Relevant and compelling |• Relevant evidence from the |• Evidence selected is |• Specific and direct |

|EVIDENCE |evidence from the text |entire text (not just a |limited and/or does not |evidence is not used or is |

| |represents best choice to |portion) is used to support |represent best choice for |inappropriate or irrelevant. |

| |support and shed light on |the argument. |supporting the argument. | |

| |argument. | | | |

|CONCLUSION |• Conclusion is highly |• Conclusion summarizes main |• Conclusion is present but |• Conclusion is not present |

| |effective and shows evolution|points and shows development |lacks focus, is |or changes topic. |

| |of position. |of thinking. |underdeveloped and/or changes| |

| | | |direction. | |

GRADE for Literary Analysis: /50

GRADE for Writing Process: /40

|Research Process / MLA |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Partially Meets the Standard |Does not Meet the Standard |

|Citations | | | | |

|MLA Format |• There are no errors in |• The paper demonstrates the |• This paper does not |• The paper does not |

| |citation usage, the Works |correct use of in-text |consistently demonstrate the |demonstrate the correct use |

| |Cited page, and the format of|citation. |use of in-text where |of in-text citation where |

| |the paper according to the |• The Works Cited and paper |necessary, and some citations|necessary OR has significant |

| |MLA. |format contain no errors |may not be in the correct |errors in the use of MLA |

| |• A variety of quality |according to MLA format. |format according to the MLA. |format. |

| |resources and perspectives |• The Works Cited and in-text|• The Works Cited page |• The Works Cited page also |

| |are accessed. |citations reveal that a |contains some errors |reveals that the paper does |

| |• Multiple resources are used|variety of quality sources |according to MLA format. |not have sufficient research |

| |to address a particular topic|and perspectives were used in|• The Works Cited and |to support its claim; it |

| |or point in the paper. |the research. |citations reveal that the |relies to heavily on too few |

| |• The paper demonstrates use | |paper relies heavily on too |sources or one type of |

| |of a range of MLA in-text | |few sources or some of the |source. |

| |citation methods in addition | |sources used may be of |• Some of the sources may be |

| |to “basic citation.” | |questionable quality. |of questionable quality. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

GRADE for Research Process: /30

|Format Requirements |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Partially Meets the Standard |Does not Meet the Standard |

|Length |3+ pages |Exactly 3 pages |Less than 3 pages |2 or less pages |

|Heading in Correct MLA format|Perfect. |(Perfect = Exceeds) |Close. |Not close. |

GRADE for Format: /30

|Standard English Conventions |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Partially Meets the Standard |Does not Meet the Standard |

| |• This paper contains only |• This paper contains few |• This paper contains several|• This paper contains |

| |minor errors relative to the |errors relative to the length|errors relative to the length|numerous errors relative to |

| |length of the piece according|of the piece according to |of the piece according to |the length of the piece |

| |to Standard English |Standard English Conventions.|Standard English Conventions.|according to Standard English|

| |Conventions | | |Conventions. There are major|

| | | | |sentence structure problems |

| | | | |and communication is hindered|

| | | | |by the errors. |

GRADE for Standard English Conventions: /30

Total Score: /180



|Writing Process |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Partially Meets the Standard |Does not Meet the Standard |

|INTRODUCTION |• Introduction engages reader|• Introduction effectively |• Introduction only suggests |• Introduction fails to |

| |and clearly sets up argument |leads into argument. |a focus |articulate argument, is |

| | | | |confusing, or lacks focus. |

|INTEGRATION OF EVIDENCE |• Each quote or reference |• Each quote or reference is |• Each quote or reference is |• Quotes are not introduced. |

| |introduced (“not dropped”) |introduced (“not dropped”) |not consistently introduced | |

| |and woven with clear and |and woven with fluency, minor| | |

| |sophisticated fluency. |deviations. | | |

|STYLE |• Student uses sophisticated |• Student effectively uses |• Student has limited use of |• Student uses no |

| |use of transitional devices, |transitions, effective |transitions, effective |transitions, has ineffective |

| |personal style, discernible |wording, and a variety of |wording, and sentences lack a|wording, and sentences are |

| |voice, and effective wording,|sentence structures. |variety (writing is choppy) |short and have no variety of |

| |and a variety of sentence | | |structures. |

| |structures. | | | |

|ORGANIZATION |• Each body paragraph begins |• Each body paragraph begins |• Some body paragraphs lack |• Body paragraphs do not |

| |with clear, focused |with a sub-thesis |clear sub-theses. |begin with sub-thesis. |

| |sub-thesis |• Textual evidence is |• Textual evidence is used, |• Textual evidence is |

| |• Textual evidence is |integrated into each body |but not smoothly integrated |misplaced or not integrated |

| |smoothly integrated into each|paragraph. |into each paragraph. |properly into paragraphs. |

| |body paragraph. |• The essay is organized. |• The essay reflects need of |• The essay lacks any |

| |• The essay is organized with| |organization. |organization. |

| |clear transitions between | | | |

| |ideas. | | | |


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