Timed Writing: Practice

Timed Writing: Practice


Recently in class we have discussed and practiced the elements of narrative writing. Now it is time to assess your knowledge and understanding of this writing style. Below you will find three essay topics. You are to select one of the three topics and compose a well-constructed five paragraph essay. Use your knowledge of narrative writing, as well as proper writing conventions. Remember that narrative writing follows the plot structure diagram.

This will be a timed writing assignment, similar to what you will see on the OGT. All work must be turned in by the end of the period, so be mindful of the clock.

This assignment will be worth 50 points. You will be scored based on your knowledge of narrative writing, and also your ability to compose a coherent five paragraph essay in the allotted time. Because this is a timed essay, you do not need to do an outline; however, it is highly recommended that you use the back of this sheet to collect your thoughts before beginning. Write your essay on a separate sheet of paper.


Choose one of the topics below and using your knowledge of the plot structure diagram, narrative writing requirements, and writing and grammar conventions, compose a coherent five paragraph essay. If you have time remaining, it is strongly suggested that you go back and attempt to revise and edit your draft. Points will not be deducted for editing marks.

1. We all have good times in life that stand out as memories. Write a narrative essay explaining a fond memory that you have.

2. Think about a time in your life that involved one of the following: challenge, surprise, discovery, or survival. Tell the story of what happened.

3. Think about a time when you were late for something. In a story, describe the situation that made you late, how you handled the situation, and the consequences of being late. Use examples and details to develop your story.


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