Headline Writing Worksheet

Headline Worksheet

1) Write a headline which does all of the following:

- gets attention

- targets a specific audience

- contains a complete message w/benefit (preferably the USP)

- entices us to read more

2) All headlines should accomplish the above four tasks. So, do it again. (Repeat exercise #1)

3) Write one of each of the following kinds of headlines, while still accomplishing the four tasks:

News Headline

How-to Headline

Command Headline.

Testimonial Headline.

Question Headline.

Reason-why Headline.

New Product Introduction

Headline with the word “Free”

Scare Tactic Headline

5. Create Your Own Ad Concepts. Using the boxes below, roughly sketch three “ad concepts” (headline and visual)—stick figures are fine—for products/services of your choice, targeting the audience indicated.

Mothers Boys 18-24 Seniors

5. Problem-solve. Using the boxes below, roughly sketch three “ad concepts” (headline and visual) to help a client solve the following problem: A product called “Acton” isn’t being taken seriously as effective pain-relief medication. Create ad concepts that will change that perception with the target audience(s) of your choice.


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