6th Grade Who Am I

Holistic Rubric for Essay Points System

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________

4 points

Show a sophisticated understanding of the relevant idea. The concepts, evidence used was advanced, going beyond the grasp of the subject typically found at this age.

3 Points

Show a solid understanding of the relevant idea. The concepts are appropriate for addressing the idea. The essay shows no misunderstanding of topic.

2 Points

Show a somewhat naive or limited understanding of the idea. The concepts are somewhat simple or inadequate for addressing the idea. The essay may show some misunderstanding of main idea.

1 Point

The essay shows little or no apparent understanding of the topic. The concepts used are inadequate for addressing the main idea. Responses reveal major misunderstandings of main idea. Responses are off topic.

Rubric for Writing the Essay:

Did the student use complete sentences? ______

Did the student use correct spelling? ______

Did the student use correct punctuation? ______

Did the student use capitol letters as required? ______

Are the paragraphs written neatly? ______

Are the ideas in logical order? ______

Did the student remain on topic? ______

Are all paragraphs relevant to the main topic? ______

Are there five sentences in each paragraph? ______

Are there at least five paragraphs in the essay? ______

Total points earned: _____/10

10/10 Excellent work 100 %

9/10 Great work 90 %

8/10 Good work 80 %

7/10 Average work 70 %

6/10 Below average work 60 %

5/10 and below Needs improvement, needs to be redone 50 – 0 %


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