
Grade 4

Practice Book





Grammar 1

? A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

? A sentence fragment is a group of words that does not express a complete thought.

? Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

? A statement is a sentence that tells something. It ends with a period.

? A question is a sentence that asks something. It ends with a question mark. Decide if each group of words makes a sentence. If it does, rewrite the sentence adding a capital letter and a period or a question mark. 1. it was too hot outside 2. dad and Luke left in the morning

3. when they hiked to Lost Lake

4. dad went up the trail 5. a mountain that no one else knew about

6. did they find a new "lost lake"

McGraw-Hill School Division


Book 4 / Unit 1 The Lost Lake

Extension: Have students write two statements and

two questions about an outdoor adventure.



Types of Sentences



Grammar 2

? A statement is a sentence that tells something. It ends with a period.

? A question is a sentence that asks something. It ends with a question mark.

? A command tells or asks someone to do something. It ends with a period.

? An exclamation shows strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation mark.

Write statement if the sentence tells something. Write question if the sentence asks something. Write command if the sentence tells or asks someone to do something. Write exclamation if the sentence shows strong feeling. Then put the correct end mark at the end of each sentence.

1. Dad and Luke hiked to Lost Lake

2. What did they find when they got there

3. Put your pack on and let's go

4. Luke wanted to camp by the creek

5. Look out for bears

6. How did they find their special lake

McGraw-Hill School Division

Extension: Have students think of a special place. Then have


them write a statement, a question, a command, and an exclamation about it.

Book 4 / Unit 1 The Lost Lake



Write Sentences



Grammar 3

Rewrite each sentence. Correct the sentence capitalization and punctuation.

1. have you ever hiked in the mountains.

2. try to imagine what it would be like?

3. wouldn't it be great to sleep outdoors.

4. put on your hiking boots?

5. let's hit the trail?

6. we can reach the lake by nightfall

7. shall we make camp on the shore.

8. i love the water.

McGraw-Hill School Division

Book 4 / Unit 1

8 The Lost Lake

Extension: Have pairs of students choose a subject

and take turns making up sentences about it. After

each sentence, the student who is listening tells


what kind of sentence it is.



Using Capital Letters and End Marks

? Every sentence begins with a capital letter.


Grammar 4

? A statement ends with a period.

? A question ends with a question mark.

? A command ends with a period.

? An exclamation ends with an exclamation mark.

Correct each sentence by changing any incorrect lower case letters to capital letters and by adding the correct end mark. Use the line provided for your answers.

1. the lake was high in the mountains

T .

2. how long did it take them to find it

H ?

3. it wasn't the lake Dad remembered

4. it was too crowded

I !

5. dad would never stay there

D !

6. they kept hiking until they found a special place

7. why was he different in the mountains

W ?

8. recall the things he did

R .

McGraw-Hill School Division

Extension: Have pairs of students look through books


and magazines for examples of statements, questions, commands, and exclamations and copy an

example of each.

Book 4 / Unit 1 The Lost Lake





Grammar 5

Kinds of Sentences

A. Decide if the sentence is a statement, a question, a command, or an exclamation. Write what type of sentence it is, and add the correct end mark on the line.

1. Luke was staying with his Dad

2. What did he do all day

3. Think about hiking

4. Where would you like to go

5. That sounds wonderful

B. Add the correct punctuation to each of these sentences. 6. I'll take a hiking trip in the mountains 7. You wake up and discover a lake 8. Do you think that would be exciting 9. I'd love to discover a lake 10. Could I name it after myself

McGraw-Hill School Division

Book 4 / Unit 1

10 The Lost Lake




Sentences and Punctuation Marks

? A statement is a sentence that tells something.

? A question is a sentence that asks something.

? A command tells or asks someone to do something.

? An exclamation shows strong feeling.

Mechanics ? Begin every sentence with a capital letter.

? A statement ends with a period.

? A question ends with a question mark.

? A command ends with a period.

? An exclamation ends with an exclamation mark. Write each sentence correctly. 1. why did we wake up early


Grammar 6

2. we are going camping 3. it was a long hike to the lake

4. we found it 5. were there many people

McGraw-Hill School Division

Book 4 / Unit 1


The Lost Lake



Sentence Subjects



Grammar 7

Remind students that the subject of a sentence tells whom or what the sentence is about.

? The complete subject includes all the words in the subject.

? The simple subject is the main word in the complete subject. It tells exactly whom or what the sentence is about.

? You can sometimes correct a sentence fragment by adding a subject. Turn these sentence fragments into complete sentences by adding a subject.

1. Led to hard work

2. Had to work too hard

3. Wanted a place to come home to

4. Found an accidental road

5. Led through a meadow

6. Stood at the end of the road

7. Gave name tags to everyone

8. Was full of "Amelia-things"

McGraw-Hill School Division


Book 4 / Unit 1 Amelia's Road

Extension: Ask students to write sentences. Then

have them exchange sentences with a partner and

underline all the words that make up the subject.



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