Assessment Rubric for the Visual Argument Project

Assessment Rubric for the Visual Argument Project

Part One: The Project

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|CATEGORY |A |B   |C |D |F |

|  |  |  | | | |

|Purpose |Establishes a purpose |Establishes a purpose |There are a few lapses in |It is difficult to figure |Project has no evident |

|  |early on and maintains |early on and maintains |focus, but the purpose is |out the purpose of the |purpose and/or focus. |

|  |a clear focus |focus. |fairly clear. |project. | |

| 30 pts. |throughout. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Design: |Design is professional |Design is mostly |Design somewhat professional |Design is not visually |There is no design and poorly|

| |and well executed. Text|professional and well |and somewhat well executed. |appealing and/or is |executed. |

| |wrap and graphics are |executed. Text wrap and |Text wrap and graphics could |minimally well-executed. | |

|25 pts. |used as needed. |graphics are used as |have been better implemented.| | |

| | |needed. | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Ethos: Is the project |Project uses strong |Most of the project’s |Project’s arguments and |One or more of the |Project does not use any |

|credible? |arguments and evidence |arguments and evidence is |evidence are uneven in |project’s arguments and |effective arguments or |

| |to display credibility.|strong. |quality, though overall they |evidence is significantly |evidence. |

|15 pts. | | |are adequate. |weak. | |

| | | | | | |

|  | |  |  | |  |

|Pathos: Project appeals|Project uses effective |Most of the project’s |Project’s appeals to the |One or more of the |Project did not use any |

|to the reader's values |strategies to appeal to|appeals to the readers' |readers' values and beliefs |project’s appeals to the |effective appeals to the |

|and beliefs. |the reader's values and|values and beliefs are |are uneven, though overall |readers' values and |readers' values and beliefs. |

|  |beliefs. |effective. |they are adequate. |beliefs are significantly | |

|15 pts. | | | |inadequate. | |

|  |  |  |  |  | |

|Logos: Is the piece |Project’s organization |Most of the project’s |Project’s organization and |Project has at least one |Project does not use |

|well organized? |and logic are |organization and logic are|logic are uneven, though |major problem with |effective organization and/or|

|Logical? |excellent. |excellent. |overall they are adequate. |organization and/or logic.|logic. |

|15 pts. | | | | | |

Part Two: The Project Assessment Memo

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| | | | | | |

|CATEGORY |A |B   |C |D |F |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Analysis |Specific, developed |Analysis is generally |General and/or undeveloped |Analysis is sparse and |No relevant analysis and |

|  |analysis and |sound but could be more |analysis. |lacks insight. |insightful observations made.|

|   |insightful  |specific or insightful in | | | |

|  |observations. |some areas. | | | |

|  | | | | | |

|15 pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Supporting Details |Support information is |Support information has |Support information has major|An attempt has been made |No support information found |

|  |related to analysis and|minor weaknesses relative |weaknesses relative to |to add support |or irrelevant. |

|  |supportive of the |to analysis and/or support|analysis and/or support of |information, but it was | |

|  |topic/subject. |of the topic/subject. |the topic/subject. |unrelated or confusing. | |

|  | | | | | |

|  | | | | | |

|10 pts. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Writing Fluency: Clear,|Demonstrates skillful |Demonstrates reasonable |Demonstrates minimal writing |Writing fluency is lacking|No writing |

|Concise, Correct |writing fluency in |writing fluency in terms |fluency in terms of clear, |n terms of clear, concise,|fluency—unreadable. |

|  |terms of clear, |of clear, concise, and |concise, and professional |and professional writing. | |

|15 pts. |concise, and |professional writing. |writing. | | |

| |professional writing. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Design: |Design is professional |Design is mostly |Design somewhat professional |Design is not visually |There is no design and poorly|

| |and well executed. |professional and well |and somewhat well executed. |appealing and/or is |executed. |

| | |executed. | |minimally well-executed. | |

|10 pts. | | | | | |


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