Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks

Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks


1) Writes at grade level.





Rarely writes pieces.

Sometimes writes pieces

Generates very few ideas.

with limited success.

Does not use prewriting

Generates a few ideas

strategies taught.

from experience. Uses a

Details do not relate to topic. few prewriting strategies

Uses run-ons and/or fragments.

taught. Partially

Uses few basic text features. organized with some

ideas relevant to the

topic. Uses some run-on or

fragments. Uses some basic text




Writes with success. Generates, supports, and elaborates on ideas for

writing from own experiences, stories read, informational text, or imagination. Uses prewriting strategies taught to identity and narrow topic and to plan parts of the writing (lists, webs, and organizers) organized; most ideas are relevant to the topic. There is a topic, facts and a sense of closure. Uses complete sentences. Uses text features

Consistently and

independently writes with great success. Generates and tries out ideas from experience, stories read, informational text, or imagination. Uses prewriting strategies taught to narrow a topic and to thoroughly plan writing. Organized with ideas that are relevant to and support the topic and purpose. Well developed topic, facts, and sense of closure with many details. Uses complete and complex sentences.

Uses above-level text features.

First Grade Benchmarks ? Revision June 2018

Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks

2) Follows the structure of the genre.



ALL Unable or rarely able to follow the

structure of the genre from the

current unit of study with success.




Sometimes able to follow the structure of the genre from the current unit of study with success.

Always able to follow the Consistently able to follow the structure of the genre from structure of the genre from the the current unit of study with current unit of study with success. success.

3) Generates ideas.






1st Student does not

Student generates a few

Student generates some

Student generates ideas and

generate ideas or

ideas and sequences events

ideas and sequences events

sequences events for writing

sequence events.

from experience or

for writing from experience from experience, imagination,

Student thinks,


or imagination.

or stories read together.

sketches, or writes a Student thinks, sketches, Student rehearses ideas with Student rehearses ideas with

few unrelated ideas, as taught in units of study.

and writes a few ideas, as taught in units of study.

others when prompted. Student thinks, sketches,

and writes some ideas, as

others. Student thinks, sketches, and

writes to tell a story related to

taught in units of study.

the units of study.

First Grade Benchmarks ? Revision June 2018

Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks

2nd Student generates a Student generates some

Student generates ideas for Student generates

few ideas from

ideas from experience or

writing from experience,

interesting ideas for writing

experience or


imagination, or stories read

from experience,


The topic is evident but too


imagination, and stories

The topic is partially

broad or too specific.

Student rehearses ideas with read.

evident. Student

Student thinks, sketches,

thinks, sketches, and

and writes a few ideas, as

writes a few ideas, as taught in units of study.

taught in units of


others. Student chooses and

narrows the topic with support. Student thinks, sketches, and writes some ideas, as

Student rehearses ideas

with others. Student chooses and

narrows a topic. Student thinks, sketches,

taught in units of study.

and writes a story with

details about the narrowed topic, as taught in units of study.

3rd Student generates a

Student generates ideas Student generates

few ideas from experience or imagination. Student chooses a topic that is somewhat clear.

Student generates some ideas from experience, imagination, or stories read together. Student chooses a clear

Student thinks, sketches, and

topic. Student thinks, sketches,

writes a few ideas,

and writes some ideas, as

as taught in units of taught in units of study.


for writing from

experience, stories read,

and imagination. Student rehearses stories

with others. Student chooses and

narrows a topic. Student thinks, sketches,

and writes to add ideas and details, as taught in units of study.

interesting ideas for writing

from experience,

imagination, and stories. Student rehearses ideas

independently. Student chooses a narrow,

specific topic. Student thinks, sketches, and

writes with many vivid ideas and details, as taught in units of study.

First Grade Benchmarks ? Revision June 2018

Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks

4) Writes complete sentences.





Student does not

Student rarely

understand that every

understands that every

sentence must be about

sentence must be about

something (subject) and

something (subject) and

tells something

tells something

(predicate) about its

(predicate) about its

subject. Student does not subject. Student rarely

stretch ideas from words

stretches ideas from

to complete sentences.

words to complete




Student understands that Student consistently

every sentence must be

understands that every

about something (subject)

sentence must be about

and tells something

something (subject) and

(predicate) about its

tells something


(predicate) about its

Student stretches ideas


from words to complete Student consistently


writes in complete and

complex sentences.

5) Demonstrates stamina in independent writing.



1st Student is unable or rarely able

to write for 10 minutes.


Student is approaching writing stamina of 10 minutes.


Student consistently writes for 10 minutes.


Student consistently writes for more than 10 minutes.

2nd Student is unable or rarely able Student is approaching writing Student consistently writes for Student consistently writes for

to write for 15 minutes.

stamina of 15 minutes.

15 minutes.

more than 15 minutes.

3rd Student is approaching writing Student consistently writes for Student consistently writes for Student consistently writes for

stamina of 20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

more than 20 minutes.

First Grade Benchmarks ? Revision June 2018

Hasbrouck Heights School District First Grade-Benchmarks

6) Uses punctuation and capitalization appropriately.







Student does not use end Student rarely uses end Student uses end punctuation Student consistently uses end

punctuation for sentences.

punctuation for sentences.

for sentences.

punctuation for sentences.

Student does not use

Student rarely uses

Student uses commas in dates Student consistently uses

commas in dates and to

commas in dates and to

and to separate single words

commas in dates and to

separate single words and

separate single words and

and series.

separate single words and

series. Student does not


Student capitalizes names,


Student rarely capitalizes

places, dates, the beginning of Student consistently

capitalize names, places,

names, places, dates, the

sentences, and the pronoun

capitalizes names, places,

dates, and the beginning

beginning of sentences,


dates, the beginning of

of sentences, and the

and the pronoun "I."

sentences, and the pronoun

pronoun "I".


7) Applies conventions of grammar and usage.






1st Student rarely applies grade- Student is beginning to apply

Student consistently applies grade Student consistently applies

level grammar/usage, including: grade-level grammar/usage,

level grammar/usage, including: above grade-level

? "I" voice when using


? "I" voice when using

grammar/usage, including:

personal narrative;

? "I" voice when using personal personal narrative;

? "I" voice when using

? Action words;


? Action words;

personal narrative;

? Match nouns and verbs

? Action words;

? Match nouns and verbs (they ? Action words;

(they hop; Bob hops);

? Match nouns and verbs (they

hop, Bob hops);

? Match nouns and verbs

? Describing words.

hop; Bob hops);

? Describing words.

(they hop; Bob hops);

? Describing words.

? Describing words.

First Grade Benchmarks ? Revision June 2018


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