Springfield Grading Benchmarks FIRST GRADE READING

Springfield Grading Benchmarks ? FIRST GRADE


1) Independent Reading Level.

Trimester 1st






Student has achieved

Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading

reading success at Level C success at Level D.

success at Level E.

or below.

Student has achieved

Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading

reading success at Level E success at Level F.

success at Level G.

or below.

Student has achieved

Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading

reading success at Level G success at Level H.

success at Level I.

or below.

Reading level based on Fountas & Pinnell Expectations for Reading

4 Student has achieved reading success at Level F or above.

Student has achieved reading success at Level H or above.

Student has achieved reading success at Level J or above.

2) Uses a variety of print strategies to decode (pictures, context, phonics).

Trimester 1st


Student rarely: identifies and decodes using

beginning sounds. checks to make sure reading

makes sense. reads high-frequency

words automatically. notices errors and applies

learned reading strategies. distinguishes between

information provided by pictures and text.


Student is beginning to: identifies and decodes

using beginning sounds. checks to make sure reading

makes sense. reads high-frequency

words automatically. notices errors and applies

learned reading strategies. distinguishes between

information provided by pictures and text.


Student rarely:

Student sometimes:

? identifies and decodes using ? identifies and decodes

beginning and ending

using beginning and


Student consistently: identifies and decodes using

beginning sounds. checks to make sure reading

makes sense. reads high-frequency

words automatically. notices errors and applies

learned reading strategies. distinguishes between

information provided by pictures and text.

Student consistently: identifies and decodes using

beginning and ending


Student consistently and independently:

identifies and decodes using beginning sounds.

checks to make sure reading makes sense.

reads high-frequency words automatically.

notices errors and applies learned reading strategies.

distinguishes between information provided by pictures and text.

Student consistently and independently:

identifies and decodes using

Springfield Grading Benchmarks ? FIRST GRADE

sounds. ? keeps the accumulating story

events (or content) in mind. ? uses meaning of

accumulated text to figure out unfamiliar words. ? stops and corrects at the point of error.

ending sounds. ? keeps the accumulating

story events (or content) in mind. ? uses meaning of accumulated text to figure out unfamiliar words. ? stops and corrects at the point of error.

sounds. keeps the accumulating

story events (or content) in mind. uses meaning of accumulated text to figure out unfamiliar words. stops and corrects at the point of error.

beginning, ending, and middle (vowel) sounds.

keeps the accumulating story events (or content) in mind, in above- grade-level text.

uses meaning of accumulated text tofigure out unfamiliar words, in text.

stops and corrects at the point of error, in text.


Student rarely: ? identifies and decodes using

beginning, ending, and middle (vowel) sounds. ? distinguishes between long and short vowel sounds

Student sometimes: ? identifies and decodes

using beginning, ending, and middle (vowel) sounds.

Student consistently: identifies and decodes using

beginning, ending, and middle (vowel) sounds. distinguishes between long and short vowel sounds

Student consistently and independently: decodes unknown and

complex/multi- syllable words using all phonemes (blends, digraphs,

? decodes using knowledge of ? distinguishes between long

decodes using knowledge


syllable segmentation

and short vowel sounds

of syllable segmentation

rereads and self-corrects

? rereads and self-corrects at

? decodes using knowledge

rereads and self-corrects

at points of error, in

points of error.

of syllable segmentation

at points of error.

above-grade-level text.

? monitors utilizing all sources ? rereads and self-corrects at

monitors utilizing all

? monitors for all sources

of information. ? utilizes multiple

strategies simultaneously to problem solve through text. ? solves unknown words with relative ease.

points of error. ? monitors utilizing all

sources of information. ? utilizes multiple

strategies simultaneously to problem solve through

sources of information. ? utilizes multiple

strategies simultaneously to problem solve through text. ? solves unknown words with relative ease.

of information, in above-grade-level text. ? uses an increasingly more challenging repertoire of graphophonic/ ? visual strategies to


problem solve through

? solves unknown words

above-grade- level text.

with relative ease.

? solves unknown words

with relative ease, in text.

3) Applies comprehension strategies to understand texts.

Springfield Grading Benchmarks ? FIRST GRADE

Trimester ALL

1 Students rarely:

Describes characters, settings and major events in a story using key details

Uses illustrations and print to make meaning of a text

Makes meaningful connections

Ask and answer questions about key details in the text

Self-monitors comprehension while reading

Use strategies including, but not limited to: -making predictions -noticing text features to determine between fiction and nonfiction -visualizes text by using senses -asks questions before, during and after reading.

2 Student is beginning to:

Describe characters, settings and major events in a story using key details

Use illustrations and print to make meaning of a text

Make meaningful connections

Ask and answer questions about key details in the text

Self-monitor comprehension while reading

Use strategies including, but not limited to: -making predictions -noticing text features to determine between fiction and nonfiction -visualizes text by using senses -asks questions before, during and after reading.

3 Student consistently:

Describes characters, settings and major events in a story using key details

Uses illustrations and print to make meaning of a text

Makes meaningful connections

Asks and answers questions about key details in the text

Self-monitors comprehension while reading

Uses strategies including, but not limited to: -making predictions -noticing text features to determine between fiction and nonfiction -visualizes text by using senses -asks questions before, during and after reading.

4 Student extends and enhances thinking beyond what is directly stated in the text and independently :

Describes characters, settings and major events in a story using key details

Uses illustrations and print to make meaning of a text

Makes meaningful connections

Asks and answers questions about key details in the text

Self-monitors comprehension while reading

Uses strategies including, but not limited to: -making predictions -noticing text features to determine between fiction and nonfiction -visualizes text by using senses -asks questions before, during and after reading.

4) Reads with fluency (expression, phrasing, rate, accuracy).

Springfield Grading Benchmarks ? FIRST GRADE

Demonstrates the ability to read accurately at an appropriate pace with expression.



1 Student reads primarily word by word. Infrequent two to three word phrases are present. No expressive interpretation or pausing guided by author's meaning and punctuation; slow rate.


Student reads in two word phrases with some three or four word groupings. Some word by word grouping may be present. Almost no expressive interpretation or pausing guided by author's meaning and punctuation; slow rate most of the time.


Student reads in three or four word phrase groups at an even pace. Phrasing seems appropriate with some expressive interpretation and pausing guided by author's meaning and punctuation; appropriate rate with some slowdowns.

4 Student reads in larger, meaningful phrases or word groups at an even pace. Phrasing seems appropriate with mostly expressive interpretation and pausing guided by author's meaning and punctuation; appropriate rate with few slowdowns.

5) Retells story with accuracy.



1 Student is unable or rarely able to retell big events from a story and identify the main topic.

2 Student is sometimes able to retell big events from a story and identify the main topic.

3 Student can consistently retell big events from a story in sequence, beginning/middle/end and identify the main topic.

4 Student can consistently retell events from a story using details, including characters, setting, and problem solution and identify the main topic.

6) Demonstrates stamina during independent reading.

Springfield Grading Benchmarks ? FIRST GRADE





1 Student is unable or rarely able to sustain attention for 20 minutes.

2 Student is approaching reading stamina of 20 minutes.

3 Student consistently sustains attention during independent reading for 20 minutes.

Student is unable or rarely able Student is approaching reading Student consistently sustains

to sustain attention for 25

stamina of 25 minutes.

attention during independent


reading for 25 minutes.

Student is unable or rarely able Student is approaching reading Student consistently sustains

to sustain attention for 30

stamina of 30 minutes.

attention during independent


reading for 30 minutes.

4 Student consistently sustains attention during independent reading for 20 minutes or more, using available opportunities to extend reading time. Student consistently sustains attention during independent reading for 25 or more minutes, using available opportunities to extend reading time. Student consistently sustains attention during independent reading for 30 or more minutes, using available opportunities to extend reading time.

7) Writes and/or draws illustrations in response to texts.



1 Student's illustration or written response reflects no understanding of the text read.

2 Student's illustration or written response reflects little understanding of the text read.

3 Student's illustration or written response reflects literal understanding of the text read.

4 Student's illustration or written response reflects literal and inferential understanding of the text read, and/or includes text evidence.


1) Generates ideas (topic, sequence, and relevant details).


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