0000Miami Dade College, InterAmerican CampusDepartment of World LanguagesEAP 1640 - Writing Level 6CONTACT INFORMATION Professor: E-Mail address: @mdc.eduTelephone: Office Hours:I will be available to students on (day) at (hour) for additional assistance. Course Schedule:Day:Room:Time:Course Description: Students develop the ability to write a variety of college-levelessays with sophistication, fluency, and accuracy and executeother academic writing tasks.3 creditsPrerequisite: EAP 1540 or equivalent proficiency Co-requisite: EAP 1640LCourse Competencies:Competency 1: The student will recognize, produce and refine the type ofacademic essay that a writing task petency 2: The student will demonstrate increased fluency in writingand will plan and develop multi-paragraph essays such as:analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc, and use a variety ofvocabulary, and sentence and grammatical structures. Theessays will exhibit clarity, coherence, unity and substancein Standard English appropriate to the petency 3: The student will proofread and edit written work foraccuracy focusing on grammar, mechanics and sentencestructure, and for meaning, focusing on audience andpurpose, clarity and petency 4: The student will use the appropriate reference tools to editwriting and will appropriate credit sources in basic manner.. Competency 5: The student will refine computer word processing petency 6: The student will research and integrate information andsources into written work as well as execute other academictasks such as: essay responses to test questions demandinghigher-order thinking skills, written responses to readingselections, summaries, academic reaction papers, and email.LEARNING OUTCOMESThis course will address MDC’s Learning Outcomes #1, 4, 5, and 7. As graduates of Miami-Dade College, students will be able to:Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.RULES AND POLICIESTextbooks are required for this program. You should also have a good dictionary. Attendance is required. After 3 consecutive absences without notification, the instructor may drop you from the class. If you are going to be absent from class, you MUST email your professor beforehand at his/her email above. Attendance is mandatory on exam days. Punctuality is required. Students who are consistently late to class may see their grade lowered as a result. Homework is required. Instructors reserve the right to require graded or non-graded supplementary work in class or as homework.Dropping/adding or withdrawing from a class is the student’s responsibility. Professors may drop students from class for no-shows and non-attendance.Electronic device policy for EAP students: The use of electronic devices in the classroom is intended to enhance the learning environment for all students. Your professor will tell you when, if, and what type of technology is to be used during class. Out of respect for your professor, please put all phones on vibrate/silent mode during class. During quizzes, tests, and exams, electronic devices are prohibited. If in doubt, ask your professor if it is okay to use an electronic device (cell phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) Student records will be kept for one additional semester. Inquiries regarding grades must be presented within this time as outlined in Procedure 8301 of the Student Handbook.QUIZZES, TESTS and EXAMS: Students must be in class on quiz, test and exam days. There will be no make-ups unless the student officially excuses the absence with the instructor (note from a doctor, an immigration officer, etc.)Grades of INCOMPLETE will be assigned ONLY in extreme cases. Documentation of the emergency must be provided and an agreement to complete the outstanding work must be signed as outlined in Procedure 8381.Student code of conduct: the college policy is located here: Please familiarize yourself with the document.Students who have a disability that may affect their performance in class are encouraged to contact ACESS services as soon as possible. The office will be able to provide help to you in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Please inform your professor during the first week of class if you will need accommodations due to a disability that might otherwise affect your performance in class. As per the academic honesty policy, available at 4/4035, students who are caught cheating, collaborating without permission, plagiarizing, etc., will be penalized. A professor may (1) make you retake/ resubmit an assignment or (2) change the grade of the assignment or (3) give a grade of F on the assignment or (4) lower your grade for the course. If a student is absent, he/she must call another student in the class, or the instructor, to find out the work done and the homework. He/she must come prepared for the next class.Name, telephone #, e-mail of two classmates: 1) ________________________________________________________________ 2) ________________________________________________________________GRADING SCALE 90 -100 = A80-89 = B70-79 = C 60-69 = D 0-59 = F(D AND F ARE NOT PASSING GRADES.)GRADE DISTRIBUTIONTests 80%Class participation 20%100% EAP 1640COURSE OUTLINETextEAP 1640WritingLevel 6 Great Writing 5 From Great Essays to Research, Keith S. Folse,3rd edition, 2014, National Geographic Learning. Course OutlineWeekUnit/ReadingHomework/ ResourcesAssessmentWeeks 1-2:Unit 1: What is an Essay?Weeks 3-4: Unit 2: Understanding the Writing Process: The Seven Steps Weeks 5-6: Unit 3: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Synthesizing, and Citing SourcesTEST 1: EssayWeeks 7-8:?Unit 4: Process EssaysWeek 9MIDTERM ESSAYMIDTERM:In-class essayWeeks 10-11:?Unit 5: Comparison EssaysWeeks 12-13Unit 6: Cause-Effect EssaysTEST 2: EssayWeeks13-15Unit 7: Argument EssaysWeek 16FINAL ESSAYIn-class essayLearning resources/Tutoring ServicesTutoring is available in the Language Lab #1218Disability ServicesACCESS Department - students who experience learning difficulties or have disabilities are urged to visit an ACCESS advisor to determine if eligible for any special servicesCALENDARAUGUSTAug. 22 (Monday)Classes begin:?16-week,?8-week mini-term.?September Sept. 3-5 (Saturday-Monday)Holiday - Labor DayNovemberNov. 11-13 (Friday - Sunday)Holiday - Veterans DayNov. 24-27 (Thursday - Sunday)Holiday - ThanksgivingDecemberDec. 9 (Friday)Last day of classesDec. 10-16 (Saturday-Friday)Final exams: regular weekday and evening classesDec. 20 (Tuesday)View final course gradesSpring 20173JanuaryJan. 4 (Wednesday)Classes begin: 16-week, 8-week mini-term Jan. 14-16 (Saturday-Monday)Holiday - Martin Luther King, Jr. DayFebruaryFeb. 18-20 (Saturday-Monday)Holiday - Presidents DayFeb. 23 (Thursday)Employee Retreat - There will be no classes even though the college will be openMarchAprilApr. 14-16 (Friday-Sunday)Holiday - Spring RecessApr. 21 (Friday)Last day of classesApr. 22-28 (Saturday-Final exams: regular weekday and evening classesMayMay 1 (Monday)View final course grades ................

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