MOOT COURT - UC Davis School of Law

Applicants Individual Information

|Name | | 3L /  2L |

|Contact Info |Tel: |Email: |

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|Explain why you want to participate in an outside appellate advocacy competition. |

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|Describe relevant experience (e.g., debate, writing appellate briefs, courses/experience with subject matter, etc.) |

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|Other Competitive Experience: |

| Carr Competition |

| National Mock Trial Team |

| University or High School Speech & Debate |

| Other _____________ |

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|This year we plan on sending participants to the following competitions: UCLA Cyber Crime Competition, First Amendment and Media Diversity Moot |

|Court Competition, National Juvenile Law Competition, Saul Lefkowitz International Trademark Competition, National Animal Law Competition, |

|Constance Baker National Moot Court Competition, Sutherland Memorial Moot Court Competition, UCLA National Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity |

|Competition, and the National Appellate Advocacy Competition. If you have specific classes or experiences that would be relevant to participating|

|in one of these competitions, please specify that below. |

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Competition Information

Please list your competition(s) of interest

|Competition Name |1. |

|Sponsor/Location | |

|Registration Date | |

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|Competition Name | |

|Sponsor/Location | |

|Registration Date | |

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|Competition Name | |

|Sponsor/Location | |

|Registration Date | |

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|Special consideration may be given if you are able to reduce your competition travel expenses. If, for any of the competitions listed above, |

|you would not require hotel/accommodations or other funding please note that here: ________________ |

|__________________________________________________________________ |

|__________________________________________________________________ |

|__________________________________________________________________ |

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|Team Information |

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|Please list your preferred teammates for an outside competition |

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|Student 1 ________________________________________________[3L]/[2L] |

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|Student 2 ________________________________________________[3L]/[2L] |

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|Student 3 ________________________________________________[3L]/[2L] |

Additionally, please attach a two page writing sample. Anything beyond the second full page will not be considered by the grader.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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