Kent State University

|Progra|[Lesson Title] |TEACHER NAME |PROGRAM NAME |

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|Inform|Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences |Hayley Williams |Parma City School District |

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| |[Unit Title] |NRS EFL(s) |TIME FRAME |

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| | |1 – 2 |One 120-minute class |

|Instru|ABE/ASE Standards – English Language Arts and Literacy |

|ction | |

| |Reading (R) |Writing (W) |Speaking & Listening (S) |Language (L) |

| |Foundational Skills |R.1.3 |


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| |Learners can identify parts of speech |

| |Learners understand sentences types (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory) and appropriate punctuation |


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| |Write three samples sentences on the board to demonstrate the three different types of |Chalk/white board |

| |sentences and ask students what the difference is? | |

| |The train was late. (simple) |Computer with Internet access |

| |Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. (compound) | |

| |While he waited at the Train station, Joe realized the train was late. (complex) |Projector, ability to project |

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| |We are going to explore simple, compound and complex sentences to develop variety in our |Speakers |

| |writing. Varying sentences in your writing keeps it interesting for your reader. | |

| | |The Simpsons Teach Sentences [PPT file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from |

| |First we will view a power point, The Simpsons Teach Sentences, that gives us a great |

| |comparison to help recall sentence types. How many of you are familiar with the television |.pps |

| |show, The Simpsons? Who can summarize this show for us, focusing on the major characters? | |

| | |Word People: Acting Out Sentence Structure [PDF file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from |

| |Now that you have an idea of how these sentences look, we are going to practice creating our| |

| |own through Word People: Acting Out Sentence Structure where we actively build sentences |Required materials: |

| |with people, acting out the actions. |Colored cards |

| |Have a stack of cards prepared with the words: verb, subject, coordinating conjunctions, |Markers |

| |subordinating conjunctions, punctuation, independent, and dependent clause. | |

| |Ask for student volunteers and follow the examples provided in Word People: Acting Out |Student copies of Sentences: Simple, Compound, or Complex? (attached) |

| |Sentence Structure | |

| |Now that we have seen these sentences, acted out sentences, we are going to complete one | |

| |more application by identifying the three sentences on your own. | |

| |Handout Sentences: Simple, Compound, or Complex? | |

| |Students will complete the worksheet and hand this in prior to leaving class for the | |

| |instructor to assess | |

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| |Kinesthetic learning opportunities |

| |Visual demonstration |

| |Whole class, small group, independent work |


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Name: ____________________________

Sentences: Simple, Compound or Complex?

Read the following sentences. Check the box marked “simple” if it is a simple sentence.

Check the box marked “compound” if it is a compound sentence. Check the box marked

“complex” if it is a complex sentence.

1. We have to go to bed when the clock chimes ten o’clock. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

2. Jennifer liked William’s friend, and she also liked his cousin. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

3. The big brown dog ran after the blue and red ball. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

4. James and Eve rode their bicycles after they ate lunch. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

5. The teacher and the principal met in the hall near the library. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

6. Many brave soldiers fought in the war, and they received medals. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

7. The drummers played a long time, but the piano players stopped early. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

8. Before the queen rode in the parade, she gave a speech. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

9. After midnight the ghosts will come out of the haunted attic. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

10. She dropped the pan and the plate, but she held on to the spoon. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

Copyright © 2013 . All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.

Name: ____________________________

Sentences: Simple, Compound or Complex? Answer Key

Read the following sentences. Check the box marked “simple” if it is a simple sentence.

Check the box marked “compound” if it is a compound sentence. Check the box marked

“complex” if it is a complex sentence.

1. We have to go to bed when the clock chimes ten o’clock. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

2. Jennifer liked William’s friend, and she also liked his cousin. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

3. The big brown dog ran after the blue and red ball. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

4. James and Eve rode their bicycles after they ate lunch. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

5. The teacher and the principal met in the hall near the library. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

6. Many brave soldiers fought in the war, and they received medals. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

7. The drummers played a long time, but the piano players stopped early. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

8. Before the queen rode in the parade, she gave a speech. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

9. After midnight the ghosts will come out of the haunted attic. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

10. She dropped the pan and the plate, but she held on to the spoon. ❑ Simple ❑ Compound ❑ Complex

Copyright © 2013 . All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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