Bridges Drama Project

Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project Presents

Bridges: Moving to New American Communities

K-12 Writing Contest

Contest Rules

← Submissions may be either in narrative or dramatic form. The focus of the story should be an individual’s or group’s experience moving into and/or seeking ways to belong to a community in our region. The story may be set in the present or the past, but its location should be somewhere in Georgia, and the story should address one or more questions about how people’s efforts to claim spaces of community interact with ideals about America or American ways of life.

← While students may work as a team of writers, only one cash prize will given for each category of winners. Each entry must be sponsored by a classroom teacher from any grade level or subject area. Only one entry per teacher is allowed, but a school may have several teachers submitting entries. All submissions must be received by January 31, 2001 at the following address:

"Bridges" Writing Contest

Sarah Robbins, Director, Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project

English Department, Building 27

Kennesaw State University

1000 Chastain Road

Kennesaw, GA, 30144.

← Teachers must submit six copies of each entry along with two copies of the entry form found on the reverse side. Entries will not be returned. Winners will be notified by March 31, 2001. Cash prizes will be distributed during an awards and performance ceremony June 15, 2001, at Kennesaw State University. Winning writers, their teachers, and parents are all invited to this celebration. One $100 first-place winner and one $50 second-place winner will be selected in each of the four categories: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. A special grand prize of $200 will be awarded for the entry from any grade level that tells the most compelling story about an individual or group coming to Georgia and dealing with the unique challenges of learning a new language.

← All submissions become the property of the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project and may be used in performance or print publication texts created by teachers of that project for a variety of audiences. A select group of teachers from KMWP will judge entries based on the following criteria:

1. conflict relevant to theme

2. clear progression in character(s) development

3. attention to visual detail

4. insightful portrayal of time and place in Georgia

5. language appropriate to a multi-age audience

← Some entries that do not win cash prizes may still be included in future performances or publications sponsored by the KMWP. Writers' and teachers' names will be listed in tables of contents or programs in such cases, but monetary compensation will not be provided.

← Entries must comply to the following limits:

Dramatic format Narrative Format

Grades K –2 1—4 minutes 1 page of pictures and/or words

Grades 3 – 5 2 – 5 minutes 1 ½ pages

Grades 6 – 8 3 – 6 minutes 3 pages

Grades 9 – 12 5 – 12 minutes 8 pages, typed, double-spaced

Please note that entries may be shorter than the time or page limits indicated.

Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project Presents

Bridges: Moving to New American Communities

K-12 Writing Contest

Entry Form

A separate entry form and signed release must be submitted for each student writer, including each member of a student writing team.

Student writer’s/writers’ name(s): _______________________________________________________________________

Sponsoring teacher: ____________________________________ Grade of student writer: ___________________

School name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

School address: ______________________________________________________________________________________


School telephone: _____________________ Teacher’s home phone: ___________________________________________

Teacher’s email: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Entry title: __________________________________________________________________________________________

*Note: If students are working as a team, each member of the group must submit a separate release form and entry sheet. Teams may prove an especially effective strategy if second language learners would like to have peer support in crafting their stories of migration and community-seeking.

Required release signed by student’s parent:

I give permission for my child’s entry to be submitted to the Bridges writing contest. I understand that this entry becomes the property of the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project, whose affiliates may adapt versions of my child’s entry for public community performances and for instructional purposes. My child's work may also be published in anthologies celebrating the work of the Bridges project. My child will be listed in the credits for such publications or performances, but no other compensation need be provided. I understand that only initial winners of the contest will receive cash prizes as outlined in the Bridges rules, but that other student entrants' work may be published or performed at a later date without any prizes being awarded. I certify that this submission is work prepared by my child or work prepared by my child in collaboration with other students as indicated by accompanying entry forms.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Printed name of Parent Signature of Parent

Mailing address and telephone: _________________________________________________________________



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