Literacy and Gàidhlig: Experiences and outcomes


Literacy and Gàidhlig

Experiences and outcomes

The development of literacy skills plays an important role in all learning.

I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to:

• communicate, collaborate and build relationships

• reflect on and explain my literacy and thinking skills, using feedback to help me improve and sensitively provide useful feedback for others

• engage with and create a wide range of texts[1] in different media, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT

• develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages

• explore the richness and diversity of language[2], how it can affect me, and the wide range of ways in which I and others can be creative

• extend and enrich my vocabulary through listening, talking, watching and reading.

In developing my Gàidhlig language skills:

• I engage with a wide range of texts and am developing an appreciation of the richness and breadth of Scotland’s literary and linguistic heritage

• I enjoy exploring and discussing word patterns and text structures.

|Listening and talking |

| |Early |First |Second |

|Listening and talking (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

|Listening and talking (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

| | |I am exploring how pace, gesture,|I can recognise how the features of |Having explored and analysed the features|Having explored and analysed the features|

| | |expression, emphasis and choice |spoken language can help in |of spoken language, I can use these, |of spoken language, I can use these |

| | |of words are used to engage |communication, and I can use what I |adopting an appropriate register to suit |independently, adopting and sustaining an|

| | |others, and I can use what I |learn. |my purpose and audience. |appropriate register to suit my purpose |

| | |learn. | |GAI 3-03a |and audience. |

| | |GAI 1-03a |I can recognise different features of my | |GAI 4-03a |

| | | |own and others’ spoken language. | | |

| | | |GAI 2-03a | | |

|Listening and talking (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | |

| | |As I listen or watch, I am learning|As I listen or watch, I can make notes, |As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to develop thinking, help |

| | |to make notes under given headings |organise these under suitable headings |retain and recall information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own |

| | |and use these to understand what I |and use these to understand ideas and |words as appropriate. |

| | |have listened to or watched and |information and create new texts, using |LIT 3-05a / LIT 4-05a |

| | |create new texts. |my own words as appropriate. | |

| | |LIT 1-05a |LIT 2-05a | |

| | | | | |

| | |I can select ideas and relevant |I can select ideas and relevant |I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, |

| | |information, organise these in a |information, organise these in an |organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order,|

| | |logical sequence and use words |appropriate way for my purpose and use |and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. |

| | |which will be interesting and/or |suitable vocabulary for my audience. |LIT 3-06a / LIT 4-06a |

| | |useful for others. |LIT 2-06a | |

| | |LIT 1-06a | | |

|Listening and talking (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

| | |To help me develop an informed |To help me develop an informed view, I |To help me develop an informed view, I am|To help me develop an informed view, I |

| | |view, I am learning to recognise |can distinguish fact from opinion, and I |learning about the techniques used to |can identify some of the techniques used |

| | |the difference between fact and |am learning to recognise when my sources |influence opinion and how to assess the |to influence or persuade and can assess |

| | |opinion. |try to influence me and how useful these |value of my sources, and I can recognise |the value of my sources. |

| | |LIT 1-08a |are. |persuasion. |LIT 4-08a |

| | | |LIT 2-08a |LIT 3-08a | |

|Listening and talking (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | |

| |As I listen and take part in |I can communicate clearly when |I am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of |I can communicate in a clear, expressive |

| |conversations and discussions, I |engaging with others within and |learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select |manner when engaging with others within |

| |discover new words and phrases |beyond my place of learning, |and organise resources independently. |and beyond my place of learning, and can |

| |which I use to help me express my|using selected resources[4] as |LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a |independently select and organise |

| |ideas, thoughts and feelings. |required. | |appropriate resources as required. |

| |LIT 0-10a |LIT 1-10a | |LIT 4-10a |

|Reading |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |

|Reading (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |

| | | | | | |

| | |I am learning to select and use |I can select and use a range of |I can select and use the strategies and |Before and as I read, I can apply |

| | |strategies and resources before I|strategies and resources before I read, |resources I find most useful before I |strategies and use resources |

| | |read, and as I read, to help make|and as I read, to make meaning clear and |read, and as I read, to monitor and check|independently to help me read a wide |

| | |the meaning of texts clear. |give reasons for my selection. |my understanding. |variety of texts and/or find the |

| | |LIT 1-13a |LIT 2-13a |LIT 3-13a |information I need. |

| | | | | |LIT 4-13a |

|Reading (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |

| | | | | |

| | |I am learning to make notes under|I can make notes, organise them under |I can make notes and organise them to develop my thinking, help retain and recall |

| | |given headings and use them to |suitable headings and use them to |information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.|

| | |understand information, explore |understand information, develop my |LIT 3-15a / LIT 4-15a |

| | |ideas and problems and create new|thinking, explore problems and create new| |

| | |texts. |texts, using my own words as appropriate.| |

| | |LIT 1-15a |LIT 2-15a | |

|Reading (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

| | |To show my understanding, I can |To show my understanding, I can respond |To show my understanding, I can comment, |To show my understanding, I can give |

| | |respond to different kinds of |to literal, inferential and evaluative |with evidence, on the content and form of|detailed, evaluative comments, with |

| | |questions and other close reading|questions and other close reading tasks |short and extended texts, and respond to |evidence, on the content and form of |

| | |tasks and I am learning to create|and can create different kinds of |literal, inferential and evaluative |short and extended texts, and respond to |

| | |some questions of my own. |questions of my own. |questions and other types of close |different kinds of questions and other |

| | |GAI 1-17a |GAI 2-17a |reading tasks. |types of close reading tasks. |

| | | | |GAI 3-17a |GAI 4-17a |

|Reading (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

| |I enjoy exploring events and |I can share my thoughts about |I can: |I can: |I can: |

| |characters in stories and other |structure, characters and/or |discuss structure, characterisation |discuss and evaluate the structure, |discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of |

| |texts, sharing my thoughts in |setting, recognise the writer’s |and/or setting |characterisation and/or setting using |structure, characterisation and/or setting |

| |different ways. |message and relate it to my own |recognise the relevance of the writer’s|some supporting evidence |using some supporting evidence |

| |LIT 0-19a |experiences, and comment on the |theme and how this relates to my own |identify the main theme of the text and |identify how the writer’s main theme or |

| | |effective choice of words and |and others’ experiences |recognise the relevance this has to my |central concerns are revealed and can |

| | |other features. |discuss the writer’s style and other |own and others’ experiences |recognise how they relate to my own and |

| | |GAI 1-19a |features appropriate to genre. |identify and comment on aspects of the |others’ experiences |

| | | |GAI 2-19a |writer’s style and other features |identify and make a personal evaluation of |

| | | | |appropriate to genre using some relevant |the effect of aspects of the writer’s style|

| | | | |evidence. |and other features appropriate to genre |

| | | | |GAI 3-19a |using some relevant evidence and |

| | | | | |terminology. |

| | | | | |GAI 4-19a |

|Writing |

| |Early |First |Second |

|Writing (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | |

| | |I can write independently, use |In both short and extended texts, I can |As appropriate to my purpose and type of text, I can punctuate and structure |

| | |appropriate punctuation and order|use appropriate punctuation, vary my |different types of sentences with sufficient accuracy, and arrange these to make |

| | |and link my sentences in a way |sentence structures and divide my work |meaning clear, showing straightforward relationships between paragraphs. |

| | |that makes sense. |into paragraphs in a way that makes sense|LIT 3-22a / LIT 4-22a |

| | |LIT 1-22a |to my reader. | |

| | | |LIT 2-22a | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Throughout the writing process, I|Throughout the writing process, I can |Throughout the writing process, I can |Throughout the writing process, I can |

| | |can check that my writing makes |check that my writing makes sense and |review and edit my writing to ensure that|review and edit my writing independently |

| | |sense. |meets its purpose. |it meets its purpose and communicates |to ensure that it meets its purpose and |

| | |LIT 1-23a |LIT 2-23a |meaning at first reading. |communicates meaning clearly at first |

| | | | |LIT 3-23a |reading. |

| | | | | |LIT 4-23a |

|Writing (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

|Writing (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | |

| |Within real and imaginary |By considering the type of text |By considering the type of text I am |By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and |

| |situations, I share experiences |I am creating,[6] I can select |creating, I can select ideas and relevant|relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or |

| |and feelings, ideas and |ideas and relevant information, |information, organise these in an |ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to|

| |information in a way that |organise these in a logical |appropriate way for my purpose and use |communicate effectively with my audience. |

| |communicates my message. |sequence and use words which |suitable vocabulary for my audience. |LIT 3-26a / LIT 4-26a |

| |LIT 0-26a |will be interesting and/or |LIT 2-26a | |

| | |useful for others. | | |

| | |LIT 1-26a | | |

|Writing (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |

| | | | | | |

| | |I can convey information, |I can convey information, describe |I can convey information, describe |I can convey information and describe |

| | |describe events or processes, |events, explain processes or combine |events, explain processes or concepts, |events, explain processes or concepts, |

| | |share my opinions or persuade my |ideas in different ways. |and combine ideas in different ways. |providing substantiating evidence, and |

| | |reader in different ways. |LIT 2-28a |LIT 3-28a |synthesise ideas or opinions in different|

| | |LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a | | |ways. |

| | | | | |LIT 4-28a |

| | | | | | |

| | | |I can persuade, argue, explore issues or |I can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore |I can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore |

| | | |express an opinion using relevant |issues or express an opinion using a |issues or express and justify opinions |

| | | |supporting detail and/or evidence. |clear line of thought, relevant |within a convincing line of thought, |

| | | |LIT 2-29a |supporting detail and/or evidence. |using relevant supporting detail and/or |

| | | | |LIT 3-29a |evidence. |

| | | | | |LIT 4-29a |

|Writing (continued) |

| |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

| |I enjoy exploring events and |Having explored the elements |Having explored the elements which |Having explored the elements which |Having explored and experimented with the|

| |characters in stories and other |which writers use in different |writers use in different genres, I can |writers use, I can create texts in |narrative structures which writers use to|

| |texts and I use what I learn to |genres, I can use what I learn to|use what I learn to create stories, poems|different genres by: |create texts in different genres, I can: |

| |invent my own, sharing these with|create my own stories, poems and |and plays with an interesting and |integrating the conventions of my chosen |use the conventions of my chosen genre |

| |others in imaginative ways. |plays with interesting |appropriate structure, interesting |genre successfully and/or |successfully and/or |

| |LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a |structures, characters and/or |characters and/or settings which come to |using convincing and appropriate |create an appropriate mood or atmosphere |

| | |settings. |life. |structures and/or |and/or |

| | |GAI 1-31a |GAI 2-31a |creating interesting and convincing |create convincing relationships, actions |

| | | | |characters and/or |and dialogue for my characters. |

| | | | |building convincing settings which come |GAI 4-31a |

| | | | |to life. | |

| | | | |GAI 3-31a | |


[1] Texts are defined in the principles and practice paper. They will include texts which are relevant to all areas of learning, and examples of writing by Scottish authors which relate to Gàidhlig and Scottish history, heritage and culture.

[2] Staff will make full use of the range of language which children and young people bring to the classroom and other settings.

[3] The literacy experiences and outcomes which are the responsibility of all teachers are shown in italics.

[4] This may include images, objects, audio, visual or digital resources.

[5] Sources should be interpreted in the broadest sense, for example, traditional sources such as libraries and also the full range of digital and interpersonal opportunities to learn about texts.

[6] These will include the range of texts and media described in the principles and practice paper.


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